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Farael 04-15-2006 11:34 PM

So Jenny, eh?
JennyHallu is not real. Or so she will make you believe if she ever introduces herself to you. It seems that for some reason or another (which she told me and I promptly forgot) she introduced herself as a Mass Hallucination.... and so that became her nickname for a while. Then it got shortened to JennyHallu which, if you ask me and I know you didn't, is much better. Or at least shorter.

She is married, so hands off all of you wraiths. She has somewhat recently moved some place away from her home town, which is a double blessing. First of all, I am sure she'll do great wherever she is (One blessing) and second, since she didn't know many people to hang out with, she decided to join the 'downs (Second blessing, this one for us)

What more can I say? She's good at writing, drawing and werewolfing... the last one being the most important skill a man (or woman) can have.

What am I forgetting? Oh, yes... once upon a time she was actually enrolled on an Engeneering program at some college or another. Yes, a woman in engeneering!!! My buddies go to Engeneering over here and they say that a woman in Engeneering is as rare as an electron not approaching the speed of light and increasing in mass as it gets closer to the atomic nucleus. I have no idea how "likely" that is, but it's probably fairly unlikely.

Surprisingly, I do not know whom her favourite LoTR character is, but I'm guessing something along the lines of Eowyn. Or is it ArwenFrodoPippinMerryAragornSamLegolasGimliBoromir FaramirTheodenDenethor.... did I miss anyone important?

You can often find her greeting newcomers on the welcome thread or writing excelent RPG posts. I believe her characters are haunting the Mead Hall on Rohan at the moment.

*takes in a deep breath* did I forget anything I wanted to say?

Why, of course... she is a very fun, lovely girl and it's always a pleasure to "talk" (or well, write) with her.

dancing spawn of ungoliant 06-01-2006 09:27 AM

Oh look, it's Farael!
Farael, or Matias, is a 20-year-old 2nd year biochem student from Winnipeg, Canada, heading for med school. Despite his real name sounding rather Scandinavian he claims it to be Spanish as he is originally from Argentina. He started studying English at six, so now he speaks both fluent Spanish and English, lucky him. Farael joined the Downs on 24th November 2005, and he celebrates his birthday on 16th March.

Farael listens mostly to rock music from Green Day to Die Toten Hosen and The Beatles, but another band worth mentioning is The Men in Kilts, and Farael has been fortunate enough to see them live for a couple of times. As to what kind of music Farael doesn't like, Hip-Hop and Cumbia Villera definitely belong to that group.

Here at Downs you can spot Farael mostly RPGing or sharing his thoughts in the Middle-Earth Discussions forum. Farael has a great sense of humour, and he occasionally haunts in the Mirth as well. Unsurprisingly, he has some interest in WWing, too, not only as a skilled player, but he also modded a Wereorc game a while ago and invented a whole new role to it; the Shaman.

Farael doesn't like spiders. A combination of a Farael, shoe and a spider usually results in the death of one of them - thus far it has always been the spider.

Farael excels in golf (at least minigolf - he's got a hole in one!), but he couldn't care less about it, so Tiger Woods doesn't have to worry for a while now. Farael is more interested in volleyball. He likes ice hockey, too, and if you're planning to go to Winnipeg any time soon, you should probably remember the name 'Jimmy Roy' who is Farael's favourite of the local players.

Slurpee. That needs its own paragraph. As it happens, Farael lives in a city that has an honour of being not only the coldest city in the world, but also the biggest Slurpee consumer. Naturally, Farael has a tradition of deep-freezing himself with his friends by going out for a Slurpee on the coldest day possible.

Farael volunteers as a group leader to help refugee and immigrant kids to adapt for Canadian society. With his group Farael also organises and participates in free time activities with the children - whether it is sports or face painting.

All in all, Farael is a fun and perceptive BDer, and it's great to have him around.

If I forgot something, you can read more in his Barrow Confessional post.

Roa_Aoife 06-01-2006 10:31 AM

Dancing Spawn of Ungoliant, aka Spawn, aka Spawnowen, aka Anna is a prominent member of the Downs, or at least everyone knows who she is. She's an adept and dangerous werewolf player, as well as being an excellent contributor to the Books forum.

In another world, Spawn is an artist and an actress. If one can use werewolf as a judge for acting, and if one looks at her personal website, her skills are top notch in both areas. She's also a musician, and she plays both the piano and the violin, and is a member in a choir. I believe she also recently passed her violin level test and music institute exam, though her dates are all kind of screwy.

Her interests outside of the above involve manga, anime, the Downs, and composing polyfocal vocal fugas in "Palestrina style", whatever that means. (Little miss uber-talented....)

She and the infamous Nilpaurian Felagund have a sordid (okay, not really) relationship, and one can see their flirtation all over the Downs. (okay, it's mostly Nilp) Maybe he should be doing this...

Her picture on the Downs photo page is incredibly lovely.

Celuien 06-02-2006 06:15 PM

Roa_Aoife of the many names is from Ashburn, Virginia, and says that Northern Virginia rules. Other than Northern Virginia, she is fond of Ireland. In fact, she thinks that it's the best place outside of Middle-earth!

Regarding Middle-earth, Roa's favorite denizen of that place is Sam, followed by Faramir. She doesn't like Feanor or Eowyn, thinking that the latter has suicidal tendencies, is whiny, and just can't handle being a girl. If she could go to Middle-earth, she would most likely be found in Rohan. She read the LotR just before the movies came out.

On the Downs, Roa is a feared Werewolf player, and with good reason! She makes an intimidatingly good wolf, and recently put on a brilliant performance as the Evil Wizard in LMP's Dueling Wizards game. This is probably related to her ability to read people and predict their behavioral patterns, which she claims as her greatest strength.

Roa's quest is to make one life better regardless of whether or not she is recognized for it. Her favorite color is deep green. She chews her fingernails and sings along to any music she hears. She thinks the DMV is pure evil. Her most daring moment involved bungee jumping...

Roa's best Downer buddy is Fordim.

(Okay, Nilpy. Here's your chance! :D)

Nilpaurion Felagund 06-13-2006 05:30 AM

Her real name is Nichole. She was born on St. Patrick's Day--apparently, it took a while to convince her that the parades on the 17th of March was not for her birthday. :p She has three sisters.

Celuien is a fourth year medicine student, the youngest one in her class.

She likes chocolate (a lot!), frogs (a lot more!), cats (she used to have severe cat allergy, but she got cured; now has a kitten named Abby), and the colour blue. Her favourite sport is bowling. She also enjoys reading books by Thomas Hardy and (this comes as a shock to me) JRR Tolkien, playing music, doing nature walks, and programming web sites.

The Frog-maiden first came across Tolkien in a grammar book, when she was but nine years old. There was an excerpt from The Fellowship of the Ring, with punctuations removed, and she had to insert them. Then she started wondering where Mordor was, why Frodo wanted to go there, and why Sam wanted to go with him. She tried to look for the books, but her mum dissuaded her from it. Years later, one of her sisters was assigned The Hobbit as part of her book club. She hated it, but as soon as she put it down, Celuien grabbed the book and read it cover to cover. The old curiosity was renewed instantly, and when The Hobbit was dropped off at the library return desk, she left with a copy of The Fellowship of the Ring, followed shortly by The Two Towers and The Return of the King. She never turned back.

She joined the ranks of the dead on May 1, 2005--the same date as BD's birthday! :D I can't find how she stumbled upon this site. All I can discern is that she has been lurking here for years, then, during the fifth anniversary celebration of the Downs, she broke her silence.

Lately she is fascinated by spoons. I wonder why.

symestreem 06-13-2006 08:07 AM

Nilpaurion Felagund
Nilpaurion Felagund, or Louis Ortal, is a man of several siblings and several alter egos, the most familiar of which would be Adam, despite his recent untimely demise. The most familiar of his siblings is our own Lhunardawen.

He resides in the Philippines and is a student at the University of the Philippines, where he studies world domination and Naruto, as well as more mundane things like languages and biology. He greatly enjoys constructing Lego armies and staging battles between them with his little brothers, using accurate tactical information to determine who wins and who loses. Rumor has it that these battles are occasionally concluded in a rather unmilitant manner, all participants being ticklish.

Another of Nilp's well-known alter-egos is Uchiha Itachi, a deadly psychic warrior of the Naruto 'verse. As a dangerous criminal, Itachi is not fit for polite society. ;) Luckily, Nilp keeps him reigned in, at least some of the time. Nilp's favorite Middle-earth character is his father, Finrod Felagund, though he has not seen him in some time, having been gone from Valinor for centuries. Nilp spent a good deal of time atop the ruins of Numenor with Tar-Miriel, and the current status of their relationship is not known.

Louis is nineteen and was born on Collect Rocks day in September. He loathes procrastination and follows football and chess; his musical preferences include Coldplay and Casting Crowns and his literary ones, Tom Clancy and Sherlock Holmes. He's fond of stuffed animals, especially a stuffed seal named Patty, and not so fond of shellfish. He likes light blue.

Perhaps most well-known for his contributions in Mirth and the Quiz Room, Nilp does have an unfortunate habit of poking people; his best 'Downer buddies are Kath and dancing spawn. As well as a college student, he is also a writer of numerous stories, and a part-time employee of a secret government. If you see a man in black lurking outside your window, it's probably him.

mormegil 06-21-2006 09:31 PM

Symestreem, or Willow Smith as she would be preferred to be called, is an interesting person. My first encounter with her was this post and I thoroughly enjoyed her writing style. Oddly this was her first post in about 2 years. It seems she took a brief hiatus from the downs and I gladly welcome her back.

Willow enjoys writing and symestreem was actually the last name of a character at the time of BD registration. There's a funny little story associated with her name choice that goes like this:

At the time of registration she was using 'symestreem' as one of her passwords as it was one of her characters last names, it is no longer a password so don't think about it :D . She mistakenly put 'symestreem' on the username line believing it to be the password field. She was sadly mistaken and wanted to be Willow instead so she wouldn't mind you calling her Willow.

For those who couldn't tell, it took me a while admittedly, her avatar is a roll of duct tape. An odd avatar one might think but this stems from her love of making and repairing things using this wonderful tape. Do Brits and the like have this marvelous invention I wonder? I digress. I've seen some duct tape creations myself as my Sister-in-Law is handy with the tape and has made dresses, purses, thongs and chairs with it. Similarly, Willow makes bracelets, flowers and weapons. Also, as previously stated, she repairs items ranging from shoes, to headphones to model rockets with a myriad of other items mixed in.

She's from the U.S. residing in Florida and fancies herself a conservative on most issues but decidedly against the death penalty.

Since her return to the downs she has been posting rather frequently and she mostly haunts the Quiz and Book forums but considers playing a WW game soon, which as a veteran would welcome her in whole heartedly. She has done some role playing in the past and I'm sure Pio would welcome her back if she fancied another adventure.

Notably her best downer buddies are Nilp and Lhuna, hence the rather detail description given of Nilp just prior to this post.

Finally she is a supporter of lifting the limit on the 3 smiley limit as she enjoys her smileys quite a bit. So in dedication to that I say :D :smokin: That's my only three now and I humbly request the ability to do more!

Let's get to know Willow and welcome her back into the downs.

Gil-Galad 06-22-2006 10:06 AM

Ah Mormegil, the lovely Barrowdowner from Utah who has a knack for werewolf games, and now i get the lovely time to describe him...hmm...

Mormegil has always had a Monkey Avatar, usually holding a Handgun, but now his Avatar is the Brazilian flag so he must be cheering for the Brazilian Soccer Team in the World Cup.

Mormegil reminds me of my Grade 9math teacher for an odd reason, probably because of his height. He is married and has a beautiful little girl.

now for the parody version:

Mormegil was born into the usual family of elven Weapons, his mother a graceful and slender Teleri Bow and his father a Sturdy Elven War-Axe. But when he was crafted everyone knew there was something about him that was different then most metals.

Mormegil was tough but he always tried to tell everyone else that he wasn't a sword and his parents weren't a Bow and an Axe. They just ignored that and thought he was kidding. Mormegil was getting upset because nobody would believe him.

One day when flames were rising from the north, everyone was wondering whats going on, many wanted to start an army and fight. Mormegil wanted to go too but nobody would take him. 'you belong to the old man down the street', who was in fact his grandfather, but Mormegil wanted to go so bad, but nobody would take him so he had to stay while everyone else got to fight. Devestated, Mormegil ran to the tallest tree overlooking the town, there he cried 'Look at me! i'm not a sword! i'm an not born of weapons! i am real!' and at that moment Mormegil fell backwards and hit the hard floor below. When the towns-people ran up and saw that he was not moving, then they realized he was in fact real because after 20 minutes of staring and poking it with a stick, someone said 'hey! swords don't bleed blood...' they mourned for his passing and he is buried in the Barrow-Downs where he resides right now at this exact moment.

Gil-Galad 08-08-2006 06:59 PM

Either this thread has become forgotten or theres no love for me

Rune Son of Bjarne 08-15-2006 02:19 PM

I am not good at this. . .
Gil-Galad is a Canadian Downer and is also know under the aka's: Gil-Galadster, Gil. The Everlovable and Superwight. . . .ok some of them are more used than others.

Gil is a well known and beloved member of the downs. .. He is often seen in Mirth and once he and I ruled the quiz-room together. . .May the day soon come when we shall do so again.

Gil's bigest achivment ever, was when he was the first to greet me and helped get me addicted to the downs. He often has gamin avys. . . one of them is rememberd with great joy by me. . . what was the name troktor? something like that.

well I dont know what to say. . .he is a ladies man I am sure :smokin:

Feanor of the Peredhil 08-15-2006 04:15 PM

Runesky is my nemesis. I wonder if he remembers this. We share a birthday, August 18th, though he is a bit older than I.

He is knowledgable about such things as Norse mythology and what drinks ought not to be mixed.

Always up for a discussion, be it deep or silly, and spectacular as MSN foodfights and/or travel plans.

Volo 08-20-2006 11:14 AM


Feanor is one of the "older" members of BD and not well known to me. Now he (no, she! This Feanor is surely a she and her name is Laura) writes most of her posts into "Roleplaying", but also elsewhere. She has started 12 new threads, most into "Middle-earth Mirth" or "The Books", but also one into "The Movies". One of the threads was WW VI! 2.7 posts per day is a lot of writing...

Her 19th birthday was two days ago! She teaches art. Feanor listens to good and heavy music. And most of all: Laura likes Monty Python and the Holy Grail!

Now this must be a great person!

HerenIstarion 08-20-2006 03:00 PM

Volo is with us since 8th of August, and I do hope that he likes it here. He's here for roleplaying and fun, being noticed in the Shire and Mirth subfora, but there is a lot of time to discover other wonderful places this board may boast of, now ain't there?

He's 15 years, or, to be more exact, 15,5 years of age (being born on February 17 of the fine year of 1991 in the fine country of Ukraine)

His real name is Volodimir (or, how I'm used to spell it, Vladimir) which may be translated as 'The one to be the master of the world' I do hope though that his ultimate goal is not taking said world over :D

As far as I'm any judge, he likes good cuisine (as I assume he dislikes fast food, than he may like its opposite, now may he not?) - since his mail address starts with a statement of dislike towards McDonalds

I would not be surprised to see him wearing info on his blood group on his own sleeve, as one of his favorite bands is Russian band under the name of Kino, 'Blood Group on My Sleeve' being one of (now my favorite) songs by these guys.

I would go further and dare to present to Volo my condolence with regards to break up of Nightwish, as that is also one of his favorite bands. Tarja will be replaced, and show will go on, and it will be a good show no doubt, but alas it will not be the same show anymore...

Else, his musical taste shows his disposition towards heavier genres of rock (and Finnish version of that too, as besides Nightwish there are bands like Norther in his fav list, per instance...)

I also suppose his linguistic skills must be good (though he more or less plans to become an architect), as I assume he must be more or less fluent in at least four - Ukrainian, Finnish, Russian and English (now the good mastery of the latter he has already shown us here). He was born in Ukraine, as I've said earlier, and almost all Ukrainians speak Russian too, now living in Helsinki he must be good at Finnish as well.

I picture him to be lithe fellow, as he's into yoga. I also assume he breaths well and possess skill of correct breathing we mere mortals are lacking in.

What else? - I hope he stays around long enough for me to collect more data and share it with you in case he visits this thread again in the future

Edit: new data found - Volo is also real-life friend of Thinlómien, and I would like to thank her for bringing in her friend to the board :)

Edit2: Just more new data: Norther is not a fav band, but can boast of several songs that qualify for favourites, and Volo not that just exactly speaks Ukrainian, but understands it. With good cuisine I was spot on - he does like Indian food

Brinniel 08-25-2006 12:27 AM

HerenIstarion also known as George Lashkhi has been a well respected member of the Barrow Downs for nearly six years. Though he is one of the longest members of the Downs, he is still young at the age of twenty-eight. Like many other Downers, Heren is highly intelligent, particularly in the works of Tolkien and has written several articles on the subject. He speaks several languages (something I could never do) and has a tremendous resume. Heren is also one of the top reputation givers and has always been thoughtful enough to send me a birthday PM (at least during my active years).

Heren enjoys spending time in his country of Georgia reading, swimming, and playing games on his computer. Last year he was married to a lovely lady, and only months ago he became a proud father. :)

Kath 08-25-2006 01:11 PM

Brinniel is a new member to me, but she has been on the site a lot longer than I have. She joined the site in 2002 and recently celebrated her 4th deathday. She is 18 years old and has started 11 threads over the years, some of which did better than others. ;)

Brinniel takes part in every aspect of the forum. She posts all over the place and, from what I've seen in Crazy Captions and Fortunately/Unfortunately, has a great sense of humour. But I think I'm right in saying that her true place on here is in the RPG forums. She's been in at least three (I didn't go too far back), and from the posts I just went and looked at she's an excellent writer.

She returned to the Downs in February after a long absence which I believe was to do with school, just in time for both deathday and birthday. And, on a personal note, I love her PT!

Anyway, let's hope she doesn't have to disappear off again. :)

mormegil 11-22-2006 01:09 PM

I know that I haven't given enough other in between my last but let's get this going again.

Kath, or Katherine if you prefer, is a delightful member of the downs and has been such since January 3rd, 2004 although there are times, mainly werewolf games, where she can simply be ghastly. Kath is 18 and will be 19 coming up on February 16. She is currently attending the University or so I believe. It is reported that she resides in Faversham, Kent, England.

Kath is most frequently seen in The Shire and Mirth threads but often frequents Quotes, specifically Palantir of Fortune, too. Kath has been a consistent poster of 2.81 posts per day average over her membership here. She is, in my opinion, most famous for her many games of werewolf played. Perhaps she is best known for her role as ranger. She also is a crafty wolf and coincidentally she and I have a rather warm and friendly rivalry in werewolf. She has proven her intellect and shrewd judgment many times over in the werewolf arena. From what I have seen of her writing she appears very well versed and well written and has always shown a maturity above her years.

Kath suffers from asthma and still leads a very active life including cheerleading and Tai Jitsu competitively and remarkably it's been over seven month since she had her last puff of ventolin; on a side note Kath I'm glad to see that my little intervention with you 8 months ago has worked :D . Also of note she was on a nebuliser about one year ago! Well done Kath.

Her favorite TV should be obvious to even the most dimwitted individual who is well versed in X-files as it is X-files remarkably. Prominently displayed on her avatar is Scully who is her favorite character along with Mulder. Her biggest draw to X-files and Scully is the wonderful character interaction between Mulder and Scully, I have to agree that it was great interaction. The true believer partnered with the skeptic, a very good show.

She's not overly picky on food but has a strong love for potato pie and winberry pie. Just don't give her any nuts as she has an allergy to them.

On a personal note Kath was one of the first downers that I considered a friend and really made me feel welcome here. Thanks for all you do Kath! You are great!

Thinlómien 04-27-2007 03:35 AM

Up with this thread!
Mormegil is a 29-year old guy from Utah. He is a doctor. Morm is married and has two very cute children. Mormegil is a christian. He is a supporter of right-wing politics and could be described as a conservative. He has lived in Brazil and therefore his second favourite team in the Football World championships was Brazil. Morm can also speak Portuguese.

In the Barrow-Downs Morm is a respected and active member, (although he has been relatively silent of late. Where has he been?) Morm's work and participation were noted some time ago when he was well-earnedly made a mod for the Middle-Earth Mirth forum.
Mormegil can be a terrible opponent. :D (Ask anyone who has played werewolf or survivor with him.) In werewolf he is quite scary, a reaction-provoking (even aggressive at times) and very intelligent player. In survivor he stands behind his beliefs and supports them to the end and always gives grounds to his opinions. In a battle of wills in survivor, Mormegil usually wins.

It seems the only one who can defeat Mormegil anywhere is Alien. ;)

Lalaith 05-04-2007 12:03 PM

Lommy is getting excited about the Saturday after next, despite herself.

She has an impressive grasp of Hair lyrics and she is sorry for recently turning a close cyber-relative into a mouse.

Ps this has nothing to do with me or my avatar....

Mithalwen 05-04-2007 01:19 PM

Lalaith is a non-British Londoner, a Saggitarian and a stalker. She can be quite intuitive in Werewolf - but not always ;) . She loathes smoking and can not wait for the ban.

Despite her recently acquired avatar, I happen to know that Lalaith is a polar bear (with remarkably dexterous paws for typing) but she denies this.

Legate of Amon Lanc 05-04-2007 02:30 PM

I'm not here much long so I don't know much about the members, but let's try.

Mith comes from England, otherwise, the RL info I know about her is pretty scarce. She joined the Downs almost three years ago, though it's not much long since she uses an avatar, about the same time as Lalaith. She chose the avatar she now has, because once she has been described to have the face of a "pre-raphaelite". Her personal title comes from one of the poems by William Yeats.

Here on the Downs she participates on many places, more or less everywhere, including RPGing. She also likes swallowing cats, though it's not her own invention (now this looks like a good base for a "which Downer am I" riddle).

From the looks of it, she just recently removed her sig, because someone turned her into a mouse...

Gil-Galad 05-08-2007 08:41 AM

Ah Legate, him and The Might are the current Dueling Champions of the Quiz Room after myself and Rune.

a somewhat new member, but has quick became a regular among us downers here. was currently a vampire along wiht myself in the pst WW game, and we made a dangerous pair indeed.

but in conclusion, you must be one of the kings of riddles because what you come up with is very clever and i hardly get them, in fact i have a 23.6% chance of getting them... good job!

Beregond 05-11-2007 11:21 PM

Gil-Galad is Canadian,
of posts he has near three per day,
the last of which was yesterday,
a guess; of Umbar by the sea.

His guesses strong, his answers keen,
he praised Legate as riddle king,
the count of which he says: I feel
is high percent, to which I kneel.

Not long from now, he'll fly away
to europe, so his sig does say,
for in disuse will fall his car;
to drive o'er sea just is too far!

Finduilas 05-13-2007 06:42 PM

Beregond is apparently a poet, seems to like riddles, and John Howe is one of his favorite artists. And even though he is a Gondorian, his sympathies seem to lie with Rohan... traitor.

Beleg Cuthalion 05-29-2007 04:21 PM

Finduilas is a 16 year old who likes knitting, beautiful places and seems to favor Gondor over Rohan (see above). :D

Neat thread

Mnemosyne 02-20-2009 02:51 PM

How in Arda was this thread allowed to die?
Beleg Cuthalion has not posted on the 'Downs of late. When he does post, he tends to frequent the Quiz Room most of all and does not seem to be of the sort to indulge in the more Mayhemic areas of the Mirth Forum.

At least, he's never done a WW game... :cool:

Rikae 02-20-2009 04:00 PM

Mnemi (aka Celeritas) is a fan-fiction writing queen of lurkdom who prefers a non-androgynous nickname, likes British spellings, loves the Shire, and seems to choose to give the impression of being the alter ego of somebody or other and/or a duck. :)

She feels fan-fiction too often puts the fanauthor's intentions above those of Tolkien, referring to this as "magisterial" as opposed to "ministerial" fan fiction (the latter being that which keeps to Tolkien's vision). From her blog, she seems to be a very articulate and innovative thinker who will certainly be an asset to the Downs. now that she is among the actively posting dead. ;)

skip spence 02-20-2009 04:10 PM

Mnemosyne is a new member of the downs. The gender of this poster is unknown, as Mnemosyne never has been seen by anyone who has lived to tell of it. The reason for this is that Mnemosyne rules over a small tribe of pygmy hunters deep inside the dark jungles of Congo. Seated in a huge ebony throne Mnemosyne frequently drinks potent hallucinogens out of a skull-shaped cup, and leads dark and savage rituals of idol worship. Should visitors chance to stray into Mnemosyne's domain they are greeted with venomous darts fired by unseen sentinels.

Or so I'm told.

Edit: Ooops, x-posted

Morthoron 02-20-2009 09:25 PM

Skip Spence -- literally. Yes, skip him altogether. Ignore whatever he has to say, because he is malware -- a bot that is not. A very clever bit of programming by some diabolical Asian concern only interested in tracking your bank information and selling you male enhancement pills. He will infect your PC registry while pretending to like Tolkien. Beware!

Durelin 02-21-2009 12:57 AM

Morthoron used to be a "prolific poster" on the forums of "The Game Formerly Known as Middle-earth Online", and he is still worshiped by at least one fellow former poster, either much to his chagrin or much delight to his ego. :Merisu:

skip spence 02-21-2009 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Morthoron (Post 585857)
Skip Spence -- literally. Yes, skip him altogether. Ignore whatever he has to say, because he is malware -- a bot that is not. A very clever bit of programming by some diabolical Asian concern only interested in tracking your bank information and selling you male enhancement pills. He will infect your PC registry while pretending to like Tolkien. Beware!

Hey now that's bollocks! Send my your E-mail address and I will post conclusive evidence to refute your claim. And did you know you could become twice the man in two simple steps without the need for surgery?

Oh, I don't know much about Durelin, but I bet she's a clever American (East Coast) collage student in her early 20's with dreams of working in the film industy after graduation.

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