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Celebuial 11-08-2005 05:10 PM

Hmmmm... It's a tough one... I think It's 2) though, because I don't remember him doing it. His son was...Hmmm i don't remember... sounds kinda like Gimli... erm... hmmm.... must look that up later.....

Firefoot 11-09-2005 08:08 PM

2 - His son was Ar-Gimilzor, father of Ar-Pharazon. Among other things, he forbade the use of Eldarin tongues.

Thinlómien 11-10-2005 08:44 AM


It was a nasty trick by me...
No problem, Gothmog, I should still have known that Orcrist was called Biter (not wondered which, Glamdring or Orcrist was called so). And perhaps I should also have remembered that the sword was buried on him... ;)

bilbo_baggins 11-10-2005 08:47 AM

#2 is correct, and I'll give it to Firefoot because of a more correct answer, and for a first time on the thread. Good guessing!

Firefoot 11-10-2005 04:07 PM



1. Haldad's sister who lead the Haladin when he and their father had died.
2. A mighty leader's son, slain in battle.
3. Leader of the people befriended by Celegorm.
4. An Elf who greeted the Fellowship in Lorien.
5. One who led the Haladin into Beleriand.

Thinlómien 11-11-2005 06:42 AM

It's #2, if I'm not making Orcrist-mistakes again...

Firefoot 11-13-2005 10:54 AM

Correct you are. Haleth being Helm's son.

Gil-Galad 11-16-2005 06:19 PM


Thinlómien 11-17-2005 09:56 AM

Sorry, I was away for a few days and yesterday I wasn't very creative...

After trying to make a difficult enough but still mindful question for half an hour I conclude that it is an impossible task for me.

So, anyone can take the thread now, and I continue to practise my question-making skills...

Bergil 11-19-2005 04:36 PM

here I go
And the word IS

is it
A, the commander of the Sylvan Elves in the First Battle of Beleriand.
B, The name of an Ent.
C, Caleborn's given name in Eregion.
D, A type of tree that grew in Ithilian.
or E, A maia of Yavanna and Aule.

Alcarillo 11-19-2005 05:08 PM

D - a tree of Ithilien.

Bergil 11-20-2005 07:27 PM

you got it!

Alcarillo 11-20-2005 09:57 PM

The word is:


1. Another name for Carcharoth
2. Grimbold's home in Rohan
3. A town of the North Farthing
4. A Rider of Rohan killed at Pelennor
5. A brand of pipeweed

Gil-Galad 11-20-2005 10:08 PM

3 i beleive...

Alcarillo 11-21-2005 01:58 PM

Nope, sorry!

Firefoot 11-21-2005 03:07 PM

It's 2.

Alcarillo 11-22-2005 06:23 PM


Firefoot 11-22-2005 07:46 PM



a. A mountain pass in Beleriand.
b. A flower growing in Ithilien.
c. An Elvish measurement of time.
d. An Elvish type of song.
e. A battle formation used at the Gladden Fields.

Gil-Galad 11-22-2005 10:00 PM

sounds like maybe probaly not A?

Alcarillo 11-23-2005 12:45 AM

I'll go with D.

Firefoot 11-23-2005 06:30 AM

Alcarillo has it.

Alcarillo 11-23-2005 11:39 AM


1. The wife of Gorlim the Unhappy
2. Father of Valandil first Lord of Andúnië
3. A flower of Númenor
4. A name for Halifirien, Amon Anwar, etc.
5. The hill upon which the Stone of Erech sits

Firefoot 11-23-2005 05:14 PM


Alcarillo 11-24-2005 12:04 AM

You got it, Firefoot.

Firefoot 11-24-2005 07:04 AM



A. A conqueror of Tol Eressea.
B. A forgotten captain of the Haradrim.
C. A messenger from Eorl.
D. One of Aldarion's mariners.
E. A lord of the Haladin.

Anguirel 11-24-2005 07:31 AM

With a name like that, it has to be a messenger from Anglo-Saxon...


Firefoot 11-24-2005 07:57 AM

Well, that's what you were supposed to think... ;) Nope!

Gothmog 11-24-2005 08:12 AM

Hengest, isn't that one of the earliest characters of Tokien's world? Named after the myth of a man who is said to have conquered Britain, and Britain was supposed to be Tol Eressea in the early Tokien works?

I know I've read this in UT, but I don't have a copy with me right now... The brothers Horst and Hengest or something like that seems familiar...I could be totally wrong :(

My answer is A if I'm not clear enough.

Firefoot 11-24-2005 10:31 AM

Yep, that's right. It's actually in the Book of Lost Tales, though. Your go!

Gothmog 11-24-2005 02:22 PM

Right, that's what I meant... Got the English booktitles confused, sorry about that.

The name Hengest is interesting. Probably from the word Hengst=Stallion in Old English. Stallion=Hingst in Swedish. Something for Rune's thread about Tolkien and Norse myths maybe?



1. One of the older Ents
2. Other name for Taur-nu-Fuin (in Dorthonion, not Mirkwood)
3. Other name for Oromë
4. Eöl's home
5. Other name for Fangorn

Good luck!

Anguirel 11-24-2005 02:35 PM

My second bid for power. It has to be 3; too bizarre an etymylogical connection to be dreamed up...


Gothmog 11-24-2005 04:26 PM

Oh, your not very lucky on this thread, are you Ang? I'm sorry to inform you that you're wrong... I actually dreamt up that connection ;) Try again!

Firefoot 11-24-2005 04:36 PM

I'm going to go with 5.

Gothmog 11-24-2005 04:49 PM

Number 5 it is. I've only come across that name once, and it's in Treebeard's song to Merry and Pippin on their way to his "house". I hope I understood the text correctly and that it is an old name for Fangorn... he also names Amraborna, Aldaloma and Tauremorna. If anyone knows anything more about these names, please pm me...

Your turn Firefoot.

ElentariGreenleaf 12-04-2005 06:15 PM

*Bump* Your turn Firefoot

Firefoot 12-05-2005 01:01 PM



A. Numenorean river.
B. Self-given name of Turin.
C. Site of a battle in which Sauron was utterly routed.
D. One of Aldarion's mariners accompanying him on several voyages.
E. Home of Petty-Dwarves in the early First Age.

Alcarillo 12-09-2005 08:59 PM

No, wait, it's C. Tricky question.

Firefoot 12-10-2005 01:43 PM

Correct you are!

Alcarillo 12-10-2005 06:13 PM


1. Elendil's Adunaic name.
2. The twenty-third King of Numenor.
3. Westron name for Gondor.
4. Dwarvish name for Lothlorien.
5. A tree of Numenor.

Captain Grishnahk 12-13-2005 09:07 PM

For some reason my inner Tolkien pointed to number 4. But i'm not 100% sure...

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