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Eonwe 01-21-2006 03:37 PM

Guys, really. all this talk of visible and hidden wolves. in the games i played as a wolf, i had ablsolutely no problem staying hidden (well at least until later, but taht is expected, right). hopefully.

all the wolves have to do is engage like everyone else in teh witty bander being thrown around, act indifferent, or just say smart sounding things, lay back, have a glass of lemonade...whatever. there is really nothing that we can glean, dredge up, winnow out, or otherwise bring to light during teh first day. all this is is a record to be desiphered in teh next few days.

so as for me, im not going to be overreacting to a simple joke, an absurd suggestion, or any other witisism. but you can be sure im keeping a sharp eye on everything everyone says and how much it will change in the next few days.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 01-21-2006 03:37 PM

Valesse, to quote a friend from a far-off village, "Surely you jest?" You seriously think I'm being hypocritical?

I made that list of people who have posted without saying much, so that they could be seen to have contributed to the talk when they're not really accusing anyone or promoting stimulating discussion. I, on the other hand, have done little but incur wrath! The term absolute polar opposites comes to mind. You can find suspicion in anything I do but you cannot coherently state that I was hypocritical when making that list.

I may be a sucker for alliterations but you're not getting off that easily! :p

Shelob, I understand your concerns. However, in my experience, I have found that villages would much rather lynch loudmouths or extremely quiet people, or those who cast outstanding votes. I think the 'safe' posters do get away with it.

Thinlo, I'm already extremely important to this village. I'm the 'doctor' – read into that. Being vocal is just my style, that's why I'm so sympathetic to the other loudmouths. ;)

Fea, I love a bit of twister. The gamesmanship is particularly fun...

Eonwe 01-21-2006 03:49 PM

hmm, i should prolly start actually reading stuff before i post...:eep: let me make some amendments.

there are always a few different ways to look at every situation. there are pros and cons to ever stratagy a wolf could employ. being vocal in teh begining is good, cuz it gets you in people's good graces (somewhat subconsciously i think). though whatever you say will be held against you if you are a werewolf, so it is benificial to be quite as well. i say lets just hold of on the suspicions for a while and let the evidence pile up some.


Originally Posted by fea
Which is why safety posts are fine this day. We can't do anything but wait, so we might as well goof off.

gooffing is fine, random votes are fine, but please lets all stay on the same page, and take jokes for what they are. just so long as you don't start accusing people for random reasons.

whatever, i still don't put much stock in first days...

Valesse 01-21-2006 04:00 PM

I was not stating your speeches were safe -or hinting hypocracy- but merely my own hysteria, honorable Eomer.

I feel that -besides Twister- right now survival in this game by day resides in mindful musing over mayhaps malignant mobs and by night praying to Elbereth I might be still be alive and on my catwalk! It might be the first day, but with my experience in the Mafia I know it pays to be perceptive of details.

... Forget I said that.

Shelob 01-21-2006 04:02 PM


I think the 'safe' posters do get away with it.
'Safe' posters may get away with it, but they're under a ton of pressure. They must be, since they're rather like scapegoats.

Wolves are under enough pressure as it is, they must hide while out in the open, they mustn't do anything to make themselves look guilty, they mustn't do anything to make their fellow wolves look guilty, they need to vote so as to not draw attention, they need (if possible) to guarantee that an innocent rather than a wolf is lynched.

People who are loudmouths tend to get listened to and therefore followed, for a while at least. People who are quiet are either lynched off for being suspicous or completely ignored because they add nothing and so can't rightly be accused. Outstanding voters (I assume you mean eccentric, bold or those which, say, cause a tie) draw attention to themselves but, unless there's a very good reason, are usually overlooked on the assumption that wolves will be voting with specific goals and in specific patterns.

To me this means a wolf outside the 'safe zone' may be more likely to get votes, but is also better able to cast off, or explain away, suspicions. They'd still be under a ton of pressure, of course. But wolf to whom people listen can easily persuade people that others are more of a threat. And a wolf who remains extreemly quiet can play the "I was busy" or "I haven't done anything to warrent your suspicion" card, and buy themselves another day or two. As for outstanding voters, all they have to do is point out that someone else has a clear pattern, or has happend to vote for people who are now all dead and prooven innocent, and there's the village harping on someone new. It's the more dangerous game for them to play, but then isn't our immediate reaction (and continual fall-back plan) to attack those who could easily be wolves.

I didn't mean to say I doubted we'd have 'safe' wolves, I'll probably be voting for a 'safe' poster (a 'safe' vote, as it were), but we can't focus on just them.


i still don't put much stock in first days...
On the first day no, but the way people act on the first day helps you to notice inconsistancies later. A person who acted one way on the first day can't suddenly shift tactics without drawing a ton of attention. Meaning our wolves risk getting themselves trapped in a tactic which could backfire on them.

Thinlómien 01-21-2006 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by Eonwe
Guys, really. all this talk of visible and hidden wolves. in the games i played as a wolf, i had ablsolutely no problem staying hidden (well at least until later, but taht is expected, right). hopefully.

all the wolves have to do is engage like everyone else in teh witty bander being thrown around, act indifferent, or just say smart sounding things, lay back, have a glass of lemonade...whatever. there is really nothing that we can glean, dredge up, winnow out, or otherwise bring to light during teh first day. all this is is a record to be desiphered in teh next few days.

so as for me, im not going to be overreacting to a simple joke, an absurd suggestion, or any other witisism. but you can be sure im keeping a sharp eye on everything everyone says and how much it will change in the next few days.

So any of us can be a wolf, and we can just throw wild guesses and hope we get it right, eh?

Thinlómien 01-21-2006 04:39 PM

I just noticed that Roa_Aoife hasn't popped up either. Whatever else she/he might be, she/he's a good stalker. (I know Roa was in the list of the un-posters, but otherwise she/he has been good at avoiding attention.)

Eomer of the Rohirrim 01-21-2006 04:45 PM


Doesn't sit right with me. Very quiet; then after that's pointed out, she casts mild suspicion on Eomer and Anguirel, one of whom has been voted for already, t'other who was—at the time—doing a bad job of making friends.

That's it from me. Good night.

Roa_Aoife 01-21-2006 04:54 PM

A late poster indeed. (I too suffer from the affliction of slave labor.) And we're voting already! My my.

So to sum up- and I like my summaries- We can be suspicious of people who are quiet, people who are load, people who vote early, people casting suspicion, and people not really saying anything of importance. Hm, that covers just about everyone here, doesn't it?

Is there anyone this doesn't draw attention to?

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-21-2006 05:00 PM

Due to my work load (yes, I'm "doing nails" on a Saturday night in order to have all of my Sunday free), I'm going to vote now.

Since I have nothing better to go on than whim, I'm going to stick with tradition and say that

++EOMER (or was that Aimè? ;))

should be lynched on the first day. When a tradition is good, it's good.

And yes, I know that my pointless "accusation" (I'm not accusing, I'm merely voting at random, sort of) will probably get me into trouble, but I also know that my charm and wit and excellence at nail-painting is likely already to draw attention to me. I may as well make it worth it.

Shelob 01-21-2006 05:05 PM

As it seems unlikely I'll get back on today I'm just going to vote. Given as we've practically nothing (aside from everything) to go I'd like to remind you that this is fairly random, I'm basically looking at a group of people I find equally suspicious and picking one.

That having been said I think I'll cast my vote for


Thinlómien 01-21-2006 05:08 PM

I stick to my argument about loudmouths. Eomer tries to flatter people more than Ang, that's why I'll vote him. Also he's preaching about people who post safe-posts and he himself posts "masked" safe-posts. I see no point in his reasoning.


Roa_Aoife 01-21-2006 05:08 PM

Very courageous of you, casting votes for Eomer after he's stated he's signing off. Going for the easy mark, perhaps? And three of you in a row!

Valier 01-21-2006 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Roa
We can be suspicious of people who are quiet, people who are load, people who vote early, people casting suspicion, and people not really saying anything of importance. Hm, that covers just about everyone here, doesn't it?

Is there anyone this doesn't draw attention to?

You took the words right out of my mouth! :) It's so hard on the first day to sum everyone up. The voting has already started I see....But they are retractable remember.

The votes go as so, so far

Wow these are all over the place!But it can't be helped on the first day.
I don't really suspect anyone yet but I guess it's all pretty random, as I've said earlier.So I will add another "Random" vote out there.

++Wayne the Goblin

Only because he IS an actor,he would be great as desguising himself as an Ordo,all the while being a Wolf.
I know the votes a bit out there but I can't pick up on any thing else!I will read over the posts a while more and see if I can come up with something more tangible.

EDIT:While I was posting 2 more votes came in for Eomer,that's a little weird how three in row voted for him....

Roa_Aoife 01-21-2006 05:33 PM

So as of this moment, the voting is

Valier-Wayne the Goblin

Feanor, Shelob. and Thinlomien all cast votes for the same person at about the same time. The only one who provided actual reasoning for this was Thinlomien. And you Valier, say you agreed with my previous statement and yet didn't act on that, and even attempted to brush it off.

So here's my list of suspicion and reasons, in order of most suspicious to least.

Feanor- For this


Basically, we're allowing the wolves to start implementing their plans. We can't catch them unless we let them do it without question.
Who else but a wolf would suggest that? And with her skill in this game, she would be ideal at passing herself off as something else. I'm certain that she is not an Ordo- that sort of thing is reserved for newbies like me. I belive the Fea is the most dangerous player here.

Shelob- Looking at group of people you find suspicious and you just happen to pick the same as Fea.

Thinlomien- The only reason you're down here is because you bothered to explain yourself. However, the series of votes- 3 (the number of wolves) in a row cats you in with them. And Eomers reasoning unsound because he voted for you?

Valier- If you agree with my statement, why the random vote?

Edit: I'm switching Valier and Thinlomien for the time being.

tar-ancalime 01-21-2006 05:36 PM

voting time, dearies
Kant, Kant...I knew him years ago. He told me he was a great philosopher.

Lying bastard.

Now to business, dears. It's true we've got to make a decision today, but it seems to me that it's far too early for us to start making assumptions about what a wolf would or would not do. The fact is that only three of us know what a wolf would do, and the rest of us are just shouting. And at this point, the more we reveal about our personal expectations for wolves, the more information we give the wolves about how to hide from us.

*takes a flask out of somewhere in the folds of her dress, wipes off the cat hair and drinks greedily*

Anyone like a tot? It's good for what ails you.

I've heard only two comments today that seem useful to me:

First was Fea's suggestion that we play Twister. I don't know that game, but I do love games and was a great hand at bridge in my day. Are they similar, at all?

Second was this, from Shelob:


A person who acted one way on the first day can't suddenly shift tactics without drawing a ton of attention. Meaning our wolves risk getting themselves trapped in a tactic which could backfire on them.
Now that's something we can pay attention to: we're all establishing patterns of behavior today, introducing ourselves, as it were. Today's comments are going to give us a strong basis for comparison in the future, because today all we've got are our personalities.

Now, to the votes:

It's true that retracting one's vote makes one stand out. That given, I'd say that Thinlomien and Shelob are stuck with Eomer for today. If Fea wanted to prevent the bandwagon on someone who was only a random vote (she calls it "tradition"), I could see the justification for her retracting her vote. Absent that, though, things are looking dire for our village doctor. Thinlomien, did you vote for Eomer because he voted for you? That's a non-universalizable tactic if ever I saw one (Kant would not approve), but it may work for you today.

Still, I'm a little suspicious of what look to me like "revenge" or "punishment" votes. There have been two of those already today:

Garin voted for Anguirel because Anguirel voted. Huh?

Then Thin, of course, and her revenge vote for Eomer.

Because my time here is almost up for the day (I've got to polish the silver; I'm taking it to a man I know who is...interested in family crests), I think it's time for me to vote. And since there is so very little to go on, I'll go for:


(I'm letting Shelob off the hook for what looks like a very goofy vote, for two reasons: I'm sure that others will note that she is the third voter in quick succession for Eomer, and also she did make one of the two valuable comments today. That buys her some time in my book. Also I'm well aware of the irony of voting based on the voting record, after decrying "punishment" votes. My defense? Extreme egotism.)

Valier 01-21-2006 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by Roa
Valier- If you agree with my statement, why the random vote?

Well my vote was random,as of yet because I figured Hey why bandwagon so early in the day....But now that I look at it....I guess I'm kind of bandwagoning with not bandwagoning :( So I will go back through the posts again..So if I change my vote later on it will be because of the appifany I just had,That Roa brought to my attention. :D

Roa_Aoife 01-21-2006 05:47 PM

Now now Tar, Shelob was second, Thin was third. Her "random vote" just happened to match up with two others. Thin has some semblance of reason, even if it is revenge where as shelob has none.

If she's a wolf, she may be trying to protect another wolf.

.... Of course, Eomer might be a wolf and the other two are trying to draw suspicion away from him by voting for him....

This isn't Clue, this is Congress. :rolleyes:

tar-ancalime 01-21-2006 06:06 PM


Now now Tar, Shelob was second, Thin was third. Her "random vote" just happened to match up with two others. Thin has some semblance of reason, even if it is revenge where as shelob has none.
Goodness, is my face red! :eek:

You're right, of course. I'll have to be more careful. I stand by my (admittedly flimsy) reasoning, as Thin's vote looks even more like revenge coming third instead of second, but I believe I've got to go home now and wipe the egg off my face.

AbercrombieOfRohan 01-21-2006 06:06 PM


Agreed, though I might Abercrombie to the list, since her first post didn't really say much of anything and her second just lists people who hadn't spoken yet.
On the first day? Come now Shelob, there was nothing.


all the wolves have to do is engage like everyone else in teh witty bander being thrown around, act indifferent, or just say smart sounding things, lay back, have a glass of lemonade...whatever.
Oh you mean like Eomer? ;) And though this is exactly the type of behaviour, I agree, that wolves employ on the first day, I am hesitant to convict Eomer of it. Simply because he's Eomer and from what I know of him, this is how he would behave regardless of his role (i.e. the Kant thing). That doesn't mean I'm writing him off as innocent, it just means that for today, I find other people more suspicious.


Garin voted for Anguirel because Anguirel voted. Huh?
Exactly Tar. I can't for the life of me figure out Garin's vote. It seems he posted early, washed his hands clean of this whole affair, and since he hasn't shown his hide. I may not be online for the rest of this day, I shall vote:


If I get the chance to come online again and there are new developments that make one of our number more suspicious in my eyes, I reserve the right to change my vote for them instead. Good luck fellow villagers!

Kath 01-21-2006 06:13 PM

My word but everyone's been busy while I was gone! And why all these sudden votes for Eomer? Tradition is all very well and good Fea but if we follow that reasoning then you'll be soon after!

Now Eonwe's vote looked a little odd to me. Why the 10th person on the list? Why not the 3rd or the 15th? Perhaps it speaks of a connection to Valier. But of course we won't know that for a while yet.

But hey it's the first day, we don't know anything! Voting is completely random and no one is formulating suspicions based on anything worthwhile. I haven't yet figured out when the deadline is so I'll vote now just in case it's before I manage to get my tortoises up in the morning.


As I said an odd vote (though not the only one) and also for a really pernickety reason. Spelling. The is spelt with an H in the middle not an E. That is spelt HA not AH. I apologise but it drives me up the wall. Since we have no reasoning to go on I'll vote for something personal. At least it will make me feel better!

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-21-2006 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Roa_Aoife
Who else but a wolf would suggest that?

An experienced non-wolf who knows the best ways to win and discover who is doing and thinking what.


I had no inclination to start a band-wagon with my goofy and pointless vote. I want no part in band-wagons. In all of my manicurial experience, they do little or no good.


And with her skill in this game, she would be ideal at passing herself off as something else.
You flatter me. I'm already managing it. You see, I'm the Seer. No wait, I'm a wolf. Kiss me, I'm Irish. See?

It's day one. There's nothing to go on except random accusations.

Anguirel, you're a werewolf.


I'm certain that she is not an Ordo- that sort of thing is reserved for newbies like me. I belive the Fea is the most dangerous player here.
While I may not be an Ordo (I'll leave that to you to decide) and I may be the most dangerous player, the roles are not selected due to moderatorial whim. With the exception of the phantom's village, roles are chosen at random. Reservations are unheard of. Or at least highly ignored.

Also, important question from someone too lazy to look, what time does the Day end?

Roa_Aoife 01-21-2006 07:07 PM

Nothing to go on? Not a Sudoku player I see.

People have already begun to form relationships, develop patterns of behavior, and develop tactics. Sure, no one has yet shown their "true colors," but we have a little more than random accusations.


An experienced non-wolf who knows the best ways to win and discover who is doing and thinking what.


I had no inclination to start a band-wagon with my goofy and pointless vote. I want no part in band-wagons. In all of my manicurial experience, they do little or no good.
Which is it? A goofy and pointless vote, or a result of experience in wolf behavior?

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-21-2006 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by Roa_Aoife
Nothing to go on? Not a Sudoku player I see.

Actually, I like Sudoku, though I haven't played since break.


People have already begun to form relationships, develop patterns of behavior, and develop tactics. Sure, no one has yet shown their "true colors," but we have a little more than random accusations.
So have you found my pattern of behavior? Do you recognize my tactics? Have I developed a relationship? What color am I?


Which is it? A goofy and pointless vote, or a result of experience in wolf behavior?
It was a goofy vote and I wasn't particularly thrilled to see it joined so fast by multiple others.

My experience with wolves is that they like to frame people. Duh. It's obvious. I'd like not to have any part in a death that I'm not sure of.

That's why I've decided on my vote for the day.


You'll note that I'm not intentionally starting a band-wagon (I'd prefer to stay alive, thank you), nor am I voting against somebody that could be the Seer. I just don't know enough to make an informed decision yet.

Garin 01-21-2006 07:58 PM


Posted by Ambercrombie: ]Exactly Tar. I can't for the life of me figure out Garin's vote. It seems he posted early, washed his hands clean of this whole affair, and since he hasn't shown his hide. I may not be online for the rest of this day, I shall vote:
I am quite certain that our beloved Ambie is a wolf and that if I am not lynched tonight or killed by the werewolves, she wil be my next target. I stand by my original vote. however. Retractable or not.

Roa_Aoife 01-21-2006 08:07 PM

No need to get snippy Fea. And yes, you are forming a pattern of behavior. It's rudimentary, but it's there. Such as, appear all nice and friendly and easy going, then turn into a veritable pit bull when accused. That's a behavior pattern.

I believe it is nearing time to cast votes. As I'm not sure exactly when the day ends, I think I'll cast mine now.


Surprised? Don't be. While I trust Fea about as far as I can throw her, I admit that I have more to go on with Shelob, as little as that may be. I don't make blind guesses. As an apothecary, I can't afford to.

Valesse 01-21-2006 08:49 PM

I haven't the foggiest of when the day ends, dear Fea, but since I do not I'll blather on what I have noticed and how I feel about it.

Garin's snappy suggestion does strike me as strange, but then again he might just be aggressively after a wolf-- or what appeared wolfish. It does seem odd that so suddenly this decision was made and so wildly... but praytell where has he been to defend himself all this time? Surely a wolf would be wary of eliminated. His latest post sounds like a threat, though... I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Somehow I doubt he'll soon throw us a bone, unless, of course, it is Ambercombie's.

Eomer is being ousted "by tradition"? If its tradition to oust Eomer, I'm sure the mods wouldn't have picked him as a wolf. The game would be more gripping with a greater enduring group, no? He may be a vetern and playful about the whole wolf being in the village "thing", but he complimented my alliteration, and therefore he is special and -so- not a wolf. So ha.

Since this is getting wordy, I'll cut it short. Eonwe has my attention. Both in tactics and word choice I feel there might be something more than she leads on.

++ Eonwe

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-21-2006 09:53 PM

You know, Roa, I don't weigh much. :p

However, if it will calm your suspicions, I'll stop addressing people's suspicion of me.

I am innocent. Heck, I might even be useful, if you want to listen to me once I know what's what.

There, now I've said it, I'll abstain from now on unless need drives me.

AbercrombieOfRohan 01-22-2006 12:33 AM I missing something? When is this day supposed to end? :confused:

Anguirel 01-22-2006 05:23 AM

Well, I'm back.

Glad to see that Eomer and Feanor have done their duty and persuaded the entire village that they are a colony of purple giant squid with a serious alcohol problem.

Particularly amused by the "let's lynch Eomer...whoops, fooled you!" gambit, which shows Shelob and Thinlomien in a lupine light. Thinlomien had an excuse...and so is much more stained with guilt...

Woof woof, hooww-owwwl, Fea.

She's not the Seer you know. She and Eomer and I are all spinners together. (Thus I comply with Eomer's Kant plan...)

Thinlomien has us rumbled. She must die! Die!


WaynetheGoblin 01-22-2006 07:18 AM

Feas vote is strange and its weird on day 1 also people random vots amuse me sorry for being gone but I didnt have the chanch to get on the computer and
well thats my vote good bye.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 01-22-2006 07:34 AM

This is weird. I thought the day should have ended by now.

Anyway, I'm further convinced that Thinlomien was a good choice. This is her reasoning in voting for me:

"I preach against people who make 'safe posts' and then make 'masked safe posts' myself."

Ridiculous. In what way have my posts been safe? I have been deliberately stirring up trouble (for a good reason, as you shall one day find out) and have been—as I said before—incurring wrath. There has been absolutely nothing safe in what I have done.

Thinlomien's reasoning is the opposite of good and true, and strikes me as either revenge or deliberate bandwagoning.

Fea, if that was a strategy—and don't feel hurt by me saying that I don't trust you at all—it was rather excellent.

Anguirel 01-22-2006 07:46 AM

I expect Glirdan's hooked up IRL. I suggest we stop posting till he's back...

I greatly misdoubt Lady Thinlomien to be a wolf. Indeed, I venture that we have just hung the Seer. Hurrah.

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-22-2006 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
Fea, if that was a strategy—and don't feel hurt by me saying that I don't trust you at all—it was rather excellent.

Call it a strategy if you like. It was merely me not-bandwagoning and not voting for somebody whose existence is crucial to success.

I mean... flatter me if you like and disagree, but my death wouldn't fling the village into a hopeless spiral downward. I've not got an important job, like Seer, nor would my death be a blow to the wolves (though if they try to frame me, it might because they'd be easier to trace), nor do I have powers to save lives. I can merely help take them. I can see things that may not be clear to the rest of the village and I can wonder when the freak this day will end.

I won't vote unless I have good reason for it. My self-vote may be seen as tricksy; throwing my vote away and leaving no trail for Day 2. Call it what you like. I just don't want to kill anybody more important than myself.

Edit: Ang, sorry, didn't see what you said about stopping until I'd posted.

Glirdan 01-22-2006 11:18 AM

Sorry for the major lateness of this, but I haven't had computer access until just now. I'll have the double lynch up (and on the frist day!!!) Please forgive me, I thought Gil would've covered for me, but I guess he couldn't either. SO SORRY!! :(

Glirdan 01-22-2006 11:48 AM

It was a long day in the town of Mejis. They buried their fallen friends in the village graveyard, just outside of town and attempted to go back to the normal lives. The villagers went back and forth between shops and the village square, thinking and disscussing about the horrible incident that had occureed the previous night. There was much debating on who they should lynch first. The votes were rather spread out, but the village finally came to the conclusion that they should lynch Eonwe and Thin. "Why me? What have I done to deserve this? I'm just a poor little hermit! I have never done anything to harm any of you!" Eonwe cried. Thin, however, remained quite silent. "Please spare me!" Eonwe yelled.

"I say we get rid of the one that talks the most!" suggested the Ang. "It's always a sign of a guilty conscious." With that, they tied Eonwe up and brought her up to the gallows. Ang put the noose over her head and tightened the rope and jumped off the gallows before anything could happen. He ran over to the lever and said "Any last words before you die Wolf!?" Eonwe remained scilence.

"Oh, just get it over with!" Wayne yelled and Ang pulled the lever. Instead of the trap door opening and Eonwe falling through, the entire gallows collapsed, right on top of her. Nothing happened. No transformation, nothing. And then, quite suddenly, a laugh rang out in the deathly scilence. "You actually thought that that lonesome, vile hermit was a Wolf!?" cried Thin. "You people are stupider than I thought!" And as she spoke, she began to transform. Her finger nails grew, her shoes ripped open as her huge, hairy feet grew, fur started sprouting all over the place. "Now, try and catch me!" She yelled and she ran straight for Valesse. However, Valesse wassn't to be caught unawares. As the monstrous beast charged at her, she jumped and flipped over the Wolf and as she did, she wrapped an invisible chord that she had concealed in her shirt and wrapped it around the beast's throat. She landed on her feet and tugged on the chord. The beast cried out in pain and struggled to get free, but Valesse kept pulling harder and harder. The Wolf uttered a last gasp for breath and fell to the ground. As the stunned villagers looked at the body, it transformed back into Thin. They rumaged throught the broken gallows and found the body of Eonwe and brought over to the graveyard and buried her beside Glirdan and Gil. They brought Thin's body out into the forest and burned it and as the body burned, a putrid smell arose and none could stand the smell and they returned to their houses for sleep.


Glirdan(mod) - Night 1 - Beheaded and then reheaded with a sax
Gil-Galad(mod) - Night 1 - Bled to death.
Eonwe(ordo) - Day 1 - gallows collapse on top of her
Thin(Wolf) - Day 1 - strangled to death, by Valesse with a hidden chord


Night 2 starts. I need a name from Seer, Ranger, Hunter and Wolves. On Sunday's, Monday's and Tuesday's, please send them to both me as well as Gil. (Sorry once again for the lateness of this post. I'm going to start the next Day tonight at 10:30 [maybe 11]pm eastern).

Glirdan 01-22-2006 09:54 PM

Eomer crept silently out of his house and around town. "Those Wolves won't get anybody tonight!" he thought silently to himself as he walked into the town square towards his destination, which was at the other end of town. Unfortunately, he was all alone and it was dark. As he got closer to his destination, the sound he dreaded was heard. But it was not coming from where he thought it was coming from. It was coming from right behind him....


As the villagers gathered together in the town square, they noticed that there was one who was missing. "Where is our dear doctor?" cried Fea. "Surely he should be here. He's the doctor. We need him to check on the people who've been attacked!"

"AHHH!!" Valesse yelled. "What is that!" she cried, pointing to the ground. All the villagers turned to look at what she was pointing at.

"I do believe that it is a blood trail." Mith declared, looking at the red trail closer. "And by the looks of things, it's coming right from our dear doctor's house." With that, they walked over to Eomer's. Once there, they knocked on the door and the door swung open. The villagers stood there in awe. The doctor always locked his door at night. They stepped in and searched his house, but they didn't find anything. "What if we followed the trail the other way?" suggested tar. There was a concourse of agreement and they set out at once. They walked back to the village square, found the trail and followed it. Then, they found what they were dreading to find the entire time, yet they were still shocked. For they found the body of Eomer, stabbed through his stomach. Yet the strange thing was that it was with his own sword, and he was wearing strange garments over top of his doctrine clothes. "Why, that's the clothing of the Ranger!" cried Ang.

"But that could only mean one thing," said Shelob slowly.

"Our doctor is...I mean was...also our protector!" cried a dismayed Kath. They all wept then and there at the loss of their doctor and protector. Yet, if they would have listend closely, they would have realised that two of their own were indeed sniggering under their breaths at what they had accomplished: revenge!


Glirdan(Mod) - Night 1 - Beheaded and then reheaded with a sax
Gil-Galad(Mod) - Night 1 - Bled to death.
Eonwe(Ordo) - Day 1 - gallows collapse on top of her
Thin(Wolf) - Day 1 - strangled to death, by Valesse with a hidden chord
Eomer(Ranger) - Night 2 - stabbed through his stomach with own sword


Day 2 starts. Wolves stop PMing. Continue with the discussions people! (Just a little info, each Day and Night will begin from about 20 minutes ago to 10 minutes from now [my time, 10:30 - 11pm])

Roa_Aoife 01-22-2006 10:23 PM

Oh no! Not Eomer! As the village doctor he and I worked closely together. And now I find he is our protector! I knew he wasn't a wolf yesterday. But it is clear the wolves targeted him.

Perhaps they finished the job they could not complete yesterday with the lynchings.

Shelob 01-22-2006 10:28 PM

Well, to adress yesterday I'd just like to point out that I hadn't actually seen Fea's vote when I voted. I'd started my response, got called away from the computer for a few minutes then came back, finished, and posted. I didn't see her vote until much later, when I could get back on. Believe me not if you please but I lie not, for only a Lycan a lie can gain from.

As for this death,


what they had accomplished: revenge!
I'm going to work from the assumption, for now, that this was a revenge because Eomer was the first to really cast suspicion upon Thinlomien. Meaning that to an extent her death was his fault.

I'm also going to work from the assumption that, on the first day, another wolf did not vote for Thin. I understand this is like walking on thin ice (as it were) but voluntarily helping to lose a wolf so early is a very, very risky tactic.

Finally, and while it's dangerous for me to suggest it, I'm going to assume that a wolf didn't vote for Eomer yesterday. I know, I know, you're all thinking "Well of course She'd say that, She voted for him." But if you'll take a moment to think about it (or read the rest of this paragraph, whatever works for you) it makes some sense. Our immediate reaction is going to be to think "Who wanted Eomer Dead?" or "Who was opposed to Eomer?" and the first names to come to mind would be those who voted for him. Now, for a wolf to voluntarily put themselves into that possition means they feel very confident that the Bluff/Double-Bluff will work and that suspicion will be cast upon an innocent who happens to also be an answer to those questions. Given that there are a limited number of people who voted for Eomer (namely 2, myself and Fea[even if she changed it later]) if one of us were a wolf there'd be pretty much a 50/50 chance of us persuading people to vote for the other. With one wolf down already 50/50 are not good odds for a remaining wolf. It, therefore, seems more likely that no wolf voted for Eomer yesterday and that Fea and I are being set up to look wolvish.

By my reconing this would rule out:
Myself (Shelob)
as likely wolves, it doesn't prove anything, it's just (to me) makes us slightly less suspicious.

As for the rest of you, namely:
I don't know. The fact that we had a double lynching could suggest that a wolf voted for Eonwe, but since that's so obvious, and since it was so soon, I doubt a wolf would act so foolish. Since I haven't the time now I can't look further into what you did (or didn't) do so when I later have the chance I'll use what you've said before and what you say today to work from.

Actually, that last sentence goes for everybody, both lists, myself included, and the dead...though for them, obviously, I'll only go on what they said the other day...unless we get ghosts too, but that seems unlikely...

Feanor of the Peredhil 01-22-2006 10:52 PM

Blame it on a mind caught up in other things if you like, but I have a funny feeling about Shelob.

Maybe in the morning I'll have some idea why.

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