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Auriel Haevasawen 05-20-2002 02:20 PM

Carefully she retrieves some napkins from the table and sets off back to the rather ill hobbit under the tree.
The dancing music still sounds very inviting.

The Barrow-Wight 05-20-2002 02:24 PM

Not being much of a dancer, the Barrow-Wight excused himself and quickly returned to the keg where he was staring over the rim of his mug when Mithadan approached. The two had been friends for many years and he strangely considered the man a friend – at least he had never tried to abduct and sacrifice him. No! I will not think it again! The wight stood up tall and leaned on a nearby tree.

“Fancy shirt ya got there,” he said. “Sew it yourself?”

Mithadan rolled his eyes and raised his harp.

“I thought I heard your awful racket!” moaned the Barrow-Wight. “What on Middle-earth led you to do a Beverly Hillbillies parody? I though we were buddies.”

He offered the man a full mug with a wicked, drooling grin.

“No poison,” he said. “Promise”

[ May 20, 2002: Message edited by: The Barrow-Wight ]

Auriel Haevasawen 05-20-2002 02:26 PM

I'll just see if someone brought some herbal alka-seltzer.

piosenniel 05-20-2002 02:30 PM

Auriel is leaning against a tree at the edge of the dancing area as piosenniel and her partner whirl close to her. Leaning out toward Auriel, piosenniel shouts out this encouragement: 'Just grab someone fit and not too tipsy and join in!'

The music is inviting . . . Auriel plucks up her courage and walks toward a group of likely looking guys. She sees piosenniel flash her a smile. Her determination mustered to the max, she picks out a likely looking candidate, grabs his hand, and runs with him to join the twirling dancers.

Kuruharan 05-20-2002 02:32 PM


Kuruharan, you nasty Shade. Get your greedy hands off my platter of mushrooms! Glares nastily.
But, but, but, but, they said they were out of mushrooms when I went up for my 82nd helping...


walks in with a couple six-packs of Dr. Pepper (in cans so nobody can slip any suspicious-looking liquid in it!
That's cheating! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Frodo Baggins 05-20-2002 02:38 PM

Oh dear!! Rosa?? Is she all right?? [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img]
Hi Auriel, and sorry about the spider. Iwas just startled I swear someone put it in there.
frodo sits down qith a pint in one hand and a Huge plate of mushrooms in the other. He's just come from spending about 15 minutes of shoving them in his mouth as fast as pussible.
Poor Rosie! I really hope she's all right.

Frodo Baggins 05-20-2002 02:40 PM

Umm Auriel?? I know I'm rather short but.... Would you like to dance???

ElanorGamgee 05-20-2002 02:45 PM

Elanor thanks Nevfeniel for the safe Dr.Pepper. She opens a can and takes a lot drink. "Ah, good, no funny colors or girls chasing Legolas." Suddenly she hears a low rumble as Legolas sprints past her followed by exactly 126 screaming twelve-year-old girls. "Oh, boy, must be something I ate." With a shrug she skips over to the dancers and starts doing the Springle-ring.

Marileangorifurnimaluim 05-20-2002 02:50 PM

The psychiatrist looks about the party in bewilderment. "Mr. Wight?" she picks up a white object, "it seems this need to sacrifice comes from a deep sense of missing something - perhaps this foot of yours?"

Mithadan 05-20-2002 02:52 PM

Firmly declining to engage in a 'Fantastic Voyages' type sub-plot, Mith carefully placed the wine glass on the bar with its diminutive occupant intact. He nabbed a pack of wet wipes and tossed them to Auriel with an apology for his callous joke ("Darn, would have won that bet too") then turned to the Wight and gratefully accepted the foaming mug of ale.

"Sorry about the Beverly Hillbillies thing. It was just a case of a tune running endlessly through my head. If I didn't do something with it, I would have been unable to sleep for days. Your staves were much more stately I admit. But that's why I'm only a Wight-in-training and you 'Da Wight'," responded Mithadan. "And a HAPPY B-D DAY to you old friend."

With that, he drained the mug in a single long draught.

Niere-Teleliniel 05-20-2002 03:27 PM

(Woah, this thing's movin fast!)

Niere sticks her head in the door and yells howdy! I'll be back later!

Auriel Haevasawen 05-20-2002 04:01 PM

I would be delighted to dance Frodo (sorry it's taken me so long to reply back in the real world thrown off the computer so someone could do a search for his summer holidays 'cos the soccer was finished!) I think Rosa will be alright left under that tree, I brought back the herbal alka-seltzer for her. I'm starting to learn a few names and feel a bit more confident. As for a little short, as elves go I'm no giant, you'll be a fine dancing partner.
Do you think that young Legolas will ever escape? I worry for him persued by all those young girls.

twinkle 05-20-2002 04:18 PM

twinkle, having been lost in the depths of mirkwood, gave a great start as an arrow plunked into the tree right next to her...
attached was a missive from mithadan, who in his great foresight must have known the addlebrained twinkle would lose her way to the party....
clutching the little invitation with its diminutive map, she sets out once again to find her way to the partygrounds....
finally arriving out of breath, her pretty red dress all in shambles from digging through mirkwood's underbrush, she hides behind one of the pavillions to get her appearance back in order....
straightening out what's left of her dress and pulling her hair into pigtails (they suit the party mood best anyway), she hurriedly rushes round the side of the pavillion only to bump headlong into the barrow-wight...toppling them both to the ground..."ooooops, not the greeting i had in mind BW, sorry to be such a klutz!" [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] ...
but as she is already in prime position twinkle gives him a sweet peck on the cheek and wishes him a very happy birthday....
scrambling back up she offers the barrow-wight a hand to haul him off the ground and fervently hopes he wont annihilate her for the undignified assault...
twinkle then turns tail and runs, only to return in the blink of an eye with a brimming mug of ale and a string of embarrassed apologies...maybe the best way to appease the great one.....
once the barrow-wight is busy with his drink, twinkle makes good her escape....only to bump right into the next innocent bystander...the effect this time being that she bounces right off the human wall that is Mithadan, landing on her derriere....
ouch, ouch, ouch....that hurt....
so there she sits redfaced, in a tangle of skirts, peering up at Mith with a lopsided and once again apologetic smile....
it seems the court jester has arrived [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
and here she had tried so hard to show off her more ladylike side today....
Mith however, true gentleman that he is, helps her to her feet and seats her on a nearby bench... "let me fetch you a glass of wine my dear" he says and turns to head in the direction of the bar, only now breaking into loud guffaws....
so twinkle sits on her little bench, rubbing her bruised posterior and takes her first real look around...
she spots Estelyn from afar, Sindacuion is also here....and she catches a fleeting glimpse of Kate as she moves amongst the throng of people....
'i'll just rest here for a moment and catch my breath, at least it's still fairly early and i'll be sure to greet all my wonderful friends as soon as i get some semblance of bearings back.' [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Auriel Haevasawen 05-20-2002 04:23 PM

"Oh well, it has been such fun dancing, drinking and meeting great new people but it is 23.14 back in the mortal lands and I have work at 7.30am so I must leave this most excellent of birthday parties." Auriel heads across to the Barrow Wight who is still one of the most terrifying creatures she has ever beheld and summons the courage to speak, confidence gained by all the excellent friends she has made. Standing at his side is Mithadan, she greets them both. "Many Happy Returns Barrowdowns, I have never been in such a welcoming place or known such a good party. Thank you and goodnight." She raises what is left of her mirrovur (she has never been able to spell) to them both, curtisies timidly and turns away. She leaves the party as quietly as she arrived smiling brightly at Piosenniel, Frodo Baggins, Rosa who is totally incapacitated and has no idea who she is and finally a special little smile for that likely elf boy she grabbed for a dance. "Good night everyone, see you on the forums when the hangovers wear off."
Auriel is gone.

Galadrie1 05-20-2002 04:43 PM

Galadriel looks up from where she had been sleeping, under a tree. she glances down at her wine glass and, noticing it's empty, runs on shaky legs towards a table with a couple bottles of wine on it. she gulps down a couple glasses, fills another one, and carries it back with her to the tree, where she realizes she used the word "couple" too often.

[ May 20, 2002: Message edited by: Galadrie1 ]

Aralaithiel 05-20-2002 05:01 PM

The dancing and merriment come to a complete halt as Aralaithiel, HIgh Queen of the Eldar, enters the room and hands little bottles of her "special recipie" miruvor to all assembled. She has also brought her famous cinnamon-sugar lembas, and all partake of the rich treats.
Kuruharan, enchanted by the Eldaran Queen's beauty, approaches her cautiously.
"Hello, milady! Glad you could come!" he says, bowing reverently low.
"Greetings, Kuruharan! Lovely to see you!" Aralaithiel replies with a smile.
"Would you care to dance?" Kuruharan asks meekly, unsure of his grace compared to Aralaithiel's.
"I would be delighted!" Aralaithiel replies.
The other men in the room also desire to dance with the Eldaran Queen as she gracefully flies across the dance floor. When the song stops, Aralaithiel frantically searches for Glenethor, littlemanpoet. or any man (especially an Elf) who would delight in a dance with her.

[ May 20, 2002: Message edited by: Aralaithiel ]

Galadrie1 05-20-2002 05:08 PM

Galadriel sits back down by her tree after grabbing some of Aralaithiel's miruvor. she opens the bottle, sniffs the contents, and decides to leave things marked "special recipe" to someone a little more daring. she throws the bottle over her shoulder. "now, back to my wine," she mumbles under her breath...

VanimaEdhel 05-20-2002 05:11 PM

*The beautiful Elf maiden runs into the room, her blonde hair flowing behind her, along with her pretty peach, veily gown*

Oh! Sorry! This opened at 9:00 EST in the U.S. and I have to be in school at 8:00 A.M. I just finished my work!

Back into my identity:

*Menelduliniel (aka VanimaEdhel) stops and pants, realizing how unelegant that entrance was...and that she is still a bit drunk from the waiting room party she had with her hubby, Legolas*

Well...what did I miss *scans the conversations* Hmmm...

*Takes out her flute and plays a happy song (we're at the party: no sad love songs!) When the song is over, she waits for different music and begins to dance with her husband, the prince of Mirkwood. After that is over, she wanders over, grabs some ale, and sits at the table with some of her friends from Mirkwood and talks in Elvish and laughs.*

Hey! Barrow-Wight! Enjoy your day! Attack a hobbit or two (*coughFrodocough*)

*Dances in a circle, then runs up the nearest tree, sits in the bows, and dangles her feet over to watch what's going to happen next...*

*me waves to Aralaithiel and tells Legolas to go dance with his other wife for a while*

[ May 20, 2002: Message edited by: VanimaEdhel ]

Thinhyandoiel 05-20-2002 05:15 PM

Finally free of her duties for the day, Thinhyandoiel joins the party quietly. Having arrived late, she knows she has missed so much already. She sees familiar faces, and nods to each one in turn.
"Always late," she murmurs to herself and slightly shakes her head. Then she smiles. "But better late than never!"

Elenna 05-20-2002 05:16 PM

Elenna parks her horse near the gate and enters boldly. She has already spotted the Barrow-Wight and makes her way over to him. She starts to bow, and then realizes she's wearing a thrice-blasted skirt again and tries to change swiftly into a curtsy, causing her to fall. He merely laughs and takes a swig from his mug.
"Definitely my kind of party" the elf maid thinks to herself as she wanders off to find someone else she knows.

Galadrie1 05-20-2002 05:17 PM

Galadriel looks up at her tree, and sees a pair of feet dangling above her. "Hey!" she shouts, and jumps up into the tree. She is greeted by an elf who calls herself Menelduliniel. "hello there, Menelduliniel," says Galadriel, hiccupping a bit. "would you fancy some wine?" she asks, pulling a bottle from some pocket on her dress...

Mithadan 05-20-2002 05:19 PM

Trying hard not to snicker, the "human wall" returns with a glass of chardonnay for the fair Twinkle and two more mugs of ale. He hands one to the Wight (if his hand is full he can't abduct, sacrifice or obliterate anyone) and takes a draught from the second.

He is becoming increasingly concerned for the safety of the psychologist that has been following the Wight around prattling on about displaced emotions and feelings of inadequacy. Hopefully, Maril will reappear and conjure away the therapist before the Wight slices her in two. Otherwise, he hopes that Maril has given the unwanted guest some lessons on the use of a sword (cut, parry, windmill).

He sits with Twinkle for a moment, resting after a long day. Across the field, some Elves have begun tossing a loudly complaining Dwarf. A stray Hobbit, accidently ejected from an overly vigorous Springle Ring, crashes into a group of Orcs discussing Tolkien's use of light and dark imagery and the visual nature of his writing. The evening has just begun...

Gimli Son Of Gloin 05-20-2002 05:23 PM

Gimli staggers into the building in torn rags, wielding a dented axe, and sporting multiple cuts and bruises. "Army...Orcs...Here..." he groans as he kneels over and faints. Everyone junps up in terror. "Gotcha!" yells Gimli as he leaps up.

Aosama, the Wandering Star 05-20-2002 05:25 PM

Aosama, in her Rohirrim get up, is slightly dizzy from Springle-Ring, so she decides to get something to drink. Heading to the table, she looks around for any possible dancing partners... I came here to have fun, didn't I? Thanks whoever brought the safe Dr. Pepper thouroughly!
Is Cimm here, or is he at another RPG?
Aosama sits down on the grass, waiting for a victim she can get to dance with her to come across her path..

VanimaEdhel 05-20-2002 05:28 PM

Menelduliniel takes some wine: Diola lle, Galadriel (Thank you, Galadriel).

Menelduliniel turns to Elenna and whispers "Il del, mellonamin...n'uma n'at merende onnai elennin" (Not to worry, my other festival creature saw).

What: no other "hi"'s to me except from Galadriel?!

Menelduliniel gets down and circulates saying hi to everyone

Menelduliniel sighs at Gimli's antics: Naugrim (roughly: dwarves)! and goes on drinking and dancing

[ May 20, 2002: Message edited by: VanimaEdhel ]

Galadrie1 05-20-2002 05:33 PM

Galadriel stands up on the tree-branch that she's sitting on. "hey," she says, thinking out loud, "this is a birthday party!!!. happy birthday, barrowdowns!!!" she sighs, having used up the last of her energy. she sits back down on the branch, and closes her eyes. "I'll....wake up...sometime.." she mumbles, and falls into a deep sleep...

Niere-Teleliniel 05-20-2002 05:37 PM

Niere: AAAAA! My gosh! You go to eat dinner and the thread doubles in size! [Pant...pant...]

Anyhoo, since this is formal, she is wearing a floor length dk brwn dress. Her mass of frizzy auburn hair wouldn't cooperate, so it is wound in a very odd-looking turban of hawiian fabric.

With a friendly, "Hey Howdy Hey!" to BW, she sits down in an unoccupied spot and hopes someone will notice her. After a few minutes of watching BW scare people to death and no conversation whatsoever, she pulls out 101 Elvish Names To Translate and starts working.

[ May 20, 2002: Message edited by: Niere-Teleliniel ]

VanimaEdhel 05-20-2002 05:38 PM

Menelduliniel puts a blanket over Galadriel and slips a pillow under her head

Quel kaima (good sleep...or, basically: sleep well).

Kuruharan 05-20-2002 05:39 PM


"Ah, good, no funny colors or girls chasing Legolas."
It wasn't supposed to cause funny colors, it was supposed to cause...uh, I mean, I didn't do it, how would I know!

Thank you for the lovely dance Aralaithiel. I'd been a long time since I'd seen you.


Elves have begun tossing a loudly complaining Dwarf.
That was not fun at all! Now I've got a couple of broken ribs and various bashes and boo-boos. If you'll excuse me, I have to go have some "medicine" now!

[ May 20, 2002: Message edited by: Kuruharan ]

VanimaEdhel 05-20-2002 05:42 PM

That's good that no other maidens are chasing Legolas! Or else they would have to deal with Aralaithiel and me (naaah: we trust Legolas not to take up any of their offers...or would we... ) LOL

Thinhyandoiel 05-20-2002 05:50 PM

Having heard of the Safe Dr.Pepper, Thinhyandoiel goes to check it out. Nearby she sees Legolas hiding behind a tree, every so often peeking out to take a quick look around.

"Fangirls, I assume." Thinhyandoiel smirks and, grabbing a Dr. Pepper and popping the top, goes off in search of the Barrow-Wight. It was his special day, after all, and she was determined to put up with "the stench" long enough to say a good word or two. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

VanimaEdhel 05-20-2002 05:54 PM

Menelduliniel looks around to see if anyone is watching...when she sees that no one is, she sneaks out of the party into a nearby woods. She knows not why she is going, but she senses that beauty lies ahead...she passes through tall trees and comes to a hidden glade, with a beautiful, silvery lake.

The festivities still heard, Menelduliniel pulls up her long, silky dress a bit, and dangles her feet in the cool water...

Niere-Teleliniel 05-20-2002 05:57 PM

Random interjection from Niere: Hey everyone! Here's the translation for Mallory!


MALLORY (f.) - French 'unhappy, unlucky'; *úalassea "unjoyful" (probably might be contracted to *úlassea, but then it would also mean 'unleaved'), thus Úalassie (or Úlassie alternatively)

VanimaEdhel 05-20-2002 05:58 PM

Menelduliniel usually doesn't post twice in a row, she just wants you to know she is leaving the festivities for a little while (dinner, sleep, school...the usual), and will be the meantime: I will be by the little pond [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] . Tenna' ento lye omenta (until next we meet)!

[ May 20, 2002: Message edited by: VanimaEdhel ]

ElanorGamgee 05-20-2002 06:14 PM

Elanor gives Kuruharan a look of reproach. "Now, now, drugging little Dr.Pepper-loving Hobbits is not nice, not nice at all. Oh, well, crazier thing have happened at Barrow-Downs parties!" She stands on the tips of her toes and scans the crowd, looking for a dance partner.

Galadrie1 05-20-2002 06:32 PM

Galadriel wakes up, and carefully sits up. she slowly climbs down from the tree, and looks around. the first thing she sees is Legolas hiding behind another tree "how curious," she thinks and walks over to him, but he screams and runs away. "curiouser and curiouser..." she thinks as she turns towards the festivities. she grabs some fruit off of a table and munches on it as she watches the goings-on...

[ May 20, 2002: Message edited by: Galadrie1 ]

Laiedheliel 05-20-2002 06:34 PM

Laiedheliel, still wandering around looking for a worthy dance partner, thanks Niere for her translation of the name and greets everyone with a bright smile and a melodious hello. The bottle of mirovur in her hand is perpetually full, no matter how deeply she drinks. She passes many people, still feeling lonely, though the party is great...

Galadrie1 05-20-2002 06:39 PM

Galadriel runs up to Laiedheliel. "hey there!" she exclaims. "want some wine?" she asks as she pulls a bottle from some pocket on her dress.

Thinhyandoiel 05-20-2002 06:44 PM

Still in her search for the BW, Thinhyandoiel passes Galadrie1 as she plucks out a wine bottle from some pocket in her dress. She blinks, not sure if she saw what she just thought saw. What kind of super-dress IS that?!

Galadrie1 05-20-2002 06:51 PM

laughs at the look on Thinhyandoiel's face. "it's a fabulous dress! i love it!" she cries out, and dances around wildly with her wine bottle

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