The Barrow-Downs Discussion Forum

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Finwe 02-01-2004 09:34 AM


Instead of angsting about whether you're as good-looking as your friends, you angst about not being as amazingly clever and knowledgeable as your fellow BDers.
Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! I collapsed with laughter after reading that one.

Elennar Starfire 02-01-2004 04:17 PM

The best thing that has happened to you all month was getting to introduce your BDer friends to each other, using their BD names. I got to do it twice in one day! Woohoo!

You are extremely proud of the fact that you have brought four people to the 'downs, and are trying to convince two more to come here. They'll be here eventually!

Luthien_ Tinuviel 02-01-2004 06:10 PM


Checking the Downs falls under the checking-email category of high-frequency net activity.

Instead of angsting about whether you're as good-looking as your friends, you angst about not being as amazingly clever and knowledgeable as your fellow BDers.

-You are extremely unhappy with the fact that although you've recommended the Downs to just about all of your Tolkien-fan friends, they all have excuses not to come here (perhaps they're afraid they'll end up like me)!

-About half of your jokes originate from funny things people say here.

-You spend a whole day laughing about a funny post you read.

Kransha 02-01-2004 06:58 PM

-You'd rather be a Ghost Prince of Cardolan than the Emperor of a large and powerful country.

Nilpaurion Felagund 02-01-2004 08:21 PM

You spend most of your time compiling a third original Top Ten list, but due to the fact that most of the things you do for the Downs are pilfered fropm fellow Downers, you are in deep guacamolé.

Later days! *sigh*

Miriel Undomiel 02-02-2004 10:45 AM

You're addicted to the 'Downs when you post a meaningless post here while watching Friends.... [img]smilies/rolleyes.gif[/img]

The Elusive Spirit 02-03-2004 07:33 PM

A friend says "... I basically waste my life away on this site," and you exciedly reply "Oh! You have one of those too!?" Then proceed to tell him about the great Barrow Downs! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Kaiserin 02-05-2004 03:20 AM

When you're down, you Barrow-Down! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

Eomer of the Rohirrim 02-06-2004 12:25 PM

When you get genuinely upset if someone ridicules your theories on the Downs. Way more upset than you get when you lose all your money or fail an exam!

Lhunardawen 02-07-2004 02:46 AM


Instead of angsting about whether you're as good-looking as your friends, you angst about not being as amazingly clever and knowledgeable as your fellow BDers.
Ouch. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Forgive me, dear Nilpaurion, but I have to do this...correct me if you want to, though.

When you and your brother (a fellow BDer) did a paper-chat when you were bored, imagining that you were in Downs chat, and even included some forum mods in the conversation! [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

<font size=1 color=339966>[ 3:50 AM February 07, 2004: Message edited by: Lhunardawen ]

zb 02-07-2004 10:11 PM

You know you're addicted when your response to seeing a 'forum temporarily down for maintentance' notice is to:

1. Curse.
2. Hope that you are the first one to post a signs-you're-addicted message related to it.
3. Go and watch FotR on video to take your mind off the pain.

Nilpaurion Felagund 02-08-2004 04:08 AM

Hi, Lhunardawen! Care to reveal the contents of that said piece of paper.

Oh, wait. It's in my bag.

Details tomorrow. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Oh, and by the way: The forum was temporarily down? How? When? Is that why I felt a sudden loss of vigour whilst I climbed a hellish slope yesterday?

No, you fool. You just forgot to bring water.


Estelyn Telcontar 02-08-2004 11:44 AM


You know you're addicted when your response to seeing a 'forum temporarily down for maintentance' notice is to:
sigh with relief because that finally gives you time to do something else! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

Vuelve 02-08-2004 02:28 PM


You know you're addicted when your response to seeing a 'forum temporarily down for maintentance' notice is to:

sigh with relief because that finally gives you time to do something else!
You see the notice and realize you finally have a chance to do your homework; or you could go to the chat instead,or give those crosswords another try, or look for a new avatar/sig,........... [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]

Saraphim 02-11-2004 04:56 PM

You know when you're addicted to the Downs when the Forum is your homepage and you get shaky and nervous when it is closed for maintainence.

*twitch twich*
*looks at the screen, at all the nifty new buttons*
"This isn't my Barrow! Where is my Barrow, precious?"
*twitch twitch*

Finwe 02-11-2004 08:53 PM

When you start twitching when random posts of yours from the day that the admins were testing the Downs disappear.

Even though they weren't important, I still started hyperventilating. :D

Eomer of the Rohirrim 02-12-2004 06:28 AM

Indeed. When your post count is mercilessly halved when the site is reconstructed, and you stare at the screen in shock for about 10 minutes whilst muttering snatches of words such as "How could this happen?" and "So much time and effort erased!"


Elennar Starfire 02-12-2004 08:41 AM

Your BD friend says at lunch "They killed the Barrowdowns!" meaning the change, and you immediately panic and yell "What? Who? No Barrowdowns?!?!!?" forgetting that you are in the library and should be quiet.

Scared me, she did, yesss, precioussss. :eek:

Ashton 02-14-2004 12:18 AM

Yes I did Elennar, It was actually quite fun doing too. I love scaring you, you are too much fun to tease :) :p :)

Anyway. you know you are addicted when you...

Spend three hours on the downs when you are supposed to be writing a reasearch project (right now in fact)

You go into utter panic mode when you miss getting on the downs for one day

You call their friends by their Downs name a lot instead of their real name (yes that means you Elennar!)

You spend your lunch time talking with your friends about your latest find on the BD's

You get grounded from the computer because you are on the downs too much

Your home page is the BD's and whenever someone tries to switch it you go into a towering rage and IMMEDIATELY switch it back

Your grades are suffering because instead of doing your homework you start posting on the BD's and writing PM's to all your friends

Your parents have considered throwing the computer away because you are on it too much

You are always on the lookout for an avatar, every time you get on the net (and start cussing out loud because the coolest picture is only a bit too big)

Elennar Starfire 02-14-2004 04:51 PM


(and start cussing out loud because the coolest picture is only a bit too big)
You, Ashton? Cussing?!?! I'm shocked! ;)

~You want to hurt your computer because you can't find a fractal picture that's not too big to use as an avatar. (My avatar has always been a fractal, here and on other forums.)

~When the only reason you'll stop looking for an avatar is to make a post about how you can't find one.

Nilpaurion Felagund 02-18-2004 09:31 PM

Did you know that...
I am number 83 in the list of people with the most number of posts?

I guess you're addicted if you care to know such trivial facts.

Vuelve 02-23-2004 05:36 PM

You are a firm believer that the stuff people put in their sigs is more useful than the stuff you learn in school.


The Perky Ent 02-24-2004 10:44 AM

You're absolutly addicted to the Barrow downs when...
  1. your computer dies due to 20 hour posting
  2. your in English and suddenly shout "Shoot! I'm still logged on"
  3. you pester your friends saying "Do you know (user name here)? "
  4. you coil up in a corner in the dark until a computer turns on, then you kill the person in the chair and shout 'percious! mhemhemhemhemhehe (maniacle laughter) mhemhemhemhe
  5. you throw a party every time the theme changes
  6. your eyes fry from getting too close to the screen
  7. you can't remember your name, and start coughing up "(user name here),
    (user name here)!
  8. you have an excyclopedic memory of everything in Elvenhome
  9. you twitch uncontrolably when someone beats you at a Fun and Games post.
  10. you know everyone who ever registered on the site

Oddwen 02-24-2004 09:51 PM

You're quite obsessed when you write "Do the Wave for Boromir the Disco King!" and the address of the good ol' BD's on dollar bills.

Finwe 02-24-2004 10:10 PM

When your first words to your friend whom you haven't seen at all in three years are: "So have you heard about the Barrow Downs?" since she's an extremely Tolkienista as well.

Bekah 02-24-2004 10:15 PM


Spend three hours on the downs when you are supposed to be writing a reasearch project (right now in fact)
Yes, that sounds like me...


You call their friends by their Downs name a lot instead of their real name (yes that means you Elennar!)
And that...


You spend your lunch time talking with your friends about your latest find on the BD's
Forget about lunch - I talk about the Downs all the time....


You get grounded from the computer because you are on the downs too much
When have I not been grounded for being on BDs or fanfiction too often?


Your grades are suffering because instead of doing your homework you start posting on the BD's and writing PM's to all your friends
Yes, that's me....I kind of weaned myself off BDs at one point becuase of this, but then claimed my attentions....


You are always on the lookout for an avatar, every time you get on the net (and start cussing out loud because the coolest picture is only a bit too big)
It took me the whole day (when I should have been doing my school-work) to get this picture small enough to be an avatar!!!

I find myself going "guilty...guilty...not really...guilty...I wish I could....guilty....guilty...have you been spying on me!?!?"

~ Elentari II

P.S. Wasn't the 'add reply' button on the right and 'new topic' on the left before? This is really starting to annoy me, because I keep clicking 'new topic'...and I found that about 200 of my posts are no longer attributed to me (I probably deleted most of them myself earlier)...I used to be a Ghost Prince!!!

Sirithheruwen 02-25-2004 05:10 PM

When you brave all odds to get here! (Sorry, I have none in mind, that just sounded cool in my head!)

When you save your 100th post for this thread...YAY! I'M A WIGHT!!!:D :D

EDIT: Oh...nevermind...*sighs* I guess it's the 101st post, huh...oh well...:(

Nirvana II 02-28-2004 01:52 PM

when your walls are covered with posters, your ICQ,AIM, and Yahoo!messengers names have something to do with Tolkien.....When you RPG 8 hours per day........

warrenerd 02-28-2004 04:04 PM

yes, that's it. i'm a barrow-holic. but that's okay, because now we can be one big support center. i liked number three, by the way. oh, and do you go to berry college?

Everdawn 02-28-2004 05:24 PM

When you are in hospital and you have your sister sneak in your mobile phone so your best friend can check all your RP threads on the net and read them to you so that you can *try!* to write your next post but for the fact you cant even see properly becuase of the drugs they are feeding you...


Sirithheruwen 02-28-2004 06:46 PM

...When you print out all of the old versions of this thread and read them when you are not on this site!:D ;)

Everdawn, hon, why are you in the hospital? Did I miss something? Are you ok? :(

Everdawn 02-28-2004 07:11 PM

Spooked horse, long story and has nothing ot do with Tolkien. But I am ok.

YOu print out old versions of this text? That is obsessive!:D

Elennar Starfire 02-29-2004 08:25 PM

~When you are reading a book and imagine one of the characters as looking like Everdawn's new avatar.

(I wonder how curious I've made Everdawn as to which character and which book...?)

Bekah 02-29-2004 08:51 PM

I don't know how curious Evenstar is, but you've intrigued me...

~ Elentari II

Finwe 03-01-2004 11:31 AM

Ooh... spooked horse? Did you get thrown?

Sirithheruwen 03-01-2004 05:31 PM

Aww...poor Everdawn...:( *Hurries over to give her a chocolate chip cookie* Chocolate and cookies make everything feel better!:D

Anyways, back on topic...
...when you spend your spare time thinking up PT for people who don't have one yet.

Sapphire_Flame: Jewel of a Took

That's the only real good one I have so far...BTW, shouldn't you be getting your PT soon?:confused:

Taa for now,

Bekah 03-01-2004 09:51 PM


BTW, shouldn't you be getting your PT soon?
Who, Everdawn? Whether you get given a personal title is up to the mods...

I know there are other threads for signs of obsessive LOTRishness, but I just have to say I stayed up until midnight (I don't usually do this as late nights don't help me in the morning, and I guess I'm still catching up from my aforementioned antics) recording the 76th Academy Awards. ROTK won 11 out of 11. Yay!!!

On the other hand, POTC didn't win any, not even when they didn't share a category with LOTR. Grrr....

Okay, back to the real topic which is summarized by the title of this thread.

~ Elentari II

Everdawn 03-02-2004 02:09 PM


(I wonder how curious I've made Everdawn as to which character and which book...?)
Very! and it's killing me!

...DId I get thrown, yes...


YOu know you are obsessed when you are watching the Oscars and you dont see the actors all you see are the characters sitting there in costume. And when Liv get's up to present, all you see is Arwen in the last scene of ROTK talking about some musicians.

Elennar Starfire 03-02-2004 09:03 PM

Ok, ok, I'll tell you! (don't die! pleeze!)

The book was Polgara the Sorceress, by David Eddings. To understand this book you first have to read The Belgariad, beginning with Pawn of Prophecy. If you read the Mallorean after that it's best. Anyway, the character was Salmissra. (Everdawn, is there any chance you chose your avatar because you really look something like that? And if you did, can you act? Because I intend to direct a movie (actually several, no way it could be done as one) of the Belgariad someday, and I'm already trying to pick a first choice for all the characters.)

Everdawn 03-03-2004 12:31 AM

lol! If I was minus Blonde hair so in some pictures yes, and some no... It's Velma Kelly. And yes, I do act. My major is musical Theatre and drama as well as some other stuff, I have to take a little break at the moment though due to my little fiascoe.

However.... Sitting at home this very afternoon in my zombie-like state, I began to think which people I knew reminded me of people on the 'downs, strange huh?

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