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Formendacil 04-20-2011 10:26 AM

Well, Amdír has taken Coldan along, and is attempting to strike up a conversation by asking about Dorwinion. I very nearly had him ask Coldan to talk about Dorwinion's wine in comparison with Gondor, but although Amdír knows nothing of Coldan's evening, I decided I didn't want to give poor Collie such an obvious pretext for being angry, and decided instead to give him a chance at a more contemplative conversation.

Mnemosyne 04-20-2011 11:37 AM

Hyper-busy over here, but I'll try to keep this going as I can. Considered having Elanor go straight to Brinn but then this would cease to be a roleplay on my end and turn into glorified fan fic.

Pitchwife 04-20-2011 02:14 PM

Formy, you should be the prompter here, not me! As you may have guessed, I ran a bit out of steam with Coldan after yesterDay's excitement; but all it took was your gentle prodding and some cursory geographic research, and lo and behold! he's talking like a book.:) Thanks!

Nerwen 04-20-2011 02:25 PM

Okay, Mnemo, Asta has opened conversation with Elanor– and mistaken her for a kiddie, which should go down like a ton of bricks. Over to you.

Oh, and Dimturiel, pray ignore Asta's unkind mental comments about Harry.

Anguirel 04-20-2011 02:31 PM

Beautiful posts both those last two (I've repped you both too recently, apparently, how irksome)

Nerwen, I always enjoy Asta's internal venom...

Musing upon a Cirdacil post quite soon; Sador can wait for that dull boy's next move

PS Pitchwife, why on earth did I forget to say, amazing names/geog general approach to the land of Wine...makes me want to see (ahem, write in) an RP based entirely in it...

piosenniel 04-20-2011 02:53 PM


Originally Posted by Anguirel (Post 653208)

PS Pitchwife, why on earth did I forget to say, amazing names/geog general approach to the land of Wine...makes me want to see (ahem, write in) an RP based entirely in it...

The planning and Discussion part of the Game forum is ready and waiting for this to be worked up!!


Pitchwife 04-20-2011 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by Anguirel (Post 653208)
PS Pitchwife, why on earth did I forget to say, amazing names/geog general approach to the land of Wine...makes me want to see (ahem, write in) an RP based entirely in it...

Heh, thanks! My Sea of Rhűn is more or less the Black Sea, the agriculture etc. drawn from my old geo book from school (any mistakes of course mine). As for the names, you'll find them all on a decent map of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, I've just tweaked the phonology/spelling a little to make them look more Sindarin-ish. (The Translator Conceit™ is of course in full force here.;))

Btw I concur about Asta's venom - she's at her best when she's snarky. I'm looking forward to seeing her interact with Elanor and some other people for a change.

And Mnemo, charming Elanor post! But what else did I expect...:)

Anguirel 04-20-2011 04:01 PM

...over to you Inziladun

Inziladun 04-20-2011 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by Anguirel (Post 653223)
...over to you Inziladun

Right, I'll be out of pocket for the next couple of hours, but I'll try to have something up before I turn in tonight.

Formendacil 04-20-2011 06:47 PM


Amdír really got away from me there (or served as a conduit for some my own thoughts, perhaps...), but I managed to wrestle it back to a point where you have options, Pitch. If you want to keep waxing philosophical about Gondor's history or other cultural subjects (for example, I never did get around to Amdír speculating about his own ancestry), I'll gladly go on in that vein... but perhaps it would be more pertinent to go in the direction of the good carpenter's final question.

Mnemosyne 04-20-2011 07:19 PM

Formendacil, before Amdir took off, did he finish and/or drop off the crutches? Either way...

Inziladun 04-20-2011 07:56 PM

Anguirel, I've got Vëandur obediently approaching Cirdacil (with a fair amount of apprehension). I thought he was a bit too happy and confident, so I gave him a problem to deal with as well. ;)

Formendacil 04-21-2011 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by Mnemosyne (Post 653233)
Formendacil, before Amdir took off, did he finish and/or drop off the crutches? Either way...

I'm too lazy to find my own quote (I'm sure I mentioned it...), but in any case: yes, Brinn can hobble around wheresoever she pleases.

Mnemosyne 04-21-2011 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Formendacil (Post 653251)
I'm too lazy to find my own quote (I'm sure I mentioned it...), but in any case: yes, Brinn can hobble around wheresoever she pleases.

Thanks. :)

Dimturiel 04-21-2011 12:09 PM


Oh, and Dimturiel, pray ignore Asta's unkind mental comments about Harry.
Oh, don't worry, Nerwen, they were fun to read. And, as a matter of fact, I did deliberately make Harrenon seem slightly...shall we say, unobtrusive.

Nerwen 04-22-2011 12:57 AM

I will be away over Easter– will resume conversation with Elanor when I get back, unless Mnemo wants to fill in in the meantime.

Pitchwife 04-22-2011 01:08 PM

Ang, if only I hadn't just repped you the other day... Magnificent last post! Awww Cirdacil - he does have a heart after all... *sob*

Thinlómien 04-22-2011 01:45 PM

Hiya people, just informing you I have been without intrernet access ever since I last posted here and will be so until Tuesday evening. So, until then I will be as quiet as for the last two weeks (eeks?) but I promise to catch up and post Tuesday/Wednesday... I trust you all to carry along with my character. :)

Inziladun 04-22-2011 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Urwen (Post 653300)
Sorry to interrupt, but I believe that this takes the activity away from all other categories...


Anguirel 04-22-2011 03:10 PM

Oh I get it, she wants us to reply to the riddles thread

Urwen, role-playing is going through a rather pleasant and unusual renaissance at the moment - I don't think you should begrudge the attention

Mnemosyne 04-22-2011 03:32 PM

Urwen, I understand your points and your concerns, but, quite frankly, this is not the place to voice them: it's a discussion thread for an RPG. Everyone who is posting here is doing so out of a commitment to this particular game, a commitment of their own volition, and they constitute a minority of the members on this board--even the active ones.

Please consider other factors that may be contributing to the sleepiness in other areas of the discussion forum: for example, the fact that in many schools this is a busy time of year for both students and teachers.

If you'd like to discuss the effect that roleplaying is having on the rest of the forum, might I suggest the "A Measure of Success" thread?

Otherwise, please don't post on this thread unless you have something to say about this particular game, The King's Players, and not the time commitments of the people who are writing it. Take it to a different thread, or take it to PM.

piosenniel 04-22-2011 09:16 PM

Let's bring this thread back to a KP - RPG centered discussion.

No one is allowed to post in the Discussion Thread except players, Moderators, Administrators, and forum members asking permission to join the game.

All other posts will be removed.

~*~ piosenniel, Forum Moderator

the phantom 04-22-2011 09:31 PM

Busy writing papers here, but I will get a post up sometime soon.

Galadriel55 04-24-2011 07:23 PM

I'm back, and trying to catch up on everything. I've skimmed the game thread, but I have no time to post anything worthwhile. I'll try to get something up tomorrow.

PS: Mnemo, how much about Elanor do you want Thiliel to know / tell Brinn?

Boromir88 04-24-2011 07:33 PM

And I've been able to keep up on this thread, but failing at the game thread. After tomorrow I'll be able to get back to the regular level of posting.

(Also, belated thank you Galadriel. I had much fun. :) )

Mnemosyne 04-24-2011 07:52 PM

Galadriel, however much you think Thiliel could have figured out!

Still drowning in RL over here, but I should be back on dry land by Wednesday. :)

Formendacil 04-25-2011 08:38 AM

Well, it's a short enough post I've put up, but Holy Week/Easter have eaten away my weekend, and now I'm facing a fairly hefty week, so I thought I should put something up rather than wait for "the perfect moment" to put up "the perfect post."

Pitchwife, I've left it rather open-ended: we can jump ahead to Hallas' estate, or even to their return to Minas Anor in the mid-afternoon, or you can have Coldan inquire into Amdír's memories of the War. In a stroke of what I'd like to think is genius, I decided that the good carpenter was wounded in battle with Easterlings specifically, which you may want to play off--either externally or internally--with Coldan.

Anyway, the ball's in your court again.

Anguirel 04-26-2011 04:43 AM

Dimturiel, Harrenon's surely asking to be struck violently by Love at some point now...

Dimturiel 04-26-2011 07:06 AM

It would certainly be amusing. after such a rant. By the way, nice touch with the Itaril thingy;).

Galadriel55 04-26-2011 09:40 AM

Yeah, the mention of Itaril was great! I wondered where PJ got the idea from... Hmm.


the phantom 04-26-2011 12:31 PM

Erm... Did anyone else have any posts disappear yesterday? Was I posting on a different thread or something?

satansaloser2005 04-26-2011 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by the phantom (Post 653487)
Erm... Did anyone else have any posts disappear yesterday? Was I posting on a different thread or something?

It's been happening to other people too, dear. :(

(Also, I'm planning on catching up with all this on Thursday if all goes according to plan. I really do want to play, but I'm simply rubbish at keeping up with stuff.)

Pitchwife 04-26-2011 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 653488)
I really do want to play

sally dear, that would be most delightful! Have you thought of a character yet?

Pitchwife 04-26-2011 05:23 PM

Another neverending post - just had to cut it off at the end, or I would get no sleep at all tonight.

Formy, I figured you'd be occupied over Easter, great you could find the time to post at all. As you see, I've made use of the Easterling connection (great idea!); and seeing that things aren't moving too speedily at the inn right now, I've taken us as far as Hallas' estate. I hope I've done a decent job at capturing Amdír's voice? (Part of the dialogue I gave him is a bit Mother Mary [no pun intended], speaking words of wisdom into Coldan's ear...)

Once we get to discussing Amdír's war memories, I have a question: do you still stick with the idea that Amdír met Merry while convalescing in the HoH? You mentioned it way back in the pre-game discussion, and I don't know how serious you were about it, but I think a) it would be hilarious if he'd known the truth all along, b) it's quite plausible, and c) I have an idea what I'd like to do with it (no embarrassing Amdír and nobody yelling at him for never mentioning it, I promise).

Formendacil 04-26-2011 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by Pitchwife (Post 653523)
Once we get to discussing Amdír's war memories, I have a question: do you still stick with the idea that Amdír met Merry while convalescing in the HoH? You mentioned it way back in the pre-game discussion, and I don't know how serious you were about it, but I think a) it would be hilarious if he'd known the truth all along, b) it's quite plausible, and c) I have an idea what I'd like to do with it (no embarrassing Amdír and nobody yelling at him for never mentioning it, I promise).

My thought is still that Amdír met Merry briefly in the Houses of Healing--"met" being a somewhat grand way of putting it, perhaps. However, since he knew him as "Master Meriadoc of King Theoden's household" I doubt he would have realised that "Mary the Elf" was supposed to be one and the same character until they met Samwise.

Thus, I agree it's quite plausible, so on the assumption that Amdír not mentioning it has to do with never putting the two together and his general quietness of character, then I'm fine with it.

I can probably have a post up for my fine carpenter tomorrow morning (my time), but in the event I don't, it will take a couple days, as Rune is visiting and school will eat me. In the event I don't post in the next 16 hours or so, feel free to go ahead without me.

Mnemosyne 04-28-2011 09:06 AM

Save filled. I should be set to play regularly (including daily postings) for the next two weeks. Thanks for bearing with me in the meantime.

Galadriel55 04-28-2011 03:35 PM

I think Thiliel went to a room to bring Brinn the tray... gotta fix that.

the phantom 04-28-2011 08:41 PM

Okay, I should be able to post a couple times over the next two days, so... is everyone prepared to move into the evening? Or are we there already?

Galadriel55 04-28-2011 09:03 PM


TP, please tell me you forgot to put a smiley there and that you aren't really serious. We're just waking up.

the phantom 04-28-2011 09:09 PM

Erm... Which day are you waking up on? Have we changed days?

I'm kind of lost because I actually asked this question already a couple days ago or so but my post and others got deleted so I never got my answer.

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