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Mithalwen 08-24-2007 03:07 PM

tree murder
I suppose I should be more observant, but I assign people who don't put the photocopier setting back to 1 after printing some vast number of copies ......such a waste of paper when you find you are getting about fifty copies of an invoice ( yes I use it as scrap then recycle...but it still seems a waste)

Lalaith 10-25-2007 10:20 AM

The food of Italy. So very delicious, so very fattening.
Luckily we were only there for five days - the amount of calories consumed was terrifying. Mr Lalaith put on a kilo for each day we were there. I haven't even dared step on the scales but the skirt I'm wearing feels a lot more snug than it did when I last put it on.

Actually maybe the food of Italy should go to the Shire and my lack of self-control should go to Mordor.

Rune Son of Bjarne 10-25-2007 05:43 PM

I don't think that Italian food is particular fattening at least not if you are divers enough in your selection. . .unfortunately we turist does not know all there is to know about Italian dishes.

In fact I think I will assign our knowledge to foreign cooking, each regions cooking was pretty balanced so you got what you needed, but now we mix the whole lot and thus increasing the chances of lacking something in our diet.

But I would hate to live with out Italian and Spanish food. . .

Lalaith 10-26-2007 08:29 AM


unfortunately we turist does not know all there is to know about Italian dishes.
Unfortunately I do know. I think I ate most of them while we were there.
In fact, I don't think the Naples region has much left now in the way of edibles...they'll probably be asking for food parcels soon. :o

Lhunardawen 11-13-2007 07:52 AM

Writing something completely fictional but, you realise along the way, is actually art disturbingly imitating life.

Upside: You're inspired to write. Sort of.
Downside: Writing it depresses you, because it forces you to think about your own situation.

Thinlómien 12-03-2007 09:27 AM

Procrastination. Ouch.

Mithalwen 12-12-2007 02:26 PM

I assign forgetting to pick up your cellphone on the day you really need it... ie a day on which your ancient parent is consigned to hospital in an ambulance by a pharmacist because he kept dozing off while the pharmacist was trying to talk to him about his prescription (" I was just tired" :rolleyes:) )and because your maternal aunt is his quack's receptionist and your cousin another pharmacist and your paternal aunt an ex-nurse witha hospital obsession, and because you work through an agency and none of them know where you actually are, you are finally alerted by email and IM and get back to discover a million messages which you have to listen to in chronological order in order to get the latest and most important news - that the old buzzard is ok. Which of course is why this is an orthanc not a mordor designation.

Believe me I am going to be careful next Tuesday ... last Tuesday my sister breaks her elbow, this Tuesday Dad went on the blink again..... of course I may just be a nervous wreck....

Lalwendë 02-28-2008 11:53 AM

Definitely an Orthanc assignment is the Earthquake the night before last! It was cool and kind of exciting, but of course is not really a 'nice' thing for The Shire ;) It was a bit spooky being waken by the bed violently shaking about and smashing my head on it, and hearing the cats run away in sheer terror, but it was also fascinating next day! The sound was the oddest thing, like a roaring noise and a crashing! And I dismissed it as just a night terror!

Rikae 02-28-2008 12:13 PM

OK, do half bad and half good things count here? Because in that case, I'll assign turning 29.
I mean, it's almost 30! :eek: But then, at least it's under 30. :D

Plus, you get presents.

Groin Redbeard 02-28-2008 01:20 PM

Were Wolves!:cool:

Eönwë 02-28-2008 04:32 PM

Staying up late at night on the barrow-downs (like now) on schooldays (like now)

Groin Redbeard 02-28-2008 07:42 PM

Hmm... would the Downer fit into this catagory?:D What do you think Hookbill?

A Little Green 02-29-2008 02:51 AM

Disney films. Though I disagree with most of their moral teachings, I just love them... Also I generally dislike music like Elton John's but almost start crying in the first music scene of the Lion King (Circle of life... aww...) :rolleyes:

Thinlómien 02-29-2008 03:45 AM


Originally Posted by A Little Green (Post 549249)
Disney films. Though I disagree with most of their moral teachings, I just love them... Also I generally dislike music like Elton John's but almost start crying in the first music scene of the Lion King (Circle of life... aww...) :rolleyes:

Could I possibly second everything you said? :D Also, I don't like how commercialised they are but they're just so amusing and nostalgic... and it can be seen that they have been done well (or at least most of them have).

Lalwendë 02-29-2008 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 549251)
Could I possibly second everything you said? :D Also, I don't like how commercialised they are but they're just so amusing and nostalgic... and it can be seen that they have been done well (or at least most of them have).

It has to be the old ones though (apart from Pirates of course) because the music was sooo much better. I must know just about every song from Jungle Book word for word.

I'm not having any of this modern Disneyfied Winnie The Pooh though. How Very Dare They!

Rikae 02-29-2008 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by Lalwendë (Post 549265)
I'm not having any of this modern Disneyfied Winnie The Pooh though. How Very Dare They!

Indeed... Disney Winnie the Pooh is just wrong.

My favorite Disney films were always Robin Hood and The Sword in the Stone... I suppose there's a theme there somewhere... :D

Volo 02-29-2008 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 549275)
Indeed... Disney Winnie the Pooh is just wrong.

Yes, it has to be the Soviet one! ;)

Like Marx once said, downhill skiing is the opiate of the people.

It must be the worst form of physical activity ever imagined. I mean, it is ridiculously refreshing, calming, fun, addictive, expensive and nature-wasting, not to forget that it's quite rarely possible.

Aganzir 03-01-2008 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by A Little Green (Post 549249)
Disney films. Though I disagree with most of their moral teachings, I just love them... Also I generally dislike music like Elton John's but almost start crying in the first music scene of the Lion King (Circle of life... aww...) :rolleyes:

Thirded (or sixthed, however you take it).

I assign identifying with a book character who is so much like me in every way, only to see a few pages later that another character realises something about this character. No problem with that, only it's a thing that applies to me as well, and I wouldn't maybe have wanted to realise it.

Rikae 03-03-2008 05:35 PM

If no one else has done it yet, werewolf definitely needs to be assigned to Orthanc.

Volo 03-14-2008 08:55 AM

Having so much work that you don't have time to use the computer. *hides*

Nerwen 04-01-2008 09:39 PM

The really scary high winds that are making it dangerous to go out today...:(

...causing class to be cancelled.:D

Holbytlass 04-02-2008 03:02 PM

I assign to Orthanc....

potty humor, grosser than gross jokes, the dhiarria (cha-cha-cha) song etc.-It still cracks me up!! I'm 35 next month and a mom so I should be mature about these things.

another secret (well, not now) love is the smell of coffee and freshly lit cigarette. This is significant because both are against the doctrines of my religion and while I practice it, I can't help but to smell.

I love "supposed to hate music" like John Denver, Barry Manilow, Kenny Rogers

Estelyn Telcontar 04-03-2008 03:05 AM

I assign to Orthanc those great discussion threads that I'd love to participate in, but they're active during those weeks when I don't have the leisure for them. cough*MicrophonesinMiddle-earth*cough*CbC*othergoodstuffonBooks*cough*Entish BowRPG*

A Little Green 04-16-2008 08:10 AM

I assign the idea of a film you have been making for a long while going to be distributed in Paris from tomorrow onwards. The idea is very intriguing but the bad part is, I will not be in Paris to see it. :(

Nerwen 04-18-2008 12:41 AM

Really? Details, please!:)

A Little Green 04-19-2008 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Nerwen
Really? Details, please!

It's a long story...

There's a Finnish theme week in Paris now. There is a square where all sorts of young Finnish artists and designers and such are presenting their things. The city of Helsinki made a request for a few upper secondary schools, including mine, to make short films that somehow relate to Helsinki.

I took part in our school's film project (I was a camera(wo)man and did loads of editing and some of the script). Unfortunately since the trip to Paris to present the films was paid by the state of Finland, they could take only five people from each school in order to keep the expences tolerable. Our group had thirteen participants, I think, and all of them had done their share really well, so the ones who got to Paris were chosen by the amount of extra work they had done. They (the two teachers responsible for our school's film) managed to choose four quite easily, but the fifth was a choice between me and one other. Since they couldn't make up their minds on which one they'd pick, they decided by lot. Knowing my luck, the result was no big surprise.. :rolleyes:

Legate of Amon Lanc 04-21-2008 10:56 AM

I assign Internet, overall, and inexplainable blackouts of its connection, which lead you to realise how horribly you are dependant on this media - which is actually both for good and bad! (And I am not mentioning at all the connection of this to Downs.)

Aganzir 04-21-2008 12:09 PM

Breaking nails and aching muscles.

In any other situation they would go straight to Mordor, but when they have been caused by riding for the first time in ages, cool yet a bit uncomfortable horseback stunts, fencing and carrying a lance, they are almost bearable. :smokin:

Mithalwen 04-21-2008 01:49 PM

Footwear that is beautiful but crippling (those pink boots Lal!)

Groin Redbeard 04-28-2008 07:03 PM

Math tests! :mad: I hate math, but it's also nice to know that there is a formula for getting the answers, there is no looking up of rederic and opinions.

Riewë 05-24-2008 12:42 PM

Guilty Pleasures?
Hmm...let's see...

-Procrastination. I'm terribly lazy in some things. :(
-Video games, books, and the internet. Even when I know I should be doing homework or chores, I'm usually doing one of those three things instead.
-Junk food of coarse. Even when I know it could possibly be the worst, most unhealthiest thing that my body could digest, I can't help but eat it. It just tastes so good.

Thinlómien 05-25-2008 09:38 AM

These dear old 'Downs. I really should be working right now.



Volo 05-25-2008 11:57 PM

Just like a year ago, Eurovision. It's so total junk and a horrible waste of money, but it's one rare thing that I do have to know about. :/

kementari 05-26-2008 12:02 AM


-Procrastination. I'm terribly lazy in some things.

Definitely. That is the main thing that I shall assign to Orthanc right now!

Got to go and do essay...See what I mean by procrastination? Gah!

Lhunardawen 06-01-2008 02:52 AM

I can't believe this hasn't been assigned before: Facebook. It's pure evil, and it's taking over the world. But oh it's just too hard to resist.

Loud, almost undignified laughter. It feels so good to let it out, but I'd hate it if someone ends up recording it and making me listen. *cringe*

kementari 06-01-2008 06:33 AM

Resist evilness
[QUOTE=Lhunardawen=QUOTE]I can't believe this hasn't been assigned before: Facebook. It's pure evil, and it's taking over the world. But oh it's just too hard to resist.

Ooo, I second that! Evil Facebook...I had recently made a profile, then 2 weeks after disabled it, because I was spending too much time on it. Then this week my friends peer pressured me into activating it again!

There should be a forum for Facebook Anonymous

McCaber 06-01-2008 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by kementari (Post 556954)
There should be a forum for Facebook Anonymous

Or at least a Facebook group for it...

Legate of Amon Lanc 06-04-2008 11:19 AM

I see the things assigned to Orthanc are generally things which one likes, but which are bad for him in something. Quite logical. However, I am probably to bring somewhat different thing this time - a kind of unpleasant thing with something good about it. Although...

(Bad: ) I assign the fact that a professor all of a sudden wishes you to write a paper about something in order to make the course you attended finished, although it seemed before that he does not want anything. However...

(Good: ) ...however, there is the thing that it's supposed to be a review, where you pay attention to some ethical aspects you pick; in, for example, some book you have read *ahem* ;) :D

(Bad: ) However, it's supposed to be only one or two pages long :rolleyes:

Groin Redbeard 06-08-2008 09:34 AM

I assign WW games to Orthanc. They're so much fun to play and a great chance to get together with your fellow Downers, but they slow the production of RPGs!

Eönwë 06-08-2008 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Groin Redbeard (Post 558520)
I assign WW games to Orthanc. They're so much fun to play and a great chance to get together with your fellow Downers, but they slow the production of RPGs!

So, so true (and the thing is, I barely have enough time to post on WW, let alone the RPGs)

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