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Rikae 06-05-2020 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 726268)
With regards to the seer-NW question.

The seer will only see "werewolf" and not know if it's the NW or not.

If the NW dies it will be clear in the narration/revealed.

Thank you, Your Wiliness!

Blind Guardian 06-05-2020 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by Kath (Post 726266)
At the risk of rehashing a debate from last game, are we doing stating who we're thinking of voting for again? I've got to disappear for a while and was about to do just that because it became habit!

So hey I'll do it anyway. Here are my spurious Day 1 reasoning level suspicions.

+-Hui - he is 'pushing' everyone but not particularly saying a lot himself.
+-Nilp - if he wants to go down in flames, who am I stop him?!

Back somewhere before deadline.

This is what I was thinking of too, but I would add +-Sally because she's sick and we don't need 'rona AND Werewolves. :Merisu:

Pitchwife 06-05-2020 11:58 AM

Now this is more like it.


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 726199)
I doubt it! And why would you be shopping for boots at a time like this?

A valid question, with the barefoot season approaching, but if I see someone hanging out a business sign I'll stop to inspect the goods, and Formy's post about talking amicably to the wolves seemed to do just that. The question is, was he looking to sell or buy?


Originally Posted by Kath (Post 726224)
So a lynched wolf + a night-killed innocent would probably mean the innocent can stop the wolf becoming Medium, right? And in fact they could have no Medium by just not voting given that the innocent isn't going to know anything at that point.

I don't get at all what Kath is talking about here, 'the wolf becoming the Medium'. The Medium is one of the living, aren't they, so how would a lynched wolf become one?


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 726230)
But yes, with not much else to discuss at the moment, I'd be glad to hear people's views on the issue of Wolves willing to unleash the NW as early as possible vs. them willing to keep their numbers at maximum as long as possible. I mean winning clearly is easier the latter way, but the chance to be able to disrupt gifteds must be somewhat alluring. Especially if bussing other wolves would be as succesful it was in the last game.

So should we start fex. from a hypothesis that if the NW is lynched early on, the chance of there being other wolves included is higher than "normal"?

Well, like others have said, it depends on the makeup of the pack and also on who the NW is, how good they are at gifted-spotting - say, if it's Shasta for example it could be good idea to activate his power early. Anyway, the pack would have less to lose by losing the NW than by losing anybody else, so wolf-on-Nightmare-wolfing could be a valid tactic for them to fall back on in case of need.


Originally Posted by Formendacil (Post 726228)
Which actually does give me a potential 3rd "Wolf Plan": deliberately sacrificing one of their NON-NW members. It would be both bolder and more cunning than killing off the NW, but it would also provide far better cover AND puts someone into the Dead thread early when one vote messing with the Medium's vote is of greater value.

I don't really see what that wolves would have to gain from that which they wouldn't gain by sacrificing the NW, but thanks for continuing to make helpful suggestions!:rolleyes:


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 726249)
I think an information-free Day One is a nice bonus for the wolves, and that Downers are easily sidetracked into producing one, so if the wolves pick their timing there's not much risk to them.


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 726261)
One thing that occurred to me is, if we find someone that we think is the NW, would there be value in leaving them alive for a couple of Days? That way, they wouldn't be able to use their powers, and might slip up and lead us to their packmates. On the other hand, if that occurred to me, it'll have occurred to the wolves, and a wolf on the hot seat might deliberately try to fake being the NW in order to buy themselves more time. So I guess my conclusion after all of that is, probably we shouldn't hesitate to lynch the NW.

If we find someone that we think is a wolf, should we lynch them or not? Really? If the Seer could identify them, maybe that could be a consideration, depending on how far in the game we are, how many wolves are still alive, but since they can't you answered your own question. Only a dead wolf is a good wolf.

Galadriel55 06-05-2020 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 726267)
I would say yes, I think it was helpful last game. I also move that we rename it "cobbler voting", in honor of G55's original suggestion. :p

+- Cobbler voting :D

Huinesoron 06-05-2020 12:02 PM


Originally Posted by Kath (Post 726266)
So hey I'll do it anyway. Here are my spurious Day 1 reasoning level suspicions.

+-Hui - he is 'pushing' everyone but not particularly saying a lot himself.

Now this is interesting. I've said that I found Formendacil's response more innocent than wolfy, that you looked like a wolf (inasmuch as anyone can on Day One), and that I had no clue on Nilp. I don't think I offered a conclusion on Nog, but his reaction seemed pretty genuine, and as someone (Nilp?) said, a wolf probably wouldn't misremember the rules relating to wolves.

So I feel like I've said quite a lot. If you mean I've not contributed to the discussion of what we think the wolves will do, what the NW specifically will do, and what the rules for the Medium are (not to mention what a future game might look like), you're right, I haven't - because I don't think those are useful for finding wolves. As I recall, the Day One Game Mechanics Discussion last time was started by the Cobbler.

Checking before posting, I see Pitch has quoted me but not said anything about it... o.O And has flagged Lottie's 'keep the NW alive' concept, which raised pretty much the same eyebrow for me.


Loslote 06-05-2020 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 726271)
If we find someone that we think is a wolf, should we lynch them or not? Really? If the Seer could identify them, maybe that could be a consideration, depending on how far in the game we are, how many wolves are still alive, but since they can't you answered your own question. Only a dead wolf is a good wolf.

My thought was more, if we think someone is the NW, should we try to find a non-NW instead. But I talked myself out of it, since the wolves could pretend to be the NW to buy themselves time.

Huinesoron 06-05-2020 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 726272)
+- Cobbler voting :D

Oh lawks, I forgot you were in this game...

Reading back over a few posts in more detail, I flagged this not-exchange:


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 726261)
With the Nightmare Wolf, I would expect them to play as loud and bold as possible.


Originally Posted by Kath (Post 726266)
+-Hui - he is 'pushing' everyone but not particularly saying a lot himself.

I was already Day-One-Suspicious of both of them, so this stood out: Kath's description of me could well be paraphrased as 'loud and bold', but she didn't connect it to Lottie's comment. Kind of feels like they're laying the ground for Lottie to 'realise' I meet her description (or an innocent third party to do so), and suddenly I'm 'widely suspected'.

...or I might be paranoid. :) It would be a bit bold (sorry) for Day One wolves, wouldn't it?


Nilpaurion Felagund 06-05-2020 12:22 PM

Okay, all we need is a fourth one and I think we have the entire pack. :smokin:

Boromir88 06-05-2020 12:26 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 726275)
Oh lawks, I forgot you were in this game...

G55's not. She just couldn't resist :rolleyes: :p

Loslote 06-05-2020 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 726275)
Reading back over a few posts in more detail, I flagged this not-exchange:


Originally Posted by Lottie
With the Nightmare Wolf, I would expect them to play as loud and bold as possible.


Originally Posted by Kath
+-Hui - he is 'pushing' everyone but not particularly saying a lot himself.

I was already Day-One-Suspicious of both of them, so this stood out: Kath's description of me could well be paraphrased as 'loud and bold', but she didn't connect it to Lottie's comment. Kind of feels like they're laying the ground for Lottie to 'realise' I meet her description (or an innocent third party to do so), and suddenly I'm 'widely suspected'.

...or I might be paranoid. :) It would be a bit bold (sorry) for Day One wolves, wouldn't it?


Yeah, I gotta say, this is pretty paranoid. I wouldn't describe you as playing "loud and bold", at least not in the way that I meant it. You're more of a "persistent pusher" than a "big bold moves" player, in my opinion. You definitely are eye-catching, but I've thought you came across on the innocent side so far toDay.

Brinniel 06-05-2020 12:29 PM

I don't think the NW would try to get themselves lynched in the first Day or two because they do still count as a wolf in numbers and getting lynched too early is risky. However, I would expect that if the wolves bus one of their packmates that it would be the NW.

Keep in mind that the wolves may plan ahead all they want, but depending on how each Day plays out, those plans may fall by the wayside and shift completely as the game progresses.

While we do want the NW dead because a wolf is a wolf, in an ideal world, the NW would be the last wolf that we lynch. But I have no idea how we would actually plan for that except for sheer luck. I have no reservations to lynch a potential NW, but I would attempt to focus on suspicious folk who are less likely to be the NW at least early in the game - a potential under the radar wolf, for instance. Unfortunately, those are the wolves that are harder to spot.

Huinesoron 06-05-2020 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Boromir88 (Post 726277)
G55's not. She just couldn't resist

... :eek: She's Cobbling from beyond the DeadThread! That's next-level cobbling.


Originally Posted by Loslote (Post 726278)
Yeah, I gotta say, this is pretty paranoid. I wouldn't describe you as playing "loud and bold", at least not in the way that I meant it. You're more of a "persistent pusher" than a "big bold moves" player, in my opinion. You definitely are eye-catching, but I've thought you came across on the innocent side so far toDay.

I think maybe I'm not good at interpreting people's words. :( This is going to be a serious disadvantage in playing Tol-in-Gaurhoth.

Would it be amiss to ask what "bold moves" could constitute, in general terms? I feel like it's a term that's used a fair bit, so I'd like to know what people mean by it.


Loslote 06-05-2020 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 726280)
I think maybe I'm not good at interpreting people's words. :( This is going to be a serious disadvantage in playing Tol-in-Gaurhoth.

Would it be amiss to ask what "bold moves" could constitute, in general terms? I feel like it's a term that's used a fair bit, so I'd like to know what people mean by it.


This is probably flavored by having played a lot of WW, too. To me, "big moves" are when you take control of the game, whether for a brief moment or for a Day or two. A Gifted reveal (real or fake), a known innocent taking control and steering the village for as long as they can stay alive, a wolf attacking a packmate in a way that is so obviously evil that the attention swings to to the wolf jumping in.

Pitchwife 06-05-2020 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 726273)
Checking before posting, I see Pitch has quoted me but not said anything about it... o.O And has flagged Lottie's 'keep the NW alive' concept, which raised pretty much the same eyebrow for me.

I was going to say that there is no such thing as an information-free D1, or at least if it seems so now it will certainly not be looking back from toMorrow, but forgot about it because it didn't seem so important and also forgot to remove the quote.


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 726275)
Oh lawks, I forgot you were in this game...

Me too.


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 726275)
I was already Day-One-Suspicious of both of them, so this stood out: Kath's description of me could well be paraphrased as 'loud and bold', but she didn't connect it to Lottie's comment. Kind of feels like they're laying the ground for Lottie to 'realise' I meet her description (or an innocent third party to do so), and suddenly I'm 'widely suspected'.

...or I might be paranoid.

The p-word is kind of loaded after last game, but to use another one, this feels like a rather premature counter-suspicion. Prophylactic also comes to mind. Any other words with p?

Huinesoron 06-05-2020 12:41 PM


Originally Posted by Loslote
This is probably flavored by having played a lot of WW, too. To me, "big moves" are when you take control of the game, whether for a brief moment or for a Day or two. A Gifted reveal (real or fake), a known innocent taking control and steering the village for as long as they can stay alive, a wolf attacking a packmate in a way that is so obviously evil that the attention swings to to the wolf jumping in.

Okay, thank you. :) Makes sense.


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 726282)
The p-word is kind of loaded after last game, but to use another one, this feels like a rather premature counter-suspicion. Prophylactic also comes to mind. Any other words with p?

Prophylactic actually sums up my thought process when deciding whether to post it. I very nearly posted something like 'I think I see a wolf plot forming, I'll say what it is if it develops further', but decided that would be, uh, dumb. :p


Thinlómien 06-05-2020 01:18 PM

Well, I'm finally here! First off, a disclaimer: the deadline is 1am our time, I'm back to work full time and sadly my job isn't one where you can play ww, so I'll be around a lot less than last game. Maybe it's not an entirely bad thing... :D



Originally Posted by Sally
Please don't bandwagon on me while I'm gone again, eh, Lommy?

Maybe you'll turn out to be a wolf this time. :Merisu:


Originally Posted by Form
But during Day 1? It's darts on a dartboard for all a villager could see. You can't see any pattern during its first step.

Yeah but, if people don't even *try* to make Day1s useful, they certainly won't be!


Originally Posted by Nogrod
But yes, with not much else to discuss at the moment, I'd be glad to hear people's views on the issue of Wolves willing to unleash the NW as early as possible vs. them willing to keep their numbers at maximum as long as possible. I mean winning clearly is easier the latter way, but the chance to be able to disrupt gifteds must be somewhat alluring. Especially if bussing other wolves would be as succesful it was in the last game.

So should we start fex. from a hypothesis that if the NW is lynched early on, the chance of there being other wolves included is higher than "normal"?

I'm gonna start with the assumption that the wolves wouldn't go out of their way to bus the NW but if the wagon starts rolling they'll be happy to jump on it.


Originally Posted by Nilp
Because he's an Ordo and that part of the rule book doesn't apply to him.

On the other hand, I'm a nasty carnivore with suicidal tendencies and should therefore read those parts more carefully.

Nilp, I love it that you're back *sends kisses* but this is just. too bold. Like, this doesn't read as anything but a double bluff. To quote Pitchwife: *PING!*


Originally Posted by Mac

Originally Posted by Form
I agree with everything I've said so far

Confirmed: Form is the anti-Lommy!



Originally Posted by Nilp
The relevant modifier is 'we think'. We won't know until they're dead. (I checked to see if even the Seer could see the difference, but it seems nothing in the rulebook clarifies that.)

(Boromod, if the Seer dreams of Nighty, will they see it for what it is?)

To continue... Ideally, yes, we want Night-Night dead last, preferably on the very last DAY, but it's really, really hard to bring about that situation realistically. So, yes, I agree, I think it'd be best to just lynch the baddies as they come.

Hear, hear.

When I first saw the thread I was like "yikes, three pages", but there was surprisingly little to go on. Come on guys, why haven't you solved Day1 while I was away? :p

Nilpaurion Felagund 06-05-2020 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 726284)
When I first saw the thread I was like "yikes, three pages", but there was surprisingly little to go on. Come on guys, why haven't you solved Day1 while I was away? :p

Sally and I weren't able to flood the thread with sweet nothings, sadly.

A Little Green 06-05-2020 01:34 PM

Looks like a lot of debate on whether or not we should lynch the NW or not. ?? I mean, sure, would be nice to leave the NW for last so their ability doesn't come into play. But I agree with Pitch and Nilp, since there's no way of identifying the NW before they're killed this is pretty much theoretical.

Huin is definitely a man on a mission (I love Rikae's choice of words!). So far I disagree with Kath and think this probing and poking makes him lean more innocent than not - last game, when he was a wolf, he felt more cautious somehow and less eager to poke at people for reactions. On the other hand, his theory of how Lottie and Kath are plotting to get him killed made me raise an eyebrow - though last time I suspected someone for being paranoid it was four innocent people in a row :rolleyes:

Not sure about Kath herself though - I'm not convinced she's plotting with Lottie, but her argument against Huin was odd.

Originally Posted by Kath
+-Hui - he is 'pushing' everyone but not particularly saying a lot himself.

He is doing a lot of pushing, but I think he had already voiced more opinions about other players than most others at the time. I could see a Kathwolf laying groundwork for an easy D1 lynch, but frustratingly, there's an equally likely scenario of innocent Kath trying to get the ball rolling on what little we have to go on with at this stage.

Lommy makes a point about Nilp's "I'm a nasty carnivore" -comment looking like a double bluff, and I do know what she means - this could be a Nilpwolf using his own tropes and mannerisms as a cover and exaggerating a bit, trusting his reputation for being chaotic and suicidal on D1 to give him a pass. Or could be innocent Nilp excited to be back. I'm flip-flopping myself into a corner here :rolleyes:

Pitchwife 06-05-2020 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Hui
Prophylactic actually sums up my thought process when deciding whether to post it. I very nearly posted something like 'I think I see a wolf plot forming, I'll say what it is if it develops further', but decided that would be, uh, dumb.

A wolf plot made of one person suspecting you and another posting a general speculation unrelated to you. I'd say that's very much in the eyes of the beholder. I could even say construed.

That said, I agree that Kath's description of your behaviour wasn't really accurate, as you did give your opinions on the people you pushed. What I don't agree with is you implying Lottie in the (nonexistent) plot.
[Note to posterity: soft wolf-on-wolf between Kath and Hui + attempt to drag Lottie into it which fizzled out subsequently?]

Thinlómien 06-05-2020 01:43 PM

I would laugh if Kath and Hui were co-wolves again, but I think they both have a bit different vibe from the last game (Kath is more straightforward/carefree, Hui less cautious/diplomatic) which makes me feel better about both of them.

Huinesoron 06-05-2020 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 726287)
A wolf plot made of one person suspecting you and another posting a general speculation unrelated to you. I'd say that's very much in the eyes of the beholder. I could even say construed.

That said, I agree that Kath's description of your behaviour wasn't really accurate, as you did give your opinions on the people you pushed. What I don't agree with is you implying Lottie in the (nonexistent) plot.
[Note to posterity: soft wolf-on-wolf between Kath and Hui + attempt to drag Lottie into it which fizzled out subsequently?]

I didn't mean to imply Lottie could be involved - I meant to state it! I was looking at two people who had already done things I found sketchy (Kath's sudden pivot back to on-topic when poked, Lottie's 'let's not kill the NW' thing), and saw what could be them acting in concert.

Lottie's helpful explanation of what 'bold' means is why I'm not still worried about that; it shows she wasn't saying what I thought she was. I'm figuring Kath was reading Lottie the way she intended, so there's not really a 'plot' any more, just an isolated suspicion.

Make sense?


Nogrod 06-05-2020 01:50 PM

I meant just to check whether my gut feeling - that hS feels a bit over-eager to sound like one who has only the best of the village in mind - had actually any basis in the posting. And well, the number of these quotes kind of got a little out of hand, but I think they do confirm the feeling.


Originally Posted by hS
So yes, I still think it's possible to catch a wolf by their behaviour even on Day One. Forget baselines, and look at what people are doing. If someone is (say) trying to claim that we can't do anything useful today, whose ends does that serve?

My question to Legate, for instance, was a test to see if his 'carefree' remark could be a lead-in to arguing that 'X player seems to be carefree, they must be a wolf!'. I wasn't looking for a specific response to indicate This Is A Wolf (/Innocent), obviously - I was just seeing if something popped. My feeling is that his answer didn't lean either way - but it could have.

If we don't push the wolves, they won't slip up. And without knowing who the wolves are, I say that means we push generally and see what moves.


Originally Posted by hS
Now this is a good point, and just the sort of response to a push that sounds more innocent than lupine. Now I have some sort of read on you. It may be wrong, but that goes for any Day.

Pushing people into firmly stating their thoughts also means the village has the ability to look back and see whether our actions match the way we claim to be thinking. Maybe not useful on Day One, but the evidence stays visible.


Originally Posted by hS
Distracted everyone by discussing past and future games rather than the one we're in?

hS, pushing


Originally Posted by hS
I think an information-free Day One is a nice bonus for the wolves, and that Downers are easily sidetracked into producing one, so if the wolves pick their timing there's not much risk to them.


Originally Posted by hS
I do think how you choose to respond could be telling. I was also hoping Kath might speak up again, to give me a bit more information about how she's thinking.


Originally Posted by hS
I very nearly posted something like 'I think I see a wolf plot forming, I'll say what it is if it develops further', but decided that would be, uh, dumb.

I mean all innocent people wish to aid in catching the wolves, but why overdo underlining that one is doing it? Where comes the need to assure everyone, that I am doing good, reasonable and worthwhile stuff, on Day1?

It does raise my eyebrows a little. So if I'd have to vote right now, I'd consider voting for hS. I do hope we get something better than that though to base our votes.

Shastanis Althreduin 06-05-2020 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 726194)
Fishy, you say? I wonder, can you make leather from fish skin? Does fish leather make good boots?

Anyway, since it doesn't look like there's going to be much of a town meeting at this hour, I'm going back to sleep for now. See you all later.

Well, I immediately think Pitch is the Cobbler from this post. :rolleyes:

Shastanis Althreduin 06-05-2020 01:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 726199)
I doubt it! And why would you be shopping for boots at a time like this?

I thought Shasta was your prince? Wait, is Boro actually Shasta? :eek: Nobody ever keeps me in the loop around here.

I thought I was, too!

Thinlómien 06-05-2020 01:56 PM

Because I like lists
Seems like their usual innocent self - Rikae, Greenie, Nogrod

Seems unlike recent evil self - Hui, Kath

Vague good feeling - Blind Guardian, Lottie

Under my radar so far - Legate, Mac, Pitch, Brinn

Did they say anything?? - Shasta, Sally

Made me raise an eyebrow - Nilp, Form

Also I caught myself thinking "Inziladun is really flying under my radar in this game, I don't remember a single post he made" and then I realised maybe because he's not playing... :eek::D:rolleyes:

Shastanis Althreduin 06-05-2020 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Legate of Amon Lanc (Post 726211)
Let me sum this up. One wakes up, expecting a village meeting, only to find dead Boro. In no time, we have Form talking pacifism and Pitch the combination of domination and fishskins, while Nogrod suggests we invite foreign military aid, followed by flash-course on the last two Ages of philosophical history. Subsequently, sally establishes herself a harem and Nilp votes himself. In other words, exactly what one would expect.

I, for one, am up for sorting this out amongst ourselves without foreign military aid, that rarely ends well. In no time, you are paying taxes to some monarch in his distant white tower while werewolves may still be prowling about. No, we need to protect ourselves using our own resources.

That being said: I'm wondering how the presence of such might influence the game. Are the Wolves more likely to play more carefreely? Or at least the Night Wolf? And then there's the whole Dead Thread subject. But I think all of these will become and grow more important only as the Days progress.

Generally, so far, rather quiet here... Hope for everyone to appear rather sooner than later.

I think, on the whole, that I like this post from Legate, there's just a teeeeeensy voice in the back of my head that's like "ooh, performative wolf!" But I suppose we'll see.

Shastanis Althreduin 06-05-2020 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by Formendacil (Post 726214)
That is... fewer posts than I was expecting to come back and find. (Wilwa's cats expect regular feeding, you know.

Once upon a time, in some of my past lives, I have been known to rant about the pointlessness of Days One--correction: about the pointlessness if trying to analyze Day 1 during Day 1. The only hard data we have is deaths and votes--and a self-vote for Nilp on Day 1 is as close to useless as knowing that the Mod died when it comes to data.

Not that there's much actual value in me saying that... but I have time now to post and who knows how my day will go, so rather than be the silent, suspicious villager, I may as well be the present, suspicious villager.


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 726215)
I disagree. This assumes that the wolves are happy to throw away Day 1 without trying to probe for Gifted, buddy up with innocents, or set up lines of enquiry for later days. Which, I mean, it would be nice if they just threw up their hands and let the winds decide, but I don't think they'll be that accommodating.

You can catch a wolf by their behaviour as well as by their vote. Sure, it's more difficult - but that doesn't mean we should just give up and let them have free rein.


Maybe I'm just having a performative kind of day, but this also looks... strange.

Nilpaurion Felagund 06-05-2020 02:01 PM

4AM in Southeast bloody Asia
The voting as of the moment:

(Time reckoned from the start of the DAY, known innocents underlined, known baddies emphasised, person/s in the lead in bold.)

+0609: Nilp – Nilp (Nilp – 1)
----------NOTHING FOLLOWS----------

And there's two hours before the deadline, if I can do time zones. I mean, this is a swell result for me, really.

Shastanis Althreduin 06-05-2020 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Nilpaurion Felagund (Post 726217)
Hi, Form. :) (Was going through my last game looking for my old lynch tally template and stumbled upon this.)

Also, I'm semi-consistently here and have taken coffee. A bottle of highly caffeinated soda is also at hand to give me a chance to stay awake till the deadline. Just waiting for some topic to chew on.

If Nilp is a wolf I'm not sure I'll ever find him. Maybe I'll just vote him today and get him out of the way. I'm sure he won't mind. :Merisu:

Pitchwife 06-05-2020 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 726290)
I mean all innocent people wish to aid in catching the wolves, but why overdo underlining that one is doing it? Where comes the need to assure everyone, that I am doing good, reasonable and worthwhile stuff, on Day1?

You'd never do that yourself, would you?:p
TBF, Hui does tend to overdo the 'responsible innocent' routine even when he is one, so I wouldn't hold that alone against him.

Another thing. It strikes me that suspecting Nilp for double-bluffing is terribly easy (because he totally would), as is defending him because 'he'd do that no matter what he is' (because he totally would). Also any vote for him on the grounds that he wants to be lynched is so easy it's not even funny, so if anybody would actually go there... I was going to say it would be another point against them, but it would be so blatantly no-trail that it would actually not be no-trail at all, if you get what I'm saying.

Nogrod 06-05-2020 02:06 PM

Okay. I'll try to go through the Day again. It's pretty bad if we have just, basically three names (?), circulating around in some vague manner only two hours before the DL. It's a fair chance none of them is a wolf and the lycanthropes lean back on their armchairs taking one more sip of wine just being pleased.

Some fresh openings would do good at this point.

EDIT: X'd with Pitch

Shastanis Althreduin 06-05-2020 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by Formendacil (Post 726229)
Unlike the Wolves, we don't get to talk amongst ourselves when they're not listening! And someone is going to die toDay (and toNight).

What's the point of having thoughts about lupine behaviour going to be if I'm lynched toDay or murdered toNight if I keep them to myself?

What's more, the Wolves had to coordinate their Daytime actions at Night. Right now, they CAN'T coordinate. If we cotton on to their prearranged plan, then they have to scramble: either follow the original plan or each make their own in-the-moment decisions. Either could be telling.

What daytime actions might those be?

satansaloser2005 06-05-2020 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Nilpaurion Felagund (Post 726285)
Sally and I weren't able to flood the thread with sweet nothings, sadly.

Not yet anyway. Give us time, beloved. :Merisu:


Originally Posted by Shastanis Althreduin (Post 726292)
I thought I was, too!

There there, my sweetheart, Sally loves you too. :Merisu:

Not the Rona. Just a terrible headache. I'm here but not thinking clearly, and to make things clear on my intentions....

++No vote, or whatever

Don't feel comfy with my thoughts right now and don't want to make any mistakes. Some sustenance and then back to bed for me!

X'd since Lommy

Shastanis Althreduin 06-05-2020 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 726230)
Which would actually be quite a nice way to disarm them from their best weapons (well, prevent them from using their best tactics)... :cool:

Sadly there's a thing called double-bluffing (and triple, and quadruple etc.) quite familiar to all Werewolf-players.

But yes, with not much else to discuss at the moment, I'd be glad to hear people's views on the issue of Wolves willing to unleash the NW as early as possible vs. them willing to keep their numbers at maximum as long as possible. I mean winning clearly is easier the latter way, but the chance to be able to disrupt gifteds must be somewhat alluring. Especially if bussing other wolves would be as succesful it was in the last game.

So should we start fex. from a hypothesis that if the NW is lynched early on, the chance of there being other wolves included is higher than "normal"?

EDIT: X'd with Form x 2

I would say almost assuredly yes to that last.

Thinlómien 06-05-2020 02:10 PM

Did Nogrod say "fresh openings"?
Ok Shasta said it first but what about "Pitchwife is the cobbler"?

I mean that's the only way I'm reading this nonsense that started sounding like valid concern over people jumping on the easy target and then spiraled into wilfully giving people headache:


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 726298)
Another thing. It strikes me that suspecting Nilp for double-bluffing is terribly easy (because he totally would), as is defending him because 'he'd do that no matter what he is' (because he totally would). Also any vote for him on the grounds that he wants to be lynched is so easy it's not even funny, so if anybody would actually go there... I was going to say it would be another point against them, but it would be so blatantly no-trail that it would actually not be no-trail at all, if you get what I'm saying.

edit: xed with S&S

Shastanis Althreduin 06-05-2020 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 726235)
Was about to say the same. The rules state at least three times that the Dead wolves can't talk to the Living. They're pretty clear.

So, Nog, how did you misread that?


Very "a-HA!" of you. Hmm.

Nogrod 06-05-2020 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 726298)
You'd never do that yourself, would you?:p

Me? Oh, never! :D:)

Shastanis Althreduin 06-05-2020 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 726303)
Ok Shasta said it first but what about "Pitchwife is the cobbler"?

I mean that's the only way I'm reading this nonsense that started sounding like valid concern over people jumping on the easy target and then spiraled into wilfully giving people headache:

edit: xed with S&S

Mine may have looked as though it were a jest, but I really do currently think that post of Pitch's I quoted could easily be a "don't kill me!" hint to the wolves. Why ask if fish leather would make good boots, otherwise?

Shastanis Althreduin 06-05-2020 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by Huinesoron (Post 726246)
Distracted everyone by discussing past and future games rather than the one we're in?

hS, pushing

(Crossed with Kath continuing to do so...) Huin exactly the Nightmare Wolf here?

Shastanis Althreduin 06-05-2020 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Nilpaurion Felagund (Post 726250)
That's true... oh, except for the fact that they have to vote! I forgot about that bit in the rule! That time when they have to commit to something regardless of whatever digital ink has been used on their posts?

Woe is me, I have nothing but a vote tally and a NIGHT kill to analyse tomorrow. *sobs dramatically*

............ Although... I don't see what you gain from perpetuating this banter chain. Do you think that somehow, with your remarks, you could reform me?

Pushing buttons in the manner Huin is likely to result in votes. In my own opinion, the NW wants to die early in order to get the most potential Gifted-blocks in; I've thought that since I saw the idea.

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