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Helín Anyára 11-20-2003 12:15 AM

An interesting question... and as I was thinking about initiating a thread somewhat like this one, I shall revive this thread instead. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] Hopefully more will contribute to it?....

As for me... I think that I have facets of Frodo, Sam, Aragorn, and Eowyn. I'm similar to the shield maiden in that I feel at times I should have been much happier had I been born a boy. Disguising herself and going to war, with a hopelessness born of desperate circumstances, is not at all unlike what I would imagine myself doing, in her place. I admire Arwen for her beauty and grace but I have, I think, a good deal more of Eowyn's human-ness. As to the others- I have Aragorn's thoughtful melancholy, at times, and at others a hobbit's lightheartedness... I love adventure, and challenge, but also comfort and simplicity (hobbit "holes" have always seemed most inviting), and food. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img] I can be intensely loyal, (Sam, Aragorn) but also self-sacrificing; eager to please; to have myself tried and proven true... Perhaps I'm a little of them all or perhaps none. [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

I thought/question has just occurred to me, though it probably needs a thread of its own, were it to be answered. Who was Tolkien most like? Which of his characters was most patterned after him? Hmmm...

Next, anyone? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

kittiegirl 11-20-2003 01:05 PM

I remind myself of him, and I find myself acting like him, saying movie and book qoutes of his, and staring at his picture on my wall.
I'll say more about this later though.

Imladris 11-20-2003 01:12 PM


thought/question has just occurred to me, though it probably needs a thread of its own, were it to be answered. Who was Tolkien most like? Which of his characters was most patterned after him? Hmmm...

I believe that Tolkien said in one of his letters that he modelled Faramir after himself (I would have thought Beren, since he compared himself and his wife to Beren and Luthien, but who can know the mind of an author?)

As to the character that reminds me, I have absolutely no idea except to say that I am remarkably like Pippin sometimes

Helín Anyára 11-20-2003 09:42 PM


I believe that Tolkien said in one of his letters that he modelled Faramir after himself
That's very interesting, Imladris . I had never heard that and I certainly would not have guessed it. Especially because Faramir is not one of the major characters, per say. At least, he's not one of the Fellowship. But then, I never would have made the connection between Tolkien and Treebeard, either, [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] had not Meela mentioned it. I will certainly remember the next time I read through the trilogy to keep my eye on Faramir. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Imladris 11-20-2003 11:35 PM

I think the reason I remembered was because it shocked me...I had been expecting one of the hobbits...

Eowyn:Lady of Rohan 11-21-2003 12:59 AM

I believe Tolkein is most like Gandalf. He's very mysterious, very cunning, and I might add wise. Tolkein is a mentor, so Gandalf is a mentor to Frodo.

As for myself, I believe I am most like Eowyn because , even though I'm a woman, I can be really tough and determined like a man. She and I may look different, but I am like her. I may look pretty, but I can kick butt too. Also, I don't give up. I find a way to do what I want or need to do.

Elentári_O_Most_Mighty_1 11-21-2003 05:58 AM

That link had me as Aragorn first...don't know why! I suppose I am a loner-ish kind of person...I sit and watch my friends rather than contribute to conversations. And I prefer doing projects on my own, etc etc. Ok, I think I've answered my own quesiton! Then Éowyn...I can be very stubborn like her...
But I feel most like Túrin...I have the whole hot and cold mood thing. It's very frustrating and it confuses people...and it's very stupid. Basically if I am enthusiastic for something, and people run me down enough, I suddenly go cold. It is sooo weird. And Túrin has that too...he gets all heated up and passionate, then goes totally cold. Heathcliff is like that too...but yeah.

Meela 11-21-2003 09:31 AM


I suppose I am a loner-ish kind of person...I sit and watch my friends rather than contribute to conversations. And I prefer doing projects on my own, etc etc.
I originally had myself down as Eowyn. But thinking about it, I'm only like her in a couple of aspects. I read the above comparison to Aragorn, and realise that I kinda fit that description. So I'm now partly Eowyn and partly Aragorn.

Aethelwine 11-21-2003 12:59 PM

Really Meela? Do you think Denny will like that? An Eowyn/Aragorn combination... [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] j/k

I see myself as Eowyn the most. I like to fight, hate to be left behind, like to hang out with the guys, and so on. Oh, and the quotes really appeal to me:


'What do you fear, lady?' he asked. 'A cage,' she said. 'To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire.'
Oh, so true! And so like me!


"But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Éomund's daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him."
She's so strong!


" ...I am of the House of Eorl and not a serving woman. I can ride and wield blade, and I do not fear..."
And I could go on and on foreever. But I won't...

Anyway, Eowyn is the one I look up to, and I would really want to be like!



Ey everybody look! I'm a Wight! Yeay! *does little dance*

[ November 21, 2003: Message edited by: Aethelwine ]

Daisy Brambleburr 11-21-2003 02:01 PM

I've taken quite a few personality tests in my time, and they all come up as something different. I've been Frodo, Gandalf, Pippin and Barliman Butterbur, amongst others. But in my opinion, I'd say I'm a lot like Pippin. I say foolish things sometimes, joke around when it's not needed but I think in a crisis I could pull myself together. But I can also see some tomboyish Eowyn parts in me, and the 'I wanna stay at home!' part of Bilbo too [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Rindoien, elf of Lothlorien 11-22-2003 03:17 AM

I think I'm most like Eowyn. I am headstrong, stubborn and refuse to go along with the female stereotype. I am going to take swordfighting because I love it. Eowyn just strikes me as an admirable person and a good role model. I have gotten 'Eowyn' in many many many tests. And I also fancy Aragorn hehe

Finwe 11-22-2003 08:07 AM

I think that I am most like Legolas. I tend to be a bit of a loner, I already have some of the physical habits of the Elves ("sleeping" 2-3 hours per night, living on very little food, and very good aim) and I've always somehow thought like one. I tend to stand back in most "Quests" and I only help when it's really needed. I mean, I'm not a drag on resources or anything, I do what needs to be done, but I'm not overly helpful, and I can stick to a goal "to whatever end," and I have a penchant for starting fairly hopeless endeavors (read, Quest for Mt. Doom).

Failivrin 11-22-2003 03:11 PM

in every personality test i take i am aragorn

jonathan32 11-22-2003 03:40 PM

I tried the personality test and my #1 match was King Theoden and #2 was Faramir, which I geuss is ok, though i wanted to be a hobbit! It hink I'm kind of like Gandalf though, because I have a pet eagle which I ride to the store sometimes....

Everdawn 11-22-2003 09:04 PM

Im immediatly drawn to Éowyn, becuase she is strong minded, but I dont have the sadness she has. Im thinking im sort of like the chick in the Mariners wife... but also not as sad, but mostly i think im the most like Éomer. (But the girl obviously)

[ 3:10 AM November 28, 2003: Message edited by: Everdawn ]

Lady Snickerdoodle 11-26-2003 06:12 PM

From several personality tests, (barrowdowns and others) I am Legolas, [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] but the runner up is Aragorn. However, the female character I am most like is Eowyn, because she's a rebel and no one lets her prove herself so she has to do it alone. [img]smilies/frown.gif[/img] And I'm almost fearless, except for "cages" and jellyfish. [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img] (random, but true) And I too have "some skill with a blade," not that that's a significant trait for her... I think Im going overboard on the smilies... [img]smilies/redface.gif[/img] [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img] [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img] [img]smilies/evil.gif[/img] but they're all so pretty in a row....

Lady Snickerdoodle 11-26-2003 06:20 PM

me again. I didn't read the whole 2nd page, so I didn't know how many Eowyn people there are. YAY! EOWYNS UNITE!!!

I am going to take swordfighting because I love it
Fencing is so much fun Rindoien, I do epee but I wanna do sabre...

Linaeve 11-26-2003 08:09 PM

Fencing! I love fencing! The problem is, in the three years that I studied foil, I only won one bout, and that was because my opponent had never fenced before in her life! Eventually, I got discouraged and quit, especially after the fencing coach told me that he was only going to let me fence once he was sure the team had won. Also, being on the team took up WAY too much time. I do wish I could take it up again though!

Anyway . . . I think I'm a mix between Pippin, Merry, and Eowyn. Strange combination, I know, but I'm very cheerful most of the time, almost too curious for my own good, and have streaks of stubborness and determination that are absolutely unquenchable. Also, I love eating and I'm small (5 ft tall at 17!!), two qualities of mine which have prompted my friends to dub me 'the Hobbit-lass'. And I'd do anything to defend the ones I love, which I believe is a quality Eowyn possesses.

[ 9:13 PM November 26, 2003: Message edited by: Linaeve ]

ArathorofBarahir 11-27-2003 08:49 PM

I identify with Sam. Loves the simple life and likes things the way they are. But I also have a strong will and so does Sam. I would so love to be hobbit, imagine eating 7 meals a day!

Selmo 11-28-2003 06:17 AM

There can be no doubt that I am a Hobbit.
I have all their atributes, except the hairy feet. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
The Barrowdowns personality test has me down as Butterbur with Sam as second choice, so it will have to be Sam.

Like Sam, I tend to take a supportive rather than a leadership role in life (my job is that of a servant to lore-masters). Also like Sam I can be very stubborn, I will take the lead if pushed hard enough and I love old tales of daring adventure.

I sometimes feel a little like Merry, too; quieter, more reflective and less impetuous than hobbits like Pippin. Like Merry, I sometimes feel that I'm being swept along by events over which I have no control.

Lady Snickerdoodle 11-28-2003 09:31 AM


Fencing! I love fencing! The problem is, in the three years that I studied foil, I only won one bout, and that was because my opponent had never fenced before in her life!
Yeah I was kinda like that too... I think I tried to go to the next level too fast. My only consolation was that I wasn't exactly the worst in the class, there was a little kid like 4 years younger than everyone else... But I'm gonna keep on trying (next semester, I quit for this one) because it's really fun and it's also cool to drop the fact casually to strangers and watch their impressed reactions. They don't have to know we suck... yep. And my friend wants everyone to know that her LOTR character is gandalf, because he is uber-cool. *umm..? ouch don't hit me*

[ 10:31 AM November 28, 2003: Message edited by: Lady Snickerdoodle ]

Eolynne the Sad 11-28-2003 10:08 AM

The first time I read the books, I strongly identified with Frodo. Now, many years and several readings later, I identify with... Frodo. He loved his home but longed for adventure, fought for a noble purpose and was not afraid to defend his principles. He was fond of music and tales, enjoyed his friends but also his solitude, and sought to understand others. I too travel alone, sometimes with joy, often with sadness, but always eager to see what's round the next bend and to accomplish the task at hand.

Iris Alantiel 11-28-2003 11:48 AM

Well, for me it varies from day to day - some mornings you wake up and you feel like Aragorn, and then there are days when you feel like Gollum. But overall I'd have to say that if I actually think about it really hard, I'm most like Sam. He's incredibly and almost blindly loyal; he has this amazing determination, born out of that loyalty; and he never lets go of hope. Also, he goes on this incredible journey and does great things, but at the same time he would be content to just stay at home in the Shire and enjoy the simple things, and I can see both aspects in myself at different times.

Regarding what Rynoah said, about whether we really connected with the characters or whether we mold ourselves after them, I'm not sure. In my case, I first read The Lord of the Rings when I was pretty young (like 9 or 10) so it's hard to remember whether I was already like that or not. But I remember Sam was always my favourite when I was a child, so it definitely wouldn't surprise me if I had tried to mold myself to be more like Sam because I admired him.

As for which character Tolkien is, I would imagine that there's a little piece of Tolkien in most of the characters, since he created them all.

Aule-Master_of_Crafts 11-29-2003 08:23 AM

I can't really think of anyone from LOTR that I'm like. From the Silmarillion though, I would say Fëanor. I can be very hot tempered and I enjoy making things. I also have a large vocabulary as it says Fëanor had great skill in speaking.

The Human Of Our Time 11-29-2003 12:23 PM

I would have to say....Sméagol of course. Well I think I am weak willed but I don't have an evil side really...Or do We?

Fire-Galad 12-06-2003 05:51 PM

The BD test that I'm most like Frodo which is partally true in the sense that I'm very quiet but when someone crosses my talerence line I yell at them and after awhile I feel really bad and say that I'm sorry. I'm also very protective of my stuff. It also said that I'm like Legolas and again I can relate to that because I do archery and I'm an excelent horse rider so I also think I might be a Rohirrim I don't know.

Aredhel Ar-Feiniel 12-06-2003 10:37 PM

Apparently im most like Aragorn, but i feel most like Gilraen. I would like to say Celebrain but im not sure whether there is anything written in detail about her personality.

Lathriel 12-07-2003 01:51 PM

About Tolkein
I first thought about him being a hobbit. Because he loved the outdoors and food.
However that fact about him comparing himself to Faramir. It kinda makes sense. Faramir's reluctance to fight was like that of Tolkien. The reluctance to go to war and leave his beloved city or in Tolkien's case his country behind.
Anyway that is just my point of view. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Tuor Turambar,Cursed by the Valar 12-08-2003 12:47 PM

I must say I am most like Faramir (as in the book, not the movie). However, Gollum is also like us. I mean me. Anyway, as I have not said yet, Faramir is cool.

Finwe 12-09-2003 05:13 PM

I think I'm a weird mixture of Eowyn, Legolas, and Sauron. For the Legolas part, see my previous post. I think I'm like Eowyn because I can be described as having that devil-may-care attitude about what society and my family thinks of me, as long as I feel I get to do things that are within my abilities. If someone kept me back from fighting, like what happened to Eowyn, my reaction would have been identical to hers. I also tend to fall for the unattainable guys, or the guys that never seem to like me in return.

I can be rather like Sauron because I can be a bit of a megalomaniac, I'm really extremely ruthless, I've always wanted to take over the world, and sometimes, if I really want something, I can completely forget that other people have feelings too. If I want something, I ruthlessly go and get it, even if I have to trample on other people's feelings. Which, I guess, could make me like Fëanor too. I have the temper already, and I resent my mother (well, she is my biological mother, and Fëanor resented his stepmother, but that's close enough) and my father spoils me rotten. I'm also the oldest of three, and my two younger brothers are much younger than I am, as Fingolfin and Finarfin were much younger than Fëanor.

Lyta_Underhill 12-09-2003 05:52 PM


About Tolkein
I first thought about him being a hobbit. Because he loved the outdoors and food.
However that fact about him comparing himself to Faramir. It kinda makes sense.
I think Tolkien says also that he is "a hobbit in all but stature," but he does most closely identify the character of Faramir with his own personality as well. I always like to think there is a little bit of Tolkien in all the characters (except the really nasty ones!).

As for myself, I think Pippin would be my identified personality (mainly his apprehensive but also impulsive nature), although, there are aspects of Frodo's personality that are strongly suggestive of my own, viz. his willingness to learn from others and his great delight and surprise in same (esp. with Sam!). But there is also (perhaps this is as much a movie-artifact as a book one, though) the tendency to identify with Faramir, since although I am the eldest and female, my brother has always had more favor with my father. Strangely enough, my father and I were always said by others to be so much alike we could not get along for that reason, and that is sort of how I see Faramir and Denethor; both have the deep lore backgrounds, but they use it differently and thus cannot see eye to eye. There...sorry about the ramble! Incidentally, I've never come out as Faramir in any personality test! Mostly the hobbits--Frodo, Sam and Pippin most often, with Frodo edging out the others slightly. Once in a while Aragorn or Legolas or even Gandalf!


Everdawn 12-11-2003 12:00 AM


Which, I guess, could make me like Fëanor too. I have the temper already, and I resent my mother (well, she is my biological mother, and Fëanor resented his stepmother, but that's close enough)
You see, I totally agreed with Fëanor's side of that story, and with the side of his sons in that If Beren were to find a silmaril it should be returned ot them becuase it was Fëanor who made them after all.

matherion 12-11-2003 02:05 PM

Well, I often feel like Shelob.. Not a very good feeling you know..
But I try to be like Glorfindel or perhaps like Quickbeam..


Eol Telemnar 12-11-2003 08:31 PM

I remind myself of Frodo. I'm short, i have big feet for my height [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] It's one of my nicknames, too! [img]smilies/cool.gif[/img]

Jess 12-17-2003 03:02 PM

Acording to the BD test and a couple others, it says that I am most like Legolas. I somewhat agree becuae I don't always talk a lot and I am faithful to those who need me but at other times I can be a total coward unlike Legolas. I dunno...I'm just going by what i think of myself and how I see Legolas.

~*Jessica*~ [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Dragon Elf odin Ragnorock 12-22-2003 06:43 PM

I would have to say that I am more like Arogorn because he is the most real chatacter in the moveis or the books.

Elrond of Rivendell 12-22-2003 06:57 PM

I've just done that personnality test and I have now a 100%-result (after 2 tests [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]): Elrond! Already when reading LotR he was by far the character I could understand the most easily. All the other characters have at some point or another done something I could not agree with, but Elrond remained somehow true. mmhmm This is difficult to explain, so I stop just here.

Elfchick7 12-22-2003 07:54 PM

I don't now whom I am the most like. However, I would most like to be like Arwen. I can come across loud and plafully violent but I am always trying find peacful solutions. I always try not to hold grudges and hope that people will change. I love how Arwen is so faithful. I admire how she gives the greater sacrifice without the glory as opposed to Eowyn who goes and fights(which is no sacrifice because she wanted to fight) and gets the glory and the fame. Arwen has to stay behind, away from the battle in gnawing anxiety over the fate of Aragorn and mankind. Please do not hawever misunderstand me by thinking that I think Eowyn is not noble, this conclusion would be utterly flse. Thanks [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Altariel 12-23-2003 06:27 PM


I can be a bit of a megalomaniac, I'm really extremely ruthless, I've always wanted to take over the world, and sometimes, if I really want something, I can completely forget that other people have feelings too. If I want something, I ruthlessly go and get it, even if I have to trample on other people's feelings. Which, I guess, could make me like Fëanor too.
Me too.

I'm very proud, even a bit arrogant sometimes. I've often wanted to take over the world, too. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] I get angry very easily, and when I'm angry, I say/do things with a complete disregard for the feelings of others. I'm not ruthless when I want something, per se. Still, I usually get what I want, even if I sometimes have to step on people to get it.

Arcuwen 12-23-2003 07:28 PM

I suppose I consider myself somewhat like Legolas, Elrond, Treebeard, or Aragorn. Legolas because he is a bit reserved and quiet, not unlike myself, and he likes trees [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] . Elrond because of his leadership skills and knowledge, which represents my better side. Treebeard, because of his love for nature and all things good and green. Aragorn because I am a loner at times; liking to go off and do something by myself. And then there's my inner hobbit (only my close friends and family see it), which would probably be like Merry who seems to become more outgoing when he's around Pippin.

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