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Macalaure 12-02-2009 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 617828)
I kind of agree with Mac that Wilwa's Boro-vote looks bad, but then again, Wilwa seems innocent enough otherwise.

I didn't even mean that - not enough time to look at it closely. Just didn't like it to see someone I think is innocent so close to the top.

Inziladun 12-02-2009 02:51 PM



Strange as Mnemo looks, the tide against her seems to have a bandwaggonish feel.

wilwarin538 12-02-2009 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 617828)

I kind of agree with Mac that Wilwa's Boro-vote looks bad, but then again, Wilwa seems innocent enough otherwise.

I don't get why you would think so. I've been pretty consistent with my suspicion of him, and though it may not be a strong case I did give ample reasoning. And I voted at a time when practically everyone else had only 1 vote, therefore not bandwagonning or bringing more people into the mix. So I don't see the problem.

satansaloser2005 12-02-2009 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Inziladun (Post 617836)


Strange as Mnemo looks, the tide against her seems to have a bandwaggonish feel.

I'll second that. Well, the vote, that is. I think I'd be happy either way.


Nogrod 12-02-2009 02:52 PM

My gut-feeling actually agrees with Mac on Lottie's weirdness being probably less suspicious wolf-wise than Mnemo's...

Okay, a (relatively)newbie-wolf trying to exit looking like she was actually doing something to back her vote but fell drastically short. That kind of half-measure would actually be more believable coming from someone who is not making a hard judgement for real but just has to exit with voting someone... Well that just might make sense as well.

Hmm... A hard decision indeed as Mnemo clearly has been quite suspicious as long as she has been under some pressure...

Pitchwife 12-02-2009 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim (Post 617831)
Pitchwife, there's been a fair bit of gender-confusion in this game - I rather like my obvious name - but I presumed you were female. No-one else seems to. Help me out? :)

They don't presume so because they've played with me before and know better. But it happens to me all the time.

Nienna 12-02-2009 02:53 PM

++ Lommy

and I'm not terribly sure where this Lottie-wagon came from...

Morsul the Dark 12-02-2009 02:54 PM



Thinlómien 12-02-2009 02:54 PM

Wilwa, the problem, I guess, is that I happen to think Boro's innocent. And your self-consciousness ("I have been pretty consistent" etc) is kind of creepy.

edit: xed with Nienna and Morsul

Morsul the Dark 12-02-2009 02:54 PM



Macalaure 12-02-2009 02:55 PM

We've been tapping through the knowledgeless dark for two days. How much are we going to learn from Lottie's role if she's innocent? Mnemo's role would reveal some things in every case. :(

Eomer of the Rohirrim 12-02-2009 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Nienna (Post 617826)
Sorry! I ran out of time. It takes me a super long time to do those. ToMorrow if we are both alive.

I just found it interesting that of all the people in the expedition, you choose to analyse 3 people (only managing to do 2) and one of them was Shasta, who you are accused of teaming up with to save Mnemo/kill Inziladun. Your conclusion of him is, well, see for yourself:

"In Summary: I’m not sure why he was ringing alarm bells for me… he seems to be making reasonable points, his thing about Brinn was a stretch but he knows that… I’m going to just have to keep watching him."

Oh aye? :p

Nogrod 12-02-2009 02:57 PM

Interersting vote Nienna... I hope you can explain that hand-washing toMorrow...

Okay. I'll stick to

++ Mnemo

Mac has a good point on her death telling us more than Lottie's.

satansaloser2005 12-02-2009 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Nienna (Post 617841)
++ Lommy

and I'm not terribly sure where this Lottie-wagon came from...

From a place deep within me that none shall ever know. :Merisu:

Thinlómien 12-02-2009 02:57 PM

Good points, Mac and Eomer. (Wow, that was Scottish. :p)

Mnemo's still on the lead...

edit: xed with Nog and Saltwater-Sally

Bes 12-02-2009 02:58 PM

I won't be voting today; I can't conscientiously do so, because I just got in and need to read all of pages 7 thru 11 yet, with 5 minutes to go. I still suspect Mac, but not any more or less than Nog and Pitch. Without a minute or 30 to look at their replies, it would be kind of a crappy vote to make a second time around. Also, so much for my plan to write up additional analysis. :(

If I'm still here (I haven't looked at the votes yet even) on Day 3, then I'll definitely have something to post up.

satansaloser2005 12-02-2009 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Macalaure (Post 617845)
We've been tapping through the knowledgeless dark for two days. How much are we going to learn from Lottie's role if she's innocent? Mnemo's role would reveal some things in every case. :(

This is a good point, to be honest. Hence I'd be happy either way. And in meta-land, it'll make seeing Mnemo this weekend a lot easier if one of us is dead. ;)

Eomer of the Rohirrim 12-02-2009 02:59 PM


Have at it. She was suspicious yesterday and she's been a bit odd today. Her "I almost hope you do kill me to see how innocent I am" post is the Ice-ing on the cake.

Yas min, one last ice pun min! :smokin:

Morsul the Dark 12-02-2009 02:59 PM



ok 8 hours straight I need the deadline so I can actuall leave the computer....:p

satansaloser2005 12-02-2009 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by Thinlómien (Post 617849)
Good points, Mac and Eomer. (Wow, that was Scottish. :p)

Mnemo's still on the lead...

edit: xed with Nog and Saltwater-Sally


Legate of Amon Lanc 12-02-2009 03:00 PM

DEADLINE! Stop posting everybody.

All right... summary with the announcement of the lynchee's role coming in a while (just after I for myself properly check the votes), narration itself in a bit later time (hopefully in an hour or two).

Night 3 begins! Werewolves, you can send me your kill at last. Ranger, you can send me your pick too. Everybody, stop posting. Nightly people of course start PMing.

satansaloser2005 12-02-2009 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim (Post 617852)

Have at it. She was suspicious yesterday and she's been a bit odd today. Her "I almost hope you do kill me to see how innocent I am" post is the Ice-ing on the cake.

Yas min, one last ice pun min! :smokin:

*headdesks* See if I do anything to help you later. The Ice Man cometh (for you toNight, I hope. ;))

EDIT: I've undoubtedly x'd with Legate.

Legate of Amon Lanc 12-02-2009 03:07 PM

Mnemo is lynched and she was... your first Werewolf.

So no posting here now; like I said, narration coming in a while; those who have Nightly activities, you may perform them.

Legate of Amon Lanc 12-02-2009 04:42 PM

Expedition Journal - Night 3 Entry
The night of December 2nd/3rd. That night will remain in my memory forever. And also the imprint of the images of horror I saw will remain in my memory until I die.

Throughout the day, our discussion has improved greatly in terms of professional approach, as far as we could consider ourselves "investigators" and as far as I can judge. We were no longer groping in the dark and it looked as if we had a purpose. Yet there was still the prevailing gloomy attitude, reflecting the recent events which took place aboard our ship. To the general depression was added the fact that during most of the day there was utmost darkness all around. Sun would never rise above the horizon, but around 6 AM very faint light could be seen in the south, and around 10, slight glow will illuminate the frozen landscape. Two hours later, there will be again darkness, and the temperatures falling down past twenty below zero.

This time we were more one-minded in our decision, and various evidence made us suspect our field medic. I do not know if we would have had the strength of will to attempt to seize her if we knew what is going to happen.

I can offer no scientific explanation to what had happened afterwards. When our survival guide came forwards to lead our medic to the compartment where the night before our meteorologist was being kept, the medic refused and seemed ready to put up violent resistance. Despite our persuasion and appeals to her reason, she remained obstinate. Then our survival guide took out a gun and pointed it at her.

What followed I could hardly describe without shivering when I recall that moment. Our field medic had hurled herself against the survival guide, but there was something different - something unnatural - something hideous, bewildering our scientific minds. For how could a woman's nails suddenly turn into long black claws, burrowing into our survival guide's flesh? How could her teeth become sharp fangs, biting deep into her neck? It took but a few seconds, but it seemed to us like minutes. Then a shot rang. Our survival guide, holding her gun up when the other woman attacked her, pressed the trigger. Even at that time, I could recall well how she has been explaining cheerfully to us, on the first day of our ill-fated journey, that she was always carrying her gun with her - "I'd rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have one", that's what she said - and now a bullet from that gun went right through our field medic's chest.

Both women fell to the deck. Instantly we knelt around our survival guide to see if anything could be done to help. Yet her wounds were deep. We tried all we could to stop the loss of blood, but as far as we could tell, her arteries have been penetrated, and none of us had enough skill in first aid. Maybe had our medic been alive, she could have saved our guide's life. But she was not alive anymore - in fact, she was not there at all. A body of a gray-furred wolf, stained with blood, lay motionless on the deck next to her victim.


Inziladun - meteorologist
Boromir88 - senior assistant to a professor of glaciology
Eomer of the Rohirrim - sea pilot
Loslote - rich funder's spoiled daughter
Morsul - federal grants lawyer
Brinn - polar bear biologist
Pitchwife - marine biologist
Nienna - navigator
Nogrod - old palaeoecologist with is own theory of climate change
Macalaure - palaeomathematician
sally - the original initiator of the expedition
Thinlómien - whale expert
Nerwen - mechanic
Bes - room/store manager
Shasta - sled-dog handler
wilwa - crewmember
Greenie - senior assitant to important scientists in the company
tromkehra - cook/bartender

Roa - survival guide - died on blood loss from Werewolf attack on Day 2 (left game, innocent)
Mnemosyne - field medic - shot by the survival guide on Day 2 (Werewolf)

Legate of Amon Lanc 12-03-2009 03:00 PM

Expedition Journal - Night 3 Entry
What is a man of science supposed to do in a situation like this? That was what we were asking ourselves. What occured right in front of our eyes did not make any sense at all. We could have, of course, come up with several explanations. Mass hallucination attributed to stress from the previous events and the unfavourable climate. Psychological effects of long stay on the ship. Several people told me at once that they feel like being in the middle of a disturbing dream and that they feel like they must wake up in a moment. Yet the events were too real to be dismissed like that. We have witnessed something incredible, and we had to cope with that.

Most of us, though, in the end voiced the opinion that it is the best if we all get some rest first. I am not sure if we would have been able to fall asleep, anyway, in spite of the late hour, but we at least tried. But it was obvious that most of us were in shock - more in shock than afraid, perhaps, because had we been afraid, we would have never separated and went to our rooms - and once again, things would have probably taken a very different course. But the event was just so incredible that we could not believe it was true unless we gained some perspective first.

And so after taking care of the dead bodies we went to our rooms. I could not fall asleep at all - so after barely half an hour of laying in the dark, reviving my old habits from the college, I put the light on and started to scribble into my diary the account of the previous days.

And so it was that I have been awake when the sound came from the cargo compartement, a sound of banging and then a loud human scream. And then silence. When I opened the door of my cabin, I saw an empty corridor, but the door to the cargo compartment ajar and for a brief moment, I thought I glimpsed a silhouette of a human disappearing in the stairwell. But before I reached it, door banging echoed through the whole deck and soon all the other crewmembers started to appear, apparently also awakened by the noise. Together we moved closer to the cargo compartment. Together we entered. And together we saw the mutilated body of no one other than our meteorologist, lying on the floor in a pool of blood.

If some of us have passed the shock of seeing our field medic transform into a completely different species and hoped that the horror has stopped with her death, their hopes have been shattered at that very moment. The deep wounds on the dead man's body were the same as we saw on our survival guide's body the evening before.


Boromir88 - senior assistant to a professor of glaciology
Eomer of the Rohirrim - sea pilot
Loslote - rich funder's spoiled daughter
Morsul - federal grants lawyer
Brinn - polar bear biologist
Pitchwife - marine biologist
Nienna - navigator
Nogrod - old palaeoecologist with is own theory of climate change
Macalaure - palaeomathematician
sally - the original initiator of the expedition
Thinlómien - whale expert
Nerwen - mechanic
Bes - room/store manager
Shasta - sled-dog handler
wilwa - crewmember
Greenie - senior assitant to important scientists in the company
tromkehra - cook/bartender - innocent (left the game - edited 1:45 h after DL)

Roa - survival guide - died on blood loss from Werewolf attack on Day 2 (left game, innocent)
Mnemosyne - field medic - shot by the survival guide on Day 2 (Werewolf)
Inziladun - meteorologist - killed by Werewolves on Night 3 (innocent, also a would-be lynchee of Day 1)

Day 3 has started. Werewolves, Ranger and Hunter, stop PMing. Expedition people, start talking.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 12-03-2009 03:04 PM

Inziladun, eh? Makes sense, insofar as he was proven innocent by Mnemo's guilt. Here is a little note I typed soon as I saw Legate's post about Mnemo's wolvery.


Green: probably innocent, voted Mnemo first.

Eomer: definitely innocent, put Mnemo in lead.

Lommy: definitely innocent, put Mnemo onto 3 votes.

Mac: possibly guilty, said he'd prefer Inzi over Mnemo a lot. Maybe too strong and incriminating for a wolf? Also, highly suspicious of Mnemo next day. PROBABLY INNOCENT.

Shasta: guilty? tried to save Mnemo

Nienna: guilty? ditto

Inzi: innocent, sacrificed to save Mnemo on first day and Mnemo also suspected him the day after, after he already had a lot of votes.

Nerwen: probably innocent, strongly against Mnemo on second day.

Pitch: innocent? voted for by Mnemo at start of day two.

Wilwa: guilty? when votes are 1 each for lots of people, wilwa defends Mnemo.

Nogrod: innocent? seems critical of Mnemo

Sally: guilty? also doesn't want to vote Mnemo

Nienna tried to save Mnemo again by killing Loslote. GUILTY


I think the wolves are in cr-ice-is.

Pitchwife 12-03-2009 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim
Green: probably innocent, voted Mnemo first.
Eomer: definitely innocent, put Mnemo in lead.
Lommy: definitely innocent, put Mnemo onto 3 votes.

Wait a moment, that's not what I saw.
Mnemo-voters in order of appearance:
Nerwen (1)
Lommy (2)
Greenie (3)
Mac (4)
Pitch (5)
Nog (6)
Eomer (7)
You call that putting her in the lead? I'd say your vote was rather a safe one - after Nog's Mnemo was pretty much dead meat.
That's saying nothing against the rest of your conclusions, of course.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 12-03-2009 03:24 PM

On Day One, Pitch. Probably should have been clearer.

Pitchwife 12-03-2009 03:30 PM

OK, I might have thought of that. Thanks for the clarification.

Boromir88 12-03-2009 03:35 PM

Now there's the Eomer I love seeing, aggressive and straight to the point. Going to take a gander and see if there's a possibility of wolf-on-wolf voting, and then just general interaction between Mnemo and everyone else.

satansaloser2005 12-03-2009 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim (Post 617986)
Inziladun, eh? Makes sense, insofar as he was proven innocent by Mnemo's guilt. Here is a little note I typed soon as I saw Legate's post about Mnemo's wolvery.


Green: probably innocent, voted Mnemo first.

Eomer: definitely innocent, put Mnemo in lead.

Lommy: definitely innocent, put Mnemo onto 3 votes.

Mac: possibly guilty, said he'd prefer Inzi over Mnemo a lot. Maybe too strong and incriminating for a wolf? Also, highly suspicious of Mnemo next day. PROBABLY INNOCENT.

Shasta: guilty? tried to save Mnemo

Nienna: guilty? ditto

Inzi: innocent, sacrificed to save Mnemo on first day and Mnemo also suspected him the day after, after he already had a lot of votes.

Nerwen: probably innocent, strongly against Mnemo on second day.

Pitch: innocent? voted for by Mnemo at start of day two.

Wilwa: guilty? when votes are 1 each for lots of people, wilwa defends Mnemo.

Nogrod: innocent? seems critical of Mnemo

Sally: guilty? also doesn't want to vote Mnemo

Nienna tried to save Mnemo again by killing Loslote. GUILTY


I think the wolves are in cr-ice-is.

Don't think so, Eomer, and you're putting words in my mouth; I said I was perfectly happy with Mnemo getting killed, I just didn't have a preference between the top two lynchees. Oh, how I wish it was later; I'm still at work and have an enormous amount of stuff to do tonight, but I'll try to set aside some time to analyze some people. Case in point; Nienna and Eomer, among others.

So that's about all from me for right now. Get it? :)

EDIT: x'd since the post I quoted

Eomer of the Rohirrim 12-03-2009 03:42 PM

The only potential wolf-on-wolf votes I see, Boro, are Mac and Nogrod; but from their questioning of Mnemo earlier in the day (i.e. before she shot into the lead) I tend to think it's unlikely.

Pitchwife 12-03-2009 03:46 PM

Further minor nitpicking on your list, Eomer: Nienna voted Lommy, not Loslote (and expressly stated concern about the Lottie-bandwagon). I made the same mistake when taking notes yesterDay and had to correct it.
Doesn't mean she couldn't have still been voting to save Mnemo, of course, but less likely to work - her vote vor Lommy was only the 2nd, while Mnemo had 5 at the time and Lottie 4, so Lommy was less likely to be lynched in Mnemo's stead than Lottie. If you and Nog had voted differently, maybe... but do you think she expected you to?

Shastanis Althreduin 12-03-2009 03:48 PM

Well, Mnemo fooled me. :( A point, I guess, against voting to save someone - not that I've changed my stance on that, anyway. I'm going to go read over Day 2, now that we've got something to go on. Back in a bit.

Nienna 12-03-2009 03:49 PM

Eomer: I'm on your list twice... I assume you are doing Day One and Day Two votes (or the one's you think are important). I do regret on Day One voting to try and save Mnemo but I had no way to know she was a wolf and she hadn't been acting suspicious in my view. Mac was also more ahead of Mnemo and I was more concerned with saving him... though for all I know he could be a wolf too. On Day Two I voted for Lommy not for Lottie because Lommy looked the most suspicious of me. I did wonder where all the Lottie voting was coming from but I was not trying to save Mnemo.

I'm going to look at the Lottie voters because she was the closest thing the wolves had to save Mnemo. I'd bet that there are at least 2 wolves in her wagon.

Edit: x-ed

Eomer of the Rohirrim 12-03-2009 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by satansaloser2005 (Post 617996)
Don't think so, Eomer, and you're putting words in my mouth; I said I was perfectly happy with Mnemo getting killed, I just didn't have a preference between the top two lynchees.

Actually, Sally, when Mnemo had 3 votes, and her nearest rival had 2 votes, you posted:

"So for what it's worth I'd really prefer Brinn or Lommie, but at the current rate I'd probably go for Lottie since it seems there's no chance of lynching Brinn (so far) and I'm convinced yet completely torn at the same time on the Lommie front."

(You posted at the exact same moment as Macalaure, who pushed Mnemo onto 4 votes) So not even mentioning Mnemo there, and listing 3 other suspects.

Mnemo then gets onto 5 votes, her fate looks close to sealed, and you claim that you'd be happy with either her or Loslote dying. You vote Loslote.

So, as I'm sure you'll understand, you do look pretty suspicious. :)

Eomer of the Rohirrim 12-03-2009 03:55 PM

Apologies Nienna! You and Pitch are, of course, correct. I think I was confusing your vote with Sally's (too many white avatars on this site).

Sorry for the confusion. Now I need to see if this makes you less suspicious. :p

Nogrod 12-03-2009 04:02 PM

Well, wolves can vote wolves, even in tight situations and innocents can vote innocents. But I'm leaning towards agreeing with Eomer's approach. At least I think it's pretty safe to take it as our first guideline for toDay's search.

So can we read from the votings?

Nienna's votes look the worst as she has tried to save Mnemo two Days in a row. The only thing that bothers me there is why she voted for Lommy and not Lottie yesterDay (she could have made it 5-5)? Maybe she thought it would have been too obvious... but not taking sides at that point between the two only real candidates would look bad anyway...

Sally brought Lottie back to offer some real competiton (but helped by Inzil who was innocent). So that's a bit trickier one to assess.

Mnemo's quite early vote for Pitch yesterDay (as there were some suspicions going his way) makes me think Pitch a bit more innocent than not. It's not conclusive by any means but would make sense.

Overall I tend to think that Mnemo voters look better. Especially good would be Lommy who really was seriously lynching Mnemo both Days and Greenie who has also voted for her twice. Mac and Pitch look rather good as well as they gave Mnemo fourth and fifth vote yesterDay (while the closest contender was at two votes).

Nerwen's vote is the first to Mnemo and a bit more safe to place if she were in cahoots with her, but looking at her strong suspicions on her I tend to think her more on the good side.

Eomer is a bit harder one to call. He has actually voted Mnemo twice but on Day2 his vote had no real meaning anymore and on D1, even if he was putting Mnemo in the lead giving her the second vote, I wouldn't call it definitively innocent (loads of votes still to come at that point and only giving the second one). What makes me be a bit cautious here is the fact that on D1 he said he was "gambling with" his vote and now he portrays himself as the "definitive innocent"... Or then it's just vanity? :)

Anyway. Based on that I would say that to me the six:

appear quite good. Although I would be a bit surprised if there was no wolf in there. :eek:

And after repeating that Nienna looks pretty bad indeed, that leaves me still with eight people of whom one or two ar wolves - okay could be three but I just don't believe it, at least yet. So we have quite a work to do anyway.

EDIT: X'd with quite much everyone after Eomer's first post...

Nogrod 12-03-2009 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Nienna (Post 618000)
I'm going to look at the Lottie voters because she was the closest thing the wolves had to save Mnemo. I'd bet that there are at least 2 wolves in her wagon.

But if Lottie is a wolf as well? It would have been an interestingly nightmarish situation for a wolf to be? :rolleyes:

Actually, we should not dismiss that option either. I mean Lottie's vote yesterDay was weird and off...

Eomer of the Rohirrim 12-03-2009 04:08 PM

Simplified list of my thoughts right now

Eomer of the Rohirrim

Probably innocent




Split their skulls to see if evil lurks within?

Nienna (but her last of all, because of my incorrect and highly impolite slight on her today ;) )

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