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Eomer of the Rohirrim 05-22-2005 02:59 PM

I'll see what I can do; as it happens, I am one of the tiny minority of Scots who don't own bagpipes. Though my favourite suggestion at the moment is a recreation of a certain Elvis Presley photo.

Tigerlily Gamgee 05-22-2005 03:26 PM


But quite frankly, I just so happen to think that the coolest one of us would be Tig, for doing such a wiz-bang job in making the site.
Yeah, I am pretty cool... haha... nah, just kidding :)
Thanks, ya'll.

Elennar Starfire 05-22-2005 05:18 PM

I've sent one of me. Not the best pic, but the only decent one I've got at the moment. I'll send a better one later.

Ainaserkewen 05-22-2005 06:53 PM


I think most of the ladies here are inclined to agree.
Sure, sure, but would it kill him to smile!?

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-22-2005 06:57 PM


Fea, are you going to be asking to borrow some money from me soon??

You two aren't buttering me up to ask for a favor now, are you?
Such a pair of cynics... Now I suppose the real question is... will you say yes if I do? ;) No, seriously though... I always picture the phantom as himself these days, although occasionally a snout, fangs, and claws have been added, but with Fordim, I've always pictured him the same. Either as Indie himself, or as Marcus. Although occasionally there's a snout, fangs, and claws added. :p


Feanor of the Peredhil 05-22-2005 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Ainaserkewen
Sure, sure, but would it kill him to smile!?


dancing spawn of ungoliant 05-23-2005 07:02 AM

I just sent Tigerlily a pic of me. It's a bit blurry and it was taken over a year ago, but it's still one of the best images of me (and unfortunately there aren't many of those)

I'm now beginning to adjust myself to Downers' real-life appearances. It's not very easy, though. During the almost two years that I have been here, I have had plenty of time to form my own mental pictures of you all.

elronds_daughter 05-23-2005 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by elronds_daughter
According to the phantom's own rantings, he looks "darn good in a tux"


Originally Posted by the phantom
Actually, those weren't my words.

Blast! There was a little niggling thought in my subconscious that told me it was Fea who said that... But you didn't contradict her..... :D

Originally Posted by the phantom
and thanks for agreeing

You're welcome :D

And to boost Tig's ego even more... She's doing a teriffic job with the site! I envy her comput-able abilities..... :cool:

alatar 05-23-2005 09:13 AM

Note to Feanor of the Peredhil regarding my picture:

It was taken by Mrs. alatar with a disposable waterproof camera. And thanks for the compliment, and I've passed the 'props' onto my wife.

And note that y'all don't look as I had expected, as I was thinking more along the lines of 'Star Trek convention-like'.

mormegil 05-23-2005 10:44 AM


Amanaduial the archer -- You might imagine them as RPG characters, or as some aspect of their avatar

Oh I sure hope that's not the case with me. I mean I am hairy and all but I do not carry a gun!

Actually I'm thinking of sending in a pic of me too.

Happy Birthday Tigerlily and thanks for the site

Hookbill the Goomba 05-23-2005 01:01 PM

Drinks all around!
By the way;

Happy brithday Tigerlily!

Hope its a good one.

Memory of Trees 05-23-2005 01:24 PM

Yes, happy birthday!!! :D

Tigerlily Gamgee 05-23-2005 02:17 PM

Why thank you! Thank you very much! :) :) :)

Gil-Galad 05-23-2005 02:18 PM

oh...err happy b-day Tigerlily!

Estelyn Telcontar 05-23-2005 02:21 PM

A very happy birthday to you, Tigerlily, and congratulations on a job very well done!

Morsul the Dark 05-23-2005 02:43 PM

well all is well and good because everyone is if not exactly mostly true to my image of them however...

HEREN for the first time ever you dissappoint me...I've always pictured you much older and well shabbier in the hair department ohwell still one of my idols even if i have to rebuild the statue in my closet i my mind yeah that's it HAHA*looks around* :rolleyes: no one read that right?

Hookbill the Goomba 05-23-2005 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Morsul the Dark
no one read that right?

Read what? :D

Encaitare 05-23-2005 03:41 PM

Happy birthday, Tig, and nice job with the gallery. :)

Celebuial 05-24-2005 06:57 AM

I'd really like to send in a picture, I'm gonna be hanging around for quite a while..... I'm not photogenic at all so it may take me a while to find one that's not too bad.

I have to say: You're all gorgeous! Does anyone else think that The Phantom look's a bit like Brad Pitt?

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-24-2005 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by alatar
Note to Feanor of the Peredhil regarding my picture:

It was taken by Mrs. alatar with a disposable waterproof camera. And thanks for the compliment, and I've passed the 'props' onto my wife.

And note that y'all don't look as I had expected, as I was thinking more along the lines of 'Star Trek convention-like'.

Any time, alatar. It was quite a well-taken picture. Is that L'il alatar by your side?

Hehe... Star Trek convention-like... so true.

And Tig, I missed your birthday? Many apologies, I was out of town for the day. I hope you had a wonderful day.

the phantom 05-24-2005 09:55 AM

I agree that alatar's pic is really nice.

Does anyone else think that The Phantom look's a bit like Brad Pitt?
Ha ha! That's very kind of you, but in all honesty, I'm not that blessed.

alatar 05-24-2005 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
Any time, alatar. It was quite a well-taken picture. Is that L'il alatar by your side?

Yes. That's my boy, my first. He's my excuse for playing LOTR in the backyard - I get to be the Moria troll and Balrog. My son does a nice "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"


Hehe... Star Trek convention-like... so true.
And you understand that I was expecting a geek crowd, yet this is not what I've observed... :)

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-24-2005 10:42 AM


That's my boy, my first. He's my excuse for playing LOTR in the backyard - I get to be the Moria troll and Balrog. My son does a nice "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"
What a little cutie. And do you really need an excuse to play LotR? Although I admit that it might look a little odd to neighbors to see a group of adults playing....

I'm glad some of our members are encouraging a new generation of fans...

alatar 05-24-2005 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
What a little cutie.

Luckily, all three of my kids have their mother's good looks.


And do you really need an excuse to play LotR? Although I admit that it might look a little odd to neighbors to see a group of adults playing....
Some families/cultures just don't get it. It's okay for adults to paint their faces and bodies, wear goofy clothes, participate in unusual rituals and get all drunked up and shout at other persons playing a child's game (football, basketball, etc), yet if I were to don a cloak and sword and play 'LOTR,' then I must be some kind of NUT.


I'm glad some of our members are encouraging a new generation of fans...
I do a quick version of the Hobbit and LOTR for the kids sometimes before bed, and they have watched all three movies (EE), though I skipped a few of the more boring scenes and lied regarding the fates of the 'dead' - "Oh no, they're not hurt. Those people/horses just fell down..."

The boy figured out that even orcs can't live without their heads attached - the beginnings of skepticism and investigation.

It brings tears to my eyes knowing that my children don't have nightmares about orcs, trolls and the like, yet run screaming from Santa and the Easter Bunny at the mall.

Sniff... ;)

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-24-2005 12:39 PM


It brings tears to my eyes knowing that my children don't have nightmares about orcs, trolls and the like, yet run screaming from Santa and the Easter Bunny at the mall.
What bright little children. I'd run from Santa too.


The boy figured out that even orcs can't live without their heads attached - the beginnings of skepticism and investigation.
What you do in that case, is to show him the "dead" orc at the end of the Fellowship. As Aragorn's is running to Boromir, the orc looks up and watches him go by. Say to him, "But you thought this one was dead, and he isn't."


the phantom 05-24-2005 12:39 PM


Luckily, all three of my kids have their mother's good looks.
What? Not your good looks, too? Is that why you made sure your back was turned in the pic? :p

Just kidding, of course. I'm sure you are just being humble.

It's okay for adults to paint their faces and bodies, wear goofy clothes, participate in unusual rituals and get all drunked up and shout at other persons playing a child's game (football, basketball, etc), yet if I were to don a cloak and sword and play 'LOTR,' then I must be some kind of NUT.
Ha ha. Good point there. Worst case scenario would be that both kinds of people are nuts, because that makes me doubly nuts, being both a sports fan and a LOTR fan.

Oh no, they're not hurt. Those people/horses just fell down...
Ha ha ha! :D

yet run screaming from Santa
That's a natural reaction. I ran from Santa when I was three. Well, I tried to run anyway, but my preschool teacher picked me up and plopped me forcibly onto his lap. I then proceeded to ease Santa's hurt feelings with a "I don't like you! I wanna go!"

Feanor of the Peredhil 05-24-2005 01:23 PM


I then proceeded to ease Santa's hurt feelings with a "I don't like you! I wanna go!"
Quite honestly, and perhaps not surprisingly, I can imagine this easily. Now the true fun would be if somebody decided to host a Barrowdowns Baby Picture Contest with prizes going out to who can accurately identify which baby picture belongs to each screen name. ;)

The phantom's would obviously be the one kicking Santa right square in the shin. :p

The Barrow-Wight's would presumably be green and glowing.

alatar 05-24-2005 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by the phantom
What? Not your good looks, too? Is that why you made sure your back was turned in the pic?

Yep. Never considered myself good looking, and as I've never been approached to be a movie star nor a male model, assume that others observe the same. What my wife sees, I have no clue, but I do note that she can't see past her own nose without her contacts... :cool:

And, yes, my back is turned, but it's my favorite picture - couldn't find any other picture with the kids and me that I thought was good enough for the B-Ds. As a very proud parent, can't help mentioning the kids when I can squeeze it into conversation.


Ha ha. Good point there. Worst case scenario would be that both kinds of people are nuts, because that makes me doubly nuts, being both a sports fan and a LOTR fan.
And throw in some Star Wars mania, and you'd never have to wear normal clothes again.

Life is short. Have a little fun now and again. My son and I hope to explore Moria this summer, and who cares what others think when they see our wooden swords and shields.


That's a natural reaction. I ran from Santa when I was three. Well, I tried to run anyway, but my preschool teacher picked me up and plopped me forcibly onto his lap. I then proceeded to ease Santa's hurt feelings with a "I don't like you! I wanna go!"
I was never a big Santa fan, and so seeing my kids avoid the 'Santa's lap' obligatory picture (how boring!) every year just warms me inside. And it's not because I'm whispering to them that Santa will eat them, so it must be genetic ;).


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
What you do in that case, is to show him the "dead" orc at the end of the Fellowship. As Aragorn's is running to Boromir, the orc looks up and watches him go by. Say to him, "But you thought this one was dead, and he isn't."

Still, headless orcs and mumakil-flattened Rohirrim are hard to explain without using the D-word.

Another positive is that that kids and I have discussed that the films do not depict actual events, and the EE extras with unmasked and dancing orcs helps show that it's all 'pretend.' We then moved on to discussing the toy commercials that bombard the kids constantly - "you thought that orcs looked real, then we saw that they were just like Daddy. Now, you see that toy car flying through the you really think that it will perform as such when we buy it and get it home?"

Esgallhugwen 05-25-2005 09:52 AM

I've sent my pic to Tigerlily. I hope I did it right I'm not very technologically inclined. :( Oh well. And on a second note, I can't believe I actually sent in a pic of me, being highly un-photogenic. Blah :p

THE Ka 05-27-2005 04:20 PM


Now the true fun would be if somebody decided to host a Barrowdowns Baby Picture Contest with prizes going out to who can accurately identify which baby picture belongs to each screen name.
That is quiet a wonderful suggestion. Though, being bald at birth, I would have to pass... :( Maybe a toddler contest would do myself and others born hair-less more justice in identity. or, we can just chant the famous line: Bald is Beautiful!... and remain mystery alien babies.

~ Ka

Mithalwen 05-28-2005 12:43 PM

I do think alatar's pic is sweet .... with his "mini-me"

Durelin 05-28-2005 04:58 PM


Durelin will always be fixed as the avatar that she had for a rather lengthy period of time - a rather spooky, downright evil looking spirity style thing
Oh no! If I had known that was how you saw me, Aman, I wouldn't have sent a picture to Tigerlily! I'm flattered, really and truly. ;)

the phantom 05-29-2005 09:32 PM

There's a bunch of new pics up. Very nice, people.

And is it just me, or does Davem make anyone else think of Giles from Buffy?

Kuruharan 05-29-2005 10:17 PM

I don't know about that...

However, Lalwende looks eerily like somebody I knew about six years ago... :eek:

Maybe she has an evil twin.

Imladris 05-29-2005 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by the phantom
There's a bunch of new pics up. Very nice, people.

And is it just me, or does Davem make anyone else think of Giles from Buffy?

I agree...

And all you people with loverly red hair -- I'm so very jealous of you. :p

dancing spawn of ungoliant 05-30-2005 03:24 AM


There's a bunch of new pics up. Very nice, people.
Very nice, indeed.

SpM's and Alatar's pics are just adorable!

THE Ka 05-30-2005 11:50 AM

Fordim looks adorable... I love black and white photos, they seem to show more depth than colour.

And Kit's picture has me puzzled. Just out of curiousity, Kitanna, are you going to a prom or some other party?

~ Ka

Encaitare 05-30-2005 12:24 PM

Everyone looks so awesome!

Boromir88 05-30-2005 07:44 PM

Actually Mr. Phantom, you remind me of a Ciraulo that played for the Mahoning Valley Phantoms hockey team...hmmm what a coincidence.

Lindolirian 05-30-2005 10:19 PM

And the babe count rises... good pictures everyone!

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