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Aganzir 03-02-2008 01:00 PM

Night 4
Once upon a time there was dear little girl who was loved by everyone who looked at her, but most of all by her elder sister, and there was nothing that she would not have given to the child. Once she gave her a little cap of green velvet, which suited her so well that she would never wear anything else; so she was always called 'Little Green-Cap.'

One day their parents died and left them to survive as they best could. At first they thought they were doomed to die, but before long they discovered that some beggars were living in the mounds of the Barrow-downs, and decided to join them. But then came the Fell Winter, and the beggars didn't have enough to eat. A beautiful wolf came and invited them to come to the house of Tom Bombadil for some days, and they accepted her offer.


One night Little Green-Cap woke up feeling very thirsty. ”I suppose I need a glass of water,” she thought and got up. But the bucket was empty, so she had to go to the river to fetch some water. She put on her little green cap and opened the door. Just as Little Green-Cap entered the wood, a wolf met her. Of course Green-Cap knew what a wicked creature he was, but when she heard his familiar voice, she was not at all afraid of him anymore.

”Good night, Little Green-Cap,” said he.

”Thank you kindly, wolf.”

”Whither away so late, Little Green-Cap?”

”To fetch some water to satisfy my thirst.”

The wolf thought to himself: ”What a tender young creature! What a nice plump mouthful – she will be better to eat than the old women were. I must act craftily.” So he walked for a short time by the side of Little Green-Cap, and then he said: ”See, Little Green-Cap, the road to the river is wild and long, but I know there is a barrel of beer just next to the house. Wouldn't you like it far better than water?”

”My sister doesn't like it if I drink beer, but surely she doesn't need to know, dear wolf?”

”No, she doesn't,” answered the wolf.

So, they turned back. Little Green-Cap found the barrel easily and spent a rather long time there. Meanwhile, the wolf ran straight to his fellows. They rummaged through Little Green-Cap's bag and found there a dress that used to belong to her mother. One of the wolves put it on and laid himself to her bed, the others hid themselves in the shadows near the bed.

When Little Green-Cap had drunk so much beer that she could drink no more, she made her way back to the house. She was surprised to find the door standing open, and when she went into the room, she had such a strange feeling that she said to herself: ”Oh dear! how uneasy I feel tonight.” She went to the bed. But it wasn't empty - there lay someone, dressed in her mother's clothes, her cap pulled far over her face, and looking very strange.

”Oh! mother,” she said, ”how have you come back from the dead? And what big ears you have!”

”The better to hear you with, my child,” was the reply. ”And surely you don't want to deprave your poor mother of all her secrets this early.”

”Of course not. But mother, what big eyes you have!” she said.

”The better to see you with, my dear.”

”But, mother, what large hands you have!”

”The better to hug you with.”

”Oh! but, mother, what a terrible big mouth you have!”

”The better to eat you with!”

And scarcely had the wolf said this, than with one bound he was out of bed and his fellows emerged from the shadows behind him, and they bit and clawed poor Green-Cap.


The red sun rises over manflesh in slices. A Little Green's body, or what is left of it, lies on the floor, the wooden planks around it wet and brown of her blood. The wolves had seemingly been having a feast.

”Poor little Greenie, woh ho
get back home,”
sings Lommy sadly.


Nogrod the Agreeable, the leader of the beggars
his wife, Nerwen
elderly couple; Rikae the Kind
and Durelin
Mithalwen the Perpetually Sane and Serene, Boro's widow
their child Meneltarmacil
Volo, a young widowed man
orphaned little Thinlómien

Tom Bombadil (ranger) - killed on Night 1
Goldberry (seer) - killed on Night 1
The Barrow-wight (hunter) - killed on Night 1
Gwathagor, the child of Nogrod and Nerwen (ordo) - used as a battering ram on Day 1
Sally the Insufferable, a slightly mad crippled woman (ordo) - skinned, scalped and made to clothes on Night 2
the Right Honourable McCaber, Volo's child (ordo) - drowned in the Withywindle on Day 2
THE Ka, a blind old woman (ordo) - poisoned with carbon monoxide & throat slit open on Night 3
Boromir88 the Silent One, Mith's husband, Mac & Menel's father, an ex-pickpocket (ordo) - accused unjustly and carried away against his will by annoying trees at the beginning of Day 3
Macalaure the Guileless, Mith & Boro's son (ordo) - fell in snowball fight on Day 3
A Little Green, Lommy's little sister (ordo) - deceived by a big bad wolf and eaten on Night 4

It is now Day 4. Wolves stop PMing. Start talking.

Meneltarmacil 03-02-2008 01:05 PM

Macalaure, how dare ye!

Volo 03-02-2008 01:23 PM

Nogrod - Suspicious for not shouting all the time, but rather following from behind.
Nerwen - Suspicious for being careful and her tone after 1) my Day1 vote, 2) "confession" 3) "proof about Mac's guilt" doesn't feel genuine. Her last post yesterDay looks dangerous. What we can't do toDay is start a mindless bandwagon, because I bet that it will go wrong.
Rikae - For being wrong about Mac. No, actually Rikae is the one I don't find too suspicious.
Durelin - For being right and careful. Also her #388 is terribly Wolf-like. The third sentence is of a surprised Wolf's.
Mithalwen - For being alive. She should have been killed for leaving no trails, or less than Lily - unless the Wolves are such that don't want to kill good ol' Mith, but rather the newer players.
Meneltarmacil - For being careful. Though I think there are better suspects around.
Thinlómien - For going on too much about being nervous as a Wolf and how Macalaure usually spots her as a Wolf and so on. Not my first target, though.

Huh, doesn't lead far. :/

If I have to throw names then probably Dury, Mith or/and Nerwen. Maybe Nogrod.

Volo 03-02-2008 01:26 PM

This might be a bad time for losing hope, but I'll do it anyway. :/ Then again no time is good for that, at least withought going deep into the meaning of hope and the fabrics of the universe.

Aargh. I'll try to do something toMorrow, but now I won't promise anything.

Thinlómien 03-02-2008 01:37 PM

Oh dear. That narration was probably one of the most grotesque ones I've ever read. *shrugs*

I'm not surprised to see Greenie go. No one really suspected her and her death kind of fits the wolves' earlier tactic of seemingly killing the people who don't either talk or contribute very much (no offense to anyone here :)). My initial thought is that this would point at me, Nogrod or Rikae being a wolf as I think we are the sort of people who would advocate killing of the silent or the uncontributive ones. Now I know I'm not a wolf and Rikae looks quite sincere (not sure here though) so it would point at Nogrod, whom I've started suspecting anyway, mostly just based on a gut feeling and the sort of convenience of his playing style. But I'm relatively unsure of him so I don't think I'll vote him toDay as we really have to catch a wolf toDay in order not to lose.

This would lead me to the remaining villagers, namely Durelin and Nerwen. They seem the most suspicious. But Menel could be a wolf as well. I'm torn about Mith and Volo since they both seem very guilty and very innocent at the same time.

I'm just so confused, my main suspect was just lynched and proven innocent although he seemed so blatantly wolvish to me. (Although now afterwards I can look at things from a different perspective and his rash vote against me actually seems very innocent... :rolleyes: Poor Mac. My only comfort is that he was just as wrong about me as I was about him.)

I really need to think, reread and analyse. And I would ask everybody to post as much as they can and reveal as much of themselves as they can because it's going to be really crucial toDay...

edit: xed with Volo's two posts

Rikae 03-02-2008 01:37 PM

I've pretty much lost the heart to play anymore. :(
If we lynch wrongly toDay, it's all over... but then, on the bright side, our chances of lynching a wolf are fairly high.
As I said yesterday, Durelin looks the worst to me now. Still, I don't have a whole lot of confidence left in my ability to find wolves. I'll vote toDay, but don't expect much in-depth analysis from me - why bother?

EDIT: X'd with Lommy

Rikae 03-02-2008 01:40 PM

Lommy, that's actually a good point about Nogrod. I could definitely see him choosing the nightly kills we've seen...

Volo 03-02-2008 01:43 PM

Hmm... Lommy's post looks quite good.

I suggest something as crazy as everybody fills a decided form. Everybody goes through every other player and tells whom he/she will vote. I'd very much like to hear everybody's thoughts about Durelin, clear thoughts, as soon as possible.
After Durelin, an other player.

It's just a thought, but I think that this might bring something useful.

EDIT: Xd with Rikae

Nogrod 03-02-2008 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Volo (Post 549518)
This might be a bad time for losing hope, but I'll do it anyway. :/ Then again no time is good for that, at least withought going deep into the meaning of hope and the fabrics of the universe.


But even taking a realistic stance to the universe and everything from the point of view of our "village" it means we can't afford too many votes that miss their target. Actually two badly advised votes will be the downfall of us if my maths are correct. So let's not throw hasty votes today as the wolves may capitulate on them pretty easily with their sheer numbers.

And I'm yet again getting the feeling that I should once more reconsider everything I have thought this far. Kind of dejá vu -thing. I mean there are people around who with any basic ww-logic should not be here anymore, myself included. It feels like some people are now just sitting back and relaxing, sipping their cups of tea and smiling cunningly...

Btw. I'm having a pile of essays to read today and tomorrow so I may not participate as much as I would by I will try to post something before I go to sleep today... I mean there's a lot to look at...

(OOC Without that mock-fairytale ending that narration would have been just insufferable! Reading such a touching narration of one's own daughter's death is not a pleasant experience...)

EDIT: X'd from Lommy onwards

Meneltarmacil 03-02-2008 01:47 PM

I would add my two cents' worth with my suspicions:

Nogrod: The way he joins the Caberwagon on Day 1 and on Day 2 looks like clever Wolf-strategy to me. "Look, I'm bandwagoning! But I joined his bandwagon earlier, so I'm legitimately suspicious of him!"

Volo: Bandwagons for Gwath on Day One and bandwagons for McCaber on Day Two. Ka was also a known innocent. Plus, he's just been acting STRANGE lately, as I've mentioned before.

Nerwen: Well, I don't like the way she's suspected so many known innocents, but now that we know she can't have been giving Wolf-Mac hints (since he wasn't a wolf), I'm inclined to back off on that. Her suspicion of many known innocents still bugs me quite a bit, though.

Volo 03-02-2008 01:47 PM

You know, actually my thought sucks. It would give the Wolves a ready diagram of who should vote whom to lead everybody astray. :(

Rikae, what do you think about Mith's survival relating to Nogrod's?

EDIT: Xd with Menel. This is cheating, but am I acting strange compared to myself or compared to you? :p

Thinlómien 03-02-2008 01:48 PM

Rikae dear, don't take it so seriously, this is just a game...... :)

I just had a look at the last posts of yesterDay and my suspicion of Nerwen has lessened a little.

edit: xed with Volo, Nogrod, Menel and Volo

Rikae 03-02-2008 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Volo (Post 549526)
Rikae, what do you think about Mith's survival relating to Nogrod's?

Hm? Not sure what you mean by this.

Nogrod 03-02-2008 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 549522)
Lommy, that's actually a good point about Nogrod. I could definitely see him choosing the nightly kills we've seen...

And no one would ever even dream of you making those picks? :rolleyes:

Or Lommy herself to that matter...

Funny we three shared the very same concerns in our first posts though. Now it just remains to be asked whether that's what the wolf-picks were meant to lead us into or whether one or two of us is playing the other(s) for a fool?

I'll be back a bit later and try to find some sense from all this...

Volo 03-02-2008 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Volo (Post 549517)
Mithalwen - For being alive. She should have been killed for leaving no trails, or less than Lily - unless the Wolves are such that don't want to kill good ol' Mith, but rather the newer players.


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 549520)
I'm not surprised to see Greenie go. No one really suspected her and her death kind of fits the wolves' earlier tactic of seemingly killing the people who don't either talk or contribute very much (no offense to anyone here :)). My initial thought is that this would point at me, Nogrod or Rikae being a wolf as I think we are the sort of people who would advocate killing of the silent or the uncontributive ones. Now I know I'm not a wolf and Rikae looks quite sincere (not sure here though) so it would point at Nogrod, whom I've started suspecting anyway, mostly just based on a gut feeling and the sort of convenience of his playing style. But I'm relatively unsure of him so I don't think I'll vote him toDay as we really have to catch a wolf toDay in order not to lose.


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 549522)
Lommy, that's actually a good point about Nogrod. I could definitely see him choosing the nightly kills we've seen...

I mean, why is Mith still alive??? If the Wolves' logic is to kill the player who has left the least trails...

Drat. Then again, Menel's name appears in front of my eyes, why not him. I think nothing can be said without examening his posts once again.

Meneltarmacil 03-02-2008 01:55 PM

More on Volo's weirdness: I do not know what to make of this thing he said earlier:

Originally Posted by Volo
Yeah, it is confirmed. I talked with Aganzir and she said that Mac is a Wolf.

What is he trying to do with this? If anything, that ought to make people trust him less! And he didn't need to post anything like that since Mac was already doomed at that point.

Oh, and as another thought, could Rikae be a furry beast? I mentioned this yesterDay (extra notes and emphasis in italics:

Originally Posted by Meneltarmacil
if Rikae has a bad feeling about him (Mac), she's probably onto something. (unless she's a wolf)

Well, she was wrong about Mac...

EDIT: Cross-posted with everyone since my last post

Rikae 03-02-2008 02:03 PM

Well, Menel, I guess I can't read Mac after all. I know this won't probably be believed, but the fact is I could not, and would not, try to get him lynched if I were a wolf and he were innocent.

I'm not sure about Mith's survival... actually, I think it's maybe a bit simplistic to say the wolves have been killing the quiet players. Greenie and Sally were not particularly quiet, actually... the odd thing about the wolf kills, to my mind, has been that they seem to kill people who might very possibly have been lynched. Perhaps, by doing this, they were trying to make those who suspected these people look bad? (and yes, I am inclined to deduce that from the fact that I suspected two of the people who were killed at night. :rolleyes:)

At any rate, killing people who *are* suspected as opposed to those who are widely trusted points to sporting wolves... and is a good way to confuse the village... I think Mith has been basically trusted since she declared herself innocent, right?

I'll give some serious thought to each of the players left today at some point... may as well give it an effort, even without hope.

Volo 03-02-2008 02:09 PM

Menel, you are completely right there. What I said was a lie and thus I shouldn't be trusted. But the lie was made with good intentions, a bit like in Rikae's game. I hoped that it would make Mac confess and thus allow us to continue the discussion already then, or then confuse the Wolves to slip their confusion, like Brinn in Gil's game. Well, Mac didn't scream at me that I'm lying and he's Innocent, not nice of him. :rolleyes:

Rikae might be a Wolf, but in that case she faked her changing opinions too brilliantly yesterDay. I'm more inclined to think that even she isn't perfect and was simply wrong like the rest of us.

You know, I don't think WW does me good. Especially as I believe that anything can be explained both ways. I can never be fully certain of anything, and most of the situations in this game go both ways much easier than in normal games with Gifteds.
Good for me to say so after modding a game like I did........... :Merisu:

I'm off to do my homework and sleep, tomorrow(toMorrow)'s going to be a exhausting day(Day).

EDIT: Xd with Rikae.

Volo 03-02-2008 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 549533)
I know this won't probably be believed, but the fact is I could not, and would not, try to get him lynched if I were a wolf and he were innocent.

That's what I thought too.

Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 549533)
Greenie and Sally were not particularly quiet, actually... the odd thing about the wolf kills, to my mind, has been that they seem to kill people who might very possibly have been lynched. Perhaps, by doing this, they were trying to make those who suspected these people look bad? (and yes, I am inclined to deduce that from the fact that I suspected two of the people who were killed at night. :rolleyes:)

I don't agree. Everybody was just as lynchable in my opinion. Hmm, but otherwise you might have a point.

Thinlómien 03-02-2008 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Volo
I mean, why is Mith still alive??? If the Wolves' logic is to kill the player who has left the least trails...

Well, there can be dozens of reasons for that. Two that occur to me instantly are that 1) she's a wolf (kind of the obvious answer, if you set a question like that) and 2) the kills fit the profile of Nogrod, Rikae and myself and: I don't know very much about Rikae's relationship with Mith, but I and Nog are both very fond of Mith (now this sounds like I was talking about a baby or a cute koala bear, I'm so sorry, Mith :D) and would not like to kill her early, especially as she plays quite seldom these days. Furthermore, I'd like to add that Nogrod has once mentioned somewhere (in RL or ww, I'm not sure) that he thinks that Mith is a good player, especially in the later Days, so I could see him leaving her alive just for that.

Originally Posted by Menel
Well, she was wrong about Mac...

Taking into account how she phrased certain things and what kind of feelings have "shone through" her posts, I doubt she's a wolf just because she was wrong about Mac, who was playing weirdly wolvishly for an innocent...


Originally Posted by Nogrod
Now it just remains to be asked whether that's what the wolf-picks were meant to lead us into or whether one or two of us is playing the other(s) for a fool?

I would say that is a very wolfy thing to say had I not considered that possiblity myself. I could see a player with as cunning and twisted mind as Nerwen's (sorry, obviously this is a compliment here :D and I will never forget the balrog wing thing or the Australian translation of LotR...) or with Volo's wit combined with his odd logic (again, this is meant as a compliment) doing something like that. Menel and Mith seem too "honest" to make up a plan like that (even though they could agree with it, I think) and Dury has had so long a ww pause that I doubt she'd be this aware of our exact playing styles. But this kind of logic takes us nowhere, I think. I think we either need to leave the whole thing be or accuse Noggie. :p

edit: xed with Rikae and 2x Volo

Volo 03-02-2008 02:18 PM

...then again you and Nogrod are also possibly quite fond of Lily. But how would I know... :rolleyes: :D

Thinlómien 03-02-2008 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Volo (Post 549537)
...then again you and Nogrod are also possibly quite fond of Lily. But how would I know...

I thought I didn't need to mention that. :rolleyes: But unlike Mith, she's played a lot lately and well, she actually complained early today that she's going to be very busy this week, especially tomorrow so we two would know she'd possibly be quite inactive...

And please, don't use this all against Nogrod because I have the feeling someone will do so. It will make me feel bad even though I suspect him as well. :( :D

Rikae 03-02-2008 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 549538)
And please, don't use this all against Nogrod because I have the feeling someone will do so. It will make me feel bad even though I suspect him as well. :( :D

Well, I don't think we're in a position to disregard anything at this point, Lommy.

Rikae 03-02-2008 03:43 PM

Looking over the responses to Mac's "confession" yesterday, I think that Durelin, Nogrod and Menel responded in what could be a wolfish manner.

Nerwen, Greenie (of course) and, if I do say so myself, Rikae, responded in an innocentish manner.

Mith and Lommy did not respond at all, which could also be a wolfish reaction. I think Mith is innocent, though.

Volo ... well, he could very well behave that way as an ordo. Lynching him would be a bit of a shot in the dark, and we can't afford to take risks now.

Nogrod 03-02-2008 04:26 PM

Took a pause from reading the eassys... and I'm getting a bit worried.

When everything depends on us getting the right one toDay - and when we should actually look at everyone with all suspicion we can find - there's this odd comradery going on between Lommy and Rikae.

And if either of you is innocent please remember that the wolves like to be nice to you at this kind of situations, the innocents are those desperate to get it right.

My main worry is Lommy as she has been the one doing the buddying up more but I'm not too confident with Rikae either anymore as she's not her sharp self who'd raise her eyebrows on Lommy but seems like easily taking the feel-good thing...

Look fex. just this

Originally Posted by Lommy on Rikae
Taking into account how she phrased certain things and what kind of feelings have "shone through" her posts, I doubt she's a wolf just because she was wrong about Mac

Please go back to the last game and look how Rikae's feelings "shone through" making almost half of the village to believe her emotional posts even if we had almost clear Seer-thing on her... So what are you talking here Lommy? This clearly is unnecessary and wrong. Why would an innocent talk such nonsense as we all know after the last game what Rikae is capable of with showing a feeling? If not to try to bring forwards the feel-good factor? And no innocent can't afford that toDay even if to save one's own neck from suspicion.

Maybe Mac was right all along and I'm much worse in looking my own daughter than I think. I mean Lommy has felt innocent all the game to me and I have shut my ears from people pointing at her suspiciousness as I've gotten innocent vibes from her but then toDay she starts to act like a wolf ready to nail this thing down by trying to ally herself with Rikae against me.

And then there was this:

Originally Posted by Lommy on Greenie
I thought I didn't need to mention that. But unlike Mith, she's played a lot lately and well, she actually complained early today that she's going to be very busy this week, especially tomorrow so we two would know she'd possibly be quite inactive...And please, don't use this all against Nogrod because I have the feeling someone will do so. It will make me feel bad even though I suspect him as well.

This kind of discussions should be OOC indeed but as it has been raised and it has made me suspect Lommy I need to talk this out anyway: Lommy knows perfectly well that I never visited the computer after hearing Greenie's lament about not being able to take part toDay too much (we were eating dinner a few hours before the deadline). So suspecting me of being the one killing Greenie at Night because I heard her schedual is just plain wrong and she knows it. The question then arises why did she wish to make a point of it... To try and lay further suspicion on someone she knows is innocent perhaps? Where she just too happy to continue her well-begun wolfy-attack on me so that she just forgot this particular case was impossible???

"And please, don't use this all against Lommy because I have the feeling someone will do so. It will make me feel bad even though I suspect her as well." :(

But another thing that bothers me a bit more generally is the seeming consensus that the wolves are "sporty" and they should be found among people who could fit the description. I mean I could see it as well the other way around where a bunch of less loud wolves would leave the loudmouths alive just to tear each other apart while they would just sit back and relax. It might be though that Lommy and Rikae indeed are the wolves here. It's perfectly possible. But what I don't like is the premature consensus. We should look more closely who were all too happy to further that idea and whom it would serve as a common opinion here ie. who have contributed to that idea which leaves them safe from suspicion?

It's also interesting that Volo also seems to make arguments that presuppose a logic of the wolves and how the possible break down in them makes certain people suspicious while Lommy also counts heavily on a presupposed "wolf-logic" (which intrestingly fits her as well). So those two just happened to think about our wolves as following a pattern and using that idea to cast their suspicions to convenient directions? Or was this something they made a deal to try toDay - with Lommy trying to pre-empt any suspicions on her by kind of admitting the patterns she discusses fit her as well but surely she isn't a wolf as she talks about it so openly?

Allright. We can't afford retaliation toDay and I must stay cool even if it takes some lip-biting at the moment. It only takes two wrong votes and we're done.

And just a passing observation...

It's interesting how busy pointing left and right both Volo and Menel are toDay. Now as the wolves are so near the victory they have also stepped their gear. A hasty wolf could act just like that: "so near, so near, let's give it the final push..." And with no offence I'd say they both could be "hasty wolves" at this kind of situation - not the least because they would have played an extraordinary cunning game and are anxious to get to the spoils. And furthering the idea of "sporty" wolves would fit them very nicely toDay...

Nogrod 03-02-2008 04:29 PM

Rikae: you throw around quite carelessly that x, y and z reacted wolvishly and ĺ, ä and ö innocnetishly... any points behind those classifications?

That's also one thing we can't afford toDay; taking different classifications without any arguments. It would be too easy for the wolves if we did.

Points toDay, arguments, cases...

Rikae 03-02-2008 05:03 PM

Well, it should be pretty obvious why I classified them that way -- I called those who appeared to believe Mac's confession and gloat "innocentish", and those who appeared less convinced "wolfish". Why would an innocent have any reason to doubt or even discuss the possibility?
Of those, Durelin looks the worst to me, but honestly, I don't feel like bothering with further detailed analysis right now. I said quite a bit about Durelin yesterDay, and her reaction to Mac rather speaks for itself.

It looks to me as though either Nogrod or Lommy is a wolf... the fact that Lommy has focused attention on him suddenly could be a wolf trying to scapegoat an ordo and seal the victory, but Nogrod's reaction looks like that of a cornered wolf to me as well. It's also possible, of course, that they both are, and have decided to sacrifice one and make the other trusted... still, I'm still most confident voting for Durelin at this point. I get a feeling she's being protected right now, which might make her the wisest choice to lynch.. we'll see.

Rikae 03-02-2008 05:16 PM

A few quotes from Durelin:


Originally Posted by Durelin (Post 549459)
Guess I'll have to just vote for my 'comrade in wolfyness'. :rolleyes:


If we're wrong, we're pretty screwed. And Rikae's going to be busy. If we're right, I might actually give Rikae the benefit of the doubt for once. Maybe... *shifty eye movement*

This looks to me like she, knowing Mac is innocent, prepares to use his death to attack another ordo. Of course, this depends on my knowledge that I'm an ordo.

Edit: Crossed with a lot of people... Rather boring confession, Mac. :p
Of all the responses, this looks the most to me like that of someone who knew Mac was lying.

After Mac admits he's an ordo after all:

Originally Posted by Durelin
Uh oh...Mac, I feel more sorry for you than this village. :eek:

(Incidentally, she had good reason to... and Mac and I are now considering not playing WW together anymore because of it.)
Anyway, this response also looks like it could come from someone who had prior knowledge... it's not merely an expression of surprise, but a thought-out response.

Also, note that Mac found Durelin, Nogrod and Menel's responses most wolfish. Mac isn't infallible, but he has good instincts.
More in a minute...

Rikae 03-02-2008 05:19 PM

Oops, sorry, that was Nogrod, Menel and Mith, with Greenie and Durelin as his top suspects.

Rikae 03-02-2008 05:32 PM

Looking at them further, I'd say:
Nerwen's expressions of surprise and asking what Volo is if Mac is a wolf look pretty genuine.

Nogrod actually doesn't react to Mac's confession at all, now that I look again (I thought he was, but that's a reaction to the retraction of it.) He votes for Mac in an uncertain manner and then, finding he was innocent, tells people to look at Lommy and I the next day.

Menel also doesn't directly address it, but responds (I think) to Nerwen's question about Mac and Volo being wolves together.

I think that ordos, upon "learning" that Mac was a wolf, would be likely to gloat as Greenie, Nerwen and I did. I know that Greenie and I were innocent, at any rate, so I'm inclined to think Nerwen is as well. I could be wrong... it could be faked... but I think it would be easier for a wolf just to stay away from that discussion.

Actually, I'm inclined to think it more and more likely that Lommy has rather artificially made Nogrod a focus today... just the sort of thing one might expect from a wolf if one or both of her comrades are in the spotlight.
Yes, it does make sense that Nogrod would make the kill choices we've seen out of his desire to keep talkative players around, but Lommy's later remarks on Greenie's schedule, and the disclaimer that she doesn't want people going after Nogrod on that basis, look fishy. "So-and-so looks suspicious but don't go after him" is a classic wolf stance.


Although I realise this is a critical time, I have a lot of work to catch up on here and really should give this a rest for awhile. I would prefer to cast my vote after a thorough look at every living player, if I get the chance.

EDIT: Quadruple post, go me. (So much for not bothering...)

Nerwen 03-02-2008 06:46 PM

Volo: Has voted only for known innocents. Pattern of trying to vote said innocents without taking responsibility. Extremely paranoid– look how he’s been going after me ever since what I exclained was an early vote on Day Two.

Well, he did back off (#310), when I said that maybe I’d been wrong about him– he says that this is because I suspected Durelin... but later, when both Rikae and I started talking about her, and I said I found her “positively creepy”, he jumps in with a very strong defence of her (#320).


Durelin has been right, very much so. So far she has been wrong only with McCaber. At the moment she has this Mac, Rikae and Lily thing going, but at no point Durelin has tried getting somebody lynched, she is playing carefully.
I would like to think of her as Innocent, because she has so far been rather right, but what do you others think. I mean, somehow she slips from the discussion.
I especially don’t like the way the heated tone suddenly changes to a very weak "suspicion" in the last line.

(#322 & 326). Oh look, suddenly I’m back on the Dark Side.

(#322) Previously thought Mac suspicious, now he thinks he’s being framed.

(#331) Now I’m so evil that you can judge other people’s innocence by whether they suspect me or not (making Lommy and Lily suspicious).

A few posts later (#342) he makes the now infamous statement:


It [a Mac-Durelin-Volo trio] is possible, yet no more than that.
Once again, people are innocent or not according to whether they suspect me.

Still thinks Mac is probably being framed, but that his death “would reveal the most today”.

#351. Gives a rather weird explanation of his post:

Sure it is possible, I have just as big a chance of becoming a Wolf as any. Then again, I might say that everything is possible, and only possible, but inevitable. But that would be already physics and not WW.
I mean, I can understand the argument, but still...

#356. Votes Macalaure– this was the decisive vote: “Oh well, there's no other option. No way can anybody but Mac be lynched toDay. Might as well be him, although this is such a mess that anybody here can be a Wolf.”

I mean, look at this, will you? He held off until four people had voted Mac– then bang! Mac’s dead

...and, in his comments, he seems to be trying very hard to cover himself– as if he knows Mac is innocent.

#359. Further explains his “possible” comment, ending

I must say that we encountered a rather amusing half-a-paradox.
This to me is the reaction of somebody who– very suddenly– isn’t the least bit concerned about what’s happening in the game. Very odd, that. Mac had just been killed and we didn’t know his role.


I love this game.:D
That’s all. That looks like gloating to me. When I read that post I thought, “Uh-oh... I think the wrong person just got it..”

So that’s the case for Volo. The case against, as stated by various people, is that he’s behaving too wolfishly to actually be a wolf. Yeah, right. It's starting to get so that the safest wolf-tactic is to jump up and down screaming, "Lynch me! I'm a wolf!"

I think there's a very strong case for Volo and Durelin being wolves together– and if it's only one of them, I think it's Volo.

I really need to re-think on Lommy, now that we know that Mac was innocent.

EDIT: fixed spelling.
EDIT 2: ditto.

Nerwen 03-02-2008 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 549552)
Lommy's later remarks on Greenie's schedule, and the disclaimer that she doesn't want people going after Nogrod on that basis, look fishy. "So-and-so looks suspicious but don't go after him" is a classic wolf stance.

Yes, the relations between those two toDay– have they even mentioned each other on previous Days?– don't look good. But I'm not liking Menel either. I wish he'd stop parroting Nogrod's stuff about me "suspecting known innocents"– once again, those quotes were taken out of context– I was looking at people and putting the cases for and against their being wolves. Nogrod quotes only my "for" cases, making me look like I'm suspecting everyone.

And then, Rikae. She went after Mac yesterDay, and was fairly instrumental in getting him lynched. Yet I think she's more likely an ordo for the same reason she thinks I am– her reactions after Mac "confessed" look innocent to me. (Or am I just being suckered?)

EDIT: Sentence fragment.

Durelin 03-02-2008 07:09 PM

I am almost too confused and depressed to care, but not quite. I wish I was, and didn't have to waste my time on this...

YesterDay I was wolfish because I seemed to be wolfish with Mac, toDay...?

Besides tossing me in some lists and stuff, you didn't seem to think me too creepy (except for saying you felt like Lommy and I were "laughing behind our posts") until suddenly after Volo asked you for your opinion on me:


Originally Posted by Rikae
I think she's creepy and wolfy and has been so for a while.
Actually, although I voted for Mac, I think lynching Durelin toDay could also be a good idea...

Your only *analysis* on me is placing me and Mac together as wolves. So I really don't know what you're referring back to on me.

As for my response to Mac's confession - in the heat of the moment I dared to feel smug, but no, nothing more. Saying something like "YAYz, we got him!" like Greenie or Nerwen...that is so far I'm sorry, I am not an energetic person. When I was a wolf, and faked a "yay!" after one of my fellows was lynched, everyone leapt on it so fast...and they were right to, because it was so obviously faked.


Originally Posted by Rikae
Anyway, this response also looks like it could come from someone who had prior knowledge... it's not merely an expression of surprise, but a thought-out response.

I started getting concerned about you and Mac after I tossed out that comment about you two buddying up to each other and stuff. I really felt bad about that one. It felt like playing dirty and trying to put you two at odds. I suffer from Catholic-guilt...if I feel guilty about something, that's going to show up in any 'reacting' I do. I guess now that will seem like I'm trying to get on your soft side or something, but I know you're smarter than to let that happen, so trust me, I wouldn't bother with that.


Originally Posted by Rikae
Why would an innocent have any reason to doubt or even discuss the possibility?

Because Mac was already being so bitter about people suspecting him? Because Volo and others have been known to "confess" they are a wolf out of frustration or...something? Part of the problem with this village I believe is that there has not been enough skepticism. People have assumed the innocence of people such as Lommy and Mith for practically the entire game. The trend of making promises and trusting that someone is not a wolf because "when they are a wolf they do this" has bothered me from the start and quite probably has helped put us in the situation we are in now.


Originally Posted by Rikae
know this won't probably be believed, but the fact is I could not, and would not, try to get him lynched if I were a wolf and he were innocent.

As you said yourself:


Originally Posted by Rikae
Well, I don't think we're in a position to disregard anything at this point, Lommy.

Which I quite agree on.

I also would like to mention to everyone that those of us who are innocent need to not be spread out in our votes. We have all three wolves still alive, and since they only need an innocent lynched toDay to win, there is no reason for them to hesitate to all three vote for the same person. That means we need everyone to talk, too. I'll do my best to be around.

Edit: Crossed with Nerwen x2

Rikae 03-02-2008 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Nerwen (Post 549557)
I think there's a very strong case for Volo and Durelin being wolves together– and if it's only one of them, I think it's Volo.

Considering what you've just said, I'd agree... but if just one is, I think it's Durelin.

Rikae 03-02-2008 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Durelin (Post 549559)
YesterDay I was wolfish because I seemed to be wolfish with Mac, toDay...?

Nope. Yesterday you were wolfish, as was Mac, so I analyzed you both together to see if it were possible you both were.


Your only *analysis* on me is placing me and Mac together as wolves. So I really don't know what you're referring back to on me.
I mentioned suspecting you. Hang on, I'll go back and quote myself in a minute. You're right, though, I didn't analyze you. I didn't analyze anyone, actually... just interactions between various people.


As for my response to Mac's confession - in the heat of the moment I dared to feel smug, but no, nothing more. Saying something like "YAYz, we got him!" like Greenie or Nerwen...that is so far I'm sorry, I am not an energetic person. When I was a wolf, and faked a "yay!" after one of my fellows was lynched, everyone leapt on it so fast...and they were right to, because it was so obviously faked.
So, last time you did that as a wolf you were caught, but this time you knew better? ;)

Oh, I've taken the liberty of translating your last paragraph:

Originally Posted by Durelin
I also would like to mention to everyone that those of us who are wolves need to not be spread out in our votes. We have all three wolves still alive, and since we only need an innocent lynched toDay to win, there is no reason for us to hesitate to all three vote for the same person. That means we need everyone to talk, too. I'll do my best to be around.


Rikae 03-02-2008 08:05 PM

My previous mentions of suspecting Durelin:

Day 1:

Originally Posted by Rikae
- Durelin says Macalaure "jumped on" Lommy. I suppose this can be explained by the fact that it's already been mentioned and, as she says, she didn't see Boro's post. As for what the mention is supposed to accomplish, saying Mac jumped on Lommy and then "absolving" him with in-character banter is kind of slippery. The reader might absorb the meme "Mac jumped on Lommy" while also assuming Durelin doesn't think this is important.


Originally Posted by Rikae
- Boro notices Sally and Durelin's mistake (?) and suggests both are wolves. I suppose that is possible. It's also possible that Durelin is, and trying to help along the beginnings of a bandwagon;it's possible just Sally is, and Durelin is a misguided ordo.


Originally Posted by Rikae
Wolfish Irresponsibility without Wolfish Defensiveness:



Day 2:


Originally Posted by Rikae

Durelin's certainty of Gwath's innocence seems possibly too certain.


Originally Posted by Rikae

If yesterday's voting shook out a few wolves from their hiding places, I think there is a good chance they'll be found among some combination of Boro, Mith, Greenie, or possibly Nogrod or Durelin.


Originally Posted by Rikae

At this point, my top suspects (in order of wolfyness) are:


Day 3:

Originally Posted by Rikae

At any rate, if I were to listen to the nagging "gut feelings" Ive been having, I would say that I have an inexplicable sense that Lommy and Durelin are somehow laughing behind their posts

In reply to Volo:

Originally Posted by Rikae
That's funny, you call her innocent for exactly the reasons I would call someone a wolf. In fact, the above could be turned into a good argument for lynching Durelin if you just changed the "I would like to think of her as Innocent" bit.


Originally Posted by Rikae
I think she's creepy and wolfy and has been so for a while.

Actually, although I voted for Mac, I think lynching Durelin toDay could also be a good idea... although we'd probably learn more by lynching Mac.

I'm not sure about the likelyhood of them being wolves together, though. I'll have to go back and look at their interactions more closely...


Originally Posted by Rikae
Just want to say this in case I don't survive --

take a good look at Dury tomorrow, folks.


Originally Posted by Rikae

Volo has a way of wording things oddly, after all, and could have been speaking from the perspective of the rest of the village. Still, if Durelin's a wolf...

That said, I just realized I posted saying "like I said", when actually the person I said it to was Mac, on the phone, after his death. :rolleyes:

At any rate, I'm going to go through and analyze everybody. I don't want to make a rash decision, especially with the whole game riding on toDay's vote. Besides, I have an essay due tomorrow and I want to avoid working on it. :D

Meneltarmacil 03-02-2008 08:06 PM

OK, at the moment I'm inclined to trust Rikae on this. Except I don't think Durelin is quite as likely to be a wolf as Volo is. There are just too many things about him that don't add up.

Still, a Durelin-Volo connection could well be what we're facing here. I've gone back and read her posts, and while she tosses a bit of suspicion at him, it tends to be the kind of "he's not acting right, but I'll let it go for now" sort. The same sort that one wolf would use on another that's slipping up.

Nerwen 03-02-2008 08:12 PM

Okay, now I'm starting to worry about Rikae after all– she seems to be pushing a bit too hard for Durelin, without giving much reason. I mainly think Durelin's guilty by association with Volo– whom I am nearly certain is a wolf– although there is that general "creepiness" that made me look at her in the first place...

If we were not in such fix, I'd say we could just as well lynch either of them, and that way we'd know what the other was. As it is I'd much rather go for Volo.

EDIT: X'd with Rikae, Menel.

Nerwen 03-02-2008 08:21 PM

Rikae, after seeing your last post I take back what I said about you not giving reasons. I still think Volo is the more likely of the two to be a wolf.

Nerwen 03-02-2008 08:23 PM

I'll tell you what, though– Durelin, whatever she is, does have a point with this:


Originally Posted by Durelin (Post 549559)
Part of the problem with this village I believe is that there has not been enough skepticism. People have assumed the innocence of people such as Lommy and Mith for practically the entire game. The trend of making promises and trusting that someone is not a wolf because "when they are a wolf they do this" has bothered me from the start and quite probably has helped put us in the situation we are in now.

I have been guilty of this myself... and I think I need to look at Lommy again, with a more critical eye.

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