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Inziladun 07-11-2010 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by wilwarin538 (Post 633728)
And then I found that Agan has a slightly different accent then Nog, Lommy and Greenie do, even though I believe she grew up in the same area as they did.

So I wasn't the only one who had that perception. Interesting.


Originally Posted by Ibrīnišilpathānezel (Post 633732)
We were quite delighted by the fact that all of the Finns speak English better than a number of supposedly well-educated Americans we know.

I would certainly second that. They are more well-spoken in English than many people I know who are native speakers. ;)

Encaitare 07-13-2010 07:59 PM

Laid back on Long Island.
Just popping in to say that I had an awesome two days with Rune and Kath recently! Those two always know how to make me laugh.

**The links in this post are photos. Those of you who are Facebook friends with me may have already seen them. :)

The first day, we went to the beach and I was really excited about it. Rune, on the other hand, was very rugged, and Kath was just her usual lovely self! We took a nice long walk down the shore. I got accidentally soaked by a wave while investigating a strange piece of buried metal. And I attempted to explain the geography of Long Island to Kath. Our conversation was something like this.

Kath: So is Long Island actually an island?
Me: Yes, it's not a faker like Rhode Island. There's the bay to the north, and the Atlantic to the south, which is where we are. You know this ocean personally.
Kath: Actually, I don't live on the ocean side of England.
Me: Whoops.

That night, we cooked dinner and went to see Toy Story 3! It wasn't Rune's first choice of movie, but Kath and I wanted to see it, so we flipped a coin and that was that. Rune was a perfect gentleman, however, and bought us cotton candy, yum!

The second day was very laid back. We played some overly complicated nerdy board games (the best kind!) and went minigolfing. On the minigolf "course," there was a big Yankees themed cow sculpture. Tackytown! Of course we had to take pictures with it. We also tried our hands at the batting cages. I regretted to note that my skills have steadily declined since my days of All-Star Softball. And we had yummy Thai for dinner!

How can I help but love those two? I'm looking forward to seeing a Brinn and some Finns next week!

Mnemosyne 07-14-2010 10:04 PM

And the Finns go on...
So, I spent a lovely 6-ish hours in the company of the House of Nog + Agan.

Things got off to a bumpy start when it turned out that their phone had no minutes left. I was asleep in my room when they got to the cafe we'd planned to meet at, having been up till 2 in the morning driving a kid to the ER (she's fine). They IMed and PMed me, but to no avail... till I woke up and saw I had a waiting IM on my comp.

I dashed over to the cafe, taking a call in the meantime from Sally who had been called by phantom who had seen the Finns' panic-stricken plea on Facebook.

All the Finns, needless to say, were lovely. We hung out in the cafe for a while, while deliberating what exactly we were going to do for the day. Eventually we settled on driving to the local public gardens and strolled around until we found the Epic Magnolia of Epic.

Agan and I immediately set to climbing it (me in tights and boots, which is a very idiotic thing to do in NC weather), which I only later found out was against park policy. Many photos ensued--apparently we both looked very elvish from the ground. Then Lommie joined us in the tree for a bit, there were more photos, and a discussion of various school organizations and things.

Afterwards we camped underneath what was dubbed Young Man Willow and played a rousing game of Apples to Apples (Sally's magnanimous gift). We were going to play Munchkin as well but ran out of time.

Dinner was at a Greek restaurant, in which we discussed such things as climate, tabletop RPGs, and linguistic tastiness. I have decided that all accents need to be IPA'd, and decided that what made Aganzir's accent sound more "British" was because she made her o's a diphthong.

All in all I found my visitors to be august company--a real delight to speak with, especially after being surrounded by pubescent nerds for the past three days. There was surprisingly little Tolkien talk, but when it slipped in it was natural as breathing.

I'd offer photographic evidence, but I'm afraid the pictures that I took were intended to be supplemented by the ones that everyone else did. So await their massive posts for illustration.

TheGreatElvenWarrior 07-15-2010 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by Mnemosyne (Post 633881)
Dinner was at a Greek restaurant, in which we discussed such things as climate, tabletop RPGs, and linguistic tastiness. I have decided that all accents need to be IPA'd, and decided that what made Aganzir's accent sound more "British" was because she made her o's a diphthong.

I'm still mesmerised by the way that Agan says 'apparently' it might be one of the cutest things I've ever heard! :D I love it!

Rune Son of Bjarne 07-15-2010 11:07 AM

I do not understand this whole "Aganzir has a British accent". . . I do love her accent, but it is nowhere near British, not even close. Had you said that her accent was like a stereotypical evil KGB agent from an 80's action movie, then sure. . .but definitely not British.

the phantom 07-15-2010 11:37 AM

I don't believe any of us think she has a Brit accent, laddie, just that here and there on certain words/vowels her accent differs from the other Finns, and the way in which it differs is reminiscent of a Brit accent (but only on those certain occasions- it isn't at all a judgement of her overall general accent).

Mnemosyne 07-15-2010 12:23 PM

She doesn't have a British accent, not by a long shot. But she has very southern-England sounding long o's.

Folwren 07-17-2010 12:06 AM

Hehehehehehe. I was SO right. Hahahahahahaha. They were SO wrong.

And my evilness that is pent up at Camp all week is finally coming out. ;)

It was a real blast having them out to see Camp. They showed great interest in everything I showed them, which was really cool. I learned a lot more about them, which was even cooler. I wish I could have spent a lot more time with them...but that can't be helped.

-- Foley

Rune Son of Bjarne 07-17-2010 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 633904)
I don't believe any of us think she has a Brit accent, laddie, just that here and there on certain words/vowels her accent differs from the other Finns, and the way in which it differs is reminiscent of a Brit accent (but only on those certain occasions- it isn't at all a judgement of her overall general accent).

Are you sure? I could have sworn that I saw somebody saying so. . .of course my memory have been failing me lately!

Also, when did the word "laddie" enter your vocabulary?!

the phantom 07-17-2010 11:31 PM

Folwren's friends were the ones most close to saying that, but she stated that they were wrong and all of us Downers agreed.

And as far as "laddie" goes- I suppose I'll blame Downers that use the word around me, which I think would pin it largely on Eomer. Hmmm... I can't recall ever using that word in conversation, but I certainly use it when typing. Odd.

Nogrod 07-18-2010 12:44 AM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 633953)
It was a real blast having them out to see Camp. They showed great interest in everything I showed them, which was really cool. I learned a lot more about them, which was even cooler. I wish I could have spent a lot more time with them...but that can't be helped.

I think we share the same feeling...

And the same goes with many people, well all the people we have met on our tour to be honest. But it is clear that with some we really had a possibility to share such a short time (especially with Roa & Inzil just over a dinner...) that there just wasn't time to really converse about things or to get to know each other any better. But to you all we have just passed by, let me tell you we'd love to meet you again with more time! And all you others!

You're all great people I'm very happy to have had a chance to meet, even if briefly.

satansaloser2005 07-18-2010 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 633998)
Folwren's friends were the ones most close to saying that, but she stated that they were wrong and all of us Downers agreed.

And as far as "laddie" goes- I suppose I'll blame Downers that use the word around me, which I think would pin it largely on Eomer. Hmmm... I can't recall ever using that word in conversation, but I certainly use it when typing. Odd.

Indeed. When Agan says certain words she sounds a bit British, but not as a whole. Certainly different from the other Finns at times though.

And I use lad all the time, though like you I only use it when I write. Weird. o_O

Feanor of the Peredhil 07-19-2010 09:11 AM

As per norm-
I tantalize you with a hint of what is to come:

Rune is currently lodging at the Casa de Feanor, and though he will shift from the house to a hotel later today, he will continue to interact with my family until Wednesday.

In preparation for his tale, one should remember that Mirandir warned him - only slightly exaggerating - that there is a gun in every room and that he should be scared.

He shall let you know what transpires.

Mithalwen 07-19-2010 09:56 AM

What? You mean if he lives long enough? :eek:

satansaloser2005 07-19-2010 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 634059)
I tantalize you with a hint of what is to come:

Rune is currently lodging at the Casa de Feanor, and though he will shift from the house to a hotel later today, he will continue to interact with my family until Wednesday.

In preparation for his tale, one should remember that Mirandir warned him - only slightly exaggerating - that there is a gun in every room and that he should be scared.

He shall let you know what transpires.

Bugger. I can't rep you again yet. :(

Rune, please survive (if only to tell us cautionary tales for future Fea visits)! :rolleyes:

Pitchwife 07-19-2010 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 634068)


Keeper of Dol Guldur 07-19-2010 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 634059)
I tantalize you with a hint of what is to come:

Rune is currently lodging at the Casa de Feanor, and though he will shift from the house to a hotel later today, he will continue to interact with my family until Wednesday.

In preparation for his tale, one should remember that Mirandir warned him - only slightly exaggerating - that there is a gun in every room and that he should be scared.

He shall let you know what transpires.

Psh like I'd ever exaggerate about how Fea's older brother (one of them at least) would want to kill him in his sleep. Oh, and did I mention he sleeps with a gun? :D :p

But ya know, I'm sure he'll be fine. The demon dog who hates everyone will keep him safe. :smokin:

skip spence 07-19-2010 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 634068)
Rune, please survive (if only to tell us cautionary tales for future Fea visits)! :rolleyes:

It's funny or perhaps disturbing that Rune shared with us a few words in parting just yesterday.

satansaloser2005 07-19-2010 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 634072)









Also, Skip? Laughed my face off just now. ;)

Rune Son of Bjarne 07-19-2010 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 634068)
Rune, please survive (if only to tell us cautionary tales for future Fea visits)!

I shall do my best. . . so far my tale would be "Run Sally! Run!!!"


Originally Posted by Keeper of Dol Guldur (Post 634073)
Psh like I'd ever exaggerate about how Fea's older brother (one of them at least) would want to kill him in his sleep. Oh, and did I mention he sleeps with a gun? :D :p

But ya know, I'm sure he'll be fine. The demon dog who hates everyone will keep him safe. :smokin:

The demon dog is starting to like me, or at least it is not barking at me all the time.

Also stop this sillyness and start using your own BD account!

satansaloser2005 07-19-2010 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Rune Son of Bjarne (Post 634123)
Also stop this sillyness and start using your own BD account!

Seconded. I want Proper Mira back. :(

Keeper of Dol Guldur 07-19-2010 10:22 PM


Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 634124)
Seconded. I want Proper Mira back. :(

Pah this is much more fun. And fitting, considering Rune has now met the one the account belongs to. ..."met" being a loose term for his interaction with my snookiewookiewolfiekinns.

*diiiiies of laughter* Can't wait for Fea to see that one. :P

Keeper of Dol Guldur 07-19-2010 10:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rune Son of Bjarne (Post 634123)
The demon dog is starting to like me, or at least it is not barking at me all the time.

That doesn't mean she doesn't likes you, just that she's getting used to you being there. As Fea's MeanElderBrotherwhoI'mstillmadat put it, Kodi has a lot of hate in her heart. ...Have I mentioned that I'm jealous you're there and I'm not?

Feanor of the Peredhil 07-20-2010 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Keeper of Dol Guldur (Post 634131)
Kodi has a lot of hate in her heart.

Kitten-dog doesn't have a lot of hate in her heart, she just happens to have a finite amount of love. Most of which is used up on me.

And little sis, you call him things like that - and use his account because of a passing comment he gave about yours - and then tell me you're not dating? Snookiewhatever? Uh huh. Sure. :p

Glirdan 07-20-2010 07:04 AM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 634148)
Kitten-dog doesn't have a lot of hate in her heart, she just happens to have a finite amount of love. Most of which is used up on me.

And little sis, you call him things like that - and use his account because of a passing comment he gave about yours - and then tell me you're not dating? Snookiewhatever? Uh huh. Sure. :p

Ooooo, snap crackle and BURN!! :p Love you guys!! <3 And I'm sorry, I totally agree with Fea on this one.

wilwarin538 07-20-2010 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Glirdan (Post 634149)
Ooooo, snap crackle and BURN!! :p Love you guys!! <3 And I'm sorry, I totally agree with Fea on this one.

Haha, I agree too! It's so cute! ;)

and I'm also jealous of Rune right now!

Feanor of the Peredhil 07-20-2010 01:04 PM

Wilwa, Rune wants to know why you're jealous of him for being with me, but not jealous of me for having Rune here. :p

Keeper of Dol Guldur 07-20-2010 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 634170)
Wilwa, Rune wants to know why you're jealous of him for being with me, but not jealous of me for having Rune here. :p

Obviously because you're way cooler. Even though you accuse me of dating your brother. :rolleyes: haha love you, sis!

PS. It was less of a passing comment, more of a flat out "DUDE YOU CAN'T POST ANYMORE! blah blah blahstoppedlistening"

Nogrod 07-21-2010 11:18 AM

Coming to Helsinki airport we found a most agreeable 82F summer-afternoon we would have complained about it being too hot without the trip to the "hottest place on earth"... :)

Jet-lag starts to take it's toll but I'm afraid there will be lengthy descriptions of our trip here soon.

I'll just say this to begin the thing...

It was by far the best holiday I've ever had (and the most expensive :rolleyes:), thanks especially to the wonderful 'Downers who on their part made it like that! We met a host of really nice people with whom it was without exception very easy to come together and whose company, planning, advice, lodging, families... were just awesome!

Thanks to everyone! It was great to meet you all (someone will probably come up with exact numbers which I think will near thirty).

Also I learned to appreciate the vastness of the country called the USA - geographically, culturally, ideologically... and what comes to the portions one gets to eat in a restaurant. :D

On top of the Barrow Downs seemingly being the number one dating-site on the internet... (*whoa!*) it is great to see how also love of Tolkien's work gathers such wonderful people together and makes it possible to go to the other end of the world just to meet them and have such a good time. I do really recommend mixing your travelling to meeting fellow 'Downers!

Aganzir 07-22-2010 12:45 PM

Real Life Paper Telephone pt 1
I (and everybody else, I suppose) are going to post about our meetings with Downers soon, but here's what we did during the trip: Paper Telephone. For those of you who are not familiar with it, see here (and take part yourself)!

Our sentence, quoted here in case people have trouble with my handwriting,

A Turkish ladies' man was exterminated by a bunch of banana peel wearing Nazgūls.
is comprised of elements that we came up with during our flight. Somebody made a non-family-friendly joke, comparing a Turkish plane to a Turkish ladies' man. Lommy and Greenie watched the Bakshi cartoon on the plane and concurred the Nazgūls looked like they were wearing banana peels. And why killing? Because I made lots of morbid jokes about plane crashes which Greenie didn't like at all.
It wasn't a very easy sentence to draw, but Brinn did a fabulous job anyway!

Then we had Kath write a sentence, and Nienna drew a picture. Of course penguins were bound to pop in sooner or later. Hanni=Lommy, in case somebody doesn't know.

Next, there are Mirandir's sentence, Celuien's drawing (her penguin says: Everything looks worse in black and white. FAIL!), wilwa's sentence, and Macalaure's drawing.

Aganzir 07-22-2010 12:46 PM

Paper Telephone pt 2
After them it's Rikae's sentence and Fea's picture. I really love them both, especially because they got rid of the penguins! :-p

Bethberry's interpretation is interesting, but Boro knew the simplest solution is often the easiest. "Hey this guy looks like Mac... I'll draw him a goatee!"

Diamond18 got the reference:

Aganzir 07-22-2010 12:47 PM

Paper Telephone pt 3
Oddwen drew another very good picture of seeing the rain.

Then McCaber wrote a sentence and Ibrin drew a picture. Note the tornado!

Sally's sentence and Shasta's picture. Sally you should know the Finnish numbers look perfectly normal! :-p

Aganzir 07-22-2010 12:48 PM

Paper Telephone pt 4
"Hey Shasta, because you drew a stick figure I'm going to write it's Mira," said the phantom. However, in Laurinquė's picture Mirandir turns into Mithrandir!

TGEW's sentence and The Ka's drawing. "His beard looks like armpit hair," she pointed out.

I had to take a photo of Ka's picture and send it to the other Finns who were having fun in San Francisco with Lariren and alona while I was in Washington. Lari's sentence and alona's picture:

Aganzir 07-22-2010 12:49 PM

Paper Telephone pt 5
Then we met mormegil, but because we all were really tired we didn't remember the Paper Telephone! It was only in the car the next day that Nog went, "Crap, guess what we forgot!" So I took a new picture and emailed it to him, and he was kind enough to write the sentence on a piece of paper, scan it and send it to us. Interestingly enough, this is the first real Tolkien connection since our original sentence!

The next new Downer we met was Roa, who drew a really cute picture:

Also her boyfriend Craydon, whom some might remember from werewolf, took part. Love the sentence!

Aganzir 07-22-2010 12:50 PM

Paper Telephone pt 6
Folwren's picture is about the cutest ever.

We cracked up so badly at Inziladun's sentence.

And from then on we laughed more and more. Mnemosyne's picture captures the awkwardness really well:

Aganzir 07-22-2010 12:51 PM

Paper Telephone pt 7
And in the end we have Rune and Encaitare. He made a funny Disney reference, and Encai's picture couldn't have been better.

Hope you enjoyed as much as we did! :p

Mnemosyne 07-22-2010 12:55 PM


TheGreatElvenWarrior 07-22-2010 12:58 PM

That was AMAZING! :D

For my sentence I was half tempted to say something about the Pandorica, but I didn't. :p So there.

Oddwen 07-22-2010 04:50 PM


Our little International Book Club should be proud. :D

Kath 07-23-2010 03:59 AM

Indeed. I am so impressed and so jealous of all you amazing artists.

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