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Gothmog 10-27-2005 02:04 PM

Look at this photo..
I'm confused too! :confused:

And thank you!

Glirdan 10-27-2005 02:11 PM

Now you guys have me confused. Way to go!! :rolleyes: It really does look like him. If that actually is Morsul, than that means Morsul knows Hilary Duff!!! Creepy!!

Tigerlily Gamgee 10-27-2005 03:04 PM

Hah, this is the message w/the photo from Morsul...

ok not quite so dramatic but i dont have a scanner so ive been searching the web for pictures that at least look like know for your picture page anyway

thats about as good as it gets right there

Gothmog 10-27-2005 03:18 PM

Oh, why didn't anyone tell me one could choose a photo of someone else! I think I look like, hmmm... Brad Pitt. Or maybe Tom Cruise? Or who looks best, girls?

:D ;)

Back to reality: I think the pictures where people have dressed up like ME people is superb! Like Bruce MacCulloch and KnightofGondor(like the sword). And I've always wondered about Gurthang's hide and seek game in the plant...

Amanaduial the archer 10-27-2005 03:48 PM

Eomer...I don't think you could look less like I imagined you. Admittedly I had imagined you as an animated black and white spaniel, but nonetheless... You remind me strangely of Tim Burton films. It's a pleasant surprise, but still...good lord.

Estelyn - your dress is absolutely exquisite. And that ain't a word to be used lightly ;)

Rune Son of Bjarne 10-27-2005 04:33 PM

I don't think that I ever gave my compliment's to Tigerlily Gamgee for this lovely photo page. This can ofcourse not be toleratet, therfore: I applaude the site and you. It is downright fantastic, simply otherworldly ! :)

I must say the looks of some of you have suprised me, mostley Boromir. :eek:

Feanor of the Peredhil 10-27-2005 05:40 PM

I really just don't understand the "Fea's an Elf" statement that keeps cropping up. Compare it to the "Bonkers as Conkers" phenomenon and I've officially become Finwe's son. :D

Loving the page, Tig, though I have to admit that I have more fun allowing my imagination to wander in whichever direction it desires.

wilwarin538 10-27-2005 05:42 PM


hmmm... Brad Pitt. Or maybe Tom Cruise? Or who looks best, girls?
Definetely Tom Cruise. :p Actually you are a very good looking guy Gothmog, you could get away with being Tom Cruise. ;)

Again, Great job Tig! We definetely need to get to work on getting you that green pony.

Boromir88 10-27-2005 06:52 PM

I think Gothmog you can definitely pass as Tom Cruise.

Though I look nothing like Tom Cruise, I've been told that I dance like him....? :confused: <<<confused smiley

the phantom 10-27-2005 07:34 PM


I must say the looks of some of you have suprised me, mostley Boromir.
Not me.

I always imagined Boro as a guy that I'd kick back, eat pizza, and watch football with.

And sure enough- that's what he looks like.

Boromir88 10-27-2005 07:40 PM


I always imagined Boro as a guy that I'd kick back, eat pizza, and watch football with.

And sure enough- that's what he looks like.
And no doubt watch Mike-and-Mike in the Morning. :p

I must congradulate Tigerlily with this idea, and undertaking all the work behind it. (Yeah I know there's been the new page for a while now, but just kind of reinforcing to keep up the good work. :) )

Cailín 10-28-2005 04:20 AM


Oh, why didn't anyone tell me one could choose a photo of someone else! I think I look like, hmmm... Brad Pitt. Or maybe Tom Cruise? Or who looks best, girls?
Definitely Brad Pitt, though Gothmog himself looks quite okay to me as well. ;)

No one, of course, looks quite like I had imagined them. Then again, most of you are inanimate objects in my mind. Always surprising to learn you are talking to actual people who look all human-like.

Of course, I would send in a picture, but then I'd have to wait for someone to take one I accidentally look stunning in, and since, due to a childhood trauma (or say, traumatic childhood, cause my father is a photographer), I have camera fear, that might take a while. :p

Anyway, Tigerlily, I admire you for maintaining the photo page so well. It's quite an impressive gallery.

Gothmog 10-28-2005 05:17 AM

Thank you Cailin, Wilwarin and Boro :o *blushes*


Though I look nothing like Tom Cruise, I've been told that I dance like him....?
I was this ---><--- close of winning the title as "the balls Travolta" at my school ball (=prom) a few years back :D

Back to the topic... I feel the same as many before me: What, isn't he a cartoon character? And she doesn't look like that! etc.
It's hard to get over the first shock sometimes. I don't mean anything negative by that, it's just that many don't look as I imagined.

Morsul the Dark 10-29-2005 01:47 PM

sorry to have cause somuch confusion :p but in all seriousness if robert carradine and i weree to stand together you could bet we were brothers

also if you were to search my posts(i mean if you were really desperate to know) youd relize i give my almost full name alot
Andrew Edward Ma.....
so no im not Robert Carradine but that guy rules

wilwarin538 11-02-2005 07:46 PM

Alright, my pic has been sent in! :D Though I might send in a diffirent one at some point in the funture, not sure yet. ;)

So yeah, next time Tig updates, I'll be up there. :D

Fordim Hedgethistle 11-02-2005 08:47 PM

B88, great piccy! But who's that guy to the right of you in the Gondor uniform?

VanimaEdhel 11-05-2005 03:40 PM

New pictures...
Much better than the ones on the photo page too:
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3

Thinlómien 11-07-2005 08:31 AM

Nice pics, Vanima.

Tigerlily Gamgee 11-08-2005 10:32 AM

Another update!
Also, just a reminder... please keep picture change requests to a minimum. Thanks :-)

Eomer of the Rohirrim 11-08-2005 11:20 AM

I think I missed the last update, so for all who have since been revealed: foxy! :D

What a lovely bunch.

Valesse 11-08-2005 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
for all who have since been revealed: foxy!

Spoken like a gentleman :p

I must say, malkatoj, there are no words I can form with my mouth... or fingers, that completely explains my envy of your cow..hat-doll.. balancing act. Very neat picture that I felt like calling you out on. Mwahahaha!

Cailín 11-08-2005 12:22 PM

Always fun to just look at the photos. :) Wilwarin looks much like I imagined her, though slightly lacking in the wing department. Nice pictures from everyone else as well.

dancing spawn of ungoliant 11-08-2005 12:32 PM

I can't see the new pics. :( I just have to keep imagining you, then. So, Wilwa doesn't have wings and every newly added person is foxy. That's a start. ;)

wilwarin538 11-08-2005 02:06 PM

Oh I have wings, you just can't see them from that angle. ;)

Lalwendë 11-08-2005 02:11 PM

What's the one thing a female Downer is least likely to own? A pair of scissors I think! How weird - so many of us have long hair! I also wonder how many Downers wear glasses, but haven't got them on in their photos? It seems there is definitely a 'look' emerging. ;)

wilwarin538 11-08-2005 02:15 PM


I also wonder how many Downers wear glasses, but haven't got them on in their photos?
How did you know?!? :eek: I had taken them off for the picture since I usually don't wear my glasses, I usually wear contact lenses.

I noticed the hair thing to. It must be a popular hairstyle all over the world.

Boromir88 11-08-2005 02:21 PM


What's the one thing a female Downer is least likely to own? A pair of scissors I think! How weird - so many of us have long hair! I also wonder how many Downers wear glasses, but haven't got them on in their photos? It seems there is definitely a 'look' emerging.
I save my glasses for night time reading, but do have contacts. I need something or I'm just totally blind.

Rune Son of Bjarne 11-08-2005 02:52 PM

Finally after 2 hours of trying I can see the new pic's

Wilwa and Valesse looks more or less like I imagined. The only thing that suprised me about wilwa was the braces and she looks a bit younger than I thought.

Vallesse is allmost as I Imagined, allthough she looks a bit older than i imagined. I suspect the angle in witch the photo was taken to cause this. . .

dancing spawn of ungoliant 11-08-2005 02:56 PM

Ooh, now I can see them, too! You are all so beautiful. :)

Morsul the Dark 11-09-2005 08:32 AM

Glasses i always wear my glasses outside of the shower even when i sleep my sight is so bad if i took my glasses off i would never find them again at least not in time to see the next presidential election(Bush no more years YAY!)sorry 'bout that

EDIT:I was seeing if my avatar works again(it doesnt) when I found that if you nsearch for "Morsul" on google images smallthis comes up i was proud to see that my name brings up the downs

Lalwendë 11-09-2005 01:52 PM

We must all be far too busy reading to bother going to the hairdressers. ;) Actually no, I don't go to the hairdressers because a) I am tight-fisted and I can cut it myself for free, b) I don't like people poking aorund my head and c) being asked on every visit if I'm "going anywhere nice" for my holidays makes me fell like being overly sarcastic in reply ("oh, just having a fortnight in Mordor, you know"). :p

I wear contacts too. I save my specs for at home because they are so thick I can guarantee I would get 'humorous' comments from people about them. :rolleyes:

What has surprised me is that the male Downers by and large look very 'clean-cut'. There aren't many guys who look hippyish, which I would have expected. Could this be my age that I have presumed Tolkien fans to look like that? I did see a lot of people like that at Birmingham 2005, but then I was also surprised to see many, many perfectly ordinary looking older people too.

the guy who be short 11-09-2005 02:38 PM


What has surprised me is that the male Downers by and large look very 'clean-cut'. There aren't many guys who look hippyish, which I would have expected.
We're all hippy rockers at heart. :smokin:

Wilwa looks much more human than I imagined her. I really imagined her with a manic, static grin on her face, and buzzing around a lot.

Celebuial 11-09-2005 03:15 PM

I hate hairdressers, well actually I have a kind of fear of them so thats my excuse for having hair all the way to my butt. Plus you get cherged more for a trim if you have longer hair even though they're only cutting off the ends... so just as much as they cut off anybody elses! Besides I look more Elven like that!

I wear glasses too (you can't see because I cleverly have my back to the camera), I'd love to wear contacts but my eye sight keeps changing too much. I have the same problem with really thick lenses and seeing as I've just moved to uni and now have to pay for everything my self; I thought I'd splash out: I spent £257 at the opticians :eek: , because I decided I needed my lenses thinned. I have rimless glasses you see.

I expected the guys to look more hippy-ish too... But I don't think there's anything wrong with clean-cut either!

Boro dances like Tom Cruise? And Gothmog too? Wow Tolkien fans and Ballroom dancers... I thought I was the only one!.... Well I do waltz to my own tune ;) ... But thats a different kettle of fish...

Boromir88 11-09-2005 03:56 PM


B88, great piccy! But who's that guy to the right of you in the Gondor uniform?
Funny guy today, are we Mr. Hedgethistle? :p


Boro dances like Tom Cruise? And Gothmog too? Wow Tolkien fans and Ballroom dancers... I thought I was the only one!.... Well I do waltz to my own tune
I don't know any let says "proper" dances, I just make my own stuff up and call it dancing. :rolleyes:

Orominuialwen 11-09-2005 04:52 PM

You can't tell from my picture, since my hair is up in it, but I do have kind of long hair. I've never had it cut by anyone but my mom, and she only does my bangs. The rest hasn't been cut in over 12 years, but it's only grown a foot or so in that time, since it's curly and grows slowly to begin with.

I always imagined Valesse to have the same color of hair as the cat in her avatar for some reason. Also, Wilwa looks like an acquaintence of mine from fencing, except with longer hair. Aman's new pic is very pretty too. And Nuranar looks quite like what I imagined her to be.

Nuranar 11-09-2005 08:10 PM

Dittos with Oromin on the long hair - mine's a couple inches above my waist (and growing fast), but pinned up and bonneted, it's impossible to see. And I don't wear glasses, although I have them... I use them for distance vision, usually only driving at night. I don't really need them. The frames are period, though, so they'd fit right into that picture if I wanted to look like a bookish spinster.


And Nuranar looks quite like what I imagined her to be.
Hmm... so you think I'm 140 years out of style? Well! :D :p

Valesse 11-09-2005 09:33 PM

I started thinking about cutting my hair at Thenamir's line party for TTT. Micheal Martinez was there (I ended up sitting near him) and for some reason he kept calling me Arwen after I insisted I was dressed as a hobbit lass. That didn't go over very well with me, so, yeah... I might get it cut soon, but like Celebuial I can tuck the ends into my jean pockets! Isn't that Famdoosical?!

Oro: I do actually have very, very blonde streaks in my hair, but they aren't very large which makes it hard to see.
Nuranar: I LOVE your dress. Revolutionary era?

malkatoj 11-11-2005 10:45 AM

Since the message board on the site seems to hate me (is it the dial-up?) I'll post here.

The cow isn't technically mine, so don't be jealous of me, it's my cousins' cow. They have a similar dog. And I happen to enjoy balancing strange things on my head.

Also, I know it's been up there forever but I'm a huge fan of TORE's picture. And so many of you look like people I know!

Telchar 11-25-2005 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by malkatoj
And so many of you look like people I know!

:D HAHAHA - I couldn't feel more different ;) Then again Im so much older than most of you beautiful younglings :)

Kal-el 11-28-2005 10:24 PM

well, heres my first post and a pic
1 Attachment(s)
cheers, a little west side for all of you, lol

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