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the phantom 03-22-2009 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Nilp
It's wooorking.

That's what she said.

Isabellkya 03-22-2009 08:53 PM

Miss Duckess also voted for Nilp. I think that spells doom for him.

X'd with zombie.

Nerwen 03-22-2009 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil (Post 590575)
Have done my job. Well.

Facing maker holds no terror for me. Threats are nothing.

And Fea is something...

*head explodes*


I'm more inclined to trust Mith than any of the other weirdos.

EDIT: X'd since Nilp at #799.

the phantom 03-22-2009 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen
And Fea is something.

Your mom is something.

Nilpaurion Felagund 03-22-2009 08:55 PM

And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-22-2009 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 590586)
And Fea is something...

Human, mostly.

Isabellkya 03-22-2009 08:56 PM

WEll, might as well vote.


For reasons stated previously.

That leaves Gwath, Dury, Nerwen, Lari left to vote?

x'd since last post. Or not for Nerwen left.

the phantom 03-22-2009 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Nilp
And you'd see me waiting for you on the corner of the street.

Your mom was waiting for me on the corner of the street.

Durelin 03-22-2009 08:58 PM


Lari's vote is maybe a little too obvious, and I don't buy the whole *confusion* thing.

Nilpaurion Felagund 03-22-2009 08:58 PM

And this is how he treats his padawan.


Lariren Shadow 03-22-2009 08:59 PM

Have been writing paper and on messanger and just found the season premier of The Tudors...

As for my vote...

I can't vote Edward VI...

Um...I am utterly confused by this point by the way.


Gwathagor 03-22-2009 09:00 PM


Rikae -> Mith
Nilp -> Kath
Kath -> Lari
Mith -> Kath 2
Mac -> Nienna
Nog -> Nilp
Fea -> Nilp 2
Nienna -> Mith 2
Brinniel -> Kath 3
Nerwen -> Nienna 2
Gwath -> Lari 2
Durelin -> Nienna 3
Lariren -> Mith 2

satansaloser2005 03-22-2009 09:01 PM

Day's over. I'll count votes and let you know. :)

ETA: Nienna is lynched. She was a were-duck. Mnemo sends the flock her condolences. Narration will be up as soon as I get a drink, some aspirin, and pajamas, in no particular order.

Nilpaurion Felagund 03-22-2009 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by Nilpaurion Felagund (Post 590593)
And this is how he treats his padawan.

That's what she said.

Nerwen 03-22-2009 09:10 PM

I think Nienna's dead.

EDIT: Yes. And feathered!

satansaloser2005 03-23-2009 01:25 AM

Day Three, the Musical

Early in the Morning, before most of the village had even considered getting up, the were-ducks and their duckess-in-chief Mnemo met to discuss strategy for the Day. When Mnemo joined the band of baddies she heard Wilwa and another feather-faced female joking about Legate's body, which had started to sprout cucumber plants. She recognized Nienna in the Dawn light and approached the group, smacking Nienna on the shoulder to get her attention.

“Let's get down to business, make the village gone
Did they send me hatchlings when I asked for swans?
You're the saddest player I ever met
But you can bet before we're through
Nienna, I'll make a duck out of you”

“But I've been watching games for a long time,” Nienna protested. “Just ask Fea or Lari or Mira....oh wait, never mind. The point is it's not like I have no idea what I'm doing.”

“Trying to impress me, you're never going to win
Even with good flock mates you're too weak to swim
You're a spineless, barely feathered girl
And you haven't got a clue
But still I'll make a duck out of you.”

Nienna was struck speechless by Mnemo's reprimand and was silent for the rest of the meeting, going along with all the others to have a drink afterward. As she drowned her sorrows in a glass of 80 proof A- (which if anyone asked was just some hardcore red wine) she sighed, lost in thought about how much....well, how much being the new player sucked.

I'm never gonna get a kill
Which I wasn't such a newbie
Really wish I'd posted more about Tree Limb

She giggled at the thought, and was just starting to enjoy herself again when Wilwa ran in, shrieking about the uncloaking they had seen together last Night before she died.

The smile on Nienna's face disappeared instantly and she gulped down the rest of the 'wine', nervous and uncomfortable enough that she went on a walk to calm herself down.

This apprentice found our Wil
Hope she/he doesn't see right through me
Now I really wish we hadn't attacked her/him

She saw Mnemo sitting on the porch of the old bakery, munching on some lady fingers. (Again, if anyone asked, Mira had lost them in the fall down the well.)

“Mistress, what do I do?” she asked hesitantly. “We're down two flock mates in less than two Days. I may not be the most experienced player, but it's time I did something bigger for the flock than just trying to keep Shasta and Mira apart.”

Her Duckness smiled and replied, “You know what? Maybe you are ready.”

(Be a duck)
I've been so careful, not dreamed or hunted
(Be a duck)
With strength that's doubled just by the moon
(Be a duck)
I'll be as clever as seer or hunter
Uncatchable as a were-duck (or a loon)

Nienna stepped away feeling confident, and as she saw the rest of the group walking by she shouted to get their attention, standing up on a railing to make her speech.

“Time is racing toward us till the lynch begins
Now's the time to vote Mith, sink or swim”

Some of the escapees agreed and Nienna grinned as Mith's lynching was discussed.

I am ready now, and I know how
To make all players see my view
And now I'll make a meal out of you

Everyone stopped chattering immediately and stared at her incredulously.

“I said that out loud didn't I?”

Nilp rolled his eyes and Wilwa facepalmed in her makeshift grave.

The others advanced on her and she tried to sing her way out of the situation, but her small voice was no match for the rest as they ordered her death from the moddess.

We must vote now, before baddies kill us
Vote for this were-duck and seal her doom
She's cute and fun, but so evil! Lynch her!
Please, Sally, just flipping kill her! Make it soon!

The Dead
Sally (stabbed in a case of mistaken identity by a non-six-fingered Phantom on Night 0)
Phantom (made into a very unhealthy breakfast on Night 0)
Legate (ordo, pickled on Day 1)
Mira (Ophelia, ordo, drowned on Night 1)
Shasta (Hamlet, ordo, semi-accidentally poisoned on Night 1)
Lommie (were-duck, axed on Day 2)
Wilwa (were-duck, blinded by the light in the middle of Day 3)
Nienna (were-duck, outsung on Day 3)

The Living
Feanor of the Peredhil
Nilpaurion Felagund

ETA: I'll put in a clever title later but I've still got a migraine and I have class in the morning. Nienna, dearie, hope it's 'epic' enough for you.

Gifteds and the flock, send picks whenever you feel like. I'm out.

Gwathagor 03-24-2009 12:28 PM

Hey we're back!

Durelin 03-24-2009 12:32 PM

Working for me again, too! I think the BD clock is now an hour behind, though. XD

Gwathagor 03-24-2009 12:33 PM

So it is. Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey.

Mnemosyne 03-24-2009 12:39 PM

Duck here. Sally is currently slogging through Middle-English poetry as fresh as a cow's turd; she should be back in an hour and a half at the latest. We're ready for Day to come again whenever you are; expect further stipulations, clarifications, and Rules as soon as she's back. Needless to say we won't do anything that would penalize anyone for the Downs' absence, although we do reserve the right to mess with your brains.

Until then, please take your exultations at the Downs' survival to PM or another thread. We are still in a Night phase.

satansaloser2005 03-24-2009 12:58 PM

the moddess appears
Rejoice, ye Downers, for the forum is back~!

I'm just going to wait and start the Day at 10pm toNight, GMT-5, so we don't get all messed up. The Downs is an hour behind, so we'll go by that clock minute-wise until it gets fixed. Everyone please stay silent until then and the Day will dawn then. Thanks!

Nerwen 03-24-2009 03:17 PM

Uh... Sally...?
Oh, dear, this is going to be a scary day, what with a brace of undead ducks waddling around the village...:eek:

*points to list*

Mnemosyne 03-24-2009 03:29 PM


satansaloser2005 03-24-2009 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 590747)
Oh, dear, this is going to be a scary day, what with a brace of undead ducks waddling around the village...:eek:

*points to list*


*fixes list*

Heh in my defense it was 230am. Thanks for pointing that out. :)

Flock, you may continue to PM until 10pm (again, 9pm by the Downs clock) CT.

Must dash, for have a meeting in a bit. Yummy pizza too, yay! :D

And never fear, I'll be here to call the Day. Enjoy the rest of your Evening!


satansaloser2005 03-24-2009 08:01 PM

Day dawns. Brinn's dead. She was the Ranger.

Sorry, I ended up not doing the narration last night because I had a headache, but I'm about done. Just give me a few minutes and I'll have it for you, promise.

Start talking! :D

Gwathagor 03-24-2009 08:02 PM

Aaand we're off.

Nilpaurion Felagund 03-24-2009 08:17 PM

Patroclus the Harp Seal is watching you.

Gwathagor 03-24-2009 08:18 PM

The Wereducks

Day 1
Suspected: Brinn, Mira, Kath, Nilp
Thought Innocent: Fea, Shasta, Dury, Nogrod, Lari
Voted: Lari

Day 2
Suspected: Nogrod, Gwath, Nilp, Brinn, Lari, Mac
Thought Innocent: Wilwa, Fea, Izzy, Nienna, Durelin
Voted: Gwath

Day 1

Suspected: n/a
Thought Innocent: n/a
Voted: Legate

Day 2
Suspected: Gwath, Lari, Dury
Thought Innocent: n/a
Voted: Gwath

Day 3
Suspected: Nogrod, Lari
Thought Innocent: n/a
Voted: n/a

Day 1
Suspected: n/a
Thought Innocent: n/a
Voted: Legate

Day 2
Suspected: Nogrod, Izzy, Rikae, Mith
Thought Innocent: Fea, Brinn, Wilwa, Kath, Mac
Voted: Gwath

Day 3
Suspected: Nerwen, Nogrod, Rikae, Gwath, Nilp
Thought Innocent: Brinn, Wilwa, Dury, Izzy, Mac
Voted: Mith

Gwathagor 03-24-2009 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Nilpaurion Felagund (Post 590777)

Patroclus the Harp Seal is watching you.

*Readies club*

Gwathagor 03-24-2009 08:35 PM

Anyone else around?

Isabellkya 03-24-2009 08:36 PM

From what is hopeful, there is one WereDuck left. Including the other three, makes four. Nevermind the possibility of other things lurking. Depends on the plot and manner of killing, I suppose.

Maybe we'll get lucky again. Especially with three duck deaths in a row.

X'd with Gwath.

Feanor of the Peredhil 03-24-2009 08:39 PM

Brinn's death = bad news.

Could be worse.

Probably cross posting a lot.

Illustration homework eating soul. Will be around more tomorrow.

Gwathagor 03-24-2009 08:43 PM

Nilpaurion and Rikae were both acting very cobblerish yesterDay, but what if one of them is actually a wolf trying to look like a cobbler? Thoughts?

Regardless, they both look guilty of something anyway.

Nilpaurion Felagund 03-24-2009 08:45 PM

Lynch me if you want to find out.

Gwathagor 03-24-2009 08:47 PM

See? See? He's doing it again.

Nilpaurion Felagund 03-24-2009 08:51 PM

I'm just saying, I still haven't been killed by the Duckies.

Most likely I'm not even being considered a NIGHT kill, cos they think he'll get himself lynched sooner or later. Anyway he's on the wrong track.

Which is useful for what I plan to do.

You'll see me on the winning side. ;)

Gwathagor 03-24-2009 08:56 PM

Uh huh.

Gwathagor 03-24-2009 09:03 PM

Here's yesterDay's vote count, if anyone's interested.

Rikae: ++ Mith (Mith 1)
Nilp: ++Kath (Mith 1, Kath 1)
Kath: ++Lari (Mith 1, Kath 1, Lari 1)
Mith: ++Kath (Kath 2, Mith 1, Lari 1)
Mac: ++Nienna (Kath 2, Mith 1, Lari 1, Nienna 1)
Nog: ++Nilp (Kath 2, Mith 1, Lari 1, Nienna 1, Nilp 1)
Fea: ++Nilp (Kath 2, Nilp 2, Mith 1, Lari 1, Nienna 1)
Nienna: ++Mith (Nilp 2, Kath 2, Mith 2, Lari 1, Nienna 1)
Brinn: ++Kath (Kath 3, Nilp 2, Mith 2, Lari 1, Nienna 1)
Nerwen: ++Nienna (Kath 3, Nienna 2, Nilp 2, Mith 2, Lari 1)
Izzy: ++Nienna (Nienna 3, Kath 3, Nilp 2, Mith 2, Lari 1)
Durelin: ++Nienna (Nienna 4, Kath 3, Nilp 2, Mith 2, Lari 1)
Lari: ++Mith (Nienna 4, Mith 3, Kath 3, Nilp 2, Lari 1)
Gwath: ++Lari (Nienna 4, Mith 3, Kath 3, Nilp 2, Lari 2)

Nerwen 03-24-2009 09:22 PM

Let's hear it for our might Ranger
Three Nights she's kept us out of danger!
She did her job and she did it well!


Originally Posted by Isabellkya (Post 590781)
From what is hopeful, there is one WereDuck left. Including the other three, makes four.



Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 590750)
Flock, you may continue to PM until 10pm



Originally Posted by Gwathagor (Post 590783)
Nilpaurion and Rikae were both acting very cobblerish yesterDay, but what if one of them is actually a wolf trying to look like a cobbler? Thoughts?

Regardless, they both look guilty of something anyway.

Think Nilp really wants us to lynch him? Or just wants us to think he wants it = reverse psychology.


Rikae 03-24-2009 09:24 PM

You're probably not going to trust me on this, but I have a very good reason for appearing cobblerish. You'll see.

It occurs to me - three ducks in such close succession really is a bit too good luck, don't you think? It suggests to me there might be more ducks around than we thought (which would make sense, considering that everyone has something special about them).

I would still like to know why Mith isn't dead, even more than ever now.

EDIT: X'd with the cheerleader.

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