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Kath 09-04-2005 11:40 AM

There is just one thing that I would like to mention right now and that is this belief that having people who are loud in the village is so exceedingly important that we must not kill anyone who is able to make a sensible and seemingly helpful post of over three paragraphs. Now yes, it is important that we have people who can do this but what we have to beware of is that these people could be werewolves, the cobbler or the werebear. I am not saying lynch all the loud people, I just want everyone to realise that this is possible and that they should not be exempt from suspicion, and that 'I'm loud' is not a valid defence.

There seem to be two people now that everyone is suspicious of;

I personally don't believe that Wayne is suspicious, just a little inexperienced and I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt. Menel I accused to begin with and I'll not let that go yet, I want to see some more posts first.

I also accused SamwiseGamgee, and may I say sir what a marvellous reply!

Kath accuseth me of foul, wolf shaped treachery! Oh, the outrage!
Seems a rather over the top response to a random accusation! And you'll let it go will you? How magnanimous of you. I certainly think I'll be watching you.

Glirdan 09-04-2005 11:41 AM

My dear Wayne, if you don't want to get lynched on the first day, please, for your sake, make up a deffence! Otherwise, I will have no choice but to vote for you seeing as there really is no one else I suspect of any "furry" activity. And as I said before, the only suspicion of the phantom I have is that he is the cobbler. Other that that there really isn't anyone else.

Kitanna 09-04-2005 11:50 AM

I would personally like to see something from Gil. He has been very quiet and the one post he had was rather pointless.

Holbytlass 09-04-2005 12:26 PM

I see a wagon of band coming through....

I see nothing wolfish of Wayne's teeth statement, for heaven's sake he's a dentist! And as for his lack of defence, well, I for one chalk it up to newness.
It seems to me that there are some who feel that The Phantom is the cobbler. So why are there villagers quick to say they are going to vote Wayne, a possible werecreature/anti-villager than The Phantom, a probable anti-villager at the very least?
Now I know this is going to land me in a muck pile, but I put this out there to make people think.

Glirdan 09-04-2005 12:31 PM

I see what you mean Holbytlass, it just seemes to me, as I'm sure it did to Wilwa and Alcarillo, that he sounded rather wolfish. But now you have me torn in mind for whom I will be voting for. I don't know whether I should vote for the phantom or Wayne. If Wayne is a wolf, he poses the greater threat than the Cobbler. I mean, what can the Cobbler do? He doesn't know who the werewolves are or who the werebear is, therefor, when he votes, he could be putting out one of those he would like to win. I'm still leaning towards voting for Wayne, but the phantom is now a possibility.

Meneltarmacil 09-04-2005 12:40 PM

I don't really think lynching Wayne would really do a whole lot for us. I mean, yes it would get rid of his unhelpful posting, but I do not believe it will really help us track down the werebeasts. As for the phantom, it's kind of hard to tell exactly what he is from what he said. He is probably not a wolf unless he's double-bluffing, which I agree he is clever enough to do. He may be the Bear, using his post to try and convince us he's innocent, but I personally don't think there's enough evidence to say anything at this time.

Kath, both you and Shelob seem to want me to explain myself. May I ask why you suspect me?

Kitanna 09-04-2005 12:43 PM

curse grammer mistakes!
I agree with you, Holbytlass, at least about Wayne. I can say that I will defiantly not be voting for him today. I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt because he's new. Though should his lack of defense continue I will have to change my stance on him.

As for the phantom I think if he's gifted at all he's probably the cobbler and therefore does not need to be lynched yet. The cobbler isn't all that dangerous at the beginning of the game.

As of right now I do not know how to vote. It looks like I will pull a random name from the list and vote for them.

wilwarin538 09-04-2005 12:44 PM

Well I don't think I will vote for the phantom, even though some think he is a cobbler. I think that he has some could ideas, and I think he could indeed help us. Even if he is the cobbler he is clueless about the identities of the Weres just as much as we are, so he isn't a threat. Now I'm not defending the cobbler, not at all, I just think that the phantom could have good ideas.


Originally posted by Kath
There is just one thing that I would like to mention right now and that is this belief that having people who are loud in the village is so exceedingly important that we must not kill anyone who is able to make a sensible and seemingly helpful post of over three paragraphs. Now yes, it is important that we have people who can do this but what we have to beware of is that these people could be werewolves, the cobbler or the werebear. I am not saying lynch all the loud people, I just want everyone to realise that this is possible and that they should not be exempt from suspicion, and that 'I'm loud' is not a valid defence.
As Kath said, those who post a lot of valuable posts are better to keep around instead of a bunch of people who don't really participate. So I think we should keep phantom around, since the cobbler isn't a threat to us at this point any way. I think we should consintrate on the Wolves and the Bear. They are our main threats right now.

So unless I become suspicious of someone else, or Wayne actually posts something to defend himself, Wayne is probably who I will vote for.

EDIT:Cross posted with a few people: I supose I might have been a tad harsh about Wayne, he is new at this, as I was at one point, so I think I will back off of him a little. I just really wish he would at least try to defend himself. If he continues to post like this, then I will have to vote for him, though not toDAy most likely. Now I just don't know. :confused:

Holbytlass 09-04-2005 12:46 PM

Here's something else to muddy the waters....
If The Phantom is the cobbler, then he is double-bluffing. Reasonable enough, he's a smart guy BUT, then he is bluffing using a plan that whether his bluffing works or not will help the villagers and that is a very un-cobblerish thing to do.
To put it plainer, I think The Phantom is a helpful villager and Wayne the Goblin doesn't deserve our votes today.

But then who does?!....

ther's still time to gleen from what has been (or not been) posted.

Glirdan 09-04-2005 12:53 PM

I believe I will do as Kitanna is doing. I will give Wayne the benefit of the doubt. But, should he be accused once more and not come up witha reasonable deffence, I will be forced to vote for them, unless there is someone more likely. I'm not quite decided in mind, therefor, I might vote for Wayne. If there is anyone else now who should be considered, it would be Gil. He posted once, and hasn't said a thing since. We should be looking towards him now. The phantom is now exempt in my books and I will not be voting for him.

Shelob 09-04-2005 12:55 PM


I see nothing wolfish of Wayne's teeth statement, for heaven's sake he's a dentist!
I was probing for responses myself...and it was a rather strange thing to say, you think it wouldn't so much be his teeth as his practice that would suffer if he was so distraught at our loss... any case I haven't seen much to make me want to vote for anyone. At best I'd say that the "Phantom as Cobbler", or the "SamwiseGamgee is hiding something" suggestions are the two possibilities with the most empirical (or as empirical as is possible) evidence for them, and even those are very probably ill-phrasing or paranoia induced readings. And then there are the people who haven't said/contributed enough for anyone to really consider them one way or the other...

Meneltarmacil, I just like responses, they're practically the only thing we've got to work with today. Add to that the fact I was just picking you because your name had come up the most at that point I feel yours and Alcarillo's points about those being "shots in the dark" based off your occupation are enough. Not enough to wipe you completely from my radar, but enough to keep me happy.

As it stands though I've got WaynetheGoblin, Meneltarmacil, Phantom and SamwiseGamgee all hovering high on my radar....most likely I'll vote for one of them.

Though speaking of voting I may have to do mine earlier than I should like, certainly too early for it to be the best of decisions, however as I've a little while yet before I must go care for my Llamas (I've decided to move them all into my house, that way I'll be able to guard them better) I'll wait, watch and think deeply about what to do with the little I have...

...Until then.

Kath 09-04-2005 01:00 PM


Kath, both you and Shelob seem to want me to explain myself. May I ask why you suspect me?
My accusation of you at the beginning was completely random and based on nothing more than me looking at the list of names and choosing the three that jumped out at me. However, once I had picked you I realised that there were quite a few others that felt the same. It seemed odd that a lot of people would have the same suspicion and so I looked to you to explain or defend yourself so I would have more posts/words from you to use to make some kind of decision about you. So far this has not happened and so I am unable to decide whether I think you guilty or innocent. Does that answer your question?

Alcarillo 09-04-2005 01:04 PM

Well, I don't think the phantom is guilty of anything. Menel is simply facing some anti-zookeeper-ism. Wayne is probably just a blundering new guy, although I might vote for him if nobody else comes along. Somebody must die today. I'd like a few more posts from those quiet people.

Glirdan 09-04-2005 01:11 PM


I'd like a few more posts from those quiet people.
I quite agree Alcarillo. Where is Gil and Bergil to defend themselves? As it stands, I might vote for Wayne. I don't see any harm in Menel seeing as he is just the zoo-keeper and as you put it Alcarillo, he is just facing "anti-zookeeper-ism" and is most likely no harm to anyone and I really don't see any harm in Samwise either, but I may vote for him. He is another who needs to defend himself.

Holbytlass 09-04-2005 01:12 PM

Unless something hugely profound comes along and I seriously doubt it, this being the first day and all, I shall be voting for Bergil because he has said nothing and has not stated elsewhere that he wouldn't be able to and it has been 19 1/2 hours to at least make an appearance.

wilwarin538 09-04-2005 01:16 PM

I agree Holby, I suppose Bergil is really the only choice we have. I will wait though before I vote, just in case.

Kath 09-04-2005 01:28 PM

Now hold on just a cotton pickin' minute because I am a little confused here. There are some people who think that the phantom is the Cobbler, and yet they are not going to vote for him. Rather they are going to vote for someone they believe to be innocent just because the phantom is loud. I do recall just warning against that but it seems no one listened. Yes, ok, we need loud and clever people but what we do not need is a loud and clever person that many people think to be in league with the werecreatures! Remember, the Cobbler is not on our side! S/he will become dangerous to us in the near future and if we don't suspect anyone of being a wolf then surely it is better to vote for a person you think to be against the village than someone you simply have not heard from.

Now I am not saying vote for the phantom because I personally don't think he is the Cobbler, but what I am saying is that if you think he is you should vote for him rather than just picking someone else at random that you don't truly have suspicions of, just to keep a loud person alive.

Alcarillo 09-04-2005 01:40 PM

Now I'm not sure if I should vote for Wayne or Bergil, but I'll probably vote for the former.

I agree with Kath that you should vote for the phantom if you think he's suspicious. Vote for who you think is guilty.

In my case, I don't have very many ideas of who's guilty and who's not, but I think lynching an unhelpful person is the best we can do.

wilwarin538 09-04-2005 01:40 PM

I don't think the phantom is the Cobbler. Even if he is though, he isn't a threat to us now, in a few Days where the cobbler could start to become a threat then I think the phantom would be most peoples first choice, not mine mind you. I don't think we should lynch someone who could have good ideas, just incase he is innocent. At this point I have no idea. Bergil is really the only one I could vote for, Wayne is still a possibility though.

Kitanna 09-04-2005 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Kath
Now I am not saying vote for the phantom because I personally don't think he is the Cobbler, but what I am saying is that if you think he is you should vote for him rather than just picking someone else at random that you don't truly have suspicions of, just to keep a loud person alive.

You make a valid point, Kath. But allow me to say that I have my suspicions of phantom as the cobbler, but I also know there is a good chance of him being innocent. Right now I am feeling he is not a werecreature of any sort and I do not want to cast my vote for him.

None of my suspicions today have any real foundations. So no matter who I vote for it will be a shot in the dark.
I suspect Wayne for his toothy remarks and lack of defense, but I want to give him the benefit of the doubt for right now.
I suspect Samwise because he was the first to mention phantom's bear plan as a bad thing (he was not the only one thoug), but someone was bound to do that. Samwise just happened to be the first. Also Kath mentioned Samwise's over the top reaction to her accusation...strange, but right now I see that as no reason to cast him down.
Then there's Gil and Bergil who my only reason to suspect them is because of lack of posting, but I don't want to vote for either of them until they defend themselves.

So one way or the other my vote will be random and in the end will probably not count toward anything today. I do not believe any of my reasons for suspecting people are good enough to cast a vote and head them for the noose.

Meneltarmacil 09-04-2005 02:08 PM

For the record I am suspicious of the following people:

SamwiseGamgee, because of his attack on the phantom.

Bergil and Gil-Galad, due to their silence. WaynetheGoblin is a similar case, but he can be excused somewhat as stated earlier.

And the phantom himself does stand a slight chance of being the Bear, though I think it more likely that he is an innocent villager.

And now if you'll excuse me, the hippopotami must be fed.

Shelob 09-04-2005 02:08 PM

As I said, far to early and with far to little to base my decision on but yet I must vote for I know not if I'll have another chance.

Given what I have I feel it's unfair to vote for someone simply because they have spoken little, if at all. For that I am then ruling out WaynetheGoblin and anyone else who has posted practically nothing. Of the three remaining from my list then I'm left with SamwiseGamgee, Phantom and Meneltarmacil. However I have nothing worth basing a vote on for any of them.

Meneltarmacil was accused randomly and early, with enough suspicion stuck to him that I can't quite shake it.

Phantom made a suggestion to the bear which would, with luck and the bear's cooperation, thin out the ranks of the wolves quickly, but this could be a cobblerish trick or a bear's way of hiding out in the open, or the suggestion of an innocent more worried by the wolves than the bear.

As to SamwiseGamgee, his reaction to Kath could be a were-ish one, or it could just be ill-phrased, his accusition of the Phantom could be a coverup, it could be gauging for a reaction.

Of those three I'm torn between Phantom or SamwiseGamgee being the more worthy of a vote. However since I feel that the Phantom has, from what little there is, a better chance of being a danger to the village I shall vote for ++The Phantom and hope.

the guy who be short 09-04-2005 02:09 PM

Hail, fellow villagers.

I have returned from business early to horror and dismay! Unfortunately, I must turn in soon, and have had only enough time to glance at the earlier proceedings, so handily noted down.

I do not know who the wolves are. I do not know who the gifted's are. I can either vote blindly, most likely get it wrong, lead the voting, probably be lynched myself, and be mistrusted or I can note vote at all.

The latter seems a lot more appealing, and would be beneficial to my continued existance. However, it would mean I was not performing my social duties.

So vote I must.

++Alcarillo for being incompetant in protecting us from wolves!

It's as good a vote as any this Day.

Good Night.

mormegil 09-04-2005 02:26 PM

I find all this talk of the phantom to be a bit ridiculous. I cannot really believe him to be a werecreature or the cobbler. No I've spent some time with the fellow during my stay in this twisted little village and I have to say that no matter what he does he appears suspicious. So the fact that he appears 'normal' seems a good sign that he's innocent. So I'm pretty sure that he's not guilty. If anything the only thing I find cobblerish is that his normal behavior took up so much talk for one day. Now I would envision a cobbler phantom being a bit more subtle till near the end. I think his idea is somewhat sound and understandable. Basically he is asking the bear to benefit him/herself and the village as well. I don't think the cobbler would ask the bear to kill the werewolves (remember he would be on their team really). So let's stop diverting our attention from the real issue and get off this mentioning the phantom in nearly every post.

TGWBS has some pretty nefarious politics if he will openly admit he wants a competitor killed.

I'm glad to see that the village would like some of those who are quiet to talk a bit more. I don't think you need to be as loud or long as SpM, the phantom or myself for example but say at least something to give us an idication as to where you stand. Especially with so many people around having a good percentage being essentially silent is rather tedious.

I guess I will hold that I find Menel suspicious, if for no other reason than a gut feeling. Sometimes you just have to trust your own instincts. Why trusting those has kept me alive so far.

I don't think Shelob is really guilty and I find that she is contributing much to the discussion.

Kath is worrying me a bit. Again something just doesn't sit right and another gut feeling.

Wayne--Let him live at least one more day

So currently I think I will vote either Kath or Menel.

Alcarillo 09-04-2005 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by the guy who be short
It's as good a vote as any this Day.

True, true.

Should I vote for Bergil or Wayne? Those are the two I think are best to be lynched. At least Wayne has said something. We have no idea about Bergil. I feel as though we should lynch the silent, if they won't help the village. So, here goes.


Gil-Galad 09-04-2005 02:29 PM

Wayne and Bergil are indeed quiet, as myself am as well and i admit that... i shall review and vote shortly

mormegil 09-04-2005 02:51 PM

I was thinking about it a bit more and I think that lynching Bergil may be a mistake. He's new in many respects and ought to give him the benefit of the doubt. Perhaps he had some urgent carpentry business that needed to be dealt with and was unable to inform anybody of his absence. The Ent's have some wisdom on no being too hasty in matters. I think that is a lesson we could take now.

the phantom 09-04-2005 02:53 PM

Ha ha! This is hilarious.

Some of you guys think I am the cobbler, and a couple still think I might be the bear.

I'm currently preparing a post to put down those ideas. Wait and read it, and after you read it ask yourself if you really believe I'm a bad guy.

Cailín 09-04-2005 03:04 PM

My fellow villagers, sorry for my almost complete silence up till now, but I was rather caught up in daily affairs, as happens so every now and then.

I've been reading carefully what you all said, and so far, I'm mostly confused. Sure, the phantom's idea sounds very sensible, but I don't know if we can trust people who are so willing to strike a deal with evil. Also Gil-Galad has said little, except concern for his bird. Odd, but not truly suspicious.

Wayne, I think, is just an inexperienced lad who does not really know what to say in the face of a tragedy.

A lot of names have been thrown around so far, especially names of the extremely loud and quiet ones.

Kitanna & Kath seem very sensible to me and I feel inclined to trust both. Which is just the reason why I think something's fishy about them.

Durelin's name has not been mentioned yet, but I'd say her death would at least clear up some confusion since I don't understand half what she says and what I do understand, I don't particularly like (though 'la' sounds rather nice :) ).

So far, I think my vote will go to Bergil. He has not been very helpful so far. But I do not distrust him, so it's really for lack of a true suspect...

Kitanna 09-04-2005 03:14 PM

Talk of lynching Bergil is utterly ridiculous. Lynching him for his silence at this point will most likely solve nothing. It's possible he's a wolf of course, but his silence at this point should not be a reason. Should Bergil say something in the next few and then fall silent once again then perhaps he should be lynched, but for now I don't think he should be killed.

I must step out for a bit and I have not decided how to throw my vote. Hopefully I will return in time to vote...

the phantom 09-04-2005 03:15 PM

Now, I would like to put a stop to the idea that I am the bear. I thought I settled the matter fairly well in this post (read it again if you wish), but if you want further evidence look at what someone else said.

Posted by Holby-

As for myself I am most incline to believe The Phantom.
Thank you.

While I do think he is smart for a double-bluff...

...I think he definitely would think of all possibilities about drawing attention to himself, especially from the seer
Exactly! Of course I would've thought of that, and therefore would not have done it. Your analysis is perfect, Holby.

If I am a bear or wolf then I am a foolish one- and anyone who knows me knows I am not foolish. I'm not trying to sound arrogant, but the fact is I could do a much better job at werewolfing or werebearing than what I have done today, and anyone who has seen me in action knows it.

Now, I will get rid of the idea that I am the cobbler.

First, since when does the cobbler want the werecreatures to kill each other? He/she is on their side, so why would he/she ask the werebear to try and kill the wolves?

He/she wouldn't. He/she doesn't want any werecreatures to die.

Also- and most importantly- the cobbler's purpose is to cause confusion. That's what he/she is good for. Now- why in the world would a cobbler attempt to mess with people and confuse them so EARLY? At this point, we are all plenty confused! We have no information to work with- no votes, no deaths, no anything!

I ask you, what fool of a cobbler would try and make a move at this point in the game? It is irrational. A cobbler would want to bide his time and try and strike a blow at a critical juncture. Now is not a critical time. Now is simply a shot in the dark. A cobbler can't do much damage this early, so why try to and thus call attention to himself/herself?

Once again, I'm not trying to sound arrogant, but if I was the cobbler I would be playing much better than this, and you know it.

Azaelia of Willowbottom 09-04-2005 03:19 PM

hmmm... I don't right now see much danger from Phantom...His plan is helpful to us supposing it works, and therefore, at least for now, I am not suspicious that he is a wolf or the cobbler or what have you.

I, too, am going to give Wayne a break toDAY. It's his first game and no one wants to be killed off on their first day. His tooth comment was strange, but I agree with everyone else that it was inexperience. (but the way to fix inexperience is to post, so where are you, Wayne, and what is your opinion?)

Besides, Bergil still hasn't shown his face at all, not even to make a two-line nothing post, and has not explained his absence. Unless he shows up soon, he will probably get my vote. Not that I find him suspicious because of silence (he's *too* silent for that), but out of lack of anyone else better to vote for so early on.

wilwarin538 09-04-2005 03:22 PM

I am not suspicious at all of phantom and I never have been. Bergil has not said any thing, and even Wayne has defended himself somewhat. So Bergil has my vote today,


I just hope that we get lucky and he is a wolf or a bear.

WaynetheGoblin 09-04-2005 03:26 PM

I am sorry for my absence, it wasn't very smart of me. I am grateful that you all gave me an extra day. I will make it up to you. My vote is for:


Because I've got a bad feeling about him.

Cailín 09-04-2005 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by Kitanna
Talk of lynching Bergil is utterly ridiculous. Lynching him for his silence at this point will most likely solve nothing. It's possible he's a wolf of course, but his silence at this point should not be a reason. Should Bergil say something in the next few and then fall silent once again then perhaps he should be lynched, but for now I don't think he should be killed.

I do believe you are right. But I also think the phantom's defence to be convincable enough to let him live for now.

I'm now torn between SamwiseGamgee for attacking the phantom's plan (though someone was bound to), or maybe Glirdan - since he was all over poor Wayne, who I think is an innocent. Also, he underestimates the power of the Cobbler... Kath also seems a little bit suspicious, though I can't quite explain why.

The Saucepan Man 09-04-2005 03:34 PM

Well, I'm back!

Sorry for not contributing as much as I would have liked. Those mushrooms can't be left unharvested and it's been a long day in the fields.

Mushroom anyone?

My thoughts on the proceedings to date:

The phantom: Not a Bear for the reasons that he and others have stated. The Bear will not be doing anything to draw attention to him/her-self to-Day. Not the Cobbler because he put forward an ant-Wolf plan and, in any event, the Cobbler does not need to draw attention to him/her-self to-Day. If he's bluffing, he's a Wolf. After all, the Bear will already have concluded that trying to kill the Wolves is to his/her benefit, and so a Wolfish phantom loses nothing by saying it, but can use it to point to his innocence. But I tend to think that he is merely an innocent villager putting forward a sensible proposal to the Bear.

Glirdan has got my suspicions up. He(?) talks a lot but does little more than agree with what others have posted and repeat the accusations and points that others have made. Might he be a beast trying to stay inconspicuous?

Meneltarmacil has done little to counter the (admittedly light-hearted) accusations made against him. He merely asks the reason for the accusations. Is he a beast trying not to say too much and thus avoid being caught out?

Kath suggests that people vote for the phantom if they think that he's the Cobbler (as many seem to). The phantom is almost certainly not the Cobbler. Is she suggesting that people vote for him because she is a lycanthrope and wants to try to eliminate a potentially dangerous opponent while avoiding openly accusing him herself?

As for those who have said little or nothing to date, I will not be holding this against them. Not only does it seem unfair to vote for those who have not had an opportunity to defend themselves, but it seems unlikely to me that a beast would do such a thing on the first Day. As has been shown, it draws too much suspicion. And Wayne is probably just a new guy slightly unsure of himself. He may be worth a vote in a Day or two if he continues to be unhelpful. But not yet.

I plan on voting for someone who has contributed reasonably regularly without giving too much away. Glirdan, Menel and Kath seem to fit this category nicely, although I will review proceedings to see whether there might be any other suitable candidates.

Kath 09-04-2005 03:48 PM


Kath suggests that people vote for the phantom if they think that he's the Cobbler (as many seem to). The phantom is almost certainly not the Cobbler. Is she suggesting that people vote for him because she is a lycanthrope and wants to try to eliminate a potentially dangerous opponent while avoiding openly accusing him herself?
No Mr Saucepan Man I am not. What I was trying to do was put right something I think shouldn't happen, the habit of not voting for a person just because they are loud. the phantom was simply an example since at the time some people believed him to be suspicious.

I think I am going to have to vote now as I daren't miss the deadline and I do have to go to bed at some point! My suspicions earlier lay upon Menel, SamwiseGamgee and mormegil and I have to say that I haven't really felt that any of them have cleared themselves, at least in my view. But I have to vote for one and as I can't choose I will simply pick the first from the list so:


Gil-Galad 09-04-2005 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by Kitanna
Talk of lynching Bergil is utterly ridiculous. Lynching him for his silence at this point will most likely solve nothing. It's possible he's a wolf of course, but his silence at this point should not be a reason. Should Bergil say something in the next few and then fall silent once again then perhaps he should be lynched, but for now I don't think he should be killed.

I must step out for a bit and I have not decided how to throw my vote. Hopefully I will return in time to vote...

hmm...Kitanna could be right, but she could also be a werewolf trying to save Bergil that is another werewolf... very interesting... i'll have too go


if you are innocent, my apologies, but i can't take that chance now

Cailín 09-04-2005 04:14 PM

Well, I have been rereading this discussion, but don't feel all the much wiser for it. However, bed is calling, and I will have to make a decision now.

Folwren, Durelin, Nilp, Gil-Galad, Wayne and Bergil all have said too little or nothing at all to raise my suspicion. Voting for any of them doesn't seem like a sensible thing to do if we want to save our beloved village as soon as possible.

Holbytlass, TGWBS, The Saucepan Man, Kitanna, wilwarin538 and Shelob all seem innocent to me, so far.

Meneltarmacil has been accused many times, especially of being the bear and even rather pointedly by Folwren. This certainly draws attention and they may have seen things I missed.

Alcarillo, our dear mayor, has not behaved very tactfully today. But even Presidents make political mistakes every now and then and this is a rather stressful period for him. So, I have no real suspicion towards him.

Kath has been highly opinionated, too fierce maybe. Perhaps she took the attack on her garden very personally? I will be watching her, that's certain.

The Phantom drew the most attention today, but even though his plan is not extremely helpful, it is not a bad plan either. I hope the Werebear sees the sense in it, too.

Azaelia of Willowbottom... a bad feeling. I can't help it. Too innocent with all her cute little flowers.

mormegil is a newcomer in our town and I am surprised not all fingers pointed towards him immediately. He definitely seems to have a strong position, even though he has only been with us for a short time, and therefore could be dangerous.

SamwiseGamgee, I just don't know about him. A lot of you seem to suspect him, but his reaction to the phantom and Kath's accusation seemed too rash for a well-thinking wolf.

Glirdan is my main suspect. He has been pointing fingers a lot, especially to the quiet, inexperienced ones, and seems to want to be good friends with everybody, agreeing and nodding a lot, changing his mind randomly... I am aware I did so myself a few times, but I was suffering from a great shock, you know. Since I will be retiring soon, I will now vote for


and hope the best of it.

Meneltarmacil 09-04-2005 04:16 PM

Well, the reason I haven't said much to counter the accusations against me is because the only reasons given are the facts that I hang around animals a lot (true, but what good zookeeper doesn't?), order raw meat from Morm (My lions, tigers, etc. need it), and may have let a bear escape from my zoo (which I didn't do, I assure you those pens are secure and in no way has Bergil had any hand in building them). Such reasons are only due to my occupation and in no way are they related to what I have said so far.

Kath accused me shortly after Morm and SpM made their lighthearted accusations and Shelob seems to have joined in on it as well. I think at least one of these people may be a bandwagoning werebeast. And as stated above, Kath wants people to vote for the phantom as the Cobbler when he is taking a position completely contrary to what the Cobbler should be doing. Granted, it may be a double-bluff and he is clever enough to pull one off so the possibility is not out of my mind. But for now, my vote goes to


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