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Celuien 09-20-2005 05:49 AM

Celeborn is in danger? This is shocking. Not merely because I am an avid supporter of Celeborn, but rather because it is obvious that the island is falling under Saurman's spell. Can you not see what you are doing by voting for Celeborn? It's not a vote to eliminate the Elf Lord, but rather a vote to keep Saurman the betrayer, Saurman the strip-mall mogul, Saurman the tree-toppler, Saurman of the tacky multicolored robes!

For those of you who are voting for him simply to upset the Celeborn Defense Alliance, let me say this. Should we lose him, our wrath shall be great, our vengeance swift. And we shall never cease in our defense of the Elves. If the Lord of Lorien falls to this folly, we will unite behind another, fiercer and more determined than ever before.

Mithalwen 09-20-2005 06:13 AM


He is even worse now Grima has gone...

mormegil 09-20-2005 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by Celuien
For those of you who are voting for him simply to upset the Celeborn Defense Alliance, let me say this. Should we lose him, our wrath shall be great, our vengeance swift. And we shall never cease in our defense of the Elves. If the Lord of Lorien falls to this folly, we will unite behind another, fiercer and more determined than ever before.

You see this is exactly what I was talking about. To this alliance, you are not special unless your ears are pointy. They do intend to eradicate all non-elves from the Island. We need to strike at their heart and demonstrate to this silver-hair alliance that others here can weild power too. They have come to think of themselves as invinsible. Let's put an end to it and vote Celeborn.

Anguirel 09-20-2005 06:51 AM

Better pointy ears than the whips of Orthanc. But the loyalty of this alliance to Elvendom varies. There are non-Elven characters for whom I would personally sacrifice Celeborn...but you haven't struck any convincingly yet...

EDIT: Besides, chaps, your early talk of Elf-eradication, backed up by the demise of Legolas and Haldir, brought this upon yourselves...

Folwren 09-20-2005 08:01 AM


Originally posted by Celuien:
For those of you who are voting for him simply to upset the Celeborn Defense Alliance, let me say this. Should we lose him, our wrath shall be great, our vengeance swift. And we shall never cease in our defense of the Elves. If the Lord of Lorien falls to this folly, we will unite behind another, fiercer and more determined than ever before.
Allow me to remind you that it is revenge for Samwise that we attack Celeborn so heartlessly. Evidently, the elves think they are so high and mighty that they must rid the island of Hobbits, lest they trip on them while not watching where they walk, and fall and soil their spotless garments. I've heard your plotting...intent on taking all the hobbits home. Why, I ask you? The elves had little hand in the destruction of the Ring, nor did they help save the world as Sam and Frodo did - which you have both excused from this game. Why? Petty reasons, every one of them.

Celeborn stayed and hid in his precious wood, while he shoved the company out of it, sending them on their way to keep him safe. And if you want to leave the Fellowship and the Destruction of the One Ring out of it (which you may, seeing as you killed the three heros of that story [i.e. Sam, Frodo, and Aragorn]), then I'll say this - He didn't even have the decensy, honor, love, or faithfulness towards Galadriel to go with her when she went to the Grey Havens. He stayed behind and sent her alone, with Elrond. I can think of no reason that could excuse a husband for doing such a thing. Why did he stay? What held him here in Middle Earth that would keep him from going across the sea with his wife?

There are some points against Celeborn. You ought to be sorry for voting Sam and Frodo off, and you should be ashamed to protect Celeborn.

-- Folwren

Anguirel 09-20-2005 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Folwren
He didn't even have the decensy, honor, love, or faithfulness towards Galadriel to go with her when she went to the Grey Havens. He stayed behind and sent her alone, with Elrond. I can think of no reason that could excuse a husband for doing such a thing. Why did he stay? What held him here in Middle Earth that would keep him from going across the sea with his wife?

This from the same Anti-Celebornist party...


Originally Posted by mormegil
If we are talking useless than I think Celeborn fits the bill. What has he actually done other than marry Galadriel? Now I would posit that that little fiend has simply ridden the proverbial coat-tails of Galadriel to get him through life. Galadriel still would be great without him but he would wither and die without her. I would say that Celeborn is analogous to a leech in this instance. Blood sucking little creature that hasn't done anything of actual value for Middle-earth and with his excessive vanity it's lucky that Galadriel gets to use her mirror at all, what with him looking in it constantly making sure every strand of hair is perfectly in order.

Sometimes they say Celeborn is tied to his wife's gleaming apron-strings, sometimes they say Celeborn heartlessly abandoned Galadriel. This inconsistency is a clear sign of a party scrabbling for ground, disordered in their minds, irrationally carrying out, zombie-like, the commands of a corrupt wizard.

Vote for Saruman the White/Many Coloured to dissipate this sloppiness and intellectual laziness...

Folwren 09-20-2005 09:28 AM

I must say, that was astonishingly humorous, Mormegil, but probably absolutely right.


Originally posted by Anquirel:
Sometimes they say Celeborn is tied to his wife's gleaming apron-strings, sometimes they say Celeborn heartlessly abandoned Galadriel. This inconsistency is a clear sign of a party scrabbling for ground, disordered in their minds, irrationally carrying out, zombie-like, the commands of a corrupt wizard.
Ah, but the things go hand in had. Mormegil said that he married her to look good...he got the best girl, he was down right lucky. He clung to his treasure as long as it stayed in Middle Earth, but when the time came for her to leave his beloved land, or whatever he clung to there, he decided she wasn't worth sticking to and that he would rather stay here, thank you very much. It's all for his own gains.

I actually haven't read any of anybody's argueing against Celeborn...guess it pays to do some homework on the matter sometimes. But I have real homework to attend to.

Vote Celeborn, folks. Saruman can wait. After all...his staff is broken. It's not like he can do any real damage.

-- Folwren

Lalaith 09-20-2005 09:37 AM

I'm not a big Celeborn fan myself but I agree that Saruman needs to go first, he's going to start working on some other poor sap now Grima is gone.


Celuien 09-20-2005 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Folwren
Vote Celeborn, folks. Saruman can wait. After all...his staff is broken. It's not like he can do any real damage.

Yes, but he is still capable of causing mischief. Hacking down trees, stealing Merry's pipe, putting dirt into the drinking water and the like. Would you like to sip your morning coffee, only to find that it had literally become a cup of mud?


Originally Posted by mormegil
You see this is exactly what I was talking about. To this alliance, you are not special unless your ears are pointy. They do intend to eradicate all non-elves from the Island. We need to strike at their heart and demonstrate to this silver-hair alliance that others here can weild power too. They have come to think of themselves as invinsible. Let's put an end to it and vote Celeborn.

This may or may not be true. :smokin: But there's only one way to really find out: a one-on-one showdown with a palatable non-Elf in the final voting round. Saruman just won't cut it for such a challenge. Now Celeborn against Eowyn might be interesting...

Mithalwen 09-20-2005 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by mormegil
We need to strike at their heart and demonstrate to this silver-hair alliance that others here can weild power too. They have come to think of themselves as invinsible. Let's put an end to it and vote Celeborn.

Saruman has silver hair but has facial hair and therefore can never ever be cute (nb this is partly why women love elves ;) )

Get rid of Saruman ..the power is in the voice...

Formendacil 09-20-2005 10:28 AM

Shameless! Shameless how these Elves have made you people their unwitting tools!

I warn you, these Elves are using you for their own purposes! They can be very arrogant, the Elves. And they have never been above using Men as tools in those purposes... And precious little help they give back. "Go not to the Elves for advice, for they will say both yes and no". Or how about that Legolas? "Of the Fellowship, Legolas probably accomplished the least" (good thing we lynched... er... kicked off... Legolas!)

Elves have always been Men's "friends" when they needed help. Look at the First Age. Look at Sauron's invasion of Eriador. Look at the Last Alliance. Furthermore, look at what it cost Men to be Elvenkind's friends in those situations!

And inbetween, when Elves didn't need Men's help?

They stayed on their own. "To sheep, other sheep no doubt look alike. Or to the shepherd. But mortals have not been our study." They found themselves little havens and had parties there while Mankind laboured in the world outside.

Seriously, even the DWARVES have been better allies.

I'll grant that Saruman looks like he's gonna go this time, but I seriously emplore all Men (that includes you ladies, by the way) of independent minds and noble spirits to consider who truly is USING you for their own selfish ends.

~Michael A. Joosten - a MAN~

Mithalwen 09-20-2005 10:31 AM

Nonsense...what thanks did they get... Isildur just taking the ring... surprised the elves bothered with them at all - after all, they could escape. But they didn't. Any Celeborn stayed behind to mind those lethal twins, Elladan and Elrohir - someone had to......

Formendacil 09-20-2005 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen
Nonsense...what thanks did they get... Isildur just taking the ring... surprised the elves bothered with them at all - after all, they could escape. But they didn't. Any Celeborn stayed behind to mind those lethal twins, Elladan and Elrohir - someone had to......

Are you insinuating that Elladan and Elrohir, because they- alone among the Elves-truly loved and chose to stay with their Mannish kindred out of love, perhaps because in the end they chose to become Men, they were somehow more dangerous, somehow more "lethal" than those ordinary, lofty, selfish Elves?

And, as far as Isildur goes, I'm certain that Elrond and Cirdan combined could have taken him, had they REALLY wanted to. 2 to 1 odds... But no, the Elves didn't want to mess up their pretty hair.

the guy who be short 09-20-2005 10:51 AM

++Saruman the Many-Coloured

So not fashonable.

I would like to point out that Sam abandoned Rosie and his little kiddies to go to Valinor too. :eek: (And no, their not being ringbearers is not a valid excuse.)

arcticstorm 09-20-2005 10:53 AM

I hope this is allowed
--Ugluk ++Saruman

save Celeborn

Anguirel 09-20-2005 11:14 AM

Formendacil's tongue has also been ensorcelled. Having ranted about the faithlessness of the Elves as allies of Men, he has just castigated two Elven lords for not murdering the King of Arnor and Gondor...

Mithalwen 09-20-2005 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Formendacil
Are you insinuating that Elladan and Elrohir, because they- alone among the Elves-truly loved and chose to stay with their Mannish kindred out of love, perhaps because in the end they chose to become Men, they were somehow more dangerous, somehow more "lethal" than those ordinary, lofty, selfish Elves?

And, as far as Isildur goes, I'm certain that Elrond and Cirdan combined could have taken him, had they REALLY wanted to. 2 to 1 odds... But no, the Elves didn't want to mess up their pretty hair.

No I am pointing out that they loved them so much that the chieftains of the Dunedain seemed to come to sticky ends in their company..... draw your own conclusions and their choice was not known...... I believe in the letters it says it was deferred...

And Elrond and Cirdan clearly believe in free will.. goodness knows what you would have said if they had forced him :rolleyes:

Folwren 09-20-2005 11:50 AM


Originally posted by TGWBS:
I would like to point out that Sam abandoned Rosie and his little kiddies to go to Valinor too. :eek: (And no, their not being ringbearers is not a valid excuse.)
You are so going down for that, short guy. Villainous rogue. We're not talking about Sam here. You got him booted a long time ago. I'm terribly glad that I got Bilbo gone before too long.

And he did not abandon Rosie. If he were as faithless as all that - as faithless as Celeborn - he might have left her and gone directly with Frodo. Instead he stayed in the Shire, with his wife, and had kids. He brought them up, he saw them married. He remained faithful unto death. Then when she went, he knew his time had come. His children were no longer dependent on him. They weren't 'little kiddies' any more.

But don't worry. We still have time. Time enough to counter all these elf feinds who want Celeborn here still..........

-- Folwren

Mithalwen 09-20-2005 12:03 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren

And he did not abandon Rosie. If he were as faithless as all that - as faithless as Celeborn - he might have left her and gone directly with Frodo. Instead he stayed in the Shire, with his wife, and had kids.

-- Folwren

Waht - he wanted to go with Frodo - he didn't give Rosie and Elanor a moment's thought at the Havens - Frodo had to tell him to stay!!!!!!!!!!!!! Whereas it says in Home that it was perfectly normal for ELves to be apart at time once their children were grown. Someone had to wind up the realm.... duty not choice I deem.

Kath 09-20-2005 12:25 PM


Why, you ask? Well I was requested to vote in this manner by a concerned citizen of Middle Earth and I thought that if this person was so desperate that it warranted bringing in outsiders (I have never posted in here before) it was worth taking a look at. Also, it seems to me that I would have a nice bargaining tool if I ever wanted something from them!

Oh, and on the subject of Sam, go TGWBS! But we should perhaps avoid bringing remnants of the Favourite Hobbit discussion into this thread.

Folwren 09-20-2005 12:26 PM


Originally posted by Mithalwen:
Waht - he wanted to go with Frodo - he didn't give Rosie and Elanor a moment's thought at the Havens - Frodo had to tell him to stay!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Read the chapter again. Sam knew immediately that he couldn't go.


'Where are you going, Master?' cried Sam, though at last he understood.

'To the Havens, Sam,' said Frodo

'And I can't come.'
No questions - no begging. Just sudden realization that he and his master were going to be seperated. Sudden and heart-rending, though quiet and simple. Sam loved his Master, but he also loved Rosie, and he'd married her, and there wasn't a question in his mind about leaving her.

I'm not going to argue any further. The fact that you people even try to attack Sam in his moment of absolute grief is beyond my grasp of reasoning, and I find it depressing and horrible in itself. Revolting, even. As though you had laughed at some child lost in a crowd.

-- Folwren

Formendacil 09-20-2005 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Anguirel
Formendacil's tongue has also been ensorcelled. Having ranted about the faithlessness of the Elves as allies of Men, he has just castigated two Elven lords for not murdering the King of Arnor and Gondor...


Originally Posted by Mithalwen
No I am pointing out that they loved them so much that the chieftains of the Dunedain seemed to come to sticky ends in their company..... draw your own conclusions and their choice was not known...... I believe in the letters it says it was deferred...

And Elrond and Cirdan clearly believe in free will.. goodness knows what you would have said if they had forced him

For the benefit of all Mankind, it would have been far better to have the Ring destroyed ASAP. Unlike Elves, Men have no Valinor to go floating off to in safety, should things get hot.

And as regards Free Will... Don't you advocate locking up deranged Mass Murderers in order to protect the rest of the people?

Don't you???

Anguirel 09-20-2005 12:40 PM

Fine. So, let's take what you say Elrond and Cirdan should have done.

Isildur is rugby-tackled and slain. Elrond picks up the ring-and fails. Cirdan reluctantly does him in-and also fails, because their task is impossible. Would you not then be declaiming against Elvish arrogance? Come on, you can't seriously claim to speak for human liberties and at the same time blame the Elves for not violently taking the matter into their own hands and starting a war with Men...

At least the War of the Ring broadly united Elves and Men. Internecine conflict would have been far more crippling. I'm glad the Elves had more sense than you advocate.

And your mass-murderer comment is disingenuous, because firstly there was no way Isildur could have resisted, so he was not to blame; (he even repented and began to journey to Rivendell for advice later) and secondly the punishment you are proposing is not imprisonment but the death penalty, a far more controversial issue, which I am dead against for one.

So, yup, this chap is criticising the Elves for not being more efficient at killing innocent men, while arguing Men's cause. Peculiar.

EDIT: Okay. I've seen Kath's post. The opposition are bribing and coercing voters! Boro, this is clear abuse of the system! Exert your wise justice!

Mithalwen 09-20-2005 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Folwren
Read the chapter again. Sam knew immediately that he couldn't go.

No questions - no begging. Just sudden realization that he and his master were going to be seperated. Sudden and heart-rending, though quiet and simple. Sam loved his Master, but he also loved Rosie, and he'd married her, and there wasn't a question in his mind about leaving her.

I'm not going to argue any further. The fact that you people even try to attack Sam in his moment of absolute grief is beyond my grasp of reasoning, and I find it depressing and horrible in itself. Revolting, even. As though you had laughed at some child lost in a crowd.

-- Folwren

Rubbish he understood where Frodo was going not that he couldn't go ... he didn't give a toss about her at that point ... I think it is scummy that he didn't.. Poor Rosie ... always second best... and 13 children .grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Folwren 09-20-2005 01:28 PM


By Mithalwen:
Rubbish he understood where Frodo was going not that he couldn't go ... he didn't give a toss about her at that point ... I think it is scummy that he didn't.. Poor Rosie ... always second best... and 13 children .grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I'm not arguing - I'm not arguing - I'm not arguing...I'm not arguing............

I will not argue this point out with you!!!!!!!!!!!!



By Anquirel:
EDIT: Okay. I've seen Kath's post. The opposition are bribing and coercing voters! Boro, this is clear abuse of the system! Exert your wise justice!
She wasn't bribed. She didn't say she was, anyway. She was 'reguested to'. Reguested means, asked to. Not bribed to. Let Celeborn go down!!

-- Folwren

Anguirel 09-20-2005 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Kath
Also, it seems to me that I would have a nice bargaining tool if I ever wanted something from them!

That's corruption if you ask me...leverage...

Boromir88 09-20-2005 02:54 PM


EDIT: Okay. I've seen Kath's post. The opposition are bribing and coercing voters! Boro, this is clear abuse of the system! Exert your wise justice!
Sorry Anguirel, it adds this survivor-like quality to the thread. Bribes, alliances, betrayals and back-stabbings...etc,. Now we even have our own parties forming, makes for an intriguing game. I'm just glad a computer and 1,000 of miles seperate both sides. Guess you'll have to start your own bribing to save Celeborn.

Though I will do my part...


I would prefer to keep Saruman around, never wanted to vote the guy out. But, I'll give the Celeborn side some time to bribe people of their own.

Saruman- 11
Celeborn- 8
Hama- 1


I hope this is allowed
--Ugluk ++Saruman

save Celeborn~arctic
Yes it is.

Boromir88 09-20-2005 03:28 PM

That does it, votings over and Saruman is the next to go.

His manipulative voice and the way he was beginning to sway all those he talked to began to worry the Tribe...His "Gibbets and Crows!" at the Goodbye Ceremony exposed who he really was. Audious Saruman

People left...

Lobelia Sackville-Baggins

Men and Rohan Lady






Also as a little note. I like how the thread is so competitive, and split, it adds to the survivorness (I think). However, I realize tensions could escalate and cause some problems. So, as a warning, keep the the competitive atmosphere, just don't get too out of hand and let it escalate or I may have the B-W close it down.

Glirdan 09-20-2005 03:54 PM

I will give up my vendetta for Celeborn for the time being. So I'll vote for...


What was he thinking leaving the reason why he was sent to Middle-Earth in the first place. I hope Yavanna puishes him.

Kitanna 09-20-2005 04:08 PM

Now that her counter part Lotho is gone she is starting to stir up trouble with her stubborn and selfish way.


I will give up my vendetta for Celeborn for the time being. So I'll vote for...

You are not a very good leader of this anti-Celeborn thing if every other day you change your mind about who to vote for.

wilwarin538 09-20-2005 05:04 PM


Just cause. :D

The Perky Ent 09-20-2005 06:36 PM


You'd think he's Captain Obvious' uncle or something!

Folwren 09-20-2005 07:14 PM


By Kitanna:
You are not a verty good leader of this anti-Celeborn thing if every other day you change your mind about who to vote for.
Golly, Glirdan, she's absolutely right. I don't know who to put my trust in now. *sigh* Poor Sam. Never to be revenged. I can not face the multitudes when you will not remain firm. I shall leave Celeborn (for now) and vote for he that Sam would like to see gone most of all, were he here.


-- Folwren

The Only Real Estel 09-20-2005 07:22 PM

I’ve got to quickly cast my vote for: ++MoveGothmog

He ruined the waffle iron by hitting himself with it repeatedly, he refuses to trim those freakishly long nose hairs and he keeps talking about how the Age of Man is ending. That’s plain freaky. And I can’t stand the way he thinks he’s trash talking the other tribes with his stale “Fear...the opposing tribe is rank with it” line. :rolleyes:

arcticstorm 09-20-2005 08:11 PM

I will vote for him who has made a mockery of the true leiutenant of morgul, a true warg. I cannot bear to watch someone take the place of a glorious warg and be allowed to live this long.

++Gothmog (movie)

Firefoot 09-20-2005 08:40 PM


Like I said the other day, he just doesn't have anything to do with anything. You never see his face around camp; you'd think he had the Ring or something.

Gil-Galad 09-20-2005 08:52 PM

++ Gothmog

Anguirel 09-21-2005 12:17 AM

I will join the Gothmog-evicting cause. Yet another oddity chasing Eowyn; what has the poor girl done to deserve it?


WaynetheGoblin 09-21-2005 05:54 AM

++treebeard he is so slow in all the qustion challengegs. I think treebeard has to go.

Mithalwen 09-21-2005 06:13 AM


It is about time we got rid of the real nasties ...some people seem to prefer ethnic cleansing those who try to help...........

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