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Valier 02-07-2006 03:13 PM

Arry, Naria,Telvido do you "guys" have any ideas about the rest of our ride to the river? I'm sorry Vaenosa is not very friendly at the moment...So feel free to gossip about her..(Giggle) :cool:

Arry 02-07-2006 03:24 PM


You might want to do a follow up post to Naria's last one (#27). I should think that Vaenosa would have something to say to Incana sort of ordering her about.

Valier 02-07-2006 04:23 PM

Thanks Arry! I posted in the RPG. Still any ideas as to when we should stop? How long have we been traveling so far?

Nogrod 02-07-2006 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Arry
Bregoware will be across the river and 60 miles south of Wulfham (a 2 full days ride - and here we will agree that horses can average 25 to 30 miles per day).

Wulfham will have left 3 days prior to Bregoware. That will make them 30 miles ahead of Bregoware on the third day.

We will spend only a few days riding as separate groups.

I will have something happen to the Wulfham group which will slow them down at some very soon time - players will be alerted on the discussion thread.

At that point the Bregoware party can discover us - by advance riders or simply running into our camp at some point. We do not need to work this out at this point.


Then, my older character, Rędwald will be meeting up with the group before they cross the river, is that correct?

My plan was to have him come upon them at their evening camp.

Also, since we are a day away from the river - that will make us 2 days behind Wulfham once we've crossed. Is that where you meant to have us?
I sadly came up to a similar calculation as I checked Arry's message quoted above (even though I think we are 2 days behind the Wulfham riding party, not the town of Wulfham itself... you propably meant that too, but as we most of us have a secondary English, just wanted to check).

But I also think, there is an easy way to resolve this one. If the Wulfhamers start just TWO days earlier (not three), they could spend the second night around the area were the ferry is - so where the Outlanders would be coming to the next night, or something. So the Wulfhamers would have a ONE day lead. And as Arry promised to slow them down for the Outlanders to catch, we could eventually catch them the second evening (Outlander reckoning - fourth by Wulfhamer reckoning), or the next morning, or day, or whenever Arry's plans would lead to it. I quess this will depend on how Arry's "slowing down" of them is going to happen, and propably we shouldn't even know it in the first place. I think this is going smoothly as we just can settle this "first night out" -problem. But surely we can already ride on. It's just morning in our game now! :)

Wulfham people starting off two days earlier sure makes them ride two days more together, but we Outlanders could talk more (in real time) - and with the advent of Raedwald first and then Sythric second, and a river to be crossed, I think we have lots of writing before meeting these other fellows.

And sure Undómė, I believe, that Raedwald should catch the others the first evening (and Sythric during the night), otherwise these elderly chaps would have quite a tuff ride to make for the gap. Indeed Raedwald shouldn't be so very many hours behind the others (the party left in the morning, and all of the evacuation was already done before afternoon), maybe he left at noon, or something. Up to you, I suppose?

Farael 02-07-2006 08:47 PM

Just in case you guys notice it... I changed where it said that Osmod was "behind" the group for "ahead" of the group.... Undome happened to write that I was leading and while I hadn't thought of it, I liked it better to be ahead and alone than behind AND alone.

Eowyn Skywalker 02-08-2006 12:54 AM

I'm sorry if I'm a bit slow on replying. This game started at a bad time for me; I had a sudden onrush of inability to post through other things... piano lessons, trips out of town that ended up a lot longer than anticipated, and of course the pain of trying to set up an RPG full world on my own site... not to mention that I had to deal with another RPG situation on yet ANOTHER site... argh... my poor head...

Anyway, I'll try to keep on top of this... I think my time might be returning to normal, but I'm just not sure... I will still post as regularly as possible, but I'm not used to having to post every day or more on an RPG. With the last BD one I did it wasn't that desperate... I'm unused to people being desperate for me to post. Generally things run a bit slower on here. But I've replied to you, Undome. If you'd prefer to talk to someone who'll reply a lot faster, I might not be the best person for you to talk to, but Eostre will talk. Besides, it'll give me reason to keep posting regularly (that means every day, in my book). Curious: it's been a little while since I've read the rules on here... what was the minimum RP post length in the Shire? I know they're not suppose to be dialogue only based from memory... was it two longer paragraphs? I see a lot of that.

Arry 02-08-2006 03:11 AM


I did mean to say that the village of Wulfham is located 60 miles (a full 2 days ride) north of the village of Bregoware. And no I am not changing when the Wulfham group leaves again. We will simply deal with this a little later in the game, just prior to us meeting up.


Eowyn Skywalker

Every day posting isn't necessary (although, those who can do it are certainly not discouraged from it) - a couple of times a week is sort of the minimum.

As to post length. The minimum posting length for the Shire is 2 paragraphs with 2 sentence minimum each. As people get more proficient in writing for games I'm sure the posts will expand, but it's not required for this game.




Originally Posted by Naria
Do you post the times of day like morning, afternoon and evening? And can we put in our posts changes in weather or do you also do that?

Sorry I didn't answer this earlier - the group decides what time of day it is and what sort of weather. So -- right now it should be say nearing noon for the Wulfham group. I just included that reference in my latest post) We can just assume we've been traveling along for a while.

I just mentioned in my last post a little about the present weather. the sun is shining in a hazy sky. It's relatively warm at the moment. But the evening camp, out in the cold, will most likely be quite chilly. It is late autumn when we are starting out - so would you like it to be a good day of riding (sun, not too cold) for a while? This might be good until we meet with the other group. Then someone could bring on some cold rain, etc.

If you are going to change the time of day - let's say you write a post that gets us to our evening camp - then just post on the Discussion Thread that you have done so. Also do that for changes in weather.

How does that sound?



About how long we've been riding:

I just posted that it's not quite mid-day yet.


All Wulfhamers

Let's finish up any conversations we're having, then one of you can bring us to the little wooded area along the river that I mentioned. We'll have our midday meal there and gather some small firewood for our evening camp further on down the trail.

Remember as we ride along, we are sticking close to the river (it will be on our left). We haven't come to the for where the Bregoware party will cross over. We should be doing that on our group's second day of travel.

Undómė 02-08-2006 05:04 AM


I've gone ahead and posted the First Post for Rędwald.

He's riding casually along and will catch up to the Bregoware party when they've made their camp for the night.

piosenniel 02-08-2006 05:17 AM

OK, Undómė! :)



Your post for Sythric is now on the game. :) Move him as you wish.

~*~ Pio

Naria 02-08-2006 09:46 AM

Arry and/or Pio
I am so sorry about the confusion Pio and Arry. I will definitely put any changes that, we as a group or individually, are going to make here. I will blame it on first RPG hiccups :D There is no need to put my original post back on. It doesn't really fit anyway with my new post and Valier's post. Thanks anyway. :)

Thanks Arry for the response to my question regarding the time of day and weather. It helps alot! :)

Farael 02-08-2006 02:14 PM

I'm having second thoughts about meeting so soon. We Bregowares will have TWO experienced riders, a group of five people... there are far too many interactions to explore and I don't think a couple of days will be long enough. I still think two weeks is too much, but one or two nights might be too little.

I don't know what neither FounderArry (did I get it right this time? :) ) nor Undome have in mind, but I think it might be good to kill off Raewald BEFORE we meet with the other group. Perhaps, even RIGHT before. Maybe the Wulfham group should have started their journey a week before Bregoware and they be the ones to catch up with us. I think five to seven days would be long enough for us riders to get to know each other. I sure am excited for things to happen, but on the long run it might be better if we knew each other and had at least some stories (and hopefully arguments) for later on the game.

Just my two cents, I know I'm taking liberties with both the game and Raewald, neither of which belong to me... feel free to smack me for sticking my neck too far out!!

Nogrod 02-08-2006 02:46 PM

I just sended Arry a PM, that I was ok. with this timetable, and didn't want to whine anymore! :confused:

But I don't think we should change this any more at this point. For even this is my first RPG online, I would see this going well by the following reasons:

1) A party can ride a day or two, game time, using a week, a year, or a lifetime, in real-time.

2) Bregowarians have at least two days - and who knows Arry's plans - maybe three, four more, before meeting up with the Wulfhamers.

3) The Wulfhamers have three days lead (in game time), so they will have much of writing, as we started simultaneosly, in real time.

So we Bregowarians just go easily, meaning: lots of messages, less miles! We will just be more talkative on our journey... ;)

PS. And don't forget: if we allow these people to ride for a week or two before they meet, they will meet at the steps of the Golden Hall! :D Well, that would make quite a differnet game, it really would...

Arry 02-08-2006 02:59 PM


Sorry - but all the plans for the earlier attacks have been pushed back with the readjustment of the leaving times. So there will be no opportunity for someone to die before the groups get together. (Unless of course Undómė decides to have the old fellow fall off his horse and break his neck which is entirely her right to do).

We can travel along enough time until your group is ready to find us. I will then invent something that slows our group down, allowing yours to catch up. Since your group left at noon from your village, that makes the Wulfham group about 90 miles (2 1/2 days ride) ahead of you. The Brego-group just needs to let me know here on the discussion thread when the group has had enough time together and wants to catch up with the Wulfhamers. This will easily be accomplished with a very few posts that 'crunch' some time and bring the Brego-group within haling distance of the Wulfhamers.

If you want, any of the Bregos can invent some something that invokes a small crisis for your group. The horses get spooked, for example and you spend some time chasing them down . . . something inventive.



Valier has graciously mentioned getting us to the wooded area. We'll have our mid-day meal there and Brand will speak with Vaenosa. After that we'll be on our way again - And I'll crunch some time for us then, and put our group two days further ahead in our journey. That will put us 2 1/2 days ahead of the Bregoware group.


Distance to the Golden Hall

It's about a 450 mile journey from Wulfham to the Golden Hall following the route the March-warden laid out for his riders. At 25 miles per day it would be almost 3 weeks to the King.

-- Arry

Arry 02-09-2006 02:23 AM


Brand has spoken to Vaenosa. It should be interesting to see what your character makes of his request. :)



Brand is hungry and looking forward to lunch!!! :D

Undómė 02-09-2006 04:00 AM


I've included Fion in my post, #43. Let me know if anything needs editing. I'll carry him along with us until you can post for him. :)

Valier 02-09-2006 10:40 AM

Great stuff Arry! I will post after Telvido fills in his save. :D

Eowyn Skywalker 02-09-2006 07:19 PM

For reference, Undome, you misinterpeted Eostre. She was cynical, yes, but not trying to shove you away. I define cynical as critical or mistrusting of other people's actions.

On the remark of killing characters, I find the idea of having him break his neck greatly amusing... very ironic. Heh. But if we need more characters to die, I'll gladly kill off Eostre one of these days, if only for the sake of getting to write an agonizing death scene.

Tevildo 02-10-2006 01:14 AM

Dorran's save is filled......and lunch is served. :D

Undómė 02-10-2006 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by Eowyn Skywalker
For reference, Undome, you misinterpeted Eostre. She was cynical, yes, but not trying to shove you away. I define cynical as critical or mistrusting of other people's actions.

Actually, I didn't misinterpret. Meghan misinterpreted, or rather read Eostre's laugh and actions in that way. She is much better at figuring out goats - their needs and temperament, than she is other people. :)

Maeggaladiel 02-10-2006 02:26 PM

Thanks Undome! I'll post something as soon as Farael writes up her SAVE.

Valier 02-10-2006 06:37 PM

Just to point it out Farael is MALE in *R.L *and as Osse :D :p

Farael 02-10-2006 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Valier
Just to point it out Farael is MALE in *R.L *and as Osse :D :p

Thanks Valier, but how do you know? *wink* did you check?
Sorry, I'm just in a happy mood. I'll have the save filled by tonight if I don't get home too late or tomorrow afternoon the latest.

Valier 02-10-2006 10:18 PM

Nice Farael! ;) I won't be able to fill in my save till sunday morning at the latest. If you guys don't want to wait I can delete the save and just come in after. :p

Maeggaladiel 02-11-2006 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Valier
Just to point it out Farael is MALE in *R.L *and as Osse :D :p




I am such an idiot. :sweatdrop: I'm sorry Farael! I was goign back and forth between two different boards when I wrote that. Having two conversations with two folks of opposite genders at the same time is apparently a bad idea. I... Hold on.. That means I must've called the GIRL on the other board a GUY! *runs to go check*

Aaaaand I did. Well great. Now I look like a moron on TWO boards. :rolleyes:

Farael 02-12-2006 12:47 AM

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I filled my SAVE.

And don't worry about it Maeggaladiel, as long as you don't start hitting on me, we should be fine :p

Undómė 02-12-2006 12:40 PM

A quick question - are the Bregos where they're going to camp for the night?

Farael 02-12-2006 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Undómė
A quick question - are the Bregos where they're going to camp for the night?

Not really, I was thinking just a break and lunch. We have only traveled for two hours! we should cover at least six more hours of traveling to consider we have covered a "good distance"

Which reminds me, how much should we travel every day?

Arry 02-12-2006 03:36 PM

Farael & other Bregos

What I'd like to see done by tomorrow sometime, is the Brego group getting to their night time camp. That can be done in a single post by someone. You can spend some posts getting the camp set up, supper eaten, and settling down for the night.

That way - it provides the opportunity for your other two players to come on board.

Rędwald will come upon you at supper, I think, And Sythric later on when the group is asleep.

Once your group is done dealing with those two additions, I'd like you to do avery few posts which get you across the river.

At that point, I'll crunch some time for the Wulfham group, and we'll move a couple of days south of you in a single post. Your group will then come south and we'll meet up.

Nogrod 02-12-2006 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Arry
Farael & other Bregos

That way - it provides the opportunity for your other two players to come on board.

Rędwald will come upon you at supper, I think, And Sythric later on when the group is asleep.

Once your group is done dealing with those two additions, I'd like you to do avery few posts which get you across the river.

At that point, I'll crunch some time for the Wulfham group, and we'll move a couple of days south of you in a single post. Your group will then come south and we'll meet up.

Sounds good. And thank's for hasting things a bit.

I already took to this same tenor by posting my second mail - it is late afternoon / early evening at that post. I Hope it would stir some action. I have another post to send before my Sythric will reach the riders. So I'll just wait for Raedwald to meet with them at first and the party going to sleep. It's kind of a night post... just before I come to Bregowarians' camp...

Sorry about the length of my posts, but just having to wait until I can come to the real game, makes my mind coming up with ever new things to mention in the posts.

I'll be shorter in the real communication. Before that, I just have to build my character by these monologues...

Farael 02-12-2006 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Arry
Farael & other Bregos

What I'd like to see done by tomorrow sometime, is the Brego group getting to their night time camp. That can be done in a single post by someone. You can spend some posts getting the camp set up, supper eaten, and settling down for the night.

That way - it provides the opportunity for your other two players to come on board.

Rędwald will come upon you at supper, I think, And Sythric later on when the group is asleep.

Once your group is done dealing with those two additions, I'd like you to do avery few posts which get you across the river.

At that point, I'll crunch some time for the Wulfham group, and we'll move a couple of days south of you in a single post. Your group will then come south and we'll meet up.

I'll do it, but I need to wait at least for Eowyn Skywalker's post. And I'd like a post by Maeggaladiel too if possible. Then we could get going again and "nothing of importance" will happen 'till night-camp time. Then Raewald can come in and then Sythric.

Edit: If anyone else wants to do it/contribute in doing it it's fine by me... I meant to say (and forgot) that I have next week off so I'll have time for writing

Tevildo 02-12-2006 06:14 PM

Naria, Valier

Any chance either of you can post? (Valier - you still have your save, which you should try and fill in by late tonight, if my recollection of the Red Book is right.) Arry and I went last. I am waiting for someone else to go ahead in our group before I post again.

I am looking forward to the point where the two groups join up!



Do you want me to go ahead and get the Wulfham group on the road, or shall I wait for the others to put up their response?

Valier 02-12-2006 06:51 PM

Telvido I posted in the RPG, I finally got it done sorry for making everyone wait so long!

Valier 02-13-2006 10:17 AM


I filled in my save but I just read it again and it might be better if my post came after Dorran's I addressed everyone in my post, so I can't wait to see what happens next! :D

Tevildo 02-13-2006 02:03 PM


I'm confused.

Regarding the placement of my post..... If there is a problem, I will shift. But it seems more logical to have the fire started and going when your character drops off the berries. To make it blend more easily with your filled save, I will edit so Dorran isn't calling people to eat their meal quite yet.

I've use saves myself, and I know that sometimes it's hard to fit what you want to say into an ongoing storyline, especially when that storyline has already gone forward. I think the person filling in the save is supposed to adjust as much as possible. If I lop off the ending of my post about calling people to lunch, that should work with yours.

Did you mean to address Dorran as "Mistress" Dorran, or was that a typo? If you are teasing him by calling him a woman (perhaps because he's cooking?), he will probably react quite strongly, even if he has to trample over two horses and a running Incana in order to reach Vaenosa. :p Please advise.

Arry 02-13-2006 02:39 PM


Your post looks fine to me right where it is now. :)


Eowyn Skywalker

Please get a post up in answer to Farael's last post.


Farael 02-13-2006 04:24 PM

Should I get going if Eowyn hasn't answered by tomorrow or should we wait?

Arry 02-13-2006 04:27 PM

Just get going, please . . .

Pio can slot something in for Eowyn her if she feels she can't fit it in after you've gotten the group moved on.

Thanks -- Arry

Valier 02-13-2006 05:15 PM

Telvido Yes she did mean to call you Mistress,like I said she is not to keen on men and takes every chance to belittle or poke fun at them. Can't wait to see the reactions!

Eowyn Skywalker 02-14-2006 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by Arry

Eowyn Skywalker

Please get a post up in answer to Farael's last post.


I've been having internet problems. I'm sorry. I couldn't get online to say so. Desperately sorry for holding things up...

Arry 02-14-2006 05:05 AM


We are now at our evening camp - Brand has doled out the tasks to be done.

It's nearly dark; the wind is turning cold . . .

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