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Inziladun 07-15-2017 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 707834)
Wow! A role reveal NIGHT result and empowerment to boot.

You are quite efficient in here.

*bows* Happy to be of more use dead than alive. :D

Morsul the Dark 07-15-2017 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Kuruharan (Post 707834)
Wow! A role reveal NIGHT result and empowerment to boot.

You are quite efficient in here.

I suppose one could say we get into the spirit of things?

Inziladun 07-15-2017 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 707839)
I suppose one could say we get into the spirit of things?

*rimshot please*

Morsul the Dark 07-15-2017 05:04 PM

What? Is there a problem with my pun? Got a bone to pick? ;)

Inziladun 07-15-2017 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 707844)
What? Is there a problem with my pun? Got a bone to pick? ;)

Not at all sir, though this is quite a grave matter.


Originally Posted by me (Post 707833)
Ok, might as well go ahead with this:


and hope she doesn't make an unfortunate vote.

Actually, I just hope she votes!

Morsul the Dark 07-15-2017 05:29 PM


Grave matter Aaaahhh

Kuruharan 07-15-2017 06:03 PM

While one resident was absent the other two worked like a well-oiled machine.

They worked so efficiently that they ran out of things to do and turned their machine-like ingenuity to churning out puns...

There was nothing else to do but wait for the arrival of a new friend.



Hooray! :-D

A new companion with whom to swap puns!

Shastanis Althreduin
Eomer of the Rohirrim
Legate of Amon Lanc

The Dead
Morsul the Dark
Inziladun (Prey)

Pervinca Took (Ordo)

Inziladun 07-15-2017 06:05 PM

Welcome, Dear Lottie!

I doubt very much your true colors will be hidden for long. :D

Morsul the Dark 07-15-2017 06:19 PM

Is this Staples? Because that was easy.

Loslote 07-15-2017 06:19 PM

Hi, everyone! Let's go ahead and reveal my role:


You have to remember - I make a terrible wolf. No EW in their right mind would pick me. But somehow no one ever seems to remember that. :p

Inziladun 07-15-2017 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 707919)
You have to remember - I make a terrible wolf. No EW in their right mind would pick me. But somehow no one ever seems to remember that. :p

As my packmates know quite well. I still make good lynchbait though. ;)


Morsul the Dark 07-15-2017 06:24 PM

"Eye Roll Inducing Puns"
Mr. Mod Hmmmm???

How dare you?

Kuruharan 07-16-2017 07:57 AM

Loslote is PREY.

Inziladun 07-16-2017 07:59 AM

Ahh. Bodes ill for the village, I think. Still, let's keep a stiff upper lip round here! ;)

Thinlómien 07-16-2017 10:29 AM

Hey peeps, sorry for missing yesterDay! I was off arranging/celebrating a bachelorette party and I thought I'd have a few moments to play too but I definitely didn't. I only learned I'm dead five minutes ago. :D:eek: But I'm almost home now so I'll catch up with everything sometime between that and going to sleep!

Morsul the Dark 07-16-2017 10:32 AM

Ok then.


Inziladun 07-16-2017 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 707928)
Hey peeps, sorry for missing yesterDay! I was off arranging/celebrating a bachelorette party and I thought I'd have a few moments to play too but I definitely didn't. I only learned I'm dead five minutes ago. :D:eek: But I'm almost home now so I'll catch up with everything sometime between that and going to sleep!

Well, that's an excellent reason for being missing. ;) No drama. Glad you made it!

Loslote 07-16-2017 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 707928)
Hey peeps, sorry for missing yesterDay! I was off arranging/celebrating a bachelorette party and I thought I'd have a few moments to play too but I definitely didn't. I only learned I'm dead five minutes ago. :D:eek: But I'm almost home now so I'll catch up with everything sometime between that and going to sleep!

Sometimes the Dead just gotta have a little wander around in Purgatory before they can make it to wherever this place is. Glad you found it. :)

Thinlómien 07-16-2017 01:16 PM

Reading and commenting
But first off it would be probably helpful to tell you that I was an ordo. So mwahaha at the evil team if they were trying to find something else. I'm quite interested in observing the game from this side, even if it means double the amount of reading...

Day 1

Awww Kuru keeping company to Morsul, that was very sweet.

And I totally called it on Morsul being an entertaining first dead person. :D

Night 2

Ugh I read the living thread first so it was quite suspenseful to see Brinniel was empowered indicating Zil was innocent, then come read this thread and be like NOW IS THAT TRUE OR NOT, so this was nice:


Originally Posted by Kuru

Inziladun is PREY.

Phew. Also glad that supposed slip wasn't a slip because it DID sound absolutely innocent. *shakes fist at Nerwen*


Originally Posted by Zil
Ëonwë's Empowerment Plan™ (sounds like a self-help video series)

oh my god

Day 3


Originally Posted by Morsul
Lommy. Welcome. This is our humble death plac.

Aww, thank you.


Originally Posted by Kuru
Wow! A role reveal NIGHT result and empowerment to boot.

You are quite efficient in here.

Yes! Very well done! Maybe the two of you should run this thread alone. :p

Night 4

Ummhhhh. Hi Lottie. You innocent? ...nice? This makes me feel better about Boro, or at least Day1 Boro. :rolleyes: I thought the options were basically Boro being an innocent who took Lottie's "I'd prefer not to die" comment as a gifted/GW hint and jumped to her defense OR the two of them being the wolf and the EW. That's why I was sorta all flipflop wait-and-see on them on Day2.


Originally Posted by Lottie
Sometimes the Dead just gotta have a little wander around in Purgatory before they can make it to wherever this place is. Glad you found it.

Yeah, a bit weird that you made it here before me even though you died later!

It's kinda cozy that we're all innocent and benevolent here, but on the other hand it's a bit depressing...

Thinlómien 07-16-2017 01:19 PM

So any guesses who's the evil wizard? :smokin:

I'm thinking Nogrod, Lalaith or Nerwen. :confused::eek:

Inziladun 07-16-2017 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 707933)
So any guesses who's the evil wizard? :smokin:

I'm thinking Nogrod, Lalaith or Nerwen. :confused::eek:


Actually, I'm thinking maybe someone low-key, like Lal indeed, or Shasta. If I were the EW, I'd let my wolves be the loud, aggressive minions while I hung in the background.

Loslote 07-16-2017 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 707933)
So any guesses who's the evil wizard? :smokin:

I'm thinking Nogrod, Lalaith or Nerwen.

I mean, yep, those are the three I'm thinking. :rolleyes: The problem is, I'm guessing the GW is playing very similarly to the EW, so someone like Nerwen or Lalaith could very well look like either wizard. Maybe Eomer, as well, for EW - especially in earlier Days, I get the sense that he was hanging back a little to see which way things would go.

Inziladun 07-16-2017 01:35 PM

Whenever Nog's not coming after me, I find him suspicious. I could say the same for Legate, though.

Kuruharan 07-16-2017 05:59 PM

DAY Four
The machine-like progress of the residents continued apace.

Once they determined the nature of their newest resident, they mostly subsided to silence.

That is until the missing resident suddenly turned up.

Momentous things were afoot this NIGHT in the world of the Living.

But some routines continued unabated.



A new, new friend! :-D :-D

This one has yet to hear our puns!

Shastanis Althreduin
Eomer of the Rohirrim
Legate of Amon Lanc

The Dead
Morsul the Dark
Inziladun (Prey)
Loslote (Prey)

Pervinca Took (Ordo)

Inziladun 07-16-2017 06:02 PM

Well, welcome Mith! Drag up a coffin.

Morsul the Dark 07-16-2017 06:13 PM

Oh dear, if you're a coffin grab a lazenge.

Loslote 07-16-2017 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 707940)
Oh dear, if you're a coffin grab a lazenge.

Gotta be careful, don't want to catch your death of a cold!

Inziladun 07-16-2017 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 707940)
Oh dear, if you're a coffin grab a lazenge.


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 707941)
Gotta be careful, don't want to catch your death of a cold!

Wah wah wahhhh... :D

Inziladun 07-16-2017 07:17 PM

Well, I don't know how they're going to want the Empowerment to go toDay. I guess they'll hash it out at some point to let us communicate about Lottie.

Loslote 07-16-2017 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 707945)
Well, I don't know how they're going to want the Empowerment to go toDay. I guess they'll hash it out at some point to let us communicate about Lottie.

Presumably. My not being evil does actually give them something to work off of, so it's possible the wolves may try to decry the plan or switch it up or something. Something to look out for.

Inziladun 07-16-2017 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 707946)
Presumably. My not being evil does actually give them something to work off of, so it's possible the wolves may try to decry the plan or switch it up or something. Something to look out for.

Should be interesting. Nog's been skeptical about it from the first. I was too, till I really thought about it though. Perhaps his panning it has more sinister motives.

Mithalwen 07-16-2017 09:50 PM

Waves at everyone including those I voted for vehemently. AWKS.
So..... I need. To read a bit. Actually I suspect Lalaith. Love herr dearly but she has a mind like a meat cleaver and isn't afraid to use it. And she was far to bothered about my lost post.

Loslote 07-16-2017 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 707951)
Waves at everyone including those I voted for vehemently. AWKS.

I, for one, hold no grudges from this grave. Welcome! :smokin:

Thinlómien 07-17-2017 03:50 AM

*waves at Mith*

*frowns at the living thread*

Oh boy this does not look good. I'm getting pretty sure Lalaith is evil now, maybe even the evil wizard. I'm pretty sure her empower list has mostly evil people on the "empower if Lottie is prey" list, but there's not much we can do about it, is there? Was there a clarification about whether the village will know who was empowered or] not if that person doesn't vote?

I'm having a horrible idea that we have a trio of vocal-ish evil ladies - Lalaith, Nerwen and Brinniel - and our innocent vocal-ish gentleman trio Boro, Eönwë and Nogrod just can't get their act together. Welp. Less sure about the rest of the village.

It's probably starting to show that the evil team know each other and can cooperate and the good team not. I'm getting a little nervous here. But I guess I should just trust in the Good Wizard and the sharp minds of the innocent villagers...

Mithalwen 07-17-2017 04:26 AM

Frankly I think they deserve it. I wanted to murder the lot of them by the end of it. They weren't meant to emulate the Life of Brian clip. All sodding day bickering over the dead thread and Nogrod's Play for Today then with 10 minutes, to go they decide to turn on me because I was the nasty lady who kept pointing out they were wasting time with their "important" discussions. I am not , was not a submarine.. I suppose they can't all be evil but seemed like it. Then as Morsul pointed out Satansaloser only posts to say she can post..or to tell others off . I think Boro may be ok, Brin said something about me getting chopped because the ranger wouldn't have chosen me ..and is that a genuine guess or knowledge based on being wolf or ranger herself. Don't like options to show Lottie prey either. Oh well.

Morsul the Dark 07-17-2017 04:54 AM

So instead of voting to reveal a role why not vote to empower someone to hopefully get a wolf or even EW Exposed.

Revealing our innocence doesn't do any good if they're just knocking off ordos left and right.

Thinlómien 07-17-2017 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark (Post 707974)
So instead of voting to reveal a role why not vote to empower someone to hopefully get a wolf or even EW Exposed.

Revealing our innocence doesn't do any good if they're just knocking off ordos left and right.

Trouble is, we don't know who they are anymore than the living do. In the worst case we don't help getting the EW or a wolf lynched and we miscommunicate to them that Lottie was a predator and you can bet the evil team will use that misinformation to the last drop to get some unfortunate innocent lynched and to lull the village into a false sense of security, basically sidetracking the whole discussion at least for one more Day. Plus with the tie = no lynch rule the voting is already a hassle around the dl, if we try to coordinate to add to that hassle I'm afraid we're going to cause a mess. Not that we can't cause a mess either way...


Originally Posted by Eomer, on the living thread
Anyone else think the narration is pretty strange today?

Mithalwen was apparently taking the same route as the escapee; many powers swirling around them.

If there were 3 wolves among us then then there could be no wolf kill. EW would have to scry. GW might have sent Mith to the dead thread for her to come back tomorrow.

Mith, are you an ordo?

Thinlómien 07-17-2017 05:44 AM

Aaaand now I think Lalaith is good and Eönwë is evil. I feel somewhat selfishly happy it's not really my problem anymore, and I can flip flop here as much as I want. :D

Thinlómien 07-17-2017 05:46 AM

Oh and btw a heads-up - I think I'll have to cast my empowerment vote about two hours before the deadline at the latest because I have work in the morning and I know I'm gonna stay up late regardless but hopefully not until 3 am (which is the dl in Finland). :eek:

Inziladun 07-17-2017 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 707976)
Trouble is, we don't know who they are anymore than the living do. In the worst case we don't help getting the EW or a wolf lynched and we miscommunicate to them that Lottie was a predator and you can bet the evil team will use that misinformation to the last drop to get some unfortunate innocent lynched and to lull the village into a false sense of security

I think we're bound to go by the Living's agreed on format. By the current one (put forth by Lal):

Lottie prey
Shastanis Althreduin

Lottie predator
Eomer of the Rohirrim
Legate of Amon Lanc

None of the above

I would say our choice should be Boro or Sally. I'm less leery of them than the other two in their category.

However, that grouping by Lal is questionable, since it has people I really don't want to empower in the Lottie-Prey bunch.

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