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Rikae 09-03-2008 05:43 AM

Durelin, I'd like to sign up for your game, er... because work, grad school and three kids just don't keep me busy enough. :D


Nerwen 09-03-2008 06:12 AM


Originally Posted by Rikae (Post 566792)
Durelin, I'd like to sign up for your game, er... because work, grad school and three kids just don't keep me busy enough. :D

Ditto. [substitute "cats" for "kids".]

Durelin 09-03-2008 08:58 AM

Hehehe. Awesome! :D I will be getting that admin thread up today!

Volo 09-03-2008 11:00 AM

Sorry for confusing you, once again, but please, remove me from the mod list. I'm definitely not in the mood for modding a game.

Aganzir 09-03-2008 11:21 AM

So the list is something like this now I think?


(+ Lhuna April/May)

Mithalwen 09-05-2008 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 566825)
So the list is something like this now I think?


(+ Lhuna April/May)

I may have to pull out if I start studying ... but don't cut me off yet..

Eomer of the Rohirrim 09-28-2008 12:45 PM

I hope there are some people out there eager for Werewolf. :smokin:

Legate of Amon Lanc 09-28-2008 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim (Post 569038)
I hope there are some people out there eager for Werewolf. :smokin:

Me! Me! :)

Thinlómien 09-28-2008 01:15 PM

And meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Yay. :D Eomer, is your game going to be a basic one, or something creative? :)

Kitanna 09-28-2008 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim (Post 569038)
I hope there are some people out there eager for Werewolf. :smokin:

Eomer, when are you thinking of having your game start?

Eomer of the Rohirrim 09-28-2008 11:05 PM

The Warg and Warg Rider Appreciation Thread does Werewolf
I need players, first. I have a few sign-ups from the Thread but I think because it's so old that only few could make it. I'd like to wait probably until next weekend to give the invitees a further chance to respond, and also because I don't want to start immediately after Durelin's game.

I'm not sure about a limit on number of players; we'll see what demand is like. So please, if you are keen on gaming, and interested in the ancient lore of the Wargs, sign up!

I think it will be quite a basic, old-fashioned game, but I hope the story amuses you all. ;)

Kath 09-29-2008 10:59 AM

I'll definitely play Eomer, and thanks for the invite!

Nogrod 09-29-2008 02:23 PM

I'm afraid I'm in as well... almost thought I'd give it a break, but let's see how I can fare with that "little quieter" mode I've been trying to get into the last god knows how many games... :rolleyes:

Gwathagor 09-29-2008 05:52 PM

I'll play. If I thought I'd last beyond the first couple days, I probably wouldn't play (since I'm super busy), but as that is not the case...:)

Shastanis Althreduin 09-29-2008 09:16 PM

I'd like to play.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 10-01-2008 11:02 AM

I'm very happy to include you all. :)

Still waiting on certain absent forum members...

I'll decide on the rules soon and begin telling the story.

SamwiseGamgee 10-01-2008 11:11 AM

Well, I'm back.
Hail, Horsemaster!

Yea, verily and with great delight shall I participate in this new game. After all, to combine werewolf and Wargs will create nothing but delight!

Brinniel 10-01-2008 01:01 PM

With a film shoot coming up, I should probably sit this one out....but I'd rather not. Anyways, I've never reasonable when it comes to time management. :rolleyes:

So, of course you can count me in. :smokin:

Aganzir 10-01-2008 01:09 PM

Any idea when the game's going to start?

I won't be able to play between October 11th and 19th, but if the start is for some reason delayed beyond that, I'd like to play. Now how likely is that...

Eomer of the Rohirrim 10-01-2008 01:21 PM

Sorry Agan, but the game will start probably this weekend. October 4 or 5, and I suppose that is cutting it too close to the 11th.

Groin Redbeard 10-01-2008 02:25 PM


Originally Posted by Aganzir (Post 569192)
I won't be able to play between October 11th and 19th, but if the start is for some reason delayed beyond that, I'd like to play. Now how likely is that...

Darn it! Just when I want to join a game you won't be able to play. There's something about Aganzir and me playing WW, it never works out too well! ;)

Oh well, I'm in.

Nerwen 10-01-2008 07:44 PM

Sorry, I'll have to pass on this one. I'm shooting a film this weekend,

Mithalwen 10-02-2008 06:27 AM

Why does every other Downer get to be involved in film shoots and all I get to be involved in is bean counting?

Diamond18 10-02-2008 11:02 AM

I'm not shooting a film, Mith, if it comforts you any. Just lots of cashiering, sweeping, mopping, dusting, and bathroom cleaning for me.

Edit: Oh but I can play. I wouldn't miss it.

Rikae 10-02-2008 12:23 PM

I'll have to miss this one, too - I'm expecting a barbarian invasion later this week. :smokin: <- (that smiley looks German enough, eh?)

Gollum the Great 10-02-2008 01:59 PM

I'd like to play (never having done werewolf before), but is there some sort of sign-up place I need to use before starting (other than here, that is)?

Nogrod 10-02-2008 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by Gollum the Great (Post 569251)
is there some sort of sign-up place I need to use before starting (other than here, that is)?

I think there is not as it seems Eomer hasn't opened a different "discussion-thread" for this one. But just follow the discussion here and Eomer will surely post here announcements about the game (and the thread where it will be eventually played).

Welcome to the weird but soo entertaining game of werewolf GreatGollum! Hope you enjoy it!

Gollum the Great 10-02-2008 03:48 PM

Thank you, Nogrod.

Brinniel 10-02-2008 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Mith
Why does every other Downer get to be involved in film shoots and all I get to be involved in is bean counting?

Yeah, it's interesting....I didn't realise so many other Downers were involved with filmmaking.

But if it's any comfort Mith, I'm quite certain bean counting is less stressful than shooting a film...especially if you're the producer. *continues to tear her hair out* :rolleyes:

Ooh, yet another WWer has joined our ranks. Welcome! I always love fresh blood.... :evil grin:

Gwathagor 10-02-2008 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Brinniel (Post 569266)
Yeah, it's interesting....I didn't realise so many other Downers were involved with filmmaking.

And I'm going into screenwriting.

Hey, Gollum the Great. Welcome to the wonderful and time-consuming world of werewolf.

Gollum the Great 10-02-2008 10:07 PM

Thanks for all the welcomes (and indications of evil *winks at Brinniel*)

Eomer of the Rohirrim 10-02-2008 11:07 PM

Ah, good! Many have come. Welcome to Brinniel, and I presume Mithalwen has decided she can't resist after all. That is good! Mr Redbeard, I believe we have never played Werewolf together so let this be a grand occasion; and a hearty warm welcome to Gollum the Great: I hope you enjoy the game. :)

I am, of course, especially delighted that SamwiseGamgee was able to make this too, for without him the Warg and Warg Rider Appreciation Thread would never have reached such heights of hitherto unimagined glory.

Nogrod has it right: I will not be creating a separate admin thread as I do not see the point. Just post here, or PM me, if you have announcements or questions to ask. Also, don't feel the need to explain why you won't be able to post during the hours of this- and that- o'clock, every single time. Most of us (or so I've heard) have lives outside the Barrow-Downs: right there is the explanation for players not posting! You can always post in the Game Thread if you won't be around for the rest of the day or whatever.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 10-02-2008 11:27 PM

Shastanis Althreduin
Groin Redbeard
Gollum The Great

I tentatively suggest a deadline of, say, 10 or 11 PM my time, which is GMT+1. Morning is trickier as it will probably make me very late for work every day.

Does this work for you Kitanna? And everyone else, of course.

There are still three more people I especially want to add to the game, but I'm confident about merely one of them. The other two I haven't seen for quite a while (and it's most unlike them).

Legate of Amon Lanc 10-03-2008 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim (Post 569276)
I tentatively suggest a deadline of, say, 10 or 11 PM my time, which is GMT+1. Morning is trickier as it will probably make me very late for work every day.

This sounds pretty good at least to me. By the way, one thing you should make clear too, Eomer, are we going to go by the computer time, or by the Downs time (which, for me, is now about 15 minutes late for me)?

Eomer of the Rohirrim 10-03-2008 11:35 AM

Ah, good point Legate. My Downs clock is way off too. My times will be gauged from the real world and not the Barrow-Downs; but note that I am a relaxed moderator, and votes posted a couple of minutes after the deadline will count.

So keep in mind that the Barrow-Downs is cruel and lies to you, but don't panic if your post gets in a minute late.

Nogrod 10-03-2008 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim (Post 569295)
My times will be gauged from the real world and not the Barrow-Downs; but note that I am a relaxed moderator, and votes posted a couple of minutes after the deadline will count.

That might be an interesting new trial: a game of WW with no actual deadline... So how do you make the difference? Two minutes late, vote okay; three minutes late, okay as well; four minutes, okay; five minutes... ten minutes, twenty minutes? Or maybe there will be the risk-taking mode involved here: leave your vote as late as possible (any minute after the deadline) but be prepared that just when you think you will vote the mod comes in and your vote is a no-vote? :)

That might be interesting indeed but for the sanity of all I'd say a certain clear deadline would be good. I mean innocents (having a strong feeling of one of the lynchees to be really more innocentish than the others), gifteds (possibly knowing someone is innocent or a wolf) and wolves (knowing who they wish to lynch) have their agenda of trying to help out with a certain outcome at the last minute. Therefore - even if some people will try to fake it - what people do at the last minutes is one of the most important things one can make deductions about the next Day.

If there is no clear deadline it will make the villagers the underdogs from the start as the insecurity of the deadline will add one more thing to baffle the villagers (was that one voting 8 minutes late really just late or was it intentional? - was s/he really trying to vote in earnest but just sadly was overrun with the mod's sudden and unforeseen deadline?).

It has been proved a working thing to use the BD-time indeed as the stamp of one's post clearly indicates the minute the post was made and no one can argue it otherwise ("I posted it in time according to my computer's clock!"). And everyone can pay heed to the exact BD time by checking it from the bottom of her/his page after refreshing the page.

But as I said, if you wish to make this the maddest game ever (which might be an idea worth trying one day indeed) then just say the deadline will be when it will be - and no one will know when - but otherwise you should actually state the exact time (and for that purpose the BD-time is the clearest as that's something we all share and can verify).

Eomer of the Rohirrim 10-04-2008 04:37 AM

Interesting thoughts (as is usual from Nogrod!) Here's my thinking. I would not want someone, who ponders and stresses over their vote until the last minute, to lose the chance through something silly as momentarily losing their internet conection. Also, clocks are often a minute or two early or late. Try to make sure yours is reliable.

My plan is to be around at the deadline every night, and to warn players how much time is left. It is right to say that voting after the hour mark will be seen as suspicious: that's a risk some players might take.

Votes will not be retractable.

Rune Son of Bjarne 10-04-2008 06:14 AM


Originally Posted by Eomer of the Rohirrim (Post 569276)
I tentatively suggest a deadline of, say, 10 or 11 PM my time, which is GMT+1. Morning is trickier as it will probably make me very late for work every day.

Does this work for you Kitanna? And everyone else, of course.

There are still three more people I especially want to add to the game, but I'm confident about merely one of them. The other two I haven't seen for quite a while (and it's most unlike them).

So this game is part-invitational?
If not and I am not too late then I would like to join as the deadlines actually suit me, I migh actually be able not to neglect university too much.

Eomer of the Rohirrim 10-04-2008 06:40 AM

You are very welcome Rune. :)

The game is part-invitational, yes. I gave the first chance to people who had contributed to the Warg and Warg Rider Appreciation Thread. Unfortunately, many of those historic Downers are rarely seen these days.

I'll have to close registration very soon, though, because I'm sure we all want to start the game.

Kitanna 10-04-2008 10:29 AM

That time was works fairly well for me. Though I must warn because of school and work my posts will not always come more than once or twice a day. But I'm in if no one minds that.

All times are GMT -6. The time now is 06:26 PM.

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