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Galadriel55 11-22-2015 09:30 AM

What court things are still remaining?

littlemanpoet 11-22-2015 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Firefoot (Post 702939)
One option too would be to have lmp just insert remaining court posts where appropriate at the end of one of his current posts when they're ready?

Great idea! I'll do that.


Originally Posted by Galadriel55
What court things are still remaining?


Firefoot 11-22-2015 08:35 PM

So then Gal if you want to post for Balan, go for it and then we can move along.

Folwren 11-22-2015 08:59 PM


It's all introverted stuff, so actually, it's kinda boring, but at least it shows I'm paying attention. I'll try to be ready to add more when I'm needed.

Firefoot 11-24-2015 10:15 AM

Gah, just realized I jumped the gun a bit last night and didn't give Balan a chance to respond... will repost when the court is actually over.:rolleyes:

Firefoot 11-24-2015 10:18 AM

And deleted just in time for Folwren to respond... oops.

Firefoot 11-24-2015 12:49 PM

Well, I'll go ahead and post my response to Folwren since I've written it... we can proceed however makes sense I guess, whether that's just pio reinstating my post or what...

piosenniel 11-24-2015 10:06 PM

Soooooo, was that a request to restore that post or move it or??????

Firefoot 11-24-2015 10:30 PM

I guess restore it?

Galadriel55 11-24-2015 10:45 PM

Potential solution: I send Balan's response to Elempi tomorrow, and he edits it in at the end of Eodwine's response. Shouldn't be too complicated. Thoughts?

Folwren 11-25-2015 08:13 AM

That sounds like a good solution, Gal55.

piosenniel 11-25-2015 11:56 AM

Firefoot's post #207 now restored. :)

Folwren 11-27-2015 12:45 PM

I edited the post about Ruari and Eoghan. The ending is the same - they are sitting in the kitchen hoping some lady will take pity on their poor plight and give them some food. :p

Galadriel55 11-27-2015 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 703008)
I edited the post about Ruari and Eoghan. The ending is the same - they are sitting in the kitchen hoping some lady will take pity on their poor plight and give them some food. :p

My, what a pair of mischief doers! :D

PS: Balan's response is now edited in. It does not change the story line in any way whatsoever.

Folwren 11-28-2015 10:12 PM

I'm sorry if my movement of my characters in and out of the kitchen is throwing anyone off. I gave Ledwyn a task to do, if Gal55 is around to fulfill it.

Legate, where are your characters? Can I involve any of my characters with them? I'd love to get more people involved.

Lommy, are you available to write? I am really curious to see how Wilheard's story develops.

littlemanpoet 11-29-2015 07:09 PM

I'm thinking of having the first rain-flood caused emergency - the latrines overflowing. Thoughts?

Firefoot 11-29-2015 07:45 PM

Gross. :p

But seems like a highly probable event...

Galadriel55 11-29-2015 09:11 PM

Hahaha!!! I second Firefoot on the latrines. :D

On the other hand, though, I feel like that's something JRRT would not have mentioned in a list of water-induced disasters. But then again, this RPG isn't trying to replicate his style perfectly in its other aspects, so it's not necessarily inconsistent.

Foley - Ledwyn's certainly free to do whatever. Just a question to Lommy - is Wilheard awake?

Folwren 11-30-2015 05:18 AM

I vote yes. I the other day, I was trying to think of what would be the first indication of trouble.

Legate of Amon Lanc 12-01-2015 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by Folwren (Post 703019)
I'm sorry if my movement of my characters in and out of the kitchen is throwing anyone off. I gave Ledwyn a task to do, if Gal55 is around to fulfill it.

Legate, where are your characters? Can I involve any of my characters with them? I'd love to get more people involved.

Lommy, are you available to write? I am really curious to see how Wilheard's story develops.

Huh. Sorry about my absolute awful inactivity lately. Now on top of everything I am traveling back and forth between Helsinki and Prague seeing my family and friends and all... but yes, if you wish to interact with anyone, my characters are available and if you start something, I can certainly pick up from there. It would be good to do a bit of writing again.

I think Lommy had a bit of similar problem, but I'll alert her, I think the situation might have changed.

Folwren 12-01-2015 05:25 AM

Awesome! When I get a chance, I'll see what I can do.

Elempi, did you see Searyng speaking to Eodwine?

littlemanpoet 12-01-2015 07:55 PM

Thanks for pointing to it. Eodwine has replied.

Folwren 12-02-2015 08:47 AM

Twins are so much fun to write. Oh my goodness.

Elempi, everything's in your court right now, so far as my three active characters go.

littlemanpoet 12-02-2015 09:21 PM

I think you meant "disappointed" rather than "disappointing" in your last post.

You have a lot of nerve putting my character Eodwine in such a no-win situation. ;)

I'm going to have to think about how Eodwine would think about and handle this situation. :p

Folwren 12-03-2015 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 703089)
I think you meant "disappointed" rather than "disappointing" in your last post.

I probably did! I wrote that with very little time and only half my mind on the matter. There were at least 2 other typos that I found after posting. Thanks!


You have a lot of nerve putting my character Eodwine in such a no-win situation. ;)
Haha! Yup. It's pretty common for this sort of thing to happen with kids, so get used to it. :p

Firefoot 12-03-2015 05:21 PM

I have some fun ideas ready for Ruari's riding lessons...;)

Folwren 12-03-2015 10:25 PM

Elempi, I really did try to think of something else. I considered having her say she'd like to learn to sword fight, but I thought she was yet a bit young for that. If you think not, I will change it to that. But she's got her head stuck on riding right now.

Saeryn COULD step in and rescue him, but...I don't think wives should interfere in such situations. :p

Mithalwen 12-04-2015 10:13 AM

Hi. I am sorry for being MIA, after a bad chest infection earlier in the Autumn, I have been afflicted with a series of illnesses and ailments that have left me very low mentally and physically and RL has claimed what little energy I had to spare. If I were a horse they would have been making soothing noises and reaching for humane killer months ago... but I am no and hopefully getting better. So I will try and catch up and make amends.

Folwren 12-04-2015 09:37 PM

Well, it's a good thing you're not a horse then!! Glad you're getting better again. I hope your recovery is swift and easy from here on out.

As you can see, we plunged ahead. I think I sent you the PM you, Elempi, and I had started. Carry on with that as you have time and energy. :)

Mithalwen 12-05-2015 02:30 PM

I have now managed to fall down the stairs (stone cold sober I swear), I seem to really have hacked off the universe, though it could have been a lot worse, coughing hurts even more now .. heigh ho....

Folwren 12-05-2015 10:58 PM

Maybe you should go find a hobbit hole to live in. Those don't have stairs.

Firefoot 12-06-2015 06:56 PM

Are the latrines going to be overflowing soon? I haven't wanted to start up anything new with my characters interaction-wise if there's going to be action soon...

littlemanpoet 12-06-2015 08:44 PM

I was thinking about having the dung pits overflow this Day's afternoon. I've been a bit busy, but we could do that now. "Latrine" is a French word. Kind of like talking in Gondorian. ;) If you can think of a more apt phrase than "dung pit" I'm fine with it, but we shouldn't have our Eorlingas talk about 'latrines.'

Firefoot 12-09-2015 09:25 PM

Will post tomorrow...

Folwren 12-17-2015 03:14 PM

After a week so busy I can hardly believe I survived, I have just read the most recent posts and a thought occurred to me.

Elempi, would the kids be included in the 'all able bodied' people joining them out for the work?

littlemanpoet 12-17-2015 09:47 PM

Could they be kept away? ;) I would say yes, they could be included and would be given tasks suited to their abilities.

Folwren 12-20-2015 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 703341)
Could they be kept away? ;) I would say yes, they could be included and would be given tasks suited to their abilities.

Good. I'm already planning wicked things for Ruari.

littlemanpoet 12-21-2015 08:04 PM

Ruari. :) It's like she's the imp inside Folwren that's been just itching to come out. ;)

Folwren 12-23-2015 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet (Post 703362)
Ruari. :) It's like she's the imp inside Folwren that's been just itching to come out. ;)

I'm sorry. I read this after I posted my last post. I guess she kind of is.

Sorry about the delay. I'm on Christmas break now and should be able to check daily on this. I'm so excited!

Folwren 12-27-2015 02:34 PM

Hi. I wrote a post for Saeryn. It goes before everyone is quite outside. I thought it could go at the end either of Firefoot's post 231, or the end of Gal55's post 232, as it mentions what happens in that post. Pio, could you put it after one of those?


Firefoot, I put some words and actions into Cerwyn's mouth. If you need something changed, let me know.



Saeryn turned from Eodwine to go find Cerwyn who met her halfway across the hall. “I would gladly take your offer of something to eat now,” the girl said.

Searyn nodded and smiled. “I thought you would be hungry after a journey like that! Rain and mud takes it out of a body. The kitchen is this way.” She led her towards the kitchen as she spoke. She saw Eodwine speaking with Garreth, and she took a second glance when she saw Eodwine’s face wrinkled in disgust and displeasure. I wonder what is amiss, she mused inwardly just before pushing open the kitchen door.

“Rowenna, Frodides, Kara,” she said, entering. “Meet Cerwyn, Léof’s sister. She will be staying with us for a while.”

The women accepted Cerwyn into their midst and as they carried on conversation, Saeryn cut her some bread. She looked into the pots boiling over the fire. A thick healthy steam rose out of the first one she opened. She reached for a spoon and fished out some of the vegetables. They were not boiled to perfect softness yet, but they would be enough to tide Cerwyn over until the evening meal.

“I am sorry we have nothing better yet,” she said as she laid the bowl on the table. “Tonight we shall have a fine spread.”

Ledwyn entered the kitchen as Cerwyn sat down. “How is Wilheard?” Saeryn asked.

“He was asleep. I left him some brewed herbs,” Ledwyn replied, quietly.

“Thank you.” Saeryn looked away, but she watched her covertly as she walked across to the washtub and resumed her work of washing the remaining pots and utensils from the noon meal. Saeryn knew Ledwyn still grieved for her boy’s loss, but Saeryn did not know how to comfort her or what to say. She felt, sometimes, that the presence of her two, healthy children must be a bitter reminder to Ledwyn of her own child. Saeryn’s heart ached for the woman, but she did not dare try to express it.

Léof’s whistle from the hall interrupted her thoughts. She lifted her head towards it. She remembered Garreth speaking to Eodwine, and Eodwine’s grimace. She sighed. Something was wrong. “We’d better go out,” she said. “Stay here and finish up,” she told Cerwyn, laying her hand on her shoulder as she passed. “If it concerns you, I will let you know.”
She came back a moment later, her lips pursed in thought. “We have work outside,” she said in answer to Cerwyn’s questioning look. “The dung pits have over flowed.”

“May I be of service?” Cerwyn asked, rising.

Saeryn shook her head. “No. Stay here. You are tired and worn and have had more than your share of wet and mud today. If you are not too weary, you can see after our supper.”

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