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The Saucepan Man 05-04-2003 08:44 PM

Saucepan had politely declined the offer of a dance with the jovial Hippo, but sat enjoying the spectacle of the large amphibious fellow frightening the life out everyone else on the dance floor.

"Let's hope he doesn't Trippo'ver his shoelaces" he remarked to groans from all round.

He happily sipped the tea which the waiter had brought him, chatting with his companions, his gaze alternating between the gyrating Hippo and the Elf swinging dangerously but happily from the chandelier above.

After a while, Annunfuinel joined them and, shortly after, Alaklondewen and Sophia excused themselves.

Annun, Earwen and Saucepan watched with much amusement as Trippo joined Menelien swinging from the chandelier.

"Well, I've been done seein' 'bout eveything, when I see an Elf 'n Hippo fly!" remarked Saucepan Dumbo-foundedly.

Sitting together with Annun and Earwen, he took another sip of his tea, which was beginning to have the same effect as it had previously, and sat back in contentment to watch the further events of the party unfold.

[ May 04, 2003: Message edited by: The Saucepan Man ]

Iarwain 05-04-2003 09:05 PM

Suddenly, an extraordinary sight was beheld by all. Iarwain was break-dancing. The jolly old fellow was wiggling, jiggling and spinning all around. Then he jumped up and grabbed onto Menelien, swinging from on chandelier to the next in glee. Suddenly there was a crash and a wild yelp of pain as Iarwain tumbled down from the ceiling onto poor old saucepan, an innocent spectator.

Samwise 05-04-2003 09:10 PM

Sam thought he heard Mr. Frodo's voice call as he was picked up by the Orc.

"I suppose they're lookin' for you." the Orc holding Sam said, putting a hand to the Hobbit's throat. "Well, we can't let them interrupt our little feast, can we? "

"Oh, no." the other Orc said, peering out of the shed. "Hurry, let's get him to the woods and roast him before anyone shows up."

The Orc holding Sam tucked the Hobbit under his arm and hurried after his accomplice.

Sam, you ninnyhammer!the Hobbit-about-to-be-the-main-course scolded himself. Why, oh, WHY can't you just keep out of trouble???

Diamond18 05-04-2003 09:15 PM

Diamond emerged from the shadows in a glorious flash of diamond-studded mithril light. Several people fell back and put their arms before their eyes, writhing in pain (yet still admiring her lovely new outfit, of course).

As their eyes grew once again accustomed to the ostentatious jewelry, they returned to what they had been doing. Diamond walked over to the edge of the dance floor and tapped her foot. How was it that she’d been here for nearly four days, and hadn’t had one dance yet? She’d take care of that tonight, she decided, as she glanced around the room, sizing up potential partners.

[ May 05, 2003: Message edited by: Diamond18 ]

Samwise 05-04-2003 09:16 PM

Primrose followed her "Uncle", Stacey and Mimi behind her, while Tennyson took to the sky.

"Stacey, did you notice something?" Mimi asked.

"What's that?"

"Well, those Orc-things back at the front door when we left....they looked different, somehow."

Stacey thought to herself that there wasn't much difference between Orcs, if it were possible maybe one was uglier than the other..." that you say that there might have been a difference. Maybe they changed shifts? "

A thought chilled her. "Oh, no, not again..."

Mimi blinked. "What? "

"Come on!" she said, grabbing Mimi's hand and running. "Mister Baggins! Wait! "

Annunfuiniel 05-04-2003 09:30 PM

Obviously Annun had taken a far more deeper look at the Saucepan Man than she'd thought for when she turned around to talk to the others there was no-one there! Sophia and Alak had magically disappreared and Menelien was suddenly clinging to the chandelier. . Did I just doze off again or what?, she questioned herself and then reasoned that three hours of sleepwalking didn't apparently count as actual sleeping.

Annun felt dead tired but couldn't leave the Saucepan Man now that she finally had managed to reach him. Earwen was also still there and the three had an enjoyable and pun-full chat in the suddenly quite quiet hall. Annun even managed to get through to the Saucepan that there was a 'Bad guy trivia' -thread in the Quiz room which he obviously had been ignoring lately.

But soon Annun had to admit she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. She considered the options for a place to doss for at least a couple of hours but as all the sofas were taken and the cleaning closet hadn't made that good of an impression the first time she inquired if the Saucepan Man happened to be carrying any pan-mats with him. And as it so happened he did, she asked for one of them, placed it on the table and let her head down on it. Lastly she made Saucepan to promise her a dance the next day and then she fell into a deep sleep which wasn't disturbed even by the indescribable noise caused by Iarwain crashing on her table companion.

Frodo Baggins 05-04-2003 09:33 PM

Frodo had lost Elrond, he had forgotten how swiftly and silently elves can move when they wish. He looked back at the others calling him, then strolled back. "What? Is something wrong?"

Elrond had a strange feeling something was amiss, he just was not sure what. He had a strange feeling that Sam had more than just wandered off, perhaps he had been taken, But why? And by whom?

Maggie and Isildae were back inside, helping the besodden Cromthal woth the broken pitcher.

Samwise 05-04-2003 09:37 PM

Stacey and Mimi finally caught up to Frodo.

Stacey: Mr. Baggins, Mimi noticed that the Orcs at the door were different... you don't suppose the ones that went off shift.....

She didn't finish. She didn't want to upset Frodo, she knew how he got when Sam was in trouble, but.....


Tennyson had flown ahead of them and behind the Great Hall. He saw a glowing in the midst of a stand of trees afar off. Turning in the air, he went back to the others.

The Saucepan Man 05-04-2003 09:44 PM

Now Saucepan rellay had done seeing about everything. Iarwain had suddenly jumped up from his reverie and joined Menelien and Trippo swinging from the increasingly unstable looking light fitting.

Hey dol! merry dol! swing along a dillo!
Swing along! sing a song! up with Elf and Hippo!
Tom Bom! jolly Tom! Tom Bombadillo!

Then, with a mighty clatter of yellow boots and pots and pans, Iarwain, losing his grip on Menelien, tumbled down from the ceiling onto poor old Saucepan.

When Saucepan came round he could just about make out the concerned faces of various guests bobbing behind a familiar bearded face crowned with a feathered hat.

Saucepan Man! Man-o-Pan! Hope you're not to ill-o!
Lay you down! rest your crown! softly on this pillow!
Tom Bom! silly Tom! Tom Bombadillo!

Shaken, but not stirred, Saucepan sat up.

"Oh, oh, seven!" he exclaimed as he counted the bruises that he had so far accumulated at the party.

Iarwain apologised, and helped the Pan Man to his feet. Saucepan was only to ready forgive him, seeing as he had saved him from the Wargs the previous night.

"Well, I don't know! What with Yellow Chicken traps and flying enigmas, I hope nothing further untoward happens to me before this night is out" he thought to himself as he sat back down and took another sip of his strangely intoxicating tea.

the phantom 05-04-2003 10:32 PM

"Diamond", said a gentle, sensuous, and refined voice, "Would you care to dance?"

Gorwingel 05-04-2003 10:42 PM

After being lost for hours and hours in a place of chaos called the dance floor (humans, elves, hobbits, hippos, oh my!), and where Boromir the Disco King had definitely stolen the show. Gorwingel finally made it out and stumbled over to a chair after standing for hours and hours. The DJ had been playing an assortment of songs from the Gondorian Waltz to the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins: Dance Mix version.
It ended up that she was sitting right next to Saucepan Man who was sitting quietly (looking quite dazed truthfully) sipping a cup of tea. He offered to get her a cup, but she politely refused (Gorwingel had never been a fan of tea).
She decided then to get up and continue her seach for a dancing partner, because she had been decidely unluckly in this area during the Gala.

Diamond18 05-04-2003 10:45 PM

Diamond looked up from the engrossing scuff marks on the dance floor, to see the penetrating (and disconcertingly enough, glowing) eyes of the Phantom. But the euphonious, melodious, harmonic, dulcet, mellifluous, seductively rich, lyrical, languid, sweet, silken, soft, resonant, sonorous voice which asked, “Diamond, would you care to dance?” made her forget (or at least file away for future reference) any misgivings.

“Why Phantom,” she said, “I thought you’d never ask. I’d be delighted. What shall it be: waltz, tango, fox-trot, cha-cha, jitterbug, country line, twist—or none or all of the above?”

Tinuviel the Nightingale 05-04-2003 10:47 PM

Alatariel lifted her head, which seemed to be unusually heavy, and moaned. The mudwater's effects had kicked in heavily, and she couldn't remember where she was!
She rose unsteadily, only to promply trip over her own feet and land with about as much grace as an elephant.

"Oowwwww" she groaned, and tried again, successfully this time, to heave herself up and try to figure out where in Middle Earth she was.
After wobbling around the room a few times, her memory slowly came back to her. I will never do that again. And how many times have I said that to myself? she thought to herself, smiling.

Stumbling over to the bar, she intended to order some water to clear her foggy mind.
"What will you have" asked the bartender.
"Water would be nishe, thanksh" she slurred. That didn't come out right..
"Here you go." said the bartender with a raise of his eyebrows.

The water was like a clear mountain stream to her head, and she regained her senses. After walking around for a bit, she spotted Fin and Sophia dozing peacefully. She walked over to them and smiled. Fin looked adorable, and Sophia looked like she was sleeping on a fluffy cloud instead of the floor.

So she bent down and gave Fin a soft kiss, adjusted Sophia's pillows slightly so she would be more comfortable, and sat down on one of the couch's arms, content to watch everyone's antics while waiting patiently for her companions to awaken.

[ May 05, 2003: Message edited by: Tinuviel the Nightingale ]

the phantom 05-04-2003 11:03 PM

"Anything you wish. Just name the song and dance, and I'll have them play it." This, when said by most people, would sound conceited, but it was merely a statement of fact when said by The Phantom. Pretty much every entertainer had been, was, or wanted to be employed at The Phantom's home (or castle, more accurately).

[ May 05, 2003: Message edited by: the phantom ]

Diamond18 05-04-2003 11:31 PM

Like drunken birds flying north in the winter, several thoughts flitted their way through Diamond’s mind. So much music, so many different dances, so little arch support in her shoes. She was torn between a nice, old-fashioned Strauss waltz, mindless jumping up and down to hard rock, or a polka. Wait a minute, a polka? Now where did that thought come from? she wondered, then guessed that at least one of the birds was drunk on ‘Mudwater.

“How about some Salsa?” she suggested. “I always liked Santana.”

the phantom 05-04-2003 11:58 PM

Diamond smiled. Before the word "Salsa" had escaped her mouth, Carlos was on the stage strumming away. The Phantom pointed to his head with a smile, hinting at his mental capabilities. "You really shouldn't do things like that, Phantom. It's on the border between fascinating and scary" she said.

"Scary? Can you look me in the eye and tell me I'm scary?"

She could not, of course. His kind, benevolent spirit seemed to shine through his stunning blue eyes.

"I've really been looking forward to this dance, Diamond. It's not every day that one is afforded the opportunity to pick the mind of such an intelligent, lovely young lady. What have been your favorite party moments thus far? They might be new to me, for I have been in and out much the past few days. And also, weren't you the supervising archeologist on site when the famous Marquette Scrolls were discovered under Minas Tirith? What do you know about those?"

[ May 05, 2003: Message edited by: the phantom ]

Diamond18 05-05-2003 12:26 AM

“Well,” said Diamond as they mamboed across the floor to the spicy Latin rhythm, “I must say that the drum duets I played with LinGalad upon the Saucepan Man’s pans were immensely enjoyable, as was the rapturous applause from our adoring audience. I am much looking forward the awards ceremony, as I’m sure Mithadan has something unorthodox planned.”

She paused for the dip, and the light from her necklace ricocheted off the chandelier and shattered a row of bar glasses. They continued to dance blithely, as the music of Santana made everyone in the room (even those who were sleeping and had been for days) tap their feet a little and feel like dancing.

Got a black magic woman
Got a black magic woman.
I got a black magic woman
Got me so blind I can't see…

“As to the Marquette Scrolls, well, I couldn’t have done it without some investigative reporting on the part of a local newspaper,” Diamond demurred. “But, there’s no doubt they were a great find. Who would not be fascinated by ancient, handwritten documents chronicling the War of the Ring? Scholars from all over the Barrow Downs have been studying that passage of history for nigh on 3 years, now.”

“That does sound fascinating,” the Phantom said in his liquid voice, radiating disarming charm as they set the floor on fire with their expert hoofing.

“I had heard that you were considering visiting the sight, is that true?” Diamond inquired.

the phantom 05-05-2003 12:51 AM

"Have my travel plans become public knowledge?" asked The Phantom "or have you been doing a bit of snooping?"

He didn't wait for an answer. He knew he'd been careful when organizing his summer trip. She must have gone out of her way to find out this information, something that he found very flattering.

"Yes, I do plan on visiting the site. I decided to go the very instant I heard that the scrolls were written by JRRT himself."

"That reminds me, I'd very much like to know your opinion on a religious matter. What do you think the nature of JRRT is? Do you think that he was just a messenger (or prophet as some say) of Middle Earth, or do you believe (as I do) that he was the creator (Eru enrobed in flesh) of Middle Earth?"

The Phantom did not really need to tell Diamond what his belief was, for who hadn't seen his oversized "What would JRRT do?" bumper sticker on his limo?

[ May 05, 2003: Message edited by: the phantom ]

Diamond18 05-05-2003 01:12 AM

“I do believe that in one of the ancient scrolls, J.R.R. Tolkien referred to himself as a sub-creator,” Diamond replied. “Many people have pondered the meaning of this—does that make him a demigod? A Vala such as Aulë? Or was he simply being modest? Of course, surely you can appreciate a great mind enshrouded in mystery,” she added with a wink, and then as an afterthought, “I wonder, how might I acquire a similar bumper sticker for my Lamborghini?”

The music ended at that moment, and though Diamond was enjoying herself immensely, she was hit with a sudden wave of debilitating fatigue and footsoreness. It felt as if she had been dancing for hours, but at the same time, only mere minutes—time seemed to do funny things when one is salsaing across the floor in the arms of the Phantom.

She suggested that they take a break and get a refreshing drink at the bar. Phantom agreed congenially, and soon Diamond found herself perched on a barstool next to the pristine Lush (who was lost in meditating catechism or some such pure thing, no doubt). She rested her feet and said to the Phantom, “Thank you for such a wonderful evening, you dance divinely—and I could dance all night, but I wouldn’t want to fall asleep during tomorrow’s awards ceremony.”

In fact, she was already nodding off a little over her drink, which suddenly appeared to wink, blink, and nod back at her. It’s been a long day…

the phantom 05-05-2003 01:28 AM

"How delightful!" thought The Phantom. "It looks like I've been provided with an opportunity to go to bed. Diamond is such a considerate young woman. Perhaps I'll bump into her again."

After one last look at her sparkling garments, he dove underneath a table and vanished.

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 05-05-2003 02:28 AM

Sophia stirred in her sleep. A pillow had been placed under her head at some point by an unknown benefactor. She was still very tired, but for the moment awake. A quick glance around the room showed her that Alatariel had awakened sometime during the evening and had found them there. But alas, the girl was asleep yet again, this time fallen at an odd angle on the floor by one end of the couch. Sophia rearranged Alatariel's limbs as gently as possible into what looked like a less uncomfortable position, and tucked her pillow beneath the girl's head.

Feeling sleepy again, and not seeing anyone around she called to the bartender. "Something that'll put me out?" she said hesitantly.

"You mean like some of this?" the bartender held up another full bottle of Mudwater. Sophia shook her head rapidly, not that, anything but that. "Alright," the bartender said, rummaging under the counter, "How's this?" he pulled out a large pink box and read the label, "for relief of allergy symptoms, may cause drowsiness."

Sophia's eyes lit up, Benadryl! She popped one of the pink pills into her mouth and swallowed, not only would she get a long night of drug induced slumbers, but she'd also clear up those annoying allergies. She cast a withering glance at Angara. She suspected the culprit was dragon dander.

Looking critically at the couch where Fin slept Sophia pondered a way to get a more comfortable bed than the floor. With her pillow gone she didn't want to sleep there anymore. She gingerly picked up his feet and slipped under them. Sitting on the couch with Fin's legs across her lap she tipped her head back against the sofa cushions and stared at the ceiling. Drowsiness began to overcome her. This would do, she thought. As sleep finally claimed her she slumped over sideways, her head on Fin's arm. She didn't know it, but she was finally in that dread stiffening position she'd been trying to avoid all week. The cruel ways of fate.

OOC: as is obvious, the real life Sophia is a terrible insomniac. The cruel ways of fate.

[ May 05, 2003: Message edited by: Sophia the Thunder Mistress ]

Oddwen 05-05-2003 04:26 AM

I found myself under a table, unsure of where I was. It recalled itself to my mind when a pair of hobbit feet danced past.
"Hey, it's Monday! The Downies are today?"


[ May 05, 2003: Message edited by: Oddwen ]

Silmarien 05-05-2003 04:43 AM

Silmarien got up stiffly from the floor where she had been left. Right in the middle of the dance floor she had passed out after overexuberance and lack of food. So she went over to the food tables and quickly consumed at least 3 pieces of lembas.

There didn't seem to be enough guys here, or they were Mr Darcy's. No one for girls to dance with, 'Ah well, if I sit in a corner and look forlorn who knows what could happen.'

Schmendrick 05-05-2003 04:43 AM

When Talômi finally woke up from his thoughts, Isilmë was quite pleased to notice that she was not the only one with a blushing-problem... "Would you like to dance?" he asked, ever so politely. Finally!I thought he'd never ask!Isilmë thought and gave him her most charming smile. "Yes, I'd love to! After all, that's what these shoes are for!"

Talömi lead her to the dance-floor and as if by magic, the music changed again. They were now playing Colplay's "Yellow" (which fitted the chicken-theme quite well). It wasn't a very easy song to dance, but they were both doing very well. For the first time during the whole party, Isilmë felt genuinely happy. She loved to dance and she loved the song and her partner was very charming indeed. Isilmë didn't know if it was considered bad behaviour to talk during the dance, but she couldn't bear the silence. "So where are you from?" She finally asked. "Do you live here, in Minas Anor?"

Silmarien 05-05-2003 04:55 AM

Silmarien slumped to a sleeping position as the effect of mixxing acohol and her persciption drugs took over.

Bekah 05-05-2003 05:43 AM

Nurumaiel watched the crowd dancing, still looking for Rie's brother. Failing to catch sight of him, she moved over to the window and gazed moodily into the dusk. She thought to turn, and search again, when she suddenly caught a glimpse of two moving figures on the horizon, one dark and one light. They were coming steadily closer. Soon she could see that they were two horses and their riders. The dark one was wearing green habiliments and sat on the white horse. The other one was fair and wore blue raiment (sp?) and rode upon a black steed.

Soon they were only half a mile away. Nuru, on a sudden impulse, walked outside to greet them. Closer they came, and closer still, until she could make out each woman - for they were women, though seemingly only just out of their girlhood - now cantering their horses.

Nuru drew her breath in sharply. For she recognized one of the riders well. "Hail, Elentari! I looked long to see you here, but you did not come."

The girl in the blue cloak laughed. It was a beautiful laugh, a rich laugh, a laugh that enveloped all who heard it with warmth.

"It has been a long time indeed, my friend. I come far too late to witness the beginning of the party, but perhaps not too late to miss out on all the fun. Have the Awards been presented yet?" It was a rhetorical question, apparently, for she did not wait for an answer.

"This is Kementari, you remember her?" The dark woman smiled at Nuru.

Nuru stared at her. She was stunningly beautiful. Her vivid green dress peeped out from under the more inconspicuous cloak that covered her, which was clasped at the throat by a brooch in the image of mallorn leaf. Her steed standing patiently beneath her shone almost silver - perhaps a descendant of Shadowfax? A silver net set with emeralds covered the woman's dark brown hair, which otherwise flowed unhindered. Two thin strands hung on either side of her face, blowing across unchecked at each puff of wind. The face, too, was noticable. The skin was pale gold with full red lips adorning the lower half. Nuru could find no fault with her beautifully carved nose, nor the long eyelashes which surrounded her laughing eyes, a deep muddy brown with flecks of dancing green light, which had an almost hypnotic effect.

She shook her head and turned back to the first woman.

"How could I forget? The Queen of the Earth, of the green growing things. She is an unforgettable person, Elentari."

"Not to mention that she is a long unheard from friend. However, that will change in future. She will visit more often now, O Daughter of the Dawn..." Elentari's voice trailed away softly.

Rousing herself, she seemed to take in for the first time the growing darkness. She slid off her horse, while her friend did the same. "Nuru, my friend, where can these horses be stabled?"

Nuru took both horses by the halter, then started to lead them to the large stables around the back, which were nevertheless almost all filled up by now. "I'll take them. You go inside and warm yourselves."

"Very well. This - " Elentari indicated the midnight-black one - "is Coalblack. And the other is Snowflake."

Elentari turned to the hall, and started to walk inside. Kementari followed her silently.

They came up against the orcs, and after being made to understand their request and who was behind it, surrendered all weapons.

Then they entered the hall and slowly maneuvered their way over to an empty patch of wall. There they searched silently with their eyes, finding all the things they would need. There was the buffet table - Mithadan and the others were obviously doing a good job, as there was still a great variety of food and plenty of it. There was the drinks table, and the entrance to lavatories discreetly hidden behind a large potted plant. They located the dancing floor with ease, and noted a vacant table with no obvious reservations. They started moving about, getting food and drink.

After they had seated themselves down, a young male elf - with no apparent knowledge of their identity - came and sat down with them. Both women never stopped eating during their conversation with this young gentleman - or rather, gentle-elf - as they were famished with hunger after their long journey to witness such a great event as this.

Soon Nurumaiel came in. She found her friends quickly, but stopped short at the person conversing with them. For he was none other than her missing dance partner, Rie's brother.

She decided to go towards them anyway.

Her second look at Elentari in a fully lighted room took her breath away. She had discarded her cloak, which had been clasped at the throat by a diamond in the shape of a star, even more beautiful than the famous Evenstar the beautiful Arwen was named after. Underneath she wore a flowing dress of shimmering blue, which changed shades as quickly as the water runs in the chattering brook. It was embroidered with glistening patterns that reminded one of the the cold light of the stars. The neck-line and no doubt the bottom of the gown sparkled with pale gems, pearls and diamonds. Her long sleeves were slit to the shoulder, leaving her arms bare and exposed. Her hair was fair and long, french-plaited down to her ears but rippled down freely in golden streams to adorn her dress. Just below her hair a pair of grave grey eyes looked out from behind their soft eye-lashes, capturing the hearts of all who looked into them.

Meanwhile Nuru determined to get the elf to dance with her. So she set to work, at first engaging Elentari in conversation, and then moving on to him...

"So, Elentari, why have you been so long? And why has Manwe not come with you?"

"To answer your first question, I have been very busy, Nurumaiel, and I could not start the journey until a few weeks ago. Our steeds are the fastest in all Middle-earth, but the journey is still very, very long. I came as fast as I could.

"As to your second question, both Aule and my husband have been even busier than I, and could not find the time to make the journey."

"I see you have made a new friend....."

Liriodendron 05-05-2003 06:17 AM

Unfortunately, Liri couldn't find Raefindal. She felt it might be wise to avoid the overly hyper dance floor, [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] so she ambled over to the veranda. She noticed some members of the BD "Coming of Age" club congregating, and decided to join them. They were sipping tea and chatting while waiting for the awards to begin. "Ah, perfect!" said Liri, as she found a comfortable rocking chair and greeted the group. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Frodo Baggins 05-05-2003 06:31 AM

Frodo turned a shade or two paler, and nodded thoughtfully, and was silent for a few moments.

Maggie, Isildae, and Cromthal came trotting up to the rest.

"What is going on?" Isildae asked a bit breathlessly. Primrose filled them in. Then she eyed Cromthal's wet shoes.
"What happened to you?"

"I'm a clumsy fool, Primrose." he answered simply. Then Frodo spoke.

"Depending on the number and size of the orcs, or wahtever it is we are deling with, I'm not too sure one elf and one hobbit are enought to deal with them."

"You say we should follow, wherever they have gone, then?" the words had barely left Maggie's mouth when Elrond reappeared.

"I have a sttange feeling about this, none of us should be separated. I think I have an idea where they have gone, and I'm sure I could pick up their trail, are you coming or not?"

"Excuse me." Frodo began "I was saying that An elf and a hobbit would be no used against orcs, but all of us unarmed, besides Prim, would still be of little avail."

Cromthal coughed to get everyone's attention and then smirked and looked in Isildae's direcion "Isildae?" he said.

Isildae pulled a roll of canvas from behind him saying "The day when I snatched the king's sword in Rohan were not totally without profit." He opened the canvas to reveal the weapons everyone had left behind.

Elimmire, the Gondolin-made sword of Elrond with the white gem in the hilt. Sting, Frodo's famed sword. Luinil, Maggie's short sword with the ornately carved silver hilt. Isildae snatched up his rather large sized dagger, and Cromthal gathered up Caladbolg, his great broadsword with the bejeweled hilt and his yew bow and quiver, winking at Primrose as he did so.

Laiquendi 05-05-2003 07:03 AM

She sat with Eruanna at a nearby table. Glad for the company.

"No i'm afraid that i did not see the fireworks. I was temporaraly, um, unconsious at the bar"

She and Eruanna laughed.

"Shame" Eruanna replied. "They were fantastic"

[ May 05, 2003: Message edited by: Laiquendi ]

Annunfuiniel 05-05-2003 08:13 AM

"Have you by any chance seen a hobbit couple dragging a gigantic carved wooden rabbit around?"

The somewhat odd question, which was uttered in an even more curious tone, and the nearly scorching breath following the words intruded in Annunfuiniel's sleep. Half asleep she turned to the source of the voice just to end up face to face with Angara, the fiery dragon! But no need to worry, Annun had just dreamed of dragons and shining knights so she wasn't that startled of the sight this time – just a bit disappointed: this once her dream was actually becoming real life she would have wished it to be the one with, say, Robbie Williams or Russell Crowe (the accent! *sigh*).

"Well, have you?", the dragon repeated her query starting to get a little irritated by the mindlessly gazing maiden. Annun didn't quite grasp what the smoking beast was talking about but the image of gigantic wooden stature being dragged into a place full of people expecting no evil somehow made her feel uncomfortable. After long considerations it finally dawned to her. Hobbits and Homer? Sounds a bit far-fetched to put it mildly...

"No, I haven't seen such a curious sight", Annun spoke at last "But mind you! I wonder if the hobbits have read their 'Iliad'; tried wile's the best wile, as they say..."
The dragon eyed Annun's drowsy appearance (her somewhat curious pad had left red patterns on her right cheek) rather dubiously before tramping away to the opposite direction.

Annun was now quite awake and ready for some action but a quick look around showed that she was one of the 'early birds' of the party at the moment. The tea seemed to have played tricks on The Saucepan Man: he really didn't look able for a conversation, not to mention that tugging him to the dancefloor surely would have proved hazardous. Isilmë on the other hand seemed to be having good time with Talômi and Sophia was nowhere near to be found. In this situation Annun reluctantly decided to go get a glass of wine and do some studying. With full glass in her hand she sighed heavily and opened her book (treating the emergence of print culture in Anglo-American cultural sphere) hoping that someone would very soon give her an excuse to stop.

[ May 05, 2003: Message edited by: Annunfuiniel ]

Bekah 05-05-2003 08:24 AM

Elentari walked out into the night air and gazed at her creation. Beautiful constellations, they were. Fantastic.

She felt someone touch her gently on the shoulder. It turned out to be her name-sake, the spider-catcher.

"How are you, Elentari spider-catcher? I have not seen you so close since you were a little babe..."

Meanwhile, Nuru was dancing gracefully with Rie's brother, and Kementari slipped out to be among the trees, her favourite company.

"Soon" she murmurmed to herself, "the long-waited Downie Awards will be presented. And even I do not know what they will be like..."

Manardariel 05-05-2003 08:56 AM

Manardariel awoke. Sheepishly she looked around, blinking with the sudden light. She was in a quiet corner of the dancehall, lying flat on a sofa. Her dress was tangeled and someone had put her jewlery next to her on a table. She got up, stil feeling a bit dizzy. At least her headache was gone. Actually she didn´t feel drunk at all.

"Geez" she said aloud to herself. "I wonder how long I slept..." She tried to fix her hair and dress, but failed miserable. Whjat she needed now was food!

"Breakfast time!" Happily she walked over to the buffet and helped herself to a plate of Balrogwings, some Lembas, a piece of Mrs. Proudfoot´s CherryCake, a glass of Mirovour, a big sliche of Cram, a BIG LatteMaccciato with lots of Caramelsirup and a bowl of Cinni-Minis. Balancing all of this through half of the hall she reached a small table. She loaded it with all her food and sat down. "Breakfast time allright."

Half an hour later (she was just at her second Latte, though she hadn´t touched the Balrog Wings yet) someone told her the Awards ceremony was to start soon.

"Goody" she thought. "I´ll just finish this, then I´ll go change and fix myself for The Awards." Grinnning she helped herself to another piece of Lembas.

Mithadan 05-05-2003 09:41 AM

OOC - Will all persons who volunteered to present Awards please check their PMs periodically during the next few days. The first invitations have gone out already.

Arien 05-05-2003 09:58 AM

Arien ate her cake with delight, it was amazing, the cook had sure out done him, or herself. Arien place her plate down ion the table in front of her and glanced around the room to see if she could see was familiar with any of the late arrivers. She had seen Elentari earlier on but now she had dissappeared from the hall. Arien longed to speak to her again for it had been a while since she had done so. So getting up she looked around.

She had been looking for quite a while now, and she was getting hot so she decided to take a walk outside in the cool night air. She opened a small door and stepped out onto a small stone patio surrounded by pots of Elenor's. As she walked she sipped her wine from her glass and she saw two figues conversing. One of them was Elentari, but the other she didnt know. She hesitated not knowing whether to say hello.

"Elentari!" she shouted across to the woman wearing blue. She turned round a little startled but smiled when she saw it was Arien.

"Arien!" she said walking over, " how are you?" the two embraced, and Arien was careful not to spill her wine.

"Oh, I? I am fine and enjoying myself, infact I am quite suprised I am not lying on the floor face down yet, I swear they are watering this wine down!" she laughed, "and you?"

[ May 05, 2003: Message edited by: Arien ]

Sophia the Thunder Mistress 05-05-2003 10:31 AM

Sophia awoke, rubbing her eyes, but feeling more lively than she had for days. Downies day had arrived! A large grin spread across her face, and she stood up quickly, disregarding Fin's feet which were sprawled across her lap. The elf lord let out a heroic groan and blinked at her through sleepy eyes. "Wake up, wake up!" she said to him impatiently. Fin hoisted his legs back up onto the couch and rolled over, as if to go back to sleep. Sophia sighted, he had slept for the majority of the past two days. She pulled at his hand, dragging him to his feet.

"Let's go find Annun." she said excitedly, dragging him over to the table where her friend sat, poring over some kind of a textbook. Sophia wrinkled her nose and sat down, pulling her escort with her, and hoping the awards would start soon.

Mithadan 05-05-2003 10:33 AM

The lights in the Hall dimmed three times and a bell rang. Mithadan excused himself from the guests he was speaking to and activated his microphone.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Elves, Hobbits and Dwarves, " he said. A voice came from the back of the room. "And Hippos!" "And Hippo," agreed Mithadan. "That is the signal for the start of the Downies Awards Show. If you will all proceed to the auditorium and find your seats, please. Thank you all for coming and we hope that you have enjoyed the pre-Awards party!"

People thronged towards the doors to the auditorium, wondering who the winners would be....


OOC: Given the comments regarding the chaos, I think you all now undertsand why we closed our Freestyle RPG Forum and replaced it with the current system. I hope you have all enjoyed yourselves thus far. We now move on to the Awards portion of our Birthday Party. For those who volunteered to present Awards, please check your PMs today and during the next few days.

Awards Instructions: "To present an award, you must prepare a presentation speech (humorous), announce the name of the award and the winner, and provide the winner's "theme music". For example, Alanis Morisette's "Ironic" might be appropriate for an award which is the polar opposite of the personality of the winner. The presenter should, without revealing the nature of the award, PM or e-mail the winner in advance and try to arrange for the award to be given when he or she is on-line and can give an acceptance speech. Acceptance speeches are not required."

Only awards approved by Mods/Admins may be presented. If you want to volunteer to be a presenter, please use the Discussion Thread, do not PM me or anyone else.

Please try to exercise some decorum in the Awards Show. So the presentations and acceptance speeches don't get lost in the shuffle, let's not continue the chaos of the party in the Awards Thread, which will be opened shortly. Converstation is OK, but the party portion is now over.


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