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Feanor of the Peredhil 06-15-2006 07:22 AM

I was very shocked to learn last night, while under the influence of medicine, that Nogrod is an 18-year-old about to graduate highschool and Lommy is his pretty, a-bit-younger, girlfriend.

JennyHallu 06-15-2006 07:22 AM

:eek: That is shocking.

Noggie! Shame!

Rune Son of Bjarne 06-15-2006 07:47 AM

very shocking !

Lommy I would have expected you to tell me stuff like that.

Diamond18 06-15-2006 11:55 AM

That is just wrong.

Bêthberry 06-15-2006 01:12 PM

curiouser and curiouser
I had the most bizarre dream the other night.

Mithalwen and I were discussing Jane Austen and Anthony Trollope heroines and trying to decide which one would make a good Arwen, Galadriel, etc. We bogged down over agreement on whether Miss Bates would make a good Ioreth. In fact, things got so heated that, erm, *cough*, a mud wrestling exchange broke out. At the loud and boisterous sounds of BDers hooting and hollaring their raucous cheering for various sides, I woke up! :eek: :(

Even more bizarre, when I checked out this thread, I find Celuien's dream:


Originally Posted by Celuien

Here's a weird dream...

I was back in the high school I attended in 11th grade. BW and SpM were two of the teachers. (They weren't fighting. ) I got sent by one of them (I forget which) to welcome guests to the school, who turned out to be Bethberry and Mithalwen. We went to the auditorium - inexplicably connected to the kitchen of a house I lived in 10 years ago that's actually a good 3000 miles from the HS - and listened to them give a lecture. Which I couldn't hear, and when I could hear it, I couldn't understand because it was in an unidentifiable foreign language. Other Downers (sorry, I can't remember who), were also in the audience and looked very intent on listening. At the end, everyone cheered.

Some kind of elven osanwe?

the guy who be short 06-15-2006 01:23 PM

Two interesting dreams, one from last night about Feanor and maybe the phantom, one from the night before about morm and LMP and a bit of Fea. Oh, and half an extra dream on LMP.

Firstly, morm, LMP and I were playing a board game. It was a rectangular board, with squares all the way round like a monopoly board, but plainer. LMP rolled a two, went first, and got six men to put on a square. His were black, I believe, and may have been orcs. I only got three, mine were red. Morm also got five or six after that, and his were black.

We played a bit, but then morm and LMP had a massive argument about some sort of rule. They both walked off in a strop.

I reconciled them by shouting at them about how stupid they were being. I pointed out that they were two of the cleverest Barrow Downers and they were arguing over an infantile game - pointing to the box cover, with ages 3-5 years written on it.

I got them to make up, but then Fea came onto the scene. She said I'd dealt with them all wrong. I'd put too much emphasis on flattery - telling them how clever they were - and that it would be better to emphasise their idiocy.

Then we all sat around and talked. We discussed dinosaurs, and I said I did a good diplodocus impression. I didn't want to do it in front of LMP and morm because I thought it would be too embarassing, but then I did it anyway.

All of which tells me I fear looking juvenile around the more seniour BDers. Which is piffle, of course, because otherwise Mew wouldn't be in my avatar, and I wouldn't advertise my Peter Pan Complex. Who knows, maybe subconsciously I want to be taken more seriously?

My next half-dream was, I believe, unconnected to the above, though I dreamt it the same night. LMP had basically completely vandalised and trashed a train so it was taken off the rails. Naughty man.

Next is the Fea dream. She came to England for five days. She came and visited my house to say hi to me, which was cool. She also met my dad, though initially I hid her from him, as he didn't know she was here or who she was.

After that, we went in a car with her friend from America and two other people - one may have been the phantom - to a car garage. We needed tokens for the car to be fixed, and her friend gave us envelopes. We opened them, but we didn't have adequate tokens.

Then tp (if it was him) pulled out a special token. For some reason it was controversial as it gave him some sort of power over us, but it was necessary for the car to be fixed or whatever was happening.

Then I remember Fea and friend deciding to drive up to Nottingham for a party as it was cheaper than London for a night out.

The last part reflects my thoughts on Uni, and the tokens reflects Subway tokens my friends are all obsessed with - get 6 tokens and you get a subway for a quid. The rest is probably 'cos I talk to Fea too much.

Lalaith 06-15-2006 01:33 PM

What I want to know, Guy, is do you actually do a good diplodocus impression? If so, what is it like?

littlemanpoet 06-15-2006 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Bêthberry
a mud wrestling exchange broke out.

Even more bizarre, when I checked out this thread, I find Celuien's dream:...

Some kind of elven osanwe?

Well. Celuien? Are you sure it was a lecture and not a mudwrestling match? :D

Bethberry: did you enjoy it? ;)

Hookbill the Goomba 06-15-2006 03:31 PM

I'm going to do a dance!
Dear Doctor dream.

Today, while taking an afternoon sleep (to put off doing revision for a few more minuets) I had an odd dream that has me rather unnerved. I dreamt that I received a PM from the Barrow Wight saying "Your services will no longer be required" and then my account was closed and all my posts deleted. I then found a thread named "petition to get rid of Hookbill" signed by a good many Downers I did not recognise (and some I did ;) ).

Am I going (further) insane? :confused:

Bêthberry 06-15-2006 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
Well. Celuien? Are you sure it was a lecture and not a mudwrestling match?

Bethberry: did you enjoy it?

It as in dream or as in mud wrestling? :p ;)

Celuien 06-15-2006 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
Well. Celuien? Are you sure it was a lecture and not a mudwrestling match?

Quite sure, though at my high school the terms occassionally seemed interchangeable. :p ;) (Okay, okay, it wasn't that bad, but I hated high school, so I can make fun of it if I want. So there.)

Osanwe might well be involved. :D

Encaitare 06-15-2006 09:43 PM

My dream last night involved the Downs for a bit. In the first part I was trying to scale these walls and obstacles, I think it was in a forest. I don't remember it very well, though. The part I remember most distinctly is that Saucie showed up in a later part of the dream where were were in some fancy place all dressed up. Of course, Saucie looked nothing like himself, he had very white hair and looked rather haggard and quite unshaven. But it was him all the same.

Anguirel 06-16-2006 12:17 AM

I've had my first Downs Dream-or meta-Dream. Basically I dreamt that I dreamt a dream with weird Celtic imagery involving the Triple Goddess in the form of Diamond, Fea and Jenny, woke up (still in the dream) and decided to submit it to the Barrow-Downs, but then got distracted and swanned about in London for a bit. Then I really woke up.

Thinlómien 06-16-2006 03:57 AM


Originally Posted by Feanor of the Peredhil
I was very shocked to learn last night, while under the influence of medicine, that Nogrod is an 18-year-old about to graduate highschool and Lommy is his pretty, a-bit-younger, girlfriend.

:eek: Fea dear, that'd be called incest. :eek: You must find a way to control your subconsciousness, and soon... ;)

JennyHallu 06-16-2006 05:59 AM


Originally Posted by Anguirel
I've had my first Downs Dream-or meta-Dream. Basically I dreamt that I dreamt a dream with weird Celtic imagery involving the Triple Goddess in the form of Diamond, Fea and Jenny, woke up (still in the dream) and decided to submit it to the Barrow-Downs, but then got distracted and swanned about in London for a bit. Then I really woke up.

Oooh...omnipotence and omniscience!

So I've got that going for me...which is nice.

Interesting that the three of us are getting grouped together. (Anyone else seeing a wolf-team?)

littlemanpoet 06-16-2006 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by Hookbill the Goomba
Dear Doctor dream.

Today, while taking an afternoon sleep (to put off doing revision for a few more minuets) I had an odd dream that has me rather unnerved. I dreamt that I received a PM from the Barrow Wight saying "Your services will no longer be required" and then my account was closed and all my posts deleted. I then found a thread named "petition to get rid of Hookbill" signed by a good many Downers I did not recognise (and some I did ).

Am I going (further) insane? :confused:

Nah. A simple nightmare. Fear of ..... life? Since this is a place where you're dead? Or maybe fear of death? You decide. *Dr. Dream shrugs*


Originally Posted by Bethberry
It as in dream or as in mud wrestling?

Yes, as in that. :p


Originally Posted by Enca
Saucie showed up in a later part of the dream where were were in some fancy place all dressed up. Of course, Saucie looked nothing like himself, he had very white hair and looked rather haggard and quite unshaven. But it was him all the same.

The emblem of authority all haggard and worn. Or else you feel sympathy toward his recent luck in werewolf.


Originally Posted by Anguirel
I've had my first Downs Dream-or meta-Dream. Basically I dreamt that I dreamt a dream with weird Celtic imagery involving the Triple Goddess in the form of Diamond, Fea and Jenny, woke up (still in the dream) and decided to submit it to the Barrow-Downs, but then got distracted and swanned about in London for a bit. Then I really woke up.

A dream within a dream with the Three Furies at a safe depth within the second. :p Obviously, you're dreaming about ATM2. Malfoidacil had better watch out with those three loose.

Anguirel 06-16-2006 06:49 AM

I think you're spot on, Doctor. An RP within the site, hence a dream within a dream...

Incidentally, Fea appeared as her latest, hat-wearing photo, Diamond and Jenny as their current avatars. The fact that on encountering Audrey Hepburn in the subconscious world (not for the first time) I now instantaneously identify her as Diamond is...curious...

Bêthberry 06-16-2006 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by lmp

Originally Posted by Bethberry
a mud wrestling exchange broke out.

Bethberry: did you enjoy it?


Originally Posted by Bethberry
It as in dream or as in mud wrestling?


Originally Posted by lmp
Yes, as in that.

Ah, clear as mud you are, elempi. :D

littlemanpoet 06-16-2006 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Bêthberry
Ah, clear as mud you are, elempi. :D

Ah, my deary, you need help in understanding my locutions? Both/and. to whit:

Did you enjoy the dream? Did you enjoy the mudwrestling in the dream?

The curious want to know..... :D

the guy who be short 06-16-2006 12:18 PM


Originally Posted by Lalaith
What I want to know, Guy, is do you actually do a good diplodocus impression? If so, what is it like?

Well, during my childhood, I was rather fond of animals and dinosaurs. I was very good at impersonating the former, and still do a mean "big cat" impression, with the shoulder-movement during stalking and all.

However, I don't remember ever impersonating dinosaurs, as we don't really know how they moved.

In the dream, I think I just got on all fours and stretched my neck out as far as possible whilst making a "mhhhhoooooo" noise.

Mithalwen 06-16-2006 12:34 PM

I am beginning to think the reason I never dream is that I am too busy in other peoples ...

Diamond18 06-16-2006 04:38 PM


Triple Goddess in the form of Diamond, Fea and Jenny
Ang, I like the way your subconcious mind works. Now if we can only get to the point where you dream that I am The sole Goddess....


Diamond and Jenny as their current avatars. The fact that on encountering Audrey Hepburn in the subconscious world (not for the first time) I now instantaneously identify her as Diamond is...curious...
Excellent! I knew it was time for a change when Oddwen started dreaming of me as Daffy.


Interesting that the three of us are getting grouped together. (Anyone else seeing a wolf-team?)
We'd be invincible. :D

Rune Son of Bjarne 06-18-2006 04:05 AM

This night I dreamt that I was to meet Abers in Skovlunde, Denmark. I knew that she was due to arrive a day before we were going to meet. I decide to send her an SMS and to do that I have to go into a phone booth next to the train station, just I have send it a person looks down on me from the station and cries out "Abercrombie of Rohan !" I of cours goes to check out who this person is. It turns out to be on of Abers friends who looks very much like JennyHallu, she tells me that I am allowed to say hello to Abers, but that is that. The reason she gives me is that her and some others have arranged a party for Abers and her boyfriend is going to show up as a supprise. Apparently Abers will go crazy when she see him and therefor I cannot be there.

Feanor of the Peredhil 06-18-2006 06:48 AM

I had a dream last night in which LMP and I sat in a small cafe (I'm going to assume it was actually a Starbucks given my addiction to their vanilla lattes (extra vanilla) and the fact that I had one). We discussed RPs and writing and I came to the realization that I've written with him in five out of my six (counting the Eorling Mead Hall/White Horse Inn) and am about to start another.

And then we were working on a series of posts for what was labelled Tapestry of Dreams but didn't follow the story line at all. You know how in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry is writing in Tom's diary one minute and is inside of it watching the action the next? That happened. Only we were both inside watching AND outside writing it all. It was downright cool, being in two places at once.

Helen showed up, but she was actually Child, and told us that she loved the new plot twist.

And then, of course, I woke up and thought I was running late, only to realize that my clock isn't accurate. :rolleyes:

Either before or after that, I think I had a dream with Lushie in it. I'll be switched if I know what it was about, but she was there. Actually, it might be to do with having been invited to stay with a friend in Durham and Di telling me I ought to visit Lush while I'm there.

Celuien 06-18-2006 07:06 AM

Hmm. LMP was in more than one dream last night.

I only remember a brief snippet. One of my sisters was singing "Der Erlkönig" with me. We alternated verses, and I think I had the parts of the child and Erlkönig while she sang the father and narrator. LMP was playing the piano. Every once in a while, everyone would switch parts, and I wound up on the piano while LMP and sis sang for a bit. Then LMP and I sang, and my sister played the piano.

No audience. Just a typical university practice room/classroom with an upright piano, music stands and desks.

Very interestingly, there was something about a coffee house too, with lots of big picture windows with white cursive writing on them (backwards, of course, since we were inside) and round, white tables and chairs, but I don't remember how that worked, other than the setting. Fortunately, I don't think we were singing there. :D Osanwe again?

That was all.

mormegil 06-18-2006 08:55 AM

I also had a BD dream last night.

I received my most recent role for WW and was the seer, but then Boromir sent a PM to Guinevere and H-I telling them their wolfish strategy to begin the game. For some reason Boro included me. I ended up publically withdrawing from the game because otherwise the game would be over. Mith was the moderator and everybody was there in person plus a guy or two from my work.

Mithalwen 06-18-2006 10:16 AM

No great surprise that a game moderated by me might have trouble with its non-ordos ..... I don't have to be asleep to have nightmares about MM1 ...and am forever grateful for the good nature of my players. That said, bringing Gil back from the dead is possibly my favourite post of my own.....

littlemanpoet 06-18-2006 06:32 PM

Dr. Dream Speaks (somewhat autobiographically)
Hmm... two dreams involving me and the sub-creative process.

In one there's a dual primary and secondary reality experience going on: living the adventure as well as writing it.

In the other we're making music together, with sis along..... And nobody was off-key, either, right? --- Anakron and Panakeia, I suppose...

Celuien 06-18-2006 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by littlemanpoet
In the other we're making music together, with sis along..... And nobody was off-key, either, right? --- Anakron and Panakeia, I suppose...

All quite on key, surprisingly enough in my case as my singing voice can be deduced from my avatar. ;)

Anakron and Panakeia? I hope I'm not her! :eek: :D

I should add, though, that the sis in my dream is the one who has been eagerly following Anakron and Panakeia since ATM I...

littlemanpoet 06-18-2006 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Celuien
I should add, though, that the sis in my dream is the one who has been eagerly following Anakron and Panakeia since ATM I...

....and keeps peppering you with ideas for the poor lady of Harad, no doubt..... (uh, this is beginning to resemble ATM2 discussion thread 2) :eek:

Child of the 7th Age 06-18-2006 08:48 PM



And then we were working on a series of posts for what was labelled Tapestry of Dreams but didn't follow the story line at all. You know how in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry is writing in Tom's diary one minute and is inside of it watching the action the next? That happened. Only we were both inside watching AND outside writing it all. It was downright cool, being in two places at once.

Helen showed up, but she was actually Child, and told us that she loved the new plot twist.
Good grief! Here I am wandering around other people's dreams (and RPGs) and I don't even know it!

Celuien 06-24-2006 04:19 PM

And another LMP dream, courtesy of a cold virus inspired nap this afternoon.

I was sitting on the computer reading the Downs when a window popped up from AIM saying that I had a message from littlemanpoet. The pop-up asked if I wanted to accept the message. Of course I did, and a discussion of plans for ATM II (pretty much the same as we've been discussing via PM) followed.

Pretty straightforward since it was very close to what we've been chatting about by PM, and the only change was that the conversation was held on IM rather than the Downs...

In fact, the only non-realistic portion of this dream is that a glance at LMP's profile tells me that he's on Yahoo, not AIM, so real IMs wouldn't come through the AIM software.

littlemanpoet 06-25-2006 04:46 AM

Dr. Dream Speaks

Originally Posted by Celuien
And another LMP dream, courtesy of a cold virus inspired nap this afternoon.

Yuck. Anyway, some possibilities: (1) your subconscious is telling you that you really wish LMP would get with it and get either AIM or YIM. (2) you're practicing some kind of breakaway osanwë because I used to do YIM.
:rolleyes: (3) your fevered brain is processing the most delusional aspects of your life experience. :p

Celuien 06-25-2006 05:02 AM

In that case, I choose option 3. :p ;)

This fevered brain is full of Downs dreams... Last night was a dream of my crossing with Pio as she closed the ATM thread at game completion, causing my post to be lost!

Lhunardawen 07-05-2006 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by Encaitare, post #88
Not quite a dream, but it goes with the idea of the Downs seeping into aspects of RL: as I was reading HP, I accidentally read "Luna" as "Lhuna"... although I know our dear Hauntress of the Havens is hardly like the character.

I said "My, and I don't even read HP! :eek:" days short of a year ago, but now I know better.

After Werewolf VII and all those fun stuff, would you still say it's no coincidence that she's Luna and I'm Lhuna? :D

To be on-topic, I don't know if this counts as a dream - I barely remember my dreams as a rule - but I thought Fea should already have filled in her save for Roggie and Alli in ATM2, which is certainly not the case as I type this. It's scary.

the guy who be short 07-05-2006 10:10 AM

I vaguely remember a dream about Form. I tried to talk to him on MSN, but he was out and it was actually his brother, who started "shouting" at me (typing in caps). I can't remember what he said.

Lhunardawen 07-05-2006 07:11 PM

Another Form dream here, but it has already been too many waking hours I've spent since I had it so I barely remember anything. All I know is Nilp was also there, and my aunt. :confused:

I wonder if it has anything to do with cramming information on the details of cellular respiration and photosynthesis into my brain right before sleeping...

Thinlómien 07-06-2006 04:50 AM

I had a dream where a human-sized chinstrap penguin tried to eat my tortoise. :eek:

That must have had something to do with the Psychotic Penguins ww-game...

Feanor of the Peredhil 07-06-2006 09:25 AM

I had a dream wherein the phantom lived in a house in my area (this house doesn't exist, by the way). The house was full of zombies locked in crypts decorated with yin yangs and had the most brilliant uber-high tower filled with baddies that I was trying to secretly fight without disrupting the festivities.

You see, the phantom was having a birthday party for his grandmother and neither of them were actually there, but the guests (and there were a lot of them, including my entire family that was very put out that I kept disappearing into the haunted house for no apparent reason, and surely, Fea, fighting zombies isn't important enough to miss the party)...

Somehow the house was connected to a grocery store, but only if you went in through the back, and then Laura Bush was chasing me. :eek:

It was a reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally weird dream, come to think of it.

Oddwen 07-12-2006 06:40 PM

Two or three nights ago, I had this dream.

I dreamt I was unable to get online for a few days (this was indeed, a case), and I was checking my messages & etc., when I saw that I had a message on, (a site that doesn't support PMs, btw), from TGWBS. I opened it, and it said


'Happy birthday!
(some generic birthday wish)

By Feanor's email address below, I could tell that something fishy was up. "Ha ha!" I thought. "I'll soon settle his game!" So I wrote back -


Dear "TGWBS",

The game is up. Do you know how I know? Because today's not my birthday, my birthday was six months ago! HA! Wait, I thought this was July, six months would be whose calendar is off?

P.S. - I know it's you Fea.
Uh-huh. Mm-hmm.

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