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Mithadan 03-11-2005 10:48 PM

Since I believe the future of the plot and many hours of planning require that Mogul continues to command a significant force, I: (1) hope you guys don't kill everyone; and (2) guarantee that if you do kill everyone in sight, it will turn out to only be the vanguard.

-Mith, the Spoilsport

Estelyn Telcontar 03-12-2005 04:13 AM

Kuru, that is a fantastic post - you had me laughing out loud when I read it this morning! I love the eucatastrophe discussion, the Black Speech and the "all your base" references - among other things...

I look forward to seeing what turns the story will take!

The Saucepan Man 03-12-2005 01:03 PM

Kuru, I'm impressed with the reference to the UK ban on hunting.

Great post! :D

But I must echo Mith's sentiments and request: first that you don't wipe out the entire force (or I will just have to bring another into play :p ) or any significant characters, secondly that it becomes clear that Hornme and the dubiously acquired guns are not sufficient alone to vanquish Mogul's entire force and thirdly that you do not recapture Gravlox.

Not just yet, anyway. An encounter with Mogul himself is on the cards, so if anyone wants to take us to a suitable point for that to occur, then that would be great. Just leave his entrance to me ...

Kuruharan 03-12-2005 05:43 PM

Not to spoil a potential future joke, but everyone should remember that we are not that far away from the orcs "respawn" point (to borrow the gamer term for it) should worst come to worst.

Diamond18 03-20-2005 07:27 PM

Save. Filled. In.

Estelyn Telcontar 03-22-2005 02:52 AM

Thanks, Diamond! Chaos and anachronism, blood and gore - what more could an Entish Bow post have to offer?! I sure hope Merisu was out of the way, or it will take her forever to wash and dry her hair, her blouse, her skirt... :rolleyes: Rim's next, or anyone who cares to post this week - saves can be moved if necessary.

I will post next week and the climactic battle events start with the beginning of April. Should anyone have developments that need to take place before then, please prepare them with a post during March or let me know so that I can set them up in my post next week. Those who have done extensive battle and related sub-plotting, prepare for action soon!

Rimbaud 03-22-2005 04:32 AM

Like some horses, I'm dun.

The Saucepan Man 03-22-2005 10:46 AM

Any more for the slaughter, or is it time for Mogul to put in an appearance?

Estelyn Telcontar 03-22-2005 03:52 PM

Good - and fast! - job, Rim! Star Wars battles and puns, even on the discussion thread - oh my!

Saucy, as far as I'm concerned, unless someone lets you know PDQ that they wish to post ASAP, go ahead and introduce Mogûl. By all means let's get on with the plot, such as it is! :D

The Saucepan Man 03-28-2005 06:01 PM

Sorry for the delay folks. We were away for Easter (on the Isle of Wight :D ).

I am working on a post and should have it up in the next day or so.

Mogûl and the Itship are soon to be introduced. He will of course be looking to make some deals. I thought a short post from each member of the company (or those still with us, at least) in which they are offered their heart's (or, in some cases, bank balance's) desire might be quite fun. Would anyone be up for that?

Estelyn Telcontar 03-29-2005 01:20 AM

Well, if that holiday location doesn't inspire you, Saucy, I don't know what could! The offers by Mogûl sound like a very good idea to get everyone involved briefly again. IIRC, Lush should be back from spring break now, so the only one I'm not sure is still with us is Thena. Roll call - who's here this week?

Rimbaud 03-29-2005 03:04 AM


Mithadan 03-29-2005 07:13 AM

I am, but, of course my character is dead (no he's not! He's just sleeping!).

The Saucepan Man 03-29-2005 10:16 PM

It's up.

Apologies for the length, but someone round here has to help Esty keep the plot on course. :p ;)

Estelyn Telcontar 03-30-2005 01:23 AM

There is no way any post of yours could be too long, Saucy!! This one is fantastic, so hilarious that I can only begin to mention my favorite laughs*; it advances the plot and wonderfully sets the scene for the next posts. You wrote very appropriately for all of the Itship characters; it should be easy for each of us to pick up the threads from there. I will begin with a post for Merisu.

*the description of the results of Reaperneep's rapier; "smaller and less cohesive" Aerophaunts; Kuru's “That only counts as one!”; the non-Deus-Ex-Machina appearance of the Eagles; Gatesy's movie-Gandalf explanation of death :D ; the great song parody; the effect Môgul's appearance had on each Itship member...

Estelyn Telcontar 03-30-2005 06:59 AM

Mission fulfilled - my save is filled in. Anyone can go next; I only request that saves in this current situation do not stay open for longer than a day, so that posting can move along quickly.

Mithadan 03-30-2005 09:09 AM

Great posts Saucepan and Esty! But foregive me if I have little sympathy for Mogul.

Saucepan, I will be sending you a PM shortly regarding a matter of mutual interest.

The Saucepan Man 03-31-2005 06:32 AM

I think you should all feel very sympathetic. It's not easy being the bad guy, you know. :( ;)

Wonderful post, Esty. Just the sort of thing that I had in mind (although I was, of course, expecting each member of the Itship to succumb to their various temptations. ;) ). I did have one thought though. Merisu's parting words might make it more suitable for the final vision in the sequence. What do you think?

Anyway, who's up next? It would be nice to have something, however brief, from each member of the Itship. Rim, Lush, Kuru and Diamond can take care of Hal, Leninia, Kuruharan, Chrysophylax, Pimpi and Vogonwe. And hopefully Thenamir can be enticed to post for Gatesy. Any takers for Orogarn and Reaperneep?

Soregum and Grrralph remain unaffected (unless Grrralph wants to have a dream ...).

PM received and replied to, Mith.

Estelyn Telcontar 03-31-2005 06:44 AM

No problem, Saucy! I just wanted to be a good example [insert smiley with halo here] for everyone. I can move the post if it works better that way. I'll leave it up for now and see what happens.

I volunteer to post for Orogarn - I won't put up a save, but hope to write that within a day or so. Umm, do you want him to succumb or resist temptation?

It is, of course, possible for any or all to post for their Velour characters - what happened to them after the Itship left so abruptly??

Estelyn Telcontar 04-01-2005 04:50 AM

I have posted Orogarn's temptation scene; Merisu's will be moved to the end of the sequence when all others have posted. Please make the outcome of your temptation scenes ambiguous, at least; better yet, have your character(s) succumb at first. Merisu's resistance will turn the tide at the end.

If anyone wishes to post for Reaperneep after doing so for your own characters, please let me know. Otherwise I will write for him later on.

PS - I added a PS to the letter, remembering the running gag that our honoured Wight used to put into each missive...

Estelyn Telcontar 04-02-2005 01:29 PM

Thanks for continuing the story, Kuru! That's a great post, the perfect temptation for a Dwarf! Will you be writing one for Chrys as well?

OK, let's keep the story moving, folks - I look forward to more posts!

Kuruharan 04-02-2005 04:06 PM

Devouring defaulting debtors while wallowing in unparalled riches is Chrysophylax's temptation.

In some way, he'll probably get what he wants no matter what happens. That's what happens when you focus on the simple things in eating everything not nailed down. :D

Mithadan 04-02-2005 10:50 PM

Bravo Kuru and Diamond! Excellent posts and very in character. Now we know what makes Kuruharan, Chrysophylax and Vogonwë tick.

Diamond18 04-03-2005 12:32 PM

Thanks, Mith.

I'll be posting something for Pimpi-love as soon as I have it written. It will make no difference if others post between the two.

Estelyn Telcontar 04-03-2005 02:32 PM

Great post, Diamond! You really know what a guy dreams of! :D Now I'm curious to see what Pimpi's temptation will be...

Lush 04-03-2005 09:18 PM

Hey Esty, I got your PM, should post something within the next couple of days. Kissy kissy.

Diamond18 04-03-2005 10:27 PM

Be curious no more, Esty. Pimpi has been tempted.

Estelyn Telcontar 04-04-2005 12:56 AM

That's a wonderfully funny post, Diamond, especially since the inner desires of each of the happy couple are so opposed to each other! Wait a minute - that's not satire, that's real life!! :eek: :rolleyes:

The food lists were highly enjoyable reading - I could be tempted by something like that... [sigh]

Rimbaud 04-04-2005 03:52 AM

Great posts recently. I've added a poor cousin to the end, just to display Hal's hang-ups.

~ R

Estelyn Telcontar 04-04-2005 06:19 AM

No poor cousin this, Rim! Just a lovely turnaround of rivalling brothers' roles, and the wonderfully symbolic, archetypal use of an apple! Good job.

It's so nice to have you all posting, and encouraging to me to hope that we can indeed finish the story as I'd planned.

Kuruharan 04-04-2005 06:02 PM

Shh. Don’t say that. You’ll jinx us.

Diamond18 04-04-2005 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Estelyn Telcontar
That's a wonderfully funny post, Diamond, especially since the inner desires of each of the happy couple are so opposed to each other! Wait a minute - that's not satire, that's real life!! :eek: :rolleyes:

Well, both fantasies involve Pimpi doing a lot of killing, so there is some common ground. :p They may have to just build from there.

The Saucepan Man 04-10-2005 06:43 PM

I will be away travelling for the next week, returning on Friday. I have my next post more or less ready to go. So hopefully I'll be able to put it up when I get back, Lush and Thena willing. ;)

Estelyn Telcontar 04-11-2005 01:31 AM

Thanks for letting us know, Saucy, and have a good trip! Lush posted elsewhere within the last couple of days, so I have hopes that she will be getting hers written this week. I will post for Reaperneep, as promised, within a day or two. Problem is, I haven't seen Thena around in awhile - should he be unable to post, is there anyone with enough PC savvy to write a temptation post for Gatesy? I'll PM him in hopes that he will get a message, at least.

Thenamir 04-12-2005 03:35 PM

Message received, save placed, fill-in-of-save coming soon. Apologies to all, I have been utterly swamped with a massive project on a short deadline. Said deadline is this Friday, so hopefully it won't be too long until the save is filled in. Gatesy, though, will have a far different temptation, owing to his contract and deal with Mogul...

Estelyn Telcontar 04-13-2005 12:57 PM

It's good to know that you're still able to carry on with us, Thena! I look forward to your post - and to Lush's as well. [poke]

I have posted for Reaperneep; my apologies to C. S. Lewis...

Should you wish to move your save so as to take place after that, Thena, that's fine. I don't know how dramatic you intend to get! :eek:

Lush 04-18-2005 01:20 AM


Esty, I just got your message on my blog. This is a horrible horrible time for me, things fall apart, the centre cannot hold, and I'm absolutely drowning in assignments and general craziness. I'm going to marches, I'm trying to save the world and solve everybody's problems, and I'm trying to get on the Dean's List as well, and I fear I will fail at everything and fall apart completely.

I should have a lull Thursday afternoon. Then I will be able to post. I've been conceptualizing for a while, I just can't seem to be able to sit down and actually do it.

Much Love,

Estelyn Telcontar 04-18-2005 05:36 AM

OK - good luck for everything, Lush! I suggest you put up a save for your post, then I shall contact Thena to see if he wants to move his. That will close this round of temptation posts. As soon as that's done, Saucy can go ahead and post his next part - the saves won't change anything in the ongoing plot.

We need to decide who will survive the battle - those of you who are having problems keeping up, please let me know. We can figure out an appropriate demise or exit for you - that would leave you with only one more post to write - or if you can't, one of us who is still around will do that.

Saucy, Mith, I know you're doing some behind-the-scenes plotting, but to coordinate things so that we can finally wrap this RPG soon, I need at least an idea of how to plan for your developments.

I'm getting a bit discouraged with the lagging here, so I'd appreciate some clear commitments - please plan to write your posts as needed or let me know if you cannot do so. I can no longer keep this story going with so few active players.

Thenamir 04-19-2005 09:34 AM

My save should be filled in by the end of the day (USA time). I cast myself at your feet in abject apologetic groveling for my spotty presence of late.

Estelyn Telcontar 04-19-2005 02:30 PM

Great, Thena - something to look forward to! Lush has put up a save as well, so now I will move Merisu's post to the end of this series, then Saucy can continue.

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