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piosenniel 04-29-2004 12:11 PM

I'd like to remind players not to start chatting on the discussion thread.

The Perky Ent will put the list of names of players for First Post order on this thread when he has time to do so, and I will then transfer them to the game thread.

Since I have to work today - this will not probably happen until tomorrow at the earliest.

~*~ Pio, Game Moderator

ArwenBaggins 04-29-2004 02:21 PM

Alas, the game has yet to start and I am already taking a leave of absence. I will be working at a Renaissance Faire in Arrington-Triune ((Just south of Nashville)) Tennessee Friday night through Saturday night, and not returning until Sunday evening.

Thanks for your cooraperation!

The Perky Ent 04-29-2004 04:37 PM

Arwen, it's all cool ;) So, now i need to create an order. Actually, before i address that, astarielle - i have a problem with your post.

Right now, all of the posts consist of the elves and rangers returning arathorn's call. You, however, didn't really talk about that. So can you make your post more corresponding with Saraphim. Thanks

I'll have the order up in about a day. Just need to do some prioritizing. But here's part of the order:

The Perky Ent

:D Just a few more days, and then Let the good times roll!

Mad Baggins 04-30-2004 07:02 PM

Alas, I too will be gone tonight and most of tomorrow to a friend's house. I don't know when I shall return. In fact, I mean not to. (Actually, I do, but I just decided to throw in a little movie tidbit. :))

The Perky Ent 05-01-2004 05:53 PM

Don't worry everybody! It's all good. The red book says

Any character that goes missing for a two week period of time can be "killed off" or "lost" and will be out of the game. If you have posted that you will be gone, the game owner can then decide if someone else can take over your character if need be until you get back.
So, i won't take over your character. So, just give notice and post when you come back ;)

The Perky Ent 05-02-2004 01:30 PM

Well, i think i have the post order. It is as follows:

The Perky Ent
Arvedui III
Eowyn Skywalker
Mad Baggins
Hama of the Riddermark
Will Witfoot

I think that's a pretty good order. If anyone has any complaints, please tell me. Once Astarielle has his/her revised post, we can start! :D

ArwenBaggins 05-02-2004 02:15 PM

I am back! I had loads of fun at the festival, but I like being back home on familiar turf.

Can't wait to start!


The Perky Ent 05-02-2004 05:15 PM

Wow! Pio's already got up saves for posts! This is really starting off. But then, it won't start until Tuesday cause that's when astarielle will have his/her post revised.

Mad Baggins 05-02-2004 05:17 PM

Was gone longer than I thought, but now I am back! Looks good, everyone!

astarielle 05-03-2004 11:42 AM

edited my post!

Potatothan 05-03-2004 12:02 PM

Check your PM's in a few moments, please.

~*~ Piosenniel, Game Moderator

The Perky Ent 05-03-2004 05:06 PM

Potatothan, no worries! I'll quit the habbit. Well now, the posts are, Pio, let's open up the RPG!!!

The Perky Ent 05-03-2004 05:17 PM

The Gameplan
OK! Here's the gameplan:

I will write a post about Arathorn talking to all the people in the courtyard

Then, at about friday if not sooner, if everybodies gotten at least one post, Arvedui will write a post about Elrond giving us his blessing and sending us off.

From there, we travel, until we find orcs running into the trollshaws. We follow. We'll find the orcs are dead, and we're cornered with a bunch of trolls.

Then, it's off to Weathertop.

That should take several weeks so i think that's a good start. I'll start writing a post immediatly, and the game will be open.

This is a really cool game and i think it can be really fun. Hope it is ^_^

~*~ The Perky Ent ~*~

PS. If you get writers cramp, and i know i do, you can save time by calling me Perky ;)

The Perky Ent 05-04-2004 04:44 PM

It's started
Well, i put up my post, so now feel free to post on the RPG!

BTW, Eowyn, love the avatar!

Eowyn Skywalker 05-04-2004 05:22 PM


Well, i put up my post, so now feel free to post on the RPG!

BTW, Eowyn, love the avatar!
Yeah, that's my 'cross-dimentonal' avatar. Snrk.

Okay, I'm working on my next post now, glad this is started.

-Eowyn Skywalker

Will Witfoot 05-06-2004 01:59 AM

Perky, not to appear petty or anything, but Cerímb's actually the mother of Eldín ;) .
Otherwise, it's all looking really good. I'll try to get in a post as soon as possible.

Potatothan 05-06-2004 09:47 AM

It's a problem if I post multiple times before everyone else has done so is it?


piosenniel 05-06-2004 10:02 AM


You can post more than once - just don't place one post for your character directly after the other without another player's post in between.

ArwenBaggins 05-06-2004 02:38 PM

Sorry I haven't been here lately. 'A Land to Call There Own' is wrapping up, and it's time consuming. ;)

Going to do a post now!

The Perky Ent 05-06-2004 03:59 PM

Will - woah now! didn't see that. Very sorry! i'll fix it, or find some other way! ;)

BTW everyone, i know everyone is having end of the year stresses, but after the school year, this RPG will be really good!

Arwen - no worries ;)

Everyone, apparently, not everyone has posted, so it might take longer, but i'd like to leave imladris soon. There is a party arranged so please grant us with your presence.

Mad Baggins 05-06-2004 07:34 PM

Sorry, but I'm gone from tomorrow until late Sunday, so I probably won't post again until Monday.

Saraphim 05-06-2004 08:32 PM

I finally posted. Elrohir apparently shares my opinion that parties are fun, and I'm looking forward to getting it and this rpg going!

piosenniel 05-06-2004 09:16 PM


Please remember to edit off your signatures from each post to the game.


~*~ Pio

Eowyn Skywalker 05-07-2004 12:36 AM

I won't be home until late tommorow, so I may not get a post in until Sunday, as we are somewhat busy over the weekend, but I'll try to get one finished late Friday.

Hama Of The Riddermark 05-07-2004 01:37 AM

Sorry I havent posted yet, study's been eating into my time. I'll definitely try and have a post up later today or tomorrow.

Mad Baggins 05-07-2004 03:12 PM

I am terribly sorry, but I don't have time to post a response today. You don't have to wait for me to post before Elrond gives his blessing; I'd just hold things up until Monday. Sorry, and bye!

The Perky Ent 05-07-2004 04:13 PM

Everyone - Yes, we're all busy. I know it would be hard playing at this time, but although it may not be perfect, we can still make it a good rpg! With luck, it should be very good!

The Perky Ent 05-08-2004 07:20 AM

Everyone, I really like how these posts are going! I especially like the Eirian's daughter being the little flower girl! :) It was a nice touch, Phervasaion! Now to business. I'll have a finished post by later today, in which Arathorn comes back, asks the men and elves if they're getting along, and then start the party.

ArwenBaggins 05-08-2004 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by The Perky Ent
Everyone, I really like how these posts are going! I especially like the Eirian's daughter being the little flower girl! :) It was a nice touch, Phervasaion! Now to business. I'll have a finished post by later today, in which Arathorn comes back, asks the men and elves if they're getting along, and then start the party.

Er.... Perky, Eirian is my character, not Phervasaion's. ;) Just wanted to tell ya that.

I also wanted to say that I will create a post for Eirian responding to all of the kudos his daughter got. Perky, when I post it up, could you please paste it in? Thanks in advance.

--Player of Eirian--

The Perky Ent 05-08-2004 10:20 AM

ArwenBaggins - What I meant to say was, good job Phervasaion, Potatothan, and ArwenBaggins. I just really liked Phervasaion's post. I know Eirian is your character! Also, I'll put up your post, no problem! ;)

Eowyn Skywalker 05-08-2004 11:53 AM

I'm working on a post, and should get it up today. Should. Yes, it's a party post, not before. This is a save, ehh? As if we couldn't tell, Perky...

-Eowyn Skywalker

The Perky Ent 05-08-2004 04:45 PM

Change of Plans! Arvedui III (Elrond) is gonna start the party off. I think you'll find it turns out to be quite funny. So i'll use my previous save for your post ArwenBaggins

Arvedui III 05-08-2004 06:01 PM

Party, eh? Ah well, so long as you Dunedain don't make too much of a mess...

I put up a save, and will fill it soon as I can.

ArwenBaggins 05-08-2004 06:55 PM

Hehehe... just a slight misunderstanding. ;)

I'll get the post in soon!


The Perky Ent 05-09-2004 08:35 PM

Well, I have just been informed that Arvedui III won't post the party til tuesday, but assures me it will be detailed. So, if you want to continue the party talking to each other, I still have a save up, and you can post your posts on the discussion thread and i'll add it to the save.

ArwenBaggins 05-10-2004 02:21 PM

Just to enform you I'm still working on that post! We had a computer crash over the weekend and my computer is just now starting to work again *knocks on wood*. I lost the post, but will be done with it by late Tuesday.


The Perky Ent 05-10-2004 04:21 PM

It's ok ArwenBaggins! Arvedui is halfway through the post and should be done tomorrow! It's gonna be a really fun party. Hope everyone shows up!!!

ArwenBaggins 05-10-2004 04:53 PM

M'chadoky! Just thought I'd tell you!

Psst.... post at the White Horse Inn Perky! :)


Arvedui III 05-11-2004 08:32 PM

Don't spill anything!
I have posted. Let the party begin. :)

Eowyn Skywalker 05-11-2004 10:22 PM

Yay! I've posted, the party has began!

-Eowyn Skywalker

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