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Folwren 03-17-2011 12:06 PM

There is a difficulty. My starting date is two days away and we are still one person short of the minimum number of players. Anyone have any suggestion about who I can contact to see if they want to play?

-- Foley

Inziladun 03-17-2011 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 651649)
There is a difficulty. My starting date is two days away and we are still one person short of the minimum number of players. Anyone have any suggestion about who I can contact to see if they want to play?

Now that some time has passed since this was initially announced, maybe some who couldn't play at that time will be able to do so now. If I can think of some individual who hasn't weighed in one way or another, I'll let you know.

Pitchwife 03-17-2011 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 651649)
There is a difficulty. My starting date is two days away and we are still one person short of the minimum number of players. Anyone have any suggestion about who I can contact to see if they want to play?

I'm really very sorry, Foley, but I'll definitely have to withdraw, or I'd end up the most abysmal of submarines, as what's left of my mental capacity after work is quite tied up with The King's Players for now. Wish you the best of luck with the game, though - I'll peep in every now and then, and I'm sure it'll be an interesting read.

As for your question, off the top of my head: Aganzir, wilwa, Nessa Telrunya, Rikae, Mac, skip spence, Eönwë, Eomer, Kath, The Elf-Warrior... No idea who of them would be available, but all have played more or less recently.

Mithalwen 03-17-2011 02:32 PM

I rather think Master Eomer will be otherwise engaged....:Merisu:

satansaloser2005 03-17-2011 05:06 PM

Erm, I hate to do this, but I won't be available for the next week or so. If you start after next Wednesday, however, I should still be able to play.

Folwren 03-17-2011 05:30 PM how available will you all be if we postponed the date yet again? Quite honestly, it will be better for me, even, for although the 19th is the beginning of my spring break, it's not going to be much of a break after all.

I'd like to hear everybody's opinion, and if most people tell me to start on the 19th as planned if at all possible, I'll send out aonther round of PMs to all those sugested names above.

-- Foley

Mänwe 03-17-2011 06:53 PM

I am fine with the original proposed date, though were it to be postponed again by up to a week I could manage that also.

Inziladun 03-17-2011 06:56 PM

It's all the same to me.

Glirdan 03-17-2011 09:14 PM

Just heads up that Vanilwamuffin is coming up on her exams very soon and has very little time for anything at this point. So unless her schedule has eased up since the last time her and I spoke, I highly doubt she will be available :(

Bom Tombadillo 03-18-2011 09:44 AM

Wow. I come back from a hiatus (partially voluntary) after realizing what date it is, jump to this thread . . . and find out I probably have a while anyway.

Anyways, I'm fine with most any date you choose; if it can start the 19th, that'd be great since it falls on a weekend, giving me plenty of time to work out the Day One confusion, but it doesn't matter terribly much to me.

Folwren 03-18-2011 07:22 PM

K,well, it's not starting yet. I'll send out PMs to people again sometime tomorrow. I don't know when we'll plan on starting. I'm sorry about the slow start.

-- Folwren

Inziladun 03-18-2011 07:42 PM

Things happen. Everyone just has a lot going on in RL, it seems.

Mänwe 03-24-2011 03:36 PM

It'll be worth the wait!!

Thinlómien 03-29-2011 10:49 AM

Just saying that unless we start soon, I have to drop out. As some of you might know, I'm currently abroad as an exchange student and my friends will be visiting me from April 8th to April 15th and my mum and sister will be visiting from the 19th to the 26th and I definitely don't want to play ww when any of them are visiting - so basically, I'm only available more or less now and then only in the very end of April.

Shastanis Althreduin 03-31-2011 12:01 AM

Checking in, but it looks like this is never going to start...

Thinlómien 03-31-2011 09:34 AM

Nobody wants to play ww anymore? Weeeird. To be honest I'm quite itching to after such a while ;) but I can't really unless you promise to lynch me on one of the first Days, which is not very nice. :D So Folwren: you may take this as an official withdrawal (even though it's a pity!) I have only one week before my friends come. However, if this game only starts in late April (at the earliest around the 24th or something like that), feel free to recruit me again.

Folwren 03-31-2011 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 652311)
Nobody wants to play ww anymore? Weeeird. To be honest I'm quite itching to after such a while ;) but I can't really unless you promise to lynch me on one of the first Days, which is not very nice. :D

Ha. My thoughts precisely. But, no, it'd be miserable to lynch you on one of the first days. What if you were the KD? :eek:


So Folwren: you may take this as an official withdrawal (even though it's a pity!) I have only one week before my friends come. However, if this game only starts in late April (at the earliest around the 24th or something like that), feel free to recruit me again.
Sorry to see you go. I'll let you know if it still hasn't started in late April. Have fun with your friends. Don't forget to at least check in on the Scarburg thread. Your two W's need to cause trouble there.

-- Foley

Thinlómien 03-31-2011 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 652312)
Sorry to see you go. I'll let you know if it still hasn't started in late April. Have fun with your friends. Don't forget to at least check in on the Scarburg thread. Your two W's need to cause trouble there.

Haha, alright, I'll keep an eye on Scarburg. ;)

Inziladun 04-01-2011 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 652311)
Nobody wants to play ww anymore?

Really! This is without doubt the longest delay that I've seen between games. :eek:
Shame on all you lot for letting RL intrude upon WW! ;)

Folwren 04-01-2011 01:55 PM

Actually...I think for once, it's the RPGing that is interfereing with WW, instead of the other way around. Haha. RL is getting in the way, too, technically, but lots of people are role-playing. That's awesome.

-- Foley

Pitchwife 04-01-2011 03:33 PM

If I may suggest something, Foley, have you considered adapting your design somehow to make it work with fewer players (say, a village of twelve with three wolves)? I honestly don't think waiting much longer will do much good. WW is a time-extensive matter (if not more than RPGs then certainly in a different way), at least if you're one of the louder players, and people's schedules tend to change over an interval of more than two or three weeks. You won't want to risk more people having to drop out.

Inziladun 04-14-2011 01:36 PM

Any word on the status of this? Are we still just waiting for people to be available to play?

Ozban 04-18-2011 02:16 PM

Query: Are we gonna start anytime soon? By the half of May I will have my exams coming up and I will be unavailable for, say next two months.

If there's any possibility of beginning anytime soon, please, let's do so. This unexpected break seems too long already.

satansaloser2005 04-18-2011 02:46 PM

To counter Oz's rush, I now will be unable to play (or at least participate on a level that I feel comfortable with) for the next week and a half. If we start before the 28th I'll play, but I'd love to not get mod-killed (or lynched because I'm not around, for that matter).

Foley, who all have you asked about this? I may try to drum up some business. :)

Folwren 04-19-2011 07:33 AM

Some time ago, towards the beginning of the time I put up this thread, I asked...gosh, I asked all sorts of people. Let's see...
Rikae, Mac, Anguirel, Phantom, Lommy, Greenie, Nogrod, (some of whom are on the list, I think), um........Durelin, Shasta....

I went to the last several WW games to see who has been playing recently, and I'm pretty sure I sent all of them PMs. I think I wrote at least 15 or so, about. I can't remember all the names.

Some may be available again. A lot were busy because they'd joined an RPG and they didn't want to do both a WW game and an RPG at the same time. That game is still going.

If you could drum up some business, that'd be amazing.

And I am sorry for not responding earlier to Inzil and Pitchwife. Inzil, we are indeed waiting for people to become available to play.

And Pitchwife...I really don't see how I could change the rules more than I have to require fewer players. The nature of the game is such that fewer than 15 players would be...well...boring.

But it is true, I need to start this, because before too long, even I will not be available. :eek:

-- Folwren

Loslote 04-20-2011 01:07 AM

Alright, well, when this started up, I didn't sign up because I wanted a break from WW. I think I've had my break. ;) You can put me on the list, and I'll be good to play any time. :)

Anguirel 04-20-2011 02:54 AM

mm. Afraid I've found a new medium for baiting the phantom at pres! ever yours, Lord Sador of Burlach

I'm sure the end result will be traditional...

Mithalwen 04-20-2011 07:33 AM

Awww ..*pouts*

Folwren 04-21-2011 11:44 AM

I have something to say that some may think is good news and some may think bad, I dunno, but here it is:

Sally has PMed me, suggesting that she do her WW game now and I do mine either next or at a later date when more people are available. This suggestion was made because her game can be played with fewer players (she said a dozen or so) and mine would be much better with no fewer than fifteen, which we've all discussed before.

This arrangement will permit all you very faithful, paitent folks to actually PLAY a game NOW instead of waiting indefinitely for more people to become available.

My game will be put on hold until Sally's game is finished. Then, if more players are available, I will probably be available to Mod it. If we still have this problem of too few players and/or I am busy with summer affairs, it can be put on the back burner and it can be played later.

I would like to assure you that this game will eventually be played and I would love to have every one of you on board for it. I'm extremely sorry that it hasn't worked out yet.

What do you all think?

-- Foley

Mithalwen 04-21-2011 12:04 PM

I don't want to play werewolf per se but I was am interested in your game. I hope to be available for your game when it is available but I prefer to use my time to RPG otherwise - have waited years for that to revive....

satansaloser2005 04-21-2011 12:07 PM

Obviously I'm fine with it either way. If you magically get enough people in the next few days, I would of course want you to mod when it's more convenient for you, but it seems that people are busy with the RPG threads (and fair enough with that!) so I'm hoping a smaller game can run in the meantime, and then people can be free to play your game once the RPG section isn't quite as busy. :)

satansaloser2005 04-21-2011 12:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 653258)
I don't want to play werewolf per se but I was am interested in your game. I hope to be available for your game when it is available but I prefer to use my time to RPG otherwise - have waited years for that to revive....

Well, I'd very much like for you to play in my game if you can find the time. I promise Shelob and good times*. If not, do enjoy the RPG section. It's good to see it so active after so long! :D

*Note: The two conditions are not mutually exclusive. All players sign up at their own risk, and I refuse to pay for tetanus shots should the need arise.

Bom Tombadillo 04-21-2011 12:15 PM

Awww. I was looking forward to this game in particular, but will certainly play in any available.

Folwren 04-21-2011 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Bom Tombadillo (Post 653262)
Awww. I was looking forward to this game in particular, but will certainly play in any available.

Tombadillo, I will be sure to let you know when I start my game up again.

-- Foley

Inziladun 04-21-2011 09:48 PM

I'm still up for a game. I hate that you have to put yours off Foley, but maybe time will give you enough players for something epic. ;)

Folwren 04-22-2011 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 653279)
I'm still up for a game. I hate that you have to put yours off Foley, but maybe time will give you enough players for something epic. ;)

I hope so. :)

Nogrod 04-24-2011 03:17 PM

I'm sorry to hear your game just kind of waned... but let's hope it gets a better start on a future date. It looked interesting and I so much hoped you'd get to mod a game as that is soo much fun. So hopefully in a near future then. You can count on me playing (unless it's the first two weeks of June as we're on a journey with Greenie then).

Kuruharan 05-16-2011 07:24 PM

*pokes thread*
So when I first saw this thread I thought it was going to be British werewolves infiltrating the Continental Army encampment in the winter of 1777-1778, which isn't of a great deal of interest to me.

But, being bored today, I decided to read it for the chuckle value of seeing how the above scenario fitted into Tolkien and lo and behold it is about dwarves...which makes it awesome! :D

It does look interesting and I hope it moves forward at some point...but counter-productively it would greatly depend on when it happened on if I could play or not.:(

Folwren 05-16-2011 07:40 PM

Hey, Kuruharan, what luck that it roused your curiosity and you looked! I will be certain to PM you when this game finally starts moving forward again. As a matter of fact, as it was not lifting off the ground at a very fast rate, Sally suggested that she go ahead and run her game, and that is what has happened. I have not checked up on her game, so I don't know how close it is to being finished yet, but I'll let you know. Maybe you will be able to play.

-- Foley

Inziladun 05-16-2011 07:43 PM

Sally's game is finished, with a wicked victory for the evil side.

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