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Gil-Galad 07-13-2004 09:30 PM

Why yes my dear... it good to confuse the chubby americans (no offense) that come to Canada looking for our King and Queen

elronds_daughter 07-14-2004 05:22 AM

Gil-Galad, you're confusing me terribly. you've accomplished your goal, apparantly. why, oh, why must everyone pick on ME??!?!??

Aniriuq Raevla 07-14-2004 01:33 PM

Um,this is where we introduce our selves,right?Ok,cool.
Hello everybody!My user name is Aniriuq but you can call me Ani.I've been on this website before but have just recently discovered the forums.I'm not new to forums,cause I like to get on the IMDb boards.I am a 15 year old girl,love LotR and Harry Potter,love to write short stories(if i can ever finish them that is)and play video games.
I am trying to work up enough courage to post at the Green Dragon and somehow join a RPG.
So,I guess thats all you should know about me.....oh,and I live in South Texas.

Thorongil 07-14-2004 02:14 PM

Welcome to the forums. I'm just curious, how do you pronounce your full name? It looks complicated. And what video games do you play?

Aniriuq Raevla 07-14-2004 03:19 PM

Ani-ree-yooq and just sound Raevla out,it sounds exactly how its spelled.
does that help?Actually thats not my real name.It's just my reall name spelled backwards,which is Quirina.
I like to play Gamecube stuff.
My favs are:
Spider man2
Lotr(TTT and Rotk)
Animal crossing
Anything with Mario and Luigi
And Link.How about you?

ninlaith 07-14-2004 04:17 PM

YES! Animal Crossing! How about Harvest Moon: It's a Wonderful life?

Inferno 07-14-2004 04:22 PM

Um, hey. I'm new here, so I just wanted to drop by and say hello. ;)
If you want, just check out my profile I guess, it'll tell you all about me. I hope to get past the dreaded newbie stage soon, get to know everyone, and hopefully make some friends one these boards! :cool: This is a great site, btw.

Regin Hardhammer 07-14-2004 06:51 PM

Hey Aniriuq this is Regin (okay so maybe I'm not exactly new). Where in South Texas are you from? I'm from Houston. I'm also a big Astros fan.

Bekah 07-14-2004 07:46 PM

I'm back!!!!
Hey everyone. I'm checking in again after months of abstinence from the best site in the world - i.e. the BarrowDowns.

A huge welcome to all the newcomers, we love you all and I'm sure you'll make wonderful contributions to the Downs. And welcome to everybody who joins after this post.


~ Elentari II

Aniriuq Raevla 07-14-2004 07:56 PM

To Ninfaith:
Sorry,i havent heard of harvest moon.Whats it about?
To Inferno:
Hey!Another newbie!I'm not alone!Yippee!
To Regin:
I loive in the valley,pretty close to the border.I would love to tell you which city,bu my parets have forbiddin it.They are so proective,TOO protective at times.....

Thorongil 07-15-2004 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Aniriuq Raevla
Ani-ree-yooq and just sound Raevla out,it sounds exactly how its spelled.
does that help?Actually thats not my real name.It's just my reall name spelled backwards,which is Quirina.
I like to play Gamecube stuff.
My favs are:
Spider man2
Lotr(TTT and Rotk)
Animal crossing
Anything with Mario and Luigi
And Link.How about you?

I'm all Playstation!! I like good RPG games. But the Zelda games is pretty good.

ninlaith 07-15-2004 08:49 AM

Harvest Moon is a game where you tend your own farm and get married and raise a family and all that cheesy stuff. I thought it looked boring and sappy but I started playing it and i haven't been able to stop. You should check it out if you like that sort of thing.

Aniriuq Raevla 07-15-2004 01:06 PM

I'll try the Harvest Moon out,sounds cool.I've been looking for a new game to play since I finished SM2.
Oh,Thorongil,I also play Playstation.My fav games are "Cookie and Cream" "Jak and Daxter" and Eye Toy.The problem is I dont have a memory card for the PS,so I have to start over every time I play...... :(

ninlaith 07-15-2004 04:21 PM

ok don't get your cloak in a twist. Everyone else Welcome to Barrowdowns and enjoy the threads.

Amanaduial the archer 07-15-2004 04:45 PM

Bekah - surely it doesn't matter really, honey, calm down. And welcome back, my dear, you were missed.

Thorongil - from your avatar, why, we would never guess you were into gaming! (j/k!)

Inferno - welcome to the Barrowdowns. :)

Aniriuq - interesting name - lovely. Welcome to the Downs, O games-fetishist! Maybe you and Shadow would get on well... May your time here be long and most uneventful, I should hope! Come to the Green Dragon - really, we aren't that scary! It's always cool to have new people come, especially if you do intend to make it into one of the games.

Gil-Galad, picky, picky, picky! Don't be put off by his questions, elronds_daughter, welcome to the Downs.

Ninlaith - doing a theatre major? Ooh, little green monster welling up inside me here...;) Welcome to the Barrowdowns - hey, a good fierce debate can be most interesting *evil* but try not to make it personal, yeah? ;) (Even though it can be an excellent tactic...)

Shadow - or should I just say Joe...heh. Shamelessly plugging gamezville there, disgraceful! Lol, welcome to the Downs, hun.

ninlaith 07-16-2004 10:33 AM

I was just joking with that earlier remark, but Bekah if you get this that remark was uncalled for and I'm sorry. It was truly a silly remark. :( :D. and thanks to the archerer you really made your point I needed that. I'll try not to get personal. and behave :D

Aniriuq Raevla 07-16-2004 02:49 PM

To Amanduial-Thank you for all the nice compliments and the wonderful welcome.

To Bekah-I am sorry,it's just I always go off topic on alot of things.Its a curse I guess.

ohtatyaro 07-21-2004 05:05 AM

Hi. This must be the place to start :), right?

Er, hallo, I'm new. Hope I'll fit in. That's about all I have to say for the moment :D

ninlaith 07-21-2004 06:56 AM

Don't worry you should fit right in. :D Welcome to Barrowdowns ohtatyaro.

Feanor of the Peredhil 07-21-2004 08:41 AM

Welcome everyone!

Aniriuq Raevla (I'd call you Ani like you said, but your name is pretty and fun to type)- if you're into Gamecube and like Link, than I assume you play Windwaker? What about the old N64 stuff? (Yet another video game fan, as you're sure to notice.) Welcome to our prestigious ranks.

Inferno: Welcome. The secret to getting past the dreaded newbie stage is simple: post. Not pointless posts, but contribute to discussions. Be honest, but respectful, and don't be afraid to show off your assuredly incredible mind.

Bekah: Welcome back. I hope it hasn't been anything bad that's kept you away. If so, I'm very sorry, and if not, what have you been waiting for? ;)

ohtatyaro: No worries, everybody fits in here somewhere. If you're the book-learnin' type, check out the Books forum, or the New Silmarillion project. If you want to laugh until you're fit to burst, take a stroll over to Mirth. A movies fan? Than the Movies forum is for you. See? A little somethin' for everyone.

Estelyn Telcontar 07-21-2004 12:52 PM

Welcome to the Downs, newcomers! Hope you enjoy reading and posting here.

There are a number of off-topic posts on this thread now - all members involved are requested to edit or delete theirs to eliminate those. If not, the moderators/administrators will do so. If you'd like to chat, the chat room is the place to do that - thanks!

Fimbrethil 07-21-2004 02:08 PM

Mae govannen everyone !!!
What a wonderful place I've found in my wanderings ! :)
I've re-discovered my love for Tolkien's works after long years when it's been dormant (but never gone ..) and now I find myself in the right place where I can share this marvelous obsession :D with like-minded people.

See you soon !! :)

elronds_daughter 07-21-2004 07:08 PM

Glad you like it here, Fimbrethil. hope you enjoy being dead.;) the rest of us sure have.:D


Elrond's (other) daughter

ninlaith 07-21-2004 08:40 PM

So tell me ,Fimbrethil, do you like being an Ent? He he Welcome to the Barrowdowns.

Morgul Queen 07-21-2004 11:40 PM

Technically, I'm not new, but I haven't been on here for months and a lot of things have changed since then.

Firstly, I'm an official PPC Agent! W00t! I patrol the Silmarillion canon with my partner, Hwin.

I'm still doing the Golden Ring Marathon and Hwin and I are organising a meeting with the manager of the Embassy theatre in Wellington.

I have 4 cats, Riley, black, was abandoned as a kitten. Panther, black, free to a good home. Ebony and Nero, both black, $500 each, utterly adorable as only 7 month old kittens can be.

I am obsessed with the English language, especially it's older forms...and Rammstein are awesome!

If I need to be yelled at for posting here, do so, I won't mind. I just felt that it would be weird if I started posting here again when no-one would remember me.

Rilwen Gamgee 07-22-2004 02:15 AM

Welcome back, Morgul! You have not been forgotten. :) Also, welcome to the other newcomers Fimbrethil and ohtatyaro. Enjoy the Barrow-Downs!

Fimbrethil 07-22-2004 01:43 PM

Thank you all for the warm welcome !

elronds_daughter: being dead would not be so bad if it were not so difficult to get up in the morning !! ;)

ninlaith: don't expect an hasty answer from me on that one ! :D

I'm sure I'm going to enjoy myself immensely here ... see you around !!

Morgul Queen 07-22-2004 11:07 PM

*hugs Ril* do you reply to PM's, guys? I can't figure it out!

ohtatyaro 07-23-2004 12:39 AM

thank you :)
Thanks for the welcome, folks :)

It really is a good place to share one's obsession. Only reading takes up so much of time, there is hardly any left to write something in return :D :D

ohtatyaro 07-23-2004 12:43 AM

Er, just noticed something: all of my posts (totalling to the number of four, good number!!! :D) save the first show my sig. What's wrong with number one? It is up there, on the same here topic...

Gil-Galad 07-23-2004 10:23 AM

maybe you didn't write your sig in till then?

Thorongil 07-23-2004 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Morgul Queen
I have 4 cats, Riley, black, was abandoned as a kitten. Panther, black, free to a good home. Ebony and Nero, both black, $500 each, utterly adorable as only 7 month old kittens can be.

Maybe you should change your name to Queen Beruthiel. :p
Just kidding.

Firefoot 07-23-2004 03:26 PM

Ohtatyaro - Welcome to the Downs! It's possible that you do not have your signature enabled on that post. If you edit your post, you may find that underneath the box where you type your message you have the box labeled "Show your signature" unchecked.

Welcome to everybody else too! Enjoy being dead!

Morgul Queen 07-23-2004 11:33 PM


Maybe you should change your name to Queen Beruthiel.
I would, but Mum won't let me buy the white kitty. :D

ohtatyaro 07-24-2004 01:00 AM

Thanks, Firefoot :)

I now think that it's better to let it stand as it is (I mean, unsigned), so in ages to come people may know where my 10 thousand odd singular and astonishing posts originated from! kiddin' but, I mean, it is better so that I'll be able to remember which my first post is - I'll know it is the one unsigned :)

Morgul Queen, you;ll be needing some 4 more black ones too, right? :D

pug of crydee 07-24-2004 01:40 PM

Hello people,new member here.

Gil-Galad 07-24-2004 01:42 PM

Welcome to the downs! have fun not breathing, eating, drinking, playing video games, and all the other fun living stuff! wait...i miss that good stuff being dead blows!!!

"we got a drifter"


headlessmonk 07-24-2004 01:48 PM

I am headless monk, referring 2 the best play EVER, The Boy Who Fell into the Book. :D yeeeeeeah I also haunt the Performing Arts Center, PAC, as a mournful ghost. But that's in Alaska, so I doubt any of u have seen me. Yep, dat's me. I am happy 2 b here. :D

Morgul Queen 07-24-2004 03:44 PM


Morgul Queen, you;ll be needing some 4 more black ones too, right?
5 more, and call me Morgy, everyone else does and Morgul Queen is such a mouthful.

No, I won't tell you where I got that name, it's far too embarassing. Morgy suits me just fine!

Thorongil 07-24-2004 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Gil-Galad
Welcome to the downs! have fun not breathing, eating, drinking, playing video games, and all the other fun living stuff! wait...i miss that good stuff being dead blows!!!

Well, Gil-Galad, just like life, death is what you make of it. Right?

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