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Kath 10-12-2005 11:20 AM


He made it through almost undetected I can't believe it! I think Firefoot and Saucie have put it beautifully - here be my winner.

Anguirel 10-12-2005 11:29 AM

Where art thou, Folwren?

Dwarf-lovers, come hither,
Come hither m' dears
For Aglarond's Lord we must not shed sad tears
Defend him, vote for him, rally to him hither...

Elf-lovers, ye may as well do just the same
For an Elf-friend is something, yea, e'en a Dwarf
And your support Gimli the Gloinsson is worth
Defend him vote for him, rally to him hither...

For the threatening shadow of Hobbitry comes
Those devilish train-builders, schemers and fiends
They win votes by slander and wickedest means
So thwart them, vote Gimli, come hither!

Do ye want a warrior or a midget?
A peddler of pipes and embezzler of aught?
Or a valiant axeman who nails fell Orcs
Of Sauron? Then rally, come hither!

mormegil 10-12-2005 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by The Saucepan Man
But I'm not going to fight with you, Ang. Not any more.


Originally Posted by Anguriel
Really, Saucie, where's your spirit? I was ready for a good old punch-up!

Contentious little rascal this one is. After Saucepan told him he didn't want to argue he still delivered his pre-prepared arguement for Gimli. By supporting Gimli all you are supporting is contention and discord. Hama is a clear underdog and needs your support. What a triumph it would be to declare him our Lord of the Rings Survivor Champion. It would show that we appreciate the unsung hero. That just because they aren't mentioned many times in the books that we don't lessen their contribution, we value him and what he did. Plus we have moved into the age of men and it should by right be his prize to claim

On a humorous side note: Anguriel over 20% of your total posts come from this thread alone :eek:

Anguirel 10-12-2005 11:32 AM

Yes. And yet it's quite remarkable how little I've achieved...



the guy who be short 10-12-2005 12:09 PM

++Gimli the Majik

Do I really need to explain it?

Folwren 10-12-2005 02:31 PM


Because he's a Dwarf and Dwarves are cool! I've really gotten to like them these past few months....

-- Folwren

(Man, Ang, did you really think I'd be late? Go-olly! What little faith!)

The 1,000 Reader 10-12-2005 02:33 PM


He helped slay the Witch-King. That's good enough for me.

Anguirel 10-12-2005 02:33 PM

You made it, Folwren! Excellent...

Not that I doubted you for a moment, hem hem

Pah. Eowyn could have done it alone. Everyone knows the mystic Pankhurst-forged blades of the Suffragettes of the North are banes to the Nazgul...

Folwren 10-12-2005 02:42 PM


Originally posted by Anguirel:
Not that I doubted you for a moment, hem hem

My absense only failed to or two people. It's not like I missed every voting time. for all these blamed votes for Merry...we're going to have some trouble if we don't get some Dwarven recruits in here.

-- Folwren

mormegil 10-12-2005 02:43 PM

I'm really struggling with the thought that Gimli might be our champion...I mean really Gimli.

Formendacil 10-12-2005 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by mormegil
I'm really struggling with the thought that Gimli might be our champion...I mean really Gimli.

I like it no more than you, but what can we do? It's all Boromir's fault for making votes non-retractable. :p

Anguirel 10-12-2005 03:05 PM

Final Udate Before Sleep

The Perky Ent 10-12-2005 03:06 PM

++ Hama

He won't die!!!

Nonnacedak 10-12-2005 03:20 PM


mormegil 10-12-2005 03:28 PM

Good, we only need one more vote for Hama to have him in the running....please somebody vote for him it's not too late.

Boromir88 10-12-2005 03:35 PM

Votings closed, and what do we have a tie between Merry and Gimli? Well I shall announce the winner shortly.

Boromir88 10-12-2005 03:57 PM

Well, it's been a very fun, eventful, joyous time here during these passed weeks.

It's been a very tough, tough decision for me. On one hand you have a Dwarf, who I think are the hardiest of races, able to stand up to Sauron's threat and say no, and on the other you have a hobbit who epitimizes (sp?) Tolkien's theme of Friendship.

At first, Firefoot's and Lalaith's comments got Merry out to a quick lead.

But, Anguirel's fiery words in Gimli's defense swayed it back towards Gimli.

Then we have Sauce's post of Merry's friendship. And as we see friendship is a key theme in Tolkien, it was the whole reason the Hobbits were in the Fellowship and not someone like Glorfindel. The Fellowship didn't need powerful elf-lords, they needed a group of friends that could get through the good, the bad, the ugly, the rough, and the trying.

But one comment really sticks out which was...

For once, Merry deserves some recognition. He should be the sole survivor.
Gimli is Lord of Aglarond, and he's going to The Undying Lands after this contest anyway. It's about time Merry gets the spotlight...


And it's done, it's been fun y'all. :p

mormegil 10-12-2005 04:13 PM

I've had great fun, even though Sam didn't win and the person who won did so based on friendship (come on who's the best friend in the whole Middle-earth) and thank all who participated but especially Boromir for thinking up such a wonderful game. I look forward to voting off Feanor rather quickly on Silm

wilwarin538 10-12-2005 04:16 PM


And it's done, it's been fun y'all.
Wow, that is so depressing I feel some tears coming on. :(


I look forward to voting off Feanor rather quickly on Silm
I look forward to that. :D

Kath 10-12-2005 04:47 PM

Merry won! I can't quite believe it. Thanks Boromir, and thanks for a wonderfully entertaining and intense game, though I fear some of the members who have played here will remain enemies for life now!

The Saucepan Man 10-12-2005 05:33 PM

Hurrah! A Hobbit won! And a most deserving Hobbit at that. For once, a worthy winner of a Reality show. Now I can sleep easy.

My work here is done ...

Glirdan 10-12-2005 05:43 PM

YAY!!!!! I DID IT!!!! ONE OF MY FAVS MADE IT AND WON!!!!! YES!!!! All that hard work paid off!!!!! :D Now to go and get rid of Feanor.... *Mutters* Evil git!!!!

Boromir88 10-12-2005 06:04 PM

Morm, personally after Grishnakh, I was pulling for Hama the underdog, but I needed to come up with some way in case if we had a tie.

The 1,000 Reader 10-12-2005 06:46 PM

I am happy that Merry has won.

I'll be voting against Sauron in the Sil survivor. The Sil survivor sounds better the Slim survivor. That sounds like a weight-loss competition.

Firefoot 10-12-2005 07:00 PM

Oh yeah! Go Merry!

;) :D

Folwren 10-12-2005 07:55 PM

I don't know what to say. It's not...terrible that Merry won...but I would have liked to see Gimli take it home.

Boromir...are you quite certain that that vote was quite unbias? You could've flipped a coin. And ye know, if it had been based on arguments, I might have said more.

But *sigh* ... I won't complain.

Good game, everybody.

SpM and mormegil...I hope all hard words and feelings are forgiven. I guess I attacked SpM the most.

By the by, Morm - what exactly had you against Gimli?

-- Folwren

arcticstorm 10-12-2005 08:15 PM

I found it as fun, and for Silm Survivor, I am looking forward to that as well-- Arcticstorm, Founder of STFF (Save the Feanor Foundation)

Folwren 10-12-2005 08:22 PM


Originally posted by arcticstorm:
I found it as fun, and for Silm Survivor, I am looking forward to that as well-- Arcticstorm, Founder of STFF (Save the Feanor Foundation)
HA! Good luck! I have no preference of whether or no he stays in that Survivor, but it appears as though others want him gone already.

-- Folwren

mormegil 10-12-2005 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren

SpM and mormegil...I hope all hard words and feelings are forgiven. I guess I attacked SpM the most.

By the by, Morm - what exactly had you against Gimli?

-- Folwren

No hard feeling whatsover even though I was more or less called a chauvinistic pig I realize that this is mirth and all is in good fun :D

Folwren actually Gimli is one of my favorite book characters I just thought it would be great to have Hama or some other underdog win. Also I truly love Faramir but he doesn't make good reality TV. That being said there are those who might make decent TV but I dislike enough as to do all in my power to remove them ie Feanor.

The Saucepan Man 10-13-2005 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by Folwren
I don't know what to say. It's not...terrible that Merry won...but I would have liked to see Gimli take it home.

In this sort of a game, one has to accpet that one's highest expectations will not necessarily be met.

My order of preference, at the outset, was:

1. Ugluk
2. Bilbo
3. Pippin
4. Merry
5. Boromir
6. Eowyn

Why Ugluk? Well, I still think that, as Orcs go, he is an exceptional example of his race and, as I said, I always tend to root for the underdog.

Bilbo was an early casualty and I had little hope that Ugluk would make it through. So, overall, I am fine with the outcome.


Originally Posted by Folwren
SpM and mormegil...I hope all hard words and feelings are forgiven. I guess I attacked SpM the most.

Of course. For my part, all that was said and done was in jest. :)

Lalaith 10-13-2005 06:25 AM

Attacking people is fun.
So is kissing and making up afterwards. :)

arcticstorm 10-13-2005 06:40 AM

At th outset of the game my preferences were either Hama, Merry, a dwarf, or a blue wizard. and three of those six made it into the finals, so I was altogether pleased with the outcome.

mormegil 10-13-2005 07:11 AM

I wanted Sam to win obviously but an orc or Glorfindel would have been great also. So I was not exactly pleased with the outcome. Of course I thought Hama would have been fun. Somebody who you wouldn't think the winner would be and all that. Anyway I think I'll get my come-uppance in Silm.

Boromir88 10-13-2005 07:31 AM


Boromir...are you quite certain that that vote was quite unbias? You could've flipped a coin. And ye know, if it had been based on arguments, I might have said more.~Folwren
As unbiased as it could be. I did explain prior (twice actually) that if we had there was a tie, I would make my decision based on the arguments that were made. Anguirel did a great job at this, but I pointed specifically to why I chose Merry.

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