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Kitanna 09-08-2005 09:41 AM

++ Legolas
I was going to vote for Lotho again, but Legolas and his excessive prancing about and constant washing of his hair in the water supply is really riding my nerves! I will not rest until the pretty boy is brought down.

Mithalwen 09-08-2005 10:25 AM

Well I am quite happy to vote Gandalf today - apart from other factors (the uncloaked thing is unpleasant true) - on paper he is one of the strongest tribe members but he never does much - at least not without fatal procrastination. THe tribe cannot afford to wait 16 years for him to act on crucial information - and then merely delegate. At least the witch king is proactive and dynamic though I think Sauron may have an unnatural hold on him.

And he smells.

++ Gandalf

Boromir88 09-08-2005 03:38 PM

Votings closed, I'll tally em up.

Boromir88 09-08-2005 03:42 PM

Gandalf- 5
Witch-King- 4
Grima- 2
Frodo- 1
Legolas- 1
Haldir- 1
Gollum- 1

Gandalf, has been chosen. He thought he could be like Richard Hatch and win the million dollars by constantly being uncloaked, but it doesn't pay off with this trive. The tribe has spoken, Gandalf is the second to go.

Who's left?

Lobelia Sackville-Baggins
Lotho Sackville-Baggins

Men and Rohan Lady:




Tom Bombadil

Gothmog (Movie)

Voting may begin again, for the third person to be casted off.

Glirdan 09-08-2005 03:51 PM

Yay!! First Vote!!!
I'm gonna stick with my other vote.


For the same reasons as I previously stated.

Azaelia of Willowbottom 09-08-2005 05:00 PM

...Hooray for voting that isn't particularly serious!
I vote

++ Movie!Gothmog! He's got the mother of all sunburns, and he's a bit tyrannical to boot: All that sun must've gone to his head. I say we send him home to recover.

(and if anyone finds this vote suspicious, please ignore the giant "LYNCH ME" that must be written across my forehead... :p )

The Perky Ent 09-08-2005 05:17 PM

++Witch King

Let's just get him out of the way.

I move for a double lynch!

The Only Real Estel 09-08-2005 05:23 PM

++ Witch King

Like I said before, immunity should be something you have to work for.

Glirdan 09-08-2005 05:33 PM

The double lynching isn't exactly funny to me. Looks like this is our last day Azaelia. Good game though! ;)

The Perky Ent 09-08-2005 05:36 PM

EDITED because I need to hang out with the balrogs in the padded walls

WaynetheGoblin 09-08-2005 05:49 PM

Witch king like everybody else ++witch king.

Alcarillo 09-08-2005 05:52 PM

Hooray for bandwagonning!

WaynetheGoblin 09-08-2005 05:53 PM

No matter what witch king is next to go.

The Only Real Estel 09-08-2005 05:55 PM

hate to be a wet blanket, but...
Guys, I really don't think anything about the Werewolf games is supposed to posted or PMd or anything until after the game...

Glirdan 09-08-2005 05:57 PM


Guys, I really don't think anything about the Werewolf games is supposed to posted or PMd or anything until after the game...
Curses, curses and more curses! :mad: Oh well, I can wait..... anyway. As Wayne said, it's most likely buh bye Witch-King. And as Alca put it, go bandwagoning!!! :D

wilwarin538 09-08-2005 05:59 PM

I vote for


Because he has a weird name and he smells. :D

Celuien 09-08-2005 06:02 PM

Hopping on the bandwagon
Well now. I still want to vote for Gollum for the same reasons as before. But it seems that the tide of public opinion has turned against The Witch King today. So my vote goes to ++ The Witch-King despite my misgivings about Gollum. May I suggest that we look more closely at hs situation and lynch him tomorrow?

But I am happy to be eliminating old Witchy. He's a nuisance to have around and he scares me with his constant lurking in the shadows. Besides, who wears heavy black robes on a tropical island? That's almost worse than walking around...uncloaked. :D

Firefoot 09-08-2005 06:11 PM


I mean, come on! Three people today have already come down with a case of the Black Breath! Thankfully Aragorn's still around, and there's athelas on this island...
Anyway, the WK is nothing but a liability to keep around. He's got to go.

Kitanna 09-08-2005 06:18 PM

++ movie Legolas

I will not stop until the nancing and prancing it put to an end!

Formendacil 09-08-2005 06:46 PM

Once again, just to be contrary, I'm not going to go with the primary vote, but with someone else, in hopes of creating a large enough bloc to get someone else lynched.

Don't get me wrong, the Witchking is a worthy target and all, but I feel that there are more important characters to get rid of first. At least the Witchking is a great and powerful member of his tribe, actually useful for something.

Legolas, on the other hand, is not.

Maybe it's all these years of having his once-noble image trod into prissyness, or maybe it's the tension of not knowing his true hair colour, or maybe it's the trauma of being associated with the "Legolas' hare" thread.

Whatever it may be, the poor Elf has gone insane, and is now totally useless to his tribe. Even Tolkien admitted it when he said that Legolas had, "probably accomplished the least of all the Fellowship".

Therefore, I vote:

++Legolas Greenleaf

The Saucepan Man 09-08-2005 06:52 PM

Yes, let's try to make this interesting.

For being a complete wuss and wailing Ai! Ai! A Bug! A Bug is come! when a tiny spider crawled across his bedding:


Boromir88 09-08-2005 07:43 PM

I got news that my niece in Michigan is going to get married, and I'll be up there until Sunday, without internet access. So, there's a few options.

One can step up and take over the thread for a few days. (Friday thru Sunday).

Or, I can close voting at around 2-ish when I plan on leaving and we'll put the thread on hold until Monday. Whatever you are up to, please let me know before 2 (Eastern Standard time), so let's see that 6 GMT (downs) time.

Glirdan 09-08-2005 07:47 PM

I have no problem stepping up for you Boro.

Congrats my dear friend.

Boromir88 09-08-2005 07:58 PM

TY Glirdan, that'll be perfect.

Ok votes so far go...

Hmm, it seems like the WK's fate is pretty much sealed. I am interested in making this a challenge though, for I have never really liked Legolas, especially in the movies. As been said his screaming (and singing may I add) gets quite annoying. And really what's with his surfing too? Does he think he's some PacSun model?


Witch-King- 7
Legolas- 4
Grishnakh- 1
MovieGothmog- 1

arcticstorm 09-08-2005 08:12 PM

Legolas has been too afraid of messing his hair up to help in assembling the shelters or helping with anything. He is more of a liability than an asset.


Formendacil 09-08-2005 09:00 PM

Oration with the Intent to Kill...
Come on people!

More votes for Legolas!!! Let's rid Middle-earth of the injustice of his existence! Only two more votes and he ties the Witchking. Only three more votes and he's ahead. After that it's bandwaggoning time!!!

Come on, who here doesn't have a grudge against the Prince of Prissy? Not only is he girly, blond(e), dainty, eternally clean, Captain Obvious, somewhat dimwitted, and not much help- the girls are all over him! Come on men, let us rid the world of this unwanted, unliked competition! Come on ladies, let's rid the world of this embarrassment to any intelligent man-seeking woman! Come on those of you with unspecified gender! This guy gives you a bad name!

Admiral of the Anti-Legolas Coalition,


Gil-Galad 09-08-2005 09:01 PM


hes never been my favorite...

Nerindel 09-09-2005 02:38 AM

While movie Legolas irratates me with is clean cut image and showy antics, Shield surfing I mean come on that was just too far :rolleyes: But I can't forget the haliriously funny comradery between him an a fellow dwarven I will reserve judgement on him for now.

Now the Witch king there is one pushy er...thingy I mean he pushes everyone about shouting about how no man can defeat him so cocky and self assure I think he needs brought down a peg or two, so this woman's vote goes to the ++Witch king :p

The Saucepan Man 09-09-2005 03:28 AM

I would point out that the Witch-King currently has only 5 votes. Those from Estel, Glirdan and Alcarillo do not count as the Witch-King will not fall by the vote of a Man. :p

Anguirel 09-09-2005 04:30 AM

Gloin is too old and decrepit for this kind of thing. It's undignified. Besides, food always gets caught in his tangled beard. He's a hygiene risk.


Lhunardawen 09-09-2005 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by Formendacil
Come on people!

More votes for Legolas!!! Let's rid Middle-earth of the injustice of his existence! Only two more votes and he ties the Witchking. Only three more votes and he's ahead. After that it's bandwaggoning time!!!

Come on, who here doesn't have a grudge against the Prince of Prissy? Not only is he girly, blond(e), dainty, eternally clean, Captain Obvious, somewhat dimwitted, and not much help- the girls are all over him! Come on men, let us rid the world of this unwanted, unliked competition! Come on ladies, let's rid the world of this embarrassment to any intelligent man-seeking woman! Come on those of you with unspecified gender! This guy gives you a bad name!

Now, now, Formendacil...that's not nice. :p

But then again, even among the women he is involved in competition. He hogs all the raspberry shampoo from that reward challenge to himself. (Have you seen poor Éowyn's hair?) And he spends too much time washing his hair, thus causing the seawater to be so soapy that all the fish are driven away from the shore, so not even Gollum can catch a fissh so juicy sweet! He's a nuisance, I tells ya. Away with her, er, him!


Now don't you all go thinking I'm a werewolf just because I got on this bandwagon. *howls*

The Only Real Estel 09-09-2005 09:09 AM

Come on, people. We all know Legolas is a nuisance but what Saucepan Man said just illustrates the point:


I would point out that the Witch-King currently has only 5 votes. Those from Estel, Glirdan and Alcarillo do not count as the Witch-King will not fall by the vote of a Man.
He's just to powerful!

In the true spirit of Survivor I'm willing to make a bargain, a deal. If Witchie gets voted off this round I'll join the bandwagon for Legolas next round. :cool:

Mithalwen 09-09-2005 10:11 AM

I am not going to vote Legolas - there might be an archery challenge and with so many of the uglies around he is at least eye candy. Since you need more female votes and it is time we got rid of one of the true nasties


NB - THat is not a lot of notice for a wedding Mr 88..... most people just go to the cinema if there is nothing much on at the weekend...... :p

Hiriel 09-09-2005 10:57 AM

I would vote for WK just because that mace has got to be a standing tetnis hazard after being on the island and his "little flying pet", Fluffums, has no conception of what and where the latrine is.

++Witch King

Boromir88 09-09-2005 11:26 AM

So far votes go...

Witch-King- 10
Legolas- 6
Grishnakh- 1
Gloin- 1
Sam- 1
Gothmog- 1

Sauce, even without the fellows vote for the WK I think he would still be gone, his destiny looks pretty set right now. Though, nice attempt to save him. :p

Anyway, those are the votes, I must be heading off. I'll leave things in Glirdan's hands until my return Monday.

Glirdan 09-09-2005 01:59 PM

Yes Saucy, very nice attempt. But I'm a Wight not exactly living either. I'm in the Halls of Mandos in a techinicallity manner, seeing as I am a Elf who has died. But I like it here in the Downs more, so I think I'll stay here.

And as Boro said, I will be taking over until his return. So, only about an hour left to vote people, let's get those votes for Witchie!! And as soon as he's gone, I'm going to bandwagon with the Legolas thingy. YAY FOR BANDWAGONING!!!!! :D

Glirdan 09-09-2005 03:00 PM

Well, voting is over. I'll be back with the elimination, though I'm sure we all know who it is..... ;)

Glirdan 09-09-2005 03:15 PM

Here are the tallied votes:


The Witch-King has been voted off. Due to his constant screeching noises, his constant attack with a giant flail on Eowyn, his fettish of attacking people with poisned daggers, his constant lurking in the shadows and his Black Breath has taken down three other contestants, but thanks to Aragorn, they will be saved. The tribe has spoken, Witchie is out on Day 3.

The rest of the contestants are as follows:

Lobelia Sackvilee-Baggins
Lotho Sackville-Baggins

Men and Rohan Lady




Tom Bombadil


Voting starts for the fourth person to be chucked ruthlessly by the rest off of the island.

The Perky Ent 09-09-2005 03:18 PM

Ruthlessly chucked off the Island? I know jsut the right man...or should i say ....elf....


wilwarin538 09-09-2005 03:20 PM

I will vote for someone who no one else will vote for, just to be special :D


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