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Orofaniel 04-20-2004 11:02 AM

Good to see you back Pyro! I was just about to send you another PM..heh..;)

Anyway, I liked your post. I've also pasted it up in the save I made for you. I guess my post will be up by tomorrow.

Then Carlas has to make her own death scene. Have anyone heard from her? I sent her a PM too, but she hasn’t responded. Hm...


Carlas 04-20-2004 01:45 PM

Everyone- Sorry about my disappearance, something happened to our computer and it had to be fixed.

Orcs- OK, I will start writing my death post, but first I need to catch up on whats been happening! :)



Nazklash has become lazy in his power. We can easily get rid of him, the orcs will rally to me.
When did this happen?

Orofaniel 04-20-2004 02:44 PM



Orcs- OK, I will start writing my death post, but first I need to catch up on whats been happening!
No, I have to write my post before you write yours. It'll be up tomorrow. They after you've read mine you can wite yours. You see, me and Uzgash will "contact" Nazklash in my post and maybe start an arument.



Nazklash has become lazy in his power. We can easily get rid of him, the orcs will rally to me.


When did this happen?
I understand why Pyro wrote that:
First of all; you haven't written anything about Nazklash after he became a Cheif so we don't know anything about the "situation".

Second; He had to have some sort of a motive, right? (I've suggested that you would find a motive many times, but you haven't done it yet. So, of course, Pyro had to take action)

I think however, that you should set up a save right away so that your death scene won't be so far below our posts.


The Perky Ent 04-20-2004 04:04 PM

Wow! 11 pages! Woah! This RPG is really sucessful :D

And BTW, if you haven't noticed, you can now post your post icon as the white tree

Carlas 04-20-2004 04:34 PM


First of all; you haven't written anything about Nazklash after he became a Cheif so we don't know anything about the "situation".

Second; He had to have some sort of a motive, right? (I've suggested that you would find a motive many times, but you haven't done it yet. So, of course, Pyro had to take action)

I think however, that you should set up a save right away so that your death scene won't be so far below our posts.
First- EDIT oh, you mean after the chief is killed? That is because the time was pushed forward, so Nazklash would have already been dead. I didn't think it would mak sense for him to be doing things once he is dead :eek:

Second- I did not want to be the one to 'come-up' with the motive myself, I had thought we were going to discuss it. (Then my computer broke) Perhaps we could discuss it now, i know it's a little late but I really don't think what we have now works well.

Third- I have told you that I think you should attatch my post behind yours.

Stupid computer.... :mad:

Orofaniel 04-21-2004 07:04 AM


]First- EDIT oh, you mean after the chief is killed? That is because the time was pushed forward, so Nazklash would have already been dead. I didn't think it would mak sense for him to be doing things once he is dead
Nazklash isn't dead. Not yet. That's what we're going to do now .We couldn't kill both Nazklash and the Chief in one day, so we'll have to do it some time after we killed the Chief.


Second- I did not want to be the one to 'come-up' with the motive myself, I had thought we were going to discuss it. (Then my computer broke) Perhaps we could discuss it now, i know it's a little late but I really don't think what we have now works well.
Well, it was your character that was going to be killed, and I suggested many times that we’d discuss the motive, but it didn't seem to go anywhere. Anyway, I thought you might have written a post or something, describing the situation in Moria with Nazklash as a Chief. Maybe Uzgash would manage to dig some “dirt” about Nazklash, which he could use as a motive to kill him later on.

I think Pyro had a nice idea, which he/she wrote in his/her post. I mean, it's a good motive; Nazklash is getting lazy in his power. Nazklash has also been quite annoying lately, bossing the other Orcs around. Maybe the last thing I said is exactly the one reason that Uzgash wanted to get rid of him; Uzgash thinks that Nazklash has treated him unfair.

As a matter of fact, I think it's a brilliant motive! Very much alike what I had imagined Orc fights would be; fighting about power, revenge and so on.


Third- I have told you that I think you should attatch my post behind yours.
I don't think that will work. Becasue the Orcs are now planning the death of Nazklash. Pyro wrote:


I’m leading a company to the gates. Nazklash also has plans for victory in the entrance way, but he will not live to see them fulfilled. He and his troops will be rallying in the armory, myself and my company will meet you and them there. We will surround Nazklash, and you will announce his death and your new command. I will provide the troops, and you will provide the death. Is that clear?"
Therefore, I will end my post with finishing off the conversation between Lugnush and Uzgash.

If you're going to post next, you'll have to lead Nazklash's company to the gates (unknowing of course that Lugnush and Uzgash are going to kill Nazklash).

I guess you can either decide whether you want to start the fight, or wait a bit longer. I don't know what Imladris and Aman are thinking about the dwarves and when they are supposed to "come".


I'll go finish up my post now. It'll be up pretty soon I expect. ;)


Amanaduial the archer 04-21-2004 01:19 PM

Oh, we're coming now I think ;) I propose defence of the doorway up to the chamber from the bridge of Khazad Dum itself first of all - we can take down more of them from a smaller space, as they can't attack in huge numbers in such a small space. What do you think, Imladris and my fellow dwarves?

By the way, Mark12_30 - lovely tree icon :)

Orofaniel 04-21-2004 01:28 PM

Hello again.

I've just edited my save, which means my post is up. :) Now Uzgash and Lugnush have planned how to kill Nazklash and when. :smokin:

Aman- I was just wondering when you and Imladris wanted to have the battle.

Anyway, we have to kill Nazklash right before the battle begins, right? So, if Carlas doesn't post, there should be a save...(Correct me if I'm wrong).

I'm just a bit confused that's all.


Imladris 04-21-2004 01:30 PM

Good idea Aman. I like the way that sounds.

From the Perky Ent's most recent post, it seems as if the battle for the bidge and the second hall as already begun.

Will Witfoot 04-21-2004 01:53 PM

Boy do I feel like such a sludge recently :mad: . My internet acces taking a vacation, homework pilling up, posts to answer, hobbies *degenerates into a state of stressed mewling*

Ahem! *Gets to his own two feet and dusts himself down* I'm really sorry for taking such a long leave, Imladris and the rest of ye. I'll make a post tommorow, I promise.

Till then.

The Perky Ent 04-21-2004 08:52 PM

Woah now! Sorry about that post Imladris. I suffer from SPD, Spastic Posting Disorder, which causes me to post without understanding everything going on. I am now cured, but back then...

So should i delete the post?

Imladris 04-22-2004 08:54 AM

I'm not sure if you should or not, Perky Ent. That is up to the orcses.

Now...we only have four days to wrap this thing up, so I'd like to move it along. Oin still needs to die *sniff*, Frar, Loni, and Nali and anybody else who is not named has to die...I would prefer that only the three that are named fall at the bridge, just to keep it canon.

Aman, should we set up a save for Orual's death scene?

mark12_30 04-22-2004 09:33 AM

Orual/ Oin
Or, I could post, and she can add to my post. Either way.

Carlas 04-22-2004 01:53 PM


Nazklash is getting lazy in his power. Nazklash has also been quite annoying lately, bossing the other Orcs around.
That is not how I had wanted him to seem, but I guess it is too late now to argue.

To be completely honest, I am now very confused. I really don't understand what is going on! Could someone please clarify what is going to be happening with the orc and dwarves.

Imladris 04-22-2004 03:10 PM

Well, I'm also really confused. I thought the leader was already killed. As for the dwarves, the orcs have already attacked. I don't know what the confusion is because nobody will really tell me what they are confused about.

Perky Ent, as I have already said, has started the battle. If this is not good for the dwarves say so now so that the Perky Ent can edit .

Amanaduial the archer 04-22-2004 03:10 PM

Wooh, I'm on such a high now! xanga

Imladris - Good idea - I'll put one in now and we can ask Pio to move it later on if need be. Oin will be last (recorded) to die, is that right? I thought he and Flori would go down together, fighting...

Will - I quite understand. Glad to have you back - as we're near the end, try to get in a good few posts so we can finish high :) Don't worry about your absence - I know how you feel ;)

The battle for the dwarrow-delf has begun, orcses and dwarves!

Imladris 04-22-2004 03:24 PM

Well, Oin is caught by the Watcher, so it might be a little hard for Flori for him to go and die with him. Thanks for setting up those saves, Aman. I thought we had decided that Flori would go down, with Ori, in the Chamber of Records?

Orual 04-22-2004 04:46 PM

Aman, I'll PM you my post. Thanks for putting up that save for me.

The Perky Ent 04-22-2004 07:45 PM

Wait, Will was your post an artistic way of dying? Because it could imply death as well as a finaly post. I'm asking because i want to know if i can kill Nali now!


Will Witfoot 04-23-2004 01:38 AM

Perky Ent: No, Alrik is'nt going to die (yet ;) ) but the death of Balin, the attack of the orcs and the desolation of their greatest hold have left him at rather low spirits. He is simply aknowledging the possibility of his own death.

The Perky Ent 04-23-2004 05:54 AM

ohhhhhhhhh! Gotcha ;)

Amanaduial the archer 04-23-2004 10:33 AM

Imladris - yes, I thought so :)

Orofaniel 04-23-2004 10:43 AM


That is not how I had wanted him to seem, but I guess it is too late now to argue.
Yes, I think it's a bit late now...=/


To be completely honest, I am now very confused. I really don't understand what is going on! Could someone please clarify what is going to be happening with the Orc and dwarves.
Well, the battle has begun (as far as I know), so the Orcs better head over there to fight. Anyway, Pyro wrote in his post how we were going to confront Nazklash.

I think it's up to you whether you just want to take the whole confrontation and Nazklash death in one post or if I should write a post in between; First you, (Orcs going to fight etc.) Then me, (Lugnush and Uzgash confronting Nazklash), then you again, writing Nazklash death scene.

I haven't heard from Pyro, so I don't know if he wants to write a post about the confrontation....


Imladris 04-24-2004 10:48 AM

Monday is the deadline for this game so I would like to try really hard to meet it. I would like the bridge and the second hall to be taken, the dwarves retreat into the Chamber of Records, and Linsie and Narin to join the others in the Chamber of Records by Sunday (tomorrow). Sound good?

Pio, if we are lucky enough to be done with this game by Monday, when will you close it?


piosenniel 04-24-2004 12:22 PM

I'll close the game when you tell me the final post is on; I'll leave the discussion thread open for a few days following that.

Then I'll close it also, and ship the game to Elvenhome.

~*~ Pio

Amanaduial the archer 04-24-2004 01:09 PM

The bridge has been taken. Feel free to add your own contributions.

Carlas 04-24-2004 05:27 PM

I think I should just do the death scene...I've been much too busy this week! :(

The Perky Ent 04-24-2004 07:18 PM

Woah now!
Imladris, in your post, you said the bridge is taken and we've retreated to the second hall. Well, wasn't I suppost to die at the bridge? I was suppost to be killed there. But in the book it says

They have taken the Bridge and the second hall. Frar, Loni, and Nali fell there
so it could imply that i die in the second hall.

Seeing as how we have already retreated, should i kill myself now or is there another option? Sorry for missing the que to kill myself

Imladris 04-24-2004 08:54 PM

On mine and Aman's post, we mentioned that we saw a dwarf or two fall. Go ahead and kill yourself now at the bridge or the second hall.


The Perky Ent 04-24-2004 10:28 PM

Alrighty then! I'll put up a save and die at the bridge. Should be fun. wow. My last post! This is a milestone for me

The Perky Ent 04-25-2004 08:18 AM

*****800th Post*******
Well, i filled in my save, so Nali the dwarf is now dead. Well, it was really fun writing with you guys...and gals. This was so cool, i hate for it to end. But it most. So, goodbye, and thank you.

PS. Speaking of seeing y'all in the future, i'm opening a game in the shire soon, so if y'all wanna play, you're more than welcome.

~*~ The Perky Ent ~*~

This is my 800th post! Yay!

Amanaduial the archer 04-25-2004 08:26 AM

Perky Ent - Nicely done - poor Nali :( ;) I wish you luck in your new game, and in futur gaming.

Orual - Your post which you said you would PM to me to fill that save...?

Orofaniel 04-25-2004 12:57 PM

Hello :)

Carlas hasn't posted her death scene yet, and therefore I have to wait a bit before I write mine. I hope it'll be before tomorrow, but I'm not sure since Carlas hasn't responded to my PM.

Anyway, if the game closes before I get to post my post, is it okay for me to just sneak it in there...somewhere? Maybe you Imladris or Aman could just paste it into another post? Or Pio perhaps?

I really want to write one final post for Lugnush....


Imladris 04-25-2004 01:01 PM

Yeah we can easily do that, Oro. :)

Nice death, Perky Ent. :) It was good to have you with us and good luck on your own game. ;)


Imladris 04-25-2004 09:58 PM

Alright. The orcs have attacked the Chamber of Records. I would like all the saves filled in if possible, the remaining dwarves I want dead, and then Aman and I can do the last posts.


Taralphiel 04-25-2004 10:36 PM

Maron has made his last stand *grins* I hope its okay.

Thankyou for having me in this game! It was a challenge that I grew to enjoy very much, and I hope I can write with some of you in the future! :)

Saraphim 04-25-2004 11:29 PM

Right, so the legacy of the moronic Narin is at an end.
*sigh* No more brawling:( . Oh well. It was mucho fun while it lasted!!

Thanks to everyone for making it a great game, and especially to mark12_30 for such a fun time with Linsie.

I'll be checking back to see how the rest of you bite it, so make it good, people!!

Will Witfoot 04-26-2004 01:30 AM

Well, the death-post of Alrik is up. I want to thak you all for a great game, and I hope to see more of you on other RPG's.

So long, chumps :smokin: .

Imladris 04-26-2004 07:48 AM

Thank you everyone for your most excellent death scenes! *sniff* It's so sad... ;)

Here's a beer and a toast for you all doing such a most excellent job.


mark12_30 04-26-2004 10:54 AM

Saraphim: inspiring death scene. Good working with you! And thanks for a fun game, everyone-- especially Imladris and Aman!

Has anyone heard from Orual about her save?

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