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Inziladun 02-10-2011 06:23 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 649467)
Evisse, why Orthanc? Beer is God's proof that he loves us and wants us to be happy. :cool:

Pity that I can't rep such an astute comment. :D

I'll assign snow. Nice to look at, but a pain in the posterior for those who must still go to work,

Mithalwen 02-10-2011 07:25 AM

If Ben Franklin ever signs up for the downs (so what that he is dead, aren't we all here?) you can.... but he actually said it about wine (usually my preference but principle holds.

“Behold the rain which descends from heaven upon our vineyards; there it enters the roots of the vines, to be changed into wine; a constant proof that God loves us, and loves to see us happy.”

My best lines are usually someone elses...

Evisse the Blue 02-11-2011 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 649467)
Evisse, why Orthanc? Beer is God's proof that he loves us and wants us to be happy. :cool:

Well, lots of people were assigning some very positive things, so I got a little confused. :p

Mithalwen 02-11-2011 10:53 AM

Suppose it could get to be a guilty pleasure. :D

Inziladun 02-13-2011 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Parmastahir (Post 649678)
Noted this thread and, after reading through the many explanations herein, realized that I had not posted. Parmastahir is parma (book) asta (month) hir (to find.) So book of months finder or calendar collector. It speaks to my obsession of discovering, collecting, and cataloging Tolkien calendars. Thanks all!

I suspect you might have meant that to go here. ;)

Estelyn Telcontar 02-13-2011 11:48 AM

That's what I thought too, Inziladun, so I moved it to the "What is the reason for your nickname?" thread.

Galadriel55 05-06-2011 09:27 PM

WW games, even though I didn't play yet (but I keep track as much as possible).

For obvious reasons. :D :rolleyes:

Galadriel55 10-29-2011 02:32 PM

I assign this one time that my computer froze. Normally I would assign this to Mordor, but this time was so hilarious. I was looking at random threads when it froze, and the post that I was viewing had three smileys in it - :Merisu:, :eek:, and :rolleyes:. And all three froze in the weirdest forms: the Merisu had the eyes half closed, the rolleyes - hald rolled, and the eek - half popped-out. It was the funniest thing I've seen in the last couple days!

Lindale 11-02-2011 10:48 AM

Law school, and that I gave up my career, and that I'm giving the best years of my life, for it. I do hope it would get better, not worse; next week we start our second semester. :(

Boromir88 02-17-2012 11:07 AM

Getting calls by someone who had the wrong (or mis-dialed) phone number. Normally, I think I would assign these situations to Mordor because it's annoying getting calls from people who had the wrong number. It takes all of about 3 seconds to figure out "sorry, you have the wrong number." But yesterday...oh my, best wrong number situation ever. And I'm not using "ever" as a hyperbole.

(Names are changed to protect identities...don't want anyone calling these people :p)

I have a voicemail, and it's an unknown number, but the area is from where I grew up in Ohio. So, it made complete sense to me that I could get calls from this area, even though I've moved to Boston.

Voicemail: "Hi John, this is Rick Sharkey, call me back when you're free, I'm looking forward at the chance to talk to you."

My policy on unknown phonecalls is not to call back unless there's a voicemail and that voicemail sounds important. Which to me, this did, wondering is this a job offer, or something? Curious and important enough that I should call I did.

Caller: "Hello, how are you doing?"
Me: "I'm pretty good." (that awkward pause as I wait for this guy to tell me why he called/was anxious to get to talk to me)
Caller: "Oh...pretty good, huh?" (the bitter sarcasm definitely coming through)
Me: " can I help you?"
Caller: "Maybe you can explain why ___ (insert girl's first name) came to me crying and upset yesterday?"

At this time, I will break from the story to say, the girl's name he gave was someone who I graduated with and was dating up until November. So, needless to say, my brain goes to concern/panic mode, since I still talk to this girl regularly. In fact, talked to her several times through this week, and not once was she crying or upset. This news came as a shock and now I'm this guy...a friend? family?

Me: "I don't know, she hasn't said anything to me? What's wrong?"
Caller: "I think you do know. She said she told you to stop seeing this other girl on the side a year ago, but you haven't stopped. Have you?"

Still it's not registering with me that this is possibly a big, giant mix-up. As now I go further back in time, since I've known the girl I dated since grade school and I try to remember was there ever a time she told me specifically not to date another person? Was she ever upset if I was dating someone else about a year ago? I stumble around some more with this caller trying to figure out why the heck my ex is upset, and what that has to do with me. Until finally the realization comes in...that I'm not dating anyone and my ex would know this because I still talk to her regularly. So, I tell the caller:

"First off, I'm not seeing anyone at the moment and secondly I don't know why she'd be upset even if I was."
Caller: "Because she's your wife for christ sake!"

Now it did hit ME that this was a giant, confused mix up, and I start cracking up with laughter, but the caller is confused now, and gets angry with me as he thought I found accusations of adultery funny.

Caller: "What? Proud of yourself you think this is funny?"
Me: "No, no..see. I am a John and I was dating an ____ up until relatively recently. And she's a very good friend who I talk to frequently, so this whole time I thought you were a friend or family of hers and I was concerned that she was upset with me but didn't tell me...anyway, I've never been married and I'm single now, so I think there's a mistake here."

I thought after the "she's your wife" this might have been a prank call too, but it absolutely wasn't. As he figured out that yes indeed it was a case of mis-dialing (and since I still have my Ohio cell number it was a case of hitting 1 number wrong). He then went to legit "Oh my, oh man...oh wow I feel like an idiot. I'm so so very sorry" apologies."

I said: "Don't be. Good luck finding the right John because he needs to stop cheating on his wife."


And that is why I assign this case of a wrong phone number to Orthanc. The most remarkable and hilarious set of coincidences which had me and another guy in a 5+minute tango, thinking I had a peeved off ex who went crying to a friend and this man who thought he was confronting a cheating husband.

Galadriel55 02-17-2012 11:21 AM

Oh. My. Gosh. :D:eek:

'Tis one rare coincidence!

Galadriel55 05-11-2012 04:42 PM

I assign smuggling. It makes me feel proud of myself. :D

Before someone asks if I'm smuggling drugs or weapons, no, unfortunately not. Haven't got any of those, so don't get excited. The story is much simpler.

The school band that I am part of has a tradition on preforming in Wonderland at the end of the year. They preform in the morning and have fun for the rest of the day. The rules of Wonderland forbid food to be brought in from outside, since they want people to buy the overpriced food there. The expected reaction is "oh well, too bad, guess I have to pay". My reaction was "I just have to hide my snacks better". So I hid some in a secret pocket in my purse and put the rest in my trumpet case. The guards who searched the bags didn't notice the pocket and didn't think of looking in the instruments. (I wonder if they even knew there's room left in the cases. You can pack enough snacks for the entire school into a tuba!)

Once we performed, we had to put the intsruments away, so I placed all the food (mine and my friend's - it was also in my trumpet case) into my purse. And then we find out that we are going to have to re-enter the park, and be checked again! I thought, good-bye genious idea. Well, the worst they can do is take away my food. So I covered it neatly with some spare clothing and decided to "be ignorant" if they ask. When my turn came I opened the bag for them nice and wide for them to see, and they saw clothes and a camera and waved me on. And didn't even bother to make sure!!! :D

Although this was my first time ever going on "big" rides and rollercoasters, the highlight of the trip was still getting past the security with so many snacks we didn't even finish them all. :D

MCRmyGirl4eva 05-12-2012 01:52 PM

The TV shows:
House MD
Once Upon a Time

YA Books:
Percy Jackson series
Artemis Fowl series
A Series of Unfortunate Events
The Hunger Games (Only the first book. 2 and 3 sucked.)

Early Avril Lavigne

MCRmyGirl4eva 06-18-2012 03:59 AM


Cheating on tests

Mithalwen 06-27-2012 01:31 PM

The peculiar mix of feelings inspired by finding stuff as I continue to clear out the ancestral smial. Fascination, and that happy-sadness caused by finding stuff that connects you to people who aren't around anymore.

Yesterday amid bundles of old bills and expenses claims my dear father seemed to think necessary to keep for thirty odd years I found my grandmother's will. I had been very young when she got ill and I had the impression that I was least favourite grandchild.. my older cousins and sister being held up as paragons of virtue while my principle memory was of the regular application of a cold wet flannel being applied to a grubby face and being told I was a mucky pup. So I was very touched that I was the only grandchild who she specified should receive a specific item ... I suppose I was thought too young to appreciate a lace tablecloth at the time but it might have been nice if someone had mentioned it in the many years since.... and I now have to wait til my aunt comes back off holiday to see if I can get a positive ID of which table cloth it is...

Galadriel55 06-27-2012 03:56 PM

I assign riding your bicycle at breakneck speed, while at the same time using only one hand and carrying a delicate package in the other.

I also assign breaking a whole lot of safety rules, especially those concerning bicycling. No, I will not wear a helmet, or walk across intersections, or come to a complete stop before getting off. And yes, I will ride diagonally across a parking lot, use only one hand to steer, and a whole lot of other things that do not include following the rules. :D

PS: Mith, I love old tablecloths! For some reason tablecloths are just so much part of a family, and they can be such a part from very long ago.

Mithalwen 06-28-2012 04:43 AM

Oh do be careful cubby please, skulls are quite useful you know...or at least get a bike basket or a pannier or saddlebag or something.....

Cloth prolly not very old ..well not antique since my Dad sent it back from India but I suppose that is quite a long time ago now!!

Galadriel55 06-28-2012 08:05 AM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 671541)
Cloth prolly not very old ..well not antique since my Dad sent it back from India but I suppose that is quite a long time ago now!!

Wow!!! Those mathoms definitely belong in the Shire!

Galadriel55 06-28-2012 09:21 PM

I so assign looking for an interaction with another Downer from waaaay back - so far back that the search function does not show those posts, and not remembering which thread it was on, other than it was one of the Quiz/Quotes/Mirth threads that just seem to go on and on. I could even visualize the post, just not find it in like 500 pages of various threads. After 2 hours of unearthing old jewels it finally hit me that I can use the magical formula on Google, and I found the post in 2 minutes. :S :rolleyes:

But it was fun. And something I would sooo spend my time on. :D

MCRmyGirl4eva 06-29-2012 06:27 AM

I assign feeling pure joy when your dad brings your sister to the VA with him and thus, you are actually able to come on here for a few hours! :cool:

crescendo. 07-12-2012 06:03 PM

I assign Glee and Slash Fanfiction.

(Don't look at me like that, you know you like it just as much)

MCRmyGirl4eva 07-17-2012 04:53 AM

I assign sneaking into your dad's room while he sleeps to use the computer without permission. I also assign using it while he's at school, again without permission.

Lalwendë 08-05-2012 01:30 PM

Song Pop. Especially good when played with all the people I used to share copies of Smash Hits with under the desk at school when we should have been doing work.

But also, addictive and shaming when it comes to 'current hits' :o

MCRmyGirl4eva 08-05-2012 02:29 PM

Inviting friends over when your room is a mess.

Galadriel55 01-05-2013 09:43 AM

Having 5 cats in the house, and a (realistic) potential to have 7. :eek::D

Mithalwen 01-05-2013 09:53 AM

Jealous. Soooo kitten broody.

TheGreatElvenWarrior 01-05-2013 07:49 PM

This is what happens when you do not read this thread for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time
No matter how old that post is, that was hilarious to read, Boro


Originally Posted by Galadriel55 (Post 679080)
Having 5 cats in the house, and a (realistic) potential to have 7.

I'm so jealous! We only have two cats now. :(

I dote upon my cats. I know I shouldn't. Our house is full of a constant stream of cats treats, cat nip, and expensive cat food. The cat that adopted me more than anyone else (his name is Scott) was twenty-three pound a few weeks ago, now he might have lost a pound or two, but he is still very big. I assign this to Orthanc, because I really shouldn't take so much pleasure in this (especially watching our cats after catnip ;)). I feel guilty that our spoiling of our cats has lead to lazy cats.

Galadriel55 01-05-2013 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Mithalwen (Post 679081)
Jealous. Soooo kitten broody.


Originally Posted by TheGreatElvenWarrior (Post 679118)
I'm so jealous! We only have two cats now. :(

Technically, I also only have two... but, well, here's the story.

Our neighbour got a kitten. His daughter discovered she had a cat allergy. So the kitten was passed on to us, and we named her Lucy.

A couple years later, Lucy got friendly with a neighbouring cat called Tucky, and lo and behold she got kittens. Five. We gave 4 away (two went to the other neighbour), and no one wanted the last one, so we kept him. And since we didn't want to name nim at first, when we still hoped that someone will take him, and then just got too used to calling him that, his name is Kitty. (Incidentally, we thought he's a girl at first, hence the girly name - or at least it's girly in Russian)

So then Lucy had another litter, 6 kittens this time. And they all got handed out, half of them to friends and half to random people through advertisements, because we really couldn't keep a third cat.

Our neighbour's cats sometimes come to visit. The girl is called Polly, and the boy (who was - and is - my mother's favourite) is called Jake. However, we call him Chernysh (Blackie, Darkie) like we used to when he was little in hopes that he'll start responding to that name too. He's one bear of a cat! He comes almost every other day.

And for the winter break some of our friends were going away, so they asked us if we could take in their still-kitties (called Moti and Luna) for a couple weeks. So we had two of those.

In conclusion:

Lucy, Kitty - citizens
Moti, Luna - one- and three-week visa
Jake - illegal smuggler. He smuggles food out of our house in his belly without any documentation!
Polly, Tucky - potential tourists

Mithalwen 01-06-2013 07:49 AM

My last cat was a Lucy. A lovely soft tortoiseshell. And kitty is quite girly in English too... can be a pet form of Catherine.

Lalwendë 01-06-2013 08:30 AM

I always find it funny that so many of us love cats and yet Tolkien seemed to dislike them (though I'm actually broody over a black rabbit in the local pet shop)! If I had a Tardis I'd go back and sneak a little kitten into his study and change his mind ;) Hopefully it wouldn't cough a furball up onto the first page of The Hobbit or we'd all disappear out of existence....

Mithalwen 01-06-2013 09:10 AM

He did at least write the poem Cat forhis granddaughter. Did the Tolkiens have any pets? I am not sure i can remember any references. Maybe he came from an age when domestic animals were kept more for use and a cat was more a mouser than a pet. Or maybe cats were just too freespirited for him.

TheGreatElvenWarrior 01-07-2013 12:03 AM

How interesting, 55. Our cats have an equally interesting, but non-similar story. It's off topic, so I won't post it here.

One of my cats jumped up on the couch and started grooming the other cat that was already sitting there. They started grooming each other. It was so cute! That would be more of an assigning to the Shire thing.

Lal, if you ever find the Doctor, please take him to do that. I'm sure the Professor couldn't resist an adorable kitten. I thought he just didn't like Siamese cats.

I assign being the fly on the wall for public arguments. It is a very guilty pleasure of mine to hear/read heated arguments, but not to actually be involved in them. I put gossiping in the same category, but I like to affectionately call that "keeping secrets out in the open."

Aganzir 01-27-2013 07:47 PM

Tumblr. Those who know what I mean know what I mean.

Aganzir 03-20-2013 07:48 PM

When you make a joke that's not obviously one and people think you're being serious. And while you may have some explaining to do, it's nice to toy with the idea of what if you had actually been serious.

MCRmyGirl4eva 04-05-2013 12:51 PM

Fast food. It's bad for us, but we still love it.

Lollipop010900 04-06-2013 04:35 AM

Gossip! I listen to it WAY too much... :)

Aganzir 12-12-2013 01:08 PM

The Desolation of Smaug; it can't be completely terrible if it brings the forum back to life. ;)

Boromir88 12-12-2013 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 687644)
The Desolation of Smaug; it can't be completely terrible if it brings the forum back to life. ;)

This is true. And it's seriously wanting me to attempt to spark a re-read Lord of the Rings group for discussions again. Something about this time of year requires me to get my Tolkien fix. (speaking of sounding like what belongs in Orthanc :p)

Aganzir 12-12-2013 03:32 PM

I know! I'm getting an urge to go back to Middle-earth as I know it; not that I'm not enjoying Joseph Conrad.

Inziladun 03-01-2014 06:56 PM

A three-day work conference in a mountain resort with my employer paying for bed and board. That's the good part, but for the ADHD types like me, the four hour drive is torture. ;)

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