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Diamond18 06-07-2004 09:28 PM


A Pretentious Prat Barrowdowner! "You think you're too cool for the forum, don't you? No need to be coy, darling. At least you can be supremely entertaining, right?"

I dunno. Is that me?
Let me see....


the phantom has posted. This thread is now important.



Diamond, I never saw your personality quiz. Where was it?
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I wrote this. I now realize that I forget to include a morbid/angsty stereotype. So I actually came up cheeky on that one. Cheers for unearthing my true results, Lushy. ;)

Tulkas the Mighty 06-07-2004 11:32 PM


You are- An Über-Dork Barrowdowner!
Ah yes, that would be me. But as for the comment about being great fun in the quiz room, I'm sure I would be if I was here more often.

the phantom 06-08-2004 01:00 AM


"I just thank God I didn't get one of the teen things for an answer (the phantom)."
Hey, don't take it personal Son, I'm friends with people both in the teenybopper crowd and the angsty teen crowd, but I've always liked to think of myself as being a bit different than the mob. I'm not cliché so I hate being labeled as something typical.

And you quoted my signature for some reason, Diamond. Was that supposed to mean something? :p

Well, okay. Maybe it fits a little bit. But as far as the last part- "At least you can be supremely entertaining, right?"- I'm not sure I always live up to that. Sometimes I get the feeling that I cause more scoffing than laughter. But oh well, I guess if you're scoffing you're probably smiling and feeling somewhat entertained.

(this thread is now twice as important, Diamond)

HerenIstarion 06-08-2004 02:11 AM

A Cheeky British Barrowdowner!

You're better than everyone on the entire forum, and you know it. I hate you. Will you marry me?

Moi? never been there, never done that, never ever bought a doublet...

Marriage, marriage, lemme see:

1 a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) : the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage <same-sex marriage> b : the mutual relation of married persons : WEDLOCK c : the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage
2 : an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially : the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities
3 : an intimate or close union <the marriage of painting and poetry -- J. T. Shawcross>

er, with all attendant festivities and formalities...? Or would just intimate and close union do? :D

Lush 06-08-2004 03:44 PM

Points of note:

Diamond, my apologies, but you did want to saw Leninia's head off, so...

Beth, but you do listen to the Clash.

Nur, I guess it's time to fess up: I partially lied about not basing this test on actual people. Please don't tell Seamus Heaney about my slight in the meantime. I'm still set on becoming his pet one of these days.

Saucie, but I did mention that the British are the best, in spite of substance abuse. The Russians, on the other hand...

Phantom, this quiz is not supposed to be at all serious. Like, if you gauge an activity's seriousness on a scale of 1 to 10, it comes in at about a -3.14. Being labeled as "something typical" is the point. Thank you for making this thread twice as important, in the meantime. ;)

Heren, only if you dare to have a jihad on your hands to deal with. :D I suppose Aragorn had it worse...or did he?

Kransha 06-08-2004 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by Lush
Saucie, but I did mention that the British are the best, in spite of substance abuse. The Russians, on the other hand...

Hey, I resent that! I am Russian (and a commie at that).

I tried taking the charming little questionnaire as my alter ego. I got Angsty Teen! Now that is simply incorrect. I am not angsty, I am evil, by definition. Angst, or any form of inverted melancholia or that member of the four humours does not apply to my flawless, yet utterly horrible persona. If Sauron took that quiz, he'd probably end up with (or be discriminatorially labeled) Angsty Teen Barrowdowner as well. I suggest you make a slight revision allowing one or two of the focal subtexts to act as a catalyst between the angsty prepuscant generation and the category of 'Dark and Loathsome Barrowdowner.' If you understood that paragraph, perhaps my life, miserable and angst-ridden (as of now) as it may be, will have some vague notion of purpose. Oh *sigh*....*angsty sigh*...*very angsty sigh*

the phantom 06-08-2004 06:34 PM


this quiz is not supposed to be at all serious. Like, if you gauge an activity's seriousness on a scale of 1 to 10, it comes in at about a -3.14
It is on a Tolkien forum though. That automatically makes it at least a +4. And anyway, I take trivial stuff very seriously. I'm really apathetic towards a lot of "important" things so I have to care about dumb stuff.

Thank you for making this thread twice as important
My pleasure. I'm a sucker for hot blondes with accents.

Lush 06-08-2004 09:06 PM


Hey, I resent that! I am Russian (and a commie at that).
Ya toje. Nu i chto? Razborku ustraivat' budem, ili kak? ;)


I'm a sucker for hot blondes with accents.
Are you a sucker for Pretentious Prats? Because I based that category on myself, largely. With a little bit of Rimbaud and Bethberry thrown in. In a good way. :D

Orominuialwen 06-08-2004 09:43 PM


Congratulations! You are- A Good Christian Barrowdowner!
Part of the attraction of Tolkien for you is that it's "good, clean fun." Please make sure to put in a good word with the Almighty for me on Judgment Day
Well, that does describe me pretty well. I hope you're not stalking me to find out what I'm like! ;) ;) :D

HerenIstarion 06-08-2004 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Lush
Heren, only if you dare to have a jihad on your hands to deal with. I suppose Aragorn had it worse...or did he?

darling, you've gone and put your foot right into it yourself, ;):

Main Entry: ji·had
Variant(s): also je·had /ji-'häd, chiefly Brit -'had/
Function: noun
Etymology: Arabic jihAd
1 : a holy war waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty; also : a personal struggle in devotion to Islam especially involving spiritual discipline
2 : a crusade for a principle or belief

Crusade for a principle or belief - that's what I do all the time, yeh...

Now I shall be expecting list of guests to be invited to attendant festivities and formalities...

the phantom 06-09-2004 12:10 AM


Are you a sucker for Pretentious Prats?
Pretentious- 1) Claiming or demanding a position of distinction or merit, especially when unjustified.
2) Making or marked by an extravagant outward show; ostentatious.

I think the pretentious part would be fine with me, as long as you are not more pretentious than I am. :p

Prat- The buttocks.

Oh yeah, I'm definitely a sucker for prats. ;)

Lalaith 06-09-2004 03:36 AM

So how many categories were there? Are all bases covered now?

(I was yet another Cheeky Brit. Not entirely accurate but quite good enough...a couple more wine-and-boudoir questions could easily have made me a Pretentious Prat I fear....)

Bêthberry 06-09-2004 07:06 AM

The company we keep

Are you a sucker for Pretentious Prats? Because I based that category on myself, largely. With a little bit of Rimbaud and Bethberry thrown in. In a good way.

Wow, Lush, I figure I would really have to crank up the effort to be in the same prat category as Rim, although maybe not everyone here would agree to that. ;) Shall I run off now and retake the test to see if I can really be me this time? :p :D

Orofaniel 06-09-2004 09:36 AM

Heh..That's a funny quiz. :D I really like it. :p

Um...until I came to the result. I'm a dork, obviously. :eek:


Amanaduial the archer 06-09-2004 11:35 AM

Lush, a question: why were you in Durham?

Son of Númenor 06-09-2004 12:01 PM

Because she's a Dukie.

Maeggaladiel 06-09-2004 12:26 PM

Hmmmm... I'm an angsty teen barrowdowner... I guess the standing-in-the-constant-rain and stabbing-the-yearbook questions did me in, eh?

But it really DOES always rain here!! It's raining right now!!! See?!?!

~Maeg the Angsty Teen Barrowdowner.
I hate everything!! Bwaaaaaaaaa!

Ainaserkewen 06-09-2004 03:27 PM

A Cheeky British Barrowdowner! What in the North does that mean!?

Seriously, this is one of the best online quizes I've taken.

Evisse the Blue 06-10-2004 06:37 AM

so much fun!
Great quiz! *applauds Lush* I first got Cheeky Brit (seems to be the most popular, though I'm not British :D ), then I took it again and got Good Christian. Weird combination, but 'm not complaining! :cool:

Eomer of the Rohirrim 06-10-2004 09:19 AM

Great stuff Lush. That 'wasted weekend' of yours was still far more productive than any weekend I ever spent. :)

Probably because I spend too much time in the pub. Hence myself being the latest addition to the Cheeky Brit category. Very good as I am technically British, although for the benefit of you foreigners, British ALWAYS means English.

I may be a Scot but I still love the Beatles (Fab!) and Maeg, I think the 'rain' answer must have applied to the Brits and not the angsty teens. There is a constant grey cloud over these islands.

Maeggaladiel 06-10-2004 01:51 PM

You're probably right, Eomer. But it really does rain constantly here, too.


Mad Baggins 06-10-2004 04:14 PM

A Cheeky British Barrowdowner!

You're better than everyone on the entire forum, and you know it. I hate you. Will you marry me?

Strange, seeing as how I'm Canadian...:D

Nurumaiel 06-10-2004 06:12 PM


Very good as I am technically British, although for the benefit of you foreigners, British ALWAYS means English.
Eomer, Ah, alas... technically.... why must one be British because their countries are considered part of Great Britain. I suppose I would be 'techinally British' too. Are you a Scot, then? I'm about half Scottish... from more recently I have folk from about Glasgow but in the ancient past they dwelt in Cawdor Castle. If you are Scottish and detest being called 'Scotch' then let us shake hands, brother. :D


There is a constant grey cloud over these islands.
But I find the grey cloud very sweet, don't you? Away from home now I don't feel so homesick when I see grey clouds. I suppose it would hard to have the loveliest, greenest isles without the rainiest isles, eh? ;)


Please don't tell Seamus Heaney about my slight in the meantime.
Lush, no, I suppose I shan't.... I will be most gracious to you. Just don't make me change my mind! *threatening look of Gandalf* :D

Evisse, I suppose one can be British and a good Christian at the same time, but you might be lacking in something if you were cheeky... seriously cheeky and not jokingly cheeky.

Lush, reflecting on prior posts of those who were 'angsty teens,' what happens if you end up with such and you are 'angsty' but well past the teenage years?

Lush 06-10-2004 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Nurumaiel

Lush, reflecting on prior posts of those who were 'angsty teens,' what happens if you end up with such and you are 'angsty' but well past the teenage years?

I think the logical way out of that situation is to go ahead and kill yourself.


Actually, I don't know the answer, since the quiz is more of a pastime for the bored than a thorough exploration of character. I suppose I'd advise said person to take it in stride and be proud? ;)

Eomer of the Rohirrim 06-11-2004 05:26 AM

Nurumaiel, the funniest defence of the word 'Scotch' I ever heard was something along these lines;

"Scotch must be a proper description because Queen Victoria used it."

Very funny stuff! Alright then, I'll concede. The traits of Britishness are always identical with the traits of Englishness. But I suppose that I'm alright with that. I do drink an extraordinary amount of tea. :D

Evisse the Blue 06-11-2004 06:29 AM


Evisse, I suppose one can be British and a good Christian at the same time
LOL, yes, I suppose one can! The weird combination was the 'cheeky' vs 'good'; not British vs Christian!
But some of these categories rule each other out: I mean, you cannot get both Teeny bopper and King, without cheating...or can you?

HerenIstarion 06-11-2004 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by Evisse the Blue
But some of these categories rule each other out: I mean, you cannot get both Teeny bopper and King, without cheating...or can you?

I suppose it depends on the mood you are in when taking the quizz?

Evisse the Blue 06-11-2004 06:53 AM


I suppose it depends on the mood you are in when taking the quizz?
I stand corrected. Still, that would imply pretty extreme mood swings... :D

Nurumaiel 06-11-2004 01:44 PM


I suppose it depends on the mood you are in when taking the quizz?
I believe you've found the correct answer. I'll take the quiz again on a day when I'm undeniably gloomy and couldn't hate pubs more... and then I wonder what I'll come up with?


I think the logical way out of that situation is to go ahead and kill yourself.
It seems to me there is no other escape... you're obviously insane acting like that... at your age, too! :D


"Scotch must be a proper description because Queen Victoria used it."
That is entirely grand and funny! But I'm afraid Queen Victoria can't change my view on the word. :D Never ask why I dislike being referred to as Scotch. I didn't used to mind but one gloomy day when the world was full of 'Scotch's' I couldn't take it anymore.

Ah, tea.... well, I'm not fond of tea in itself unless I'm in the correct mood but nothing can take away from the event of tea. It's extraordinary fun to be different people having tea. Generally I will be merely myself and sit by the fire, drinking tea with a few friends and talking about anything we fancy, or maybe telling a little story or two, but it's also enjoyable to pretend we're of the higher class and to take little sips and speak only of the weather and everyone's health. We mock the higher class most terribly and I only ever mock something when I'm quite fond of something... that's how I know I love LotR and that's why I suspect I'm really quite fond of the British. ;)

HerenIstarion 06-12-2004 02:16 AM

do you stick out your little fingers too? ;)

Eomer of the Rohirrim 06-12-2004 04:01 PM

I stick out my little finger when drinking any kind of beverage. Its a natural reaction to lifting a beverage-holder in Britain. We Brits have a very slight difference in our blood to the rest of the world's population, completely isolated in our little fingers. It generates a force against most kinds of drink, particularly tea (there is currently a major study being undertaken to discover why) which pushes the finger away from the drink.

Interesting eh?

On another note, why is cheekiness associated with Brits? Anyone have any ideas?

HerenIstarion 06-12-2004 04:32 PM

finger re: ah, I see :D

cheerky brits re: I suppose that English is the only language to make up words derived from facial expressions to express qualities of character? "eyeballing' being another word of the kind that pops up to mind...

Carnimírië 06-12-2004 04:50 PM

You are- An Über-Dork Barrowdowner!
Heh heh, I took the quiz yesterday. Yesterday, I wasn't a Barrowdowner yet. :) But I think my results are ok, only obviously I've never been in the Quiz Room.

HerenIstarion 06-12-2004 04:57 PM

So welcome, Uber-Dork Barrow-Downer :). Let your travels bring you to rest amongst the dead of this forum, and achieve some british cheekiness, which is free to take, once you figure out what answers to check :D. And never-ever go to the quiz room, or you'll become like poor Perky Ent, that is, obsessed!

Firefoot 06-12-2004 05:12 PM


And never-ever go to the quiz room
But it's great fun! Drop by sometime!

you'll become like poor Perky Ent, that is, obsessed!
Perky Ent and all the rest of us who haunt the Quiz Room and Quotes sections. We're not too obsessed. *wink wink* This is, by the way, coming from another Über-Dork Barrowdowner (and proud of it :D ).

Sirithheruwen 06-12-2004 06:12 PM


And never-ever go to the quiz room

But it's great fun! Drop by sometime!
*pants* Quiz...Room... *foams at the mouth* Ha, just kidding. Well, then again, I'm an Uber-dork BDer too. ;) I'm not that obsessed with the QR, and I'm certainly not very good. :rolleyes:

HerenIstarion 06-13-2004 10:25 AM

Well, when I talk about obsessions, I know my subject. Been there, done that, many times, four years. Location being just a little bit to the south from Quiz room, that is, in the Quotes :D

And that's cheeky one talking, there is no check to our cheek! (tra-la-la-lally, here down in quiz-valley...)

Lhunardawen 06-19-2004 01:22 AM

Whoa. I'm a good Christian Barrowdowner. Christian, yes. Barrowdowner, yes. Good? Maybe... ;)

Carlas 06-19-2004 09:49 AM

Congratulations! You are- A Pretentious Prat Barrowdowner!

You think you're too cool for the forum, don't you? No need to be coy, darling. At least you can be supremely entertaining, right?
Me? Noooooo...

Sleepy Ranger 06-21-2004 03:54 AM


Congratulations! You are- A Cheeky British Barrowdowner!
Well what do you know..... I'm not British and I haven't even lived there long enough but I guess I grew up somewhere close....
Scotch..hmmmm....possibilities :rolleyes:

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