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Morsul the Dark 10-23-2009 11:03 PM

Well Roa is probably the hardest to read for me... as soon as wilwa revealed I knew she was the agent but Roa for a bit was a candidate... the way she said for everyone to ignore me seemed to me like saying darn now I have to make hm the agent just to protect him.:rolleyes: I knew you were the priest and tha you bluffed I think I was only surprised by rayon but that was more because of the fact I didn't know about the hunter role...

I was so hoping Wilwa WAS a well meaning innocent gone atray in strategy. I could have attempted to stay alive one more day...
But I figured hiding in plain sight was my best bet and play that newbie card to its fullest.(Of course next game I won't have that option)

Pitchwife 10-24-2009 01:54 PM

Iä! Go Innsmouth! Well done, fellow citizens!
This was a Weird Tale, to be sure - outrageously funny at times with all the HPL references in posts and narrations, with lots of surprising turns and ending with what, two unanimous lynches in a row? Wow!
Wolves, bravely fought! SpM, while you were an obvious choice to dream, I'm not at all sure that I'd have suspected you so early otherwise - certainly not enough to vote you. Lari, you were quite safely under my radar until late on Day 3, when I decided I needed to look at you for that very reason (kudos to Nerwen and Legate of Amon Leng, by the way!). And Morsul - hey, there's nothing like new blood to spice up a WW game! Your fake reveal was a daring attempt although it fell flat, and newbishness aside, you seem to have caught the general spirit of the game quickly. When you were away on Day 3, I feared you were frustrated and had given up - glad you came back and we've got you hooked! Nice first game (same goes for Craydon!).
Agent wilwa (of course you were my last dream!) - well, yes, in so far as you were supposed to help the wolves win, you failed, and it looks like your fake reveal rather helped the village by making it rather difficult for the wolves to kill Hakon and me in time. Maybe they should have sacrificed you in order to get rid of us - that would have blown Morsul's pseudo-Agent cover, but Lari's chances wouldn't have been that bad, I think. Anyway, you caused enough confusion for a handful of cobblers, and the entertainment value was tremendous!
Personally, after the fiasco of my first job as the Seer in Boro's game, I was grateful for a chance to do it right this time. Dreaming a wolf on Night 1 was sheer luck, of course. After that, I quite enjoyed being a known innocent for a change, able to relax and concentrate on finding out the wolves without having to worry about my own neck (I shudder at the thought of Roa coming after me like she did with Nerwen on Day 3!). But I could never have been so successful without Hakon's excellent double-bluffing.

Originally Posted by The Fenris Pan Man
Inspired dreaming from Pitchwife (I now think of him as 'Pitchfork', after his key role in getting me lynched). And Pitchie, you were absolutely right to reveal. I spotted you as the Dreamer the moment that you made your 'get serious' post and voted for me.

Thanks! The :eek: smiley after the word 'serious' (even spelt with one e only) wasn't all that subtle, I'm afraid. And 'Pitchfork' - well, nice; too bad we can't change our nicknames, this variant might reduce gender confusion...
Everybody else - you were all great, I really loved this game! This goes especially for ModCaber - kudos for the brilliant setting idea and lovely narrations! (Speaking of narrations... *taps fingers impatiently* - but don't feel under any pressure;))
My only question now is, does this statistically count as an evil or goodie victory?

Inziladun 10-24-2009 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 614335)
But I could never have been so successful without Hakon's excellent double-bluffing.

Well done, Pitch. I think you're right.
However, had I been a wolf I don't think I'd have bothered with trying to counter Hakon's reveal. I would have just killed him, either the first Night after his reveal, or the next if he had protected himself. It's too easy to get caught up in a slip, as both Morsul and Wilwa showed. :p

Hakon 10-24-2009 02:31 PM

Inziladun, that was my worry. I had protected myself the night of my reveal. I hoped the wolves would go after me but they didn't. The next night I protected Pitchwife and the wolves did go after him. Most of my plan relied on the wolves being too busy with real life in order to sit down for a second and think wait a minute I can do this and no more ranger problem.

Pitchwife 10-24-2009 02:49 PM

Just noticed - in my last in-game post I gave credit to Kit for spotting a wilwa-Lari connection on Day 1 (and even suspected she was killed because of that), but going back and looking for the relevant post I now find it wasn't her but Nog! His post was right above one of Kit's, and scanning them in a hurry (I had little time that Day) I must have mixed them up.
But as we now know that wilwa wasn't a wolf, that makes me wonder if and how Lari guessed she was the cobbler on Day 1.

McCaber 10-24-2009 04:30 PM

The narrations, well, they'll be up as soon as I have a good hour to spare.

What really happened:

Night 1:
Dreamer: Saucepan Man (Wolf)
Priest: Morsul the Dark
Changed: Brinniel

Day 1:
Lynch: Saucepan Man (wolf)

Night 2:
Dreamer: A Little Green
Kill: A Little Green

Day 2:
Changed: Hakon
Lynch: Nienna

Night 3:
Priest: Hakon
Dreamer: Nogrod
Kill: Kitanna

Day 3:
Lynch: Loslote

Night 4
Dreamer: Lairen Shadow (wolf)
Priest: Pitchwife
Kill: Pitchwife

Day 4:

Changed: Inziladun
Lynch: Lairen Shadow

Night 5:
Dreamer: wilwa
Kill: Pitchwife

Day 5:
Lynch: wilwa

Night 6:

Kill: Craydon

Day 6:
Lynch: Morsul

McCaber 10-24-2009 04:32 PM

The PMs I sent out to the players:


You are Gaia's warrior. This city deserves everything that's coming to it - burn it to the ground.

You are a Werewolf. Your packmates are The Saucepan Man and Lairen Shadow. You may communicate freely at night. Once per night you may select one player, and barring any acts of wizardry, your target will die. You win if the village is reduced to the same size as the pack, so you may drop your masks and finish the slaughter.

You are a hapless Ordinary Villager. Well, as far as that applies in Innsmouth, anyway. Your goal is to lynch the vile wolves that threaten your way of life (and your life itself, of course).

You are one of the few in this village who knows your true destiny. You are in the process of joining the Water Brothers, and may Dagon curse anyone who interferes with that.

You are the Changed. At any time, you may give me the name of another player. If you are to die for any reason, so will he (barring any magickal tomfoolery, of course).

What is going on in this town? You've been stationed here undercover for months, and since the first night you've known something was up. And for some reason, the boss refused to listen to you. Now, all you want to do is get out of town.

You are the Agent. Your goal is for the village to be reduced to the same size as the wolfpack. If the wolves win, so do you.

You are the secret master of the Esoteric Order of Dagon. You are responsible for the well-being of these humble villagers, both spiritually and physically. Fortunately, you have been given the means to guarantee this with your arcane magicks and with secret help from the Water Brothers.

You are the Priest. Once per night you may shield one player from harm. Your target may not be killed until the night dawns. You may not do this to the same person on two consecutive nights.

Tonight, you have a vision of some gigantic entity under the waves. For some reason, instead of fear or anger, you sense a feeing of ... love, and you realize that it wants to help you. But all it can do now is show you what you want to see.

You are the Dreamer. Once per night you may have a vision of one other player, and He will show you the truth. Your goal is to lynch the Werewolves that threaten your city.

Nogrod 10-25-2009 04:00 PM

An interesting game indeed! Thanks for all you guys for it. I had less time I hoped I'd have but still managed to stay alive to the end... *hmm... wonders* Maybe it's that then? :confused:

Anyway. I have been crushed under piles of work and haven't have time to visit the BD I think ever since the game ended...

So just congrats to Pitchie for exceptionally great seering, Hakon for cold-blooded rangering, and all the loudmouths for not running to each others' throats... :rolleyes:

Also congrats to wilwa for great agentry (that was cool indeed!).

With that nasty a line-up for the village you wolves had it tough...

Now to sleep. I hope to have time to share a few comments a bit later - and some of you really deserve some reps! :cool:

Oh, and thanks McCaber, nice setting and some very entertaining narratives + well organised game! *kudos*

Legate of Amon Lanc 10-26-2009 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Nogrod (Post 614412)
and all the loudmouths for not running to each others' throats... :rolleyes:

Actually, I wonder if that wasn't the greatest achievement of the game in the end :Merisu:

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